The Gachaverse

Chapter 2: Settling In

As the light dimmed I began to look at my surroundings. I found myself standing in a open floor room. Moving throughout the apartment I discovered a manilla folder with a smartphone on top.

Taking the phone I begin to open the folder, inside were legal documents, including an ID card. Flipping through the papers a blue screen suddenly pops up with an icon that looks and envelope blinking.

Mentally tapping the icon a message forms on the screen. Suddenly a bright blue light enveloped the living room and then dimmed. Once the light faded and infront of me stood a man. He has a black clean suit and shirt, a white tie and silver hair with blue eyes.

'He looks… familiar.' Then it hit me. 'Sebas Tian.'

Sebas bowed right hand pointedly on his chest. "Lady Alyss, it is a pleasure to make your acquaintance."

I could only nod not really sure what to say, and we just stood there starring at one another. 'Okay enough silence.' "How are even here?"

Sebas nodded every so slightly. "Your father wanted to be sure you would be taken care of." I nodded with a small smile forming on my lips. Sebas goes on to explain his duties to me and how he is to act as my parental guardian.

Noticing the dimming light over the sprawling city-scape it was decided to go over my system and documents in more detail after dinner.

Some few hours later after dinner, laying on my bed there is a blue screen floating infront of my face. [Would you like to roll ten gacha?] [Yes or No] Indicating the 'Yes' option ten items appear as a list.

[Congratulations you have won]

1 Endless carton of ice cream)

2 A Cutco knife)

3 Miss Martian Template)

4 Rad-away)

5 Case of 200 5.56 ammo)

6 Communal floss)

7 Excalibur Umbra)

8 Memory eraser hammer)

9 Auto Healing Bracelet Set)

10 Source of all living matter 'Shingeki no Kyojin')

Well that's a lot to unpack. Simply getting the 'Source of all living matter' is insane. I mean I'd essentially be a founding titan. Looking through the description of the item I became curious. 'Would this hurt when fuse it into myself?'

"System, will I feel the changes throughout the fusion process?" For a few seconds there was no response. Then as if to answer my question.

[User, the fusion process will put you to sleep to minimize any sort of pain.]

With that answered I looked to my next issue, Umbra. In the game Warframe, Umbra is portrayed as a man, turned semi-sentient organic machine with a rage streak. Although near the end of his arc, Umbra became far more calm. Now I have to figure out if this is pre-arc Umbra or post-arc. Last thing I need is a super ninja glide skating around the city in broad daylight.

Looking at the Template I was trying to to figure out how to use it.

[Host you can select to activate or deactivate a template at any time.]

[Each template when active will gain a percentage while using the abilities.]

Good makes life easier, basically practice makes perfect. Speaking of… "System can I activate the template now?"

[Host do you wish to activate the template for Miss Martian?]

[Yes or No.] "Yes."

[Miss Martian Template is now active.]

"System show my status."

[Alyss Validus]

[Age, 14]

[Bloodline; Heimdall (God of War)]

[Abilities; Source of all Living Matter (AOT), The Void.]

[Active Template; Miss Martian (DC) 5%]

[Finished Template; None.]

[Titles; Daughter of God, Living Paradox.]

Looking through the rest of my items I got from the gacha I was less ecstatic to say the least. Out of ten items three were good while two were useful. I took out the two auto healing bracelets and without a second thought I put them on. Not even a few seconds later I could feel a cooling sensation flowing through like a stream up my arms and down my hands.

The last thing I took out was memory eraser hammer. Usually I would assume it just cause brain damage but I'm actually curious as to if it only erases memories.

Tossing the hammer over my back as it disappears into my inventory I get up from my bed to go take a shower. Getting out and drying off I wipe my face with the towel. On the way out of the bathroom I catch my reflection and do a double take. Looking closer to the mirror I can see that my eyes glow with a green and cyan storm.

'Essentially Heimdall's eyes from God of War but it's a miniature void storm from Warframe.'

There's no way I can go outside like this. Maybe I can do a partial transformation. Worst come to worst I can use contact lenses. Continuing into my room I throw on my clothes and letting gravity take me face first into the bed. Turning over and wrapping myself like a human burrito I fall asleep quickly.

I can hear a loud knockingand, and then there's a bright light. Groaning I roll over only to fall out of my bed. "Lady Alyss it is currently eight a.m. and you have yet to eat." Picking my self up I stretch attempting to pop my joints. ~yawn "Thank you Sebas."

Once Sebas left I got dressed and headed toward the dining room. There an English breakfast was laid out in front of me. As I was eating I was listening to the TV. Nothing of note was going on at the moment. Moving my attention to the papers Sebas brought to me I began reading through them. I realized they were registration forms for Midtown High.

Once I finished my food I began getting ready to leave. "Sebas did father leave me anything else I'm unaware of?" Sebas nodded at me. "He did indeed Lady Alyss." "Your father left you a sum of one hundred fourteen million, with stocks in Microsoft, Apple and a starter company called Netflix." I nodded at him. "What about a car?" Sebas nodded and pulled out his phone showing me the car. I was surprised to see a slim black Dodge Challenger SRT. Smiling faintly I could only think. 'Father spoils me.'

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