The Game Warrior

v2 Chapter 207 - Letter of appointment from the Chinese government

“Mr. Dugu, the five of us came to Uganda with the delegation. One is to protect them from the successful negotiation of the night stone. The other is to wait for your team to get out of the prairie. There is something to discuss with you …”

“You know that I will definitely leave Sahara from this place?”

“It is certainly not difficult to predict the general position of the predictor’s ability organization of some scale.” The person of special a answered without thinking.

“Such …” Du Guhong relieved.

He did n’t guess the answer. The only reason he asked was to confirm what channel the Secret A team got the news from was power prediction or was there a team A ’s eyeline in the team he led.

No matter how this person answers, Du Guhong believes that he can see the answer from the look in his eyes. If this person does not have the acting skills of the film emperor, he should tell the truth.

“We are here to deliver a letter of appointment from the Chinese government to hire Mr. Du Gu as a special adviser and deputy chief instructor of the special service group a … well wait …” said this person suddenly turned his ears and seemed to receive something new A few seconds after the news, he nodded. “There are also three resolutions of the special security group A network security director of the Joint Standing Committee.”

“Did I make a mistake … It seems to be a wanted criminal of the Chinese government?” Du Guhong laughed.

“Before I came here, the government also had a long discussion and investigated a lot of information. After careful research, I thought that those things are not wrong. It is our work that we are not doing well. I hereby apologize to Mr. Hua on behalf of the Chinese government!”

“There is indeed an unshirkable responsibility for the death of your parents and King Kong, but what should be more unforgivable is to sneak into our country and try to steal the secrets of the Komick spy Mr. Dugu, who is a grudge and should understand this. Several spies have been killed by two steel-boned diamonds in the battle. We feel that this grudge is over. “

“If Mr. Du Gu is still dissatisfied, the two consultants of Steel Bone and King Kong have asked me to give you a word before you say that as long as you join the special a group, they will welcome you to deal with you again without disrupting others. Completely private. “

“In addition, Captain Duan Bing also said that he confessed all the things she had done for her. She will be your direct staff in the future. If she feels that the current punishment is not enough, she will leave it to you …”

These things sound like a child’s play, but Du Guhong knows it should be true.

This is a game where politics can say right is wrong, false can be true, and absurd things can be said. Everything is determined by strength.

It can also be seen that the power of the s-level, even the governments of large powers, have to face up to and even carefully consider whether Du Guhong is an s-level ability, a leader-level ability, and the unity of the world’s first hackers. The value is inestimable. .

In this case, Du Guhong himself had also foreseen that if he did not do it, then it would not be the Secret A team, but after this person said that Du Guhong vaguely vaguely understood another thing.

That’s why he didn’t install the butterfly system immediately after he was promoted to the s-level. He was obsessed with Huang Rong and it was only a manifestation. In fact, he was also afraid because once installed and studied thoroughly, he was almost … invincible …

The twenty-second century is an information-based century. Even if the abilities can actually call the wind and rain in the face of the national power, it is still a common ant. So they can only serve the country or choose to survive between the weak national forces.

But his ability is different from his birth. Once the network is upgraded to a butterfly system, even the quantum system has cracked the world, there is no power to restrict him. There are no secrets to hide him. Plus his cleverness, the world is actually The power that no one can contend with at the national level is also included.

Even if some people can overcome him unilaterally, such as steel bones, if he really wants to put the steel bones to death, he only has to crack the defense of the military satellites in the sky, and he is locked up by him alone. Do n’t say that he is called steel bones even if he is a diamond. Bone is useless!

Qu Gao and the widows are invincible, and this is the feeling?

The person who submitted the offer is still waiting for Du Guhong’s answer …

Suddenly immersed in strange thoughts, Du Guhong refused at will: “I’m afraid not. I’m planning to marry several wives. I’m afraid it is not allowed in China?”

“It’s okay.” The other party shook his head immediately. “It is impossible to convict a bigamy without the plaintiff. Is it possible that no plaintiff will appear in court?”

“That’s the same … but it’s not so good, after all, it’s a violation of the regulations and the impact is not good …”

“That doesn’t matter. Mr. can temporarily convert to Islam and enter a Muslim country. First, marry a few wives and then return to China. As long as the formalities are legal and in accordance with the law, there are still huge amounts of government subsidies every month!” The answer is fluent and responsive as if this has been done many times.

Du Guhong only dumbfounded: “It’s okay …”

“This is really one day in the east and one day in the west!” With a sigh, Du Guhong gradually became cold. “Just for my own ability, you can make such concessions. That’s how the people of your special service group A are called together? No wonder. prior to……”

When seeing Du Guhong’s face, he didn’t allow Du Guhong to finish his speech neatly and interrupted him: “I knew that Mr. would say so. Please allow me to explain ~ ~ The reason why the joint meeting is so painstaking to solicit Mr. It ’s because the strength of Mr. But the most important thing is that after investigation, all of us unanimously believe that Mr. Du Gu is a responsible person with a sense of justice. There is no problem with these positions. “

“When you don’t have the ability to be just a black man on the Internet, you donated all the stolen money to the North Warrent Fund. No one left it. These are all recorded in the foundation; and In the ruins of Na Shia, in order to repair the crust, you resolutely gave up the powerful and even valuable Na Shi artifact, which makes us admire even more … “

“So it’s sincere that we invite you to join. It doesn’t matter if you don’t want to. It’s just that the next thing you talk about is still from the sir. The trait of the sir is definitely not a matter of having an official identity. It seems convenient. “

“Because of me? Can’t ignore it?” Du Guhong wondered for a while.

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