The Fourteenth Year of Chenghua

Chapter 31

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter in the 14th year of Chenghua!

A group of people came galloping, the night wind was blowing across, and the robe hunted.

At this time, the palace gate had long been locked, but the Xichang served the emperor’s order, and no one dared to stop it. The sergeant checked the fan’s waist cards and immediately let go. For Tang Fan, he asked a few questions. Sentence, but the man who brought Tang into the palace opened his mouth and closed his mouth, and Grandpa Wang said that the face of the several guards changed a lot, and finally waved his hand and let them in.

When you enter the palace, you have to dismount. This is the iron law. No one can violate it. Those cabinet cabinets are old and the ministers are destined to go up. At most, they are a small car. Like Wang Zhishang Ming, such powers have entered the palace. Those special treatments must all be dismounted and walked on, and Tang Fan is naturally more unlikely to be an exception.

It’s just that those in-house manufacturers who brought Tang Fan in were very anxious, and their feet were moving fast. They were martial arts. Holding Tang Fan’s shoulders and arms on both sides, he lifted the man halfway and walked forward quickly. This is all right. Tang Pan didn’t need to use any force. His feet only followed his toes on the bluestone board. Like light work.

He was also relaxed and he was also very obedient in his mouth: “Here, he is physically weak, which drags you down, and makes you bother!”

There was darkness in the Forbidden City, far away only the faint candlelights in some palaces in front of it, in addition to the lanterns that were occasionally passed by the soldiers on duty, and the lanterns that they used to light .

The emperor is rich in the world, but if this big palace is bright and bright, it is also a huge expense, and it ca n’t afford it. Tang Fan has never seen the forbidden city at night. Anyway, he does n’t need to see it by himself now. Road, through the distraction, he looked at this majestic and vast Miyagi from afar. What was not in his heart was the worship of admiration, but under the cover of darkness, the palaces in the palaces were in each room. I don’t know how many unknown grudges and enemies have been staged, and the world is sad and joyful.

If it were not for fear of committing a ban, this is really good material for writing a script!

Under the swaying candlelight, Tang Fan’s profile appeared extremely calm, neither panicked by the call into the palace late at night nor afraid of dealing with Xichang.

Although the head of the inner factory did not know why Wang Gong suddenly asked him to call this little official into the palace, Tang Fan’s performance undoubtedly made the other party look different.

Fortunately, he didn’t know what Master Tang was thinking in his heart, or he would have to collapse.

In addition, this time, Tang Fan came here for the second time. Last time, more than three years ago, when he announced the ranking of the temple, he entered the palace with many of the same year, and met with the civil and military officials in a solemn atmosphere. Emperor.

When I thought about the style of the emperor, it was really, cough … It was too far away to see clearly.

After all, Master Tang is not a person hundreds of years later. It is impossible to know the layout of the Forbidden City. It is necessary to know that as a residence of the emperor, in order to prevent the prying eyes of interested people, this kind of palace map must be strictly kept secret. Senior officials living in the six departments often go to the palace to participate in and discuss politics, and naturally become familiar with them over time.

So right now, Tang Fan doesn’t know where they want to take themselves, they can only follow him involuntarily.

A group of people walked about two quarters of a minute, and passed through the palace gates one by one. After seeing the palace walls one after another, their footsteps finally came to a halt. Not far away, there was a palace silhouetted with candlelights and the door open At the entrance of the palace and even the periphery, there were many people walking around and patrolling, and the guards were very strict.

This is the destination of their trip, Tang Fan knew.

Fans finally let him down, stepped on a slightly rough slate, Tang Fan suddenly felt a sense of down-to-earth peace of mind.

Although the man’s sedan is fast, it is not something that can be used for enjoyment, and his two arms are now in pain.

“Go.” Until now, the head of Naichang Fanzi finally uttered such a word.

Tang Fan couldn’t help but whispered: “Dare to ask your Excellency, where is that?”

“Go in and you will know.” The other party refused to say a word.

Tang Fan originally wanted to make himself psychologically prepared. When he saw that he was so serious, he really had cares about it, so he didn’t ask too much, followed those people up the stairs, and accepted the body search and cross-examination by the guards at the door. Was put in.

It was not the inner factory man who had just taken him all the way to the palace, but a young **** with a strange look.

The other party was always on duty here when he wanted to come. He first said to Tang Fan “waiting” and went in. After a long time, he came out and said “Follow me”, and turned around again.

After entering, he saw all the decorations in the temple. Although Tang Fan didn’t show it on the face, he was already a little bit deep in his heart.

When he was led to the main hall of the inner hall, he saw sitting or standing in the main hall. In the middle was a middle-aged man with a yellow robe with a round neck robe. He didn’t be stunned. He just kneeled and said: “Chen Tang Pan, see His Majesty. “

“Free of courtesy.” Emperor Chenghua said, his voice is lazy forever, but he is not lazy, but really lazy.

Tang Fan stood up and thanked Li, standing upright, without looking up and looking around, his face remained stable.

Emperor Chenghua didn’t care about the arrival of this little person, nor would he remember that he once praised the other party’s “Qing Jun Feng Cai” three years ago. He was very tired, but what happened today was really too serious. No, even the three cabinet elders of the cabinet were still here, and there was no divorce, so the emperor had to fight hard.

He looked to Wang Zhi: “Wang Neichen, you are recommended to enter the palace, it’s up to you.”

“Yes.” Wang Zhigong replied carefully, and there was no such thing as Tang Fan that he saw when he was outside the palace.

“Tang Fan.” Wang Zhidao said.

“Chen is here.” Tang Fan still maintained a slightly bowed posture. Generally speaking, if he didn’t get permission, his ministers couldn’t look directly at Sheng Yan, which seemed disrespectful, but he had been flying quickly when he first came in. All the people present were brought into view.

The emperor and the prince are there.

Wan An, Liu Hun, Liu Ji, and the famous old paper-patriarchs are also there.

These gangsters are already equal to the pinnacle of the empire.

There are some other servants, maidservants, and guards, no need to mention it.

Although there were many people, it didn’t make a sound.

In addition to this, only the candle in the temple crackled from time to time.

However, as far as Tang Fan’s eyes are concerned, he found that there was an indistinct figure behind the screen behind the emperor.

What is the identity of the hidden person seems to be coming out.

Wang Zhi had already started to talk about the reason for calling him in.

Nowadays, the crown prince Zhu Youqin, although he grew up in the palace, was not established as a prince until three years ago, and his life is called ups and downs.

However, since the name has been determined, reading and writing, everything must be cultivated according to Chu Jun’s specifications.

The prince’s teacher’s class is very strong, but in addition to the teacher, there must be accompanying reading.

The prince ’s companionship is usually selected from the eunuchs in the palace, but sometimes it is also selected from the minister ’s nephew. One of today ’s prince ’s companionships is Han Zao, and his father Hanfang is the emperor of Chengdu One of the teachers at the time.

The Korean side was ready to resign two years earlier because of his poor health, but the emperor Gu Nian’s friendship gave him the false title of Prince Han’s Prince, and let Han’s son Han Zao enter the palace as a prince.

This is not the kind of slave-servant who punishes the offender for doing poor homework, but a real companion and playmate. Han Zao is the same age as the prince, studying together all day long, and feelings are very harmonious.

But just today, when the princes were in class, Han Zao suddenly cried out with a stomachache. As a result, he hadn’t waited for the doctor to come over.

This is okay!

The Donggong suddenly boiled, and the Taiji doctor hurried on, looking left and right, they couldn’t see why Han Zao died in the end.

Coincidentally, just before Han Zao called out his stomach hurts, Wan Guifei sent two bowls of mung bean lily soup.

The prince did not drink, Han drank early.

As a result, the next thing happened.

Everyone knows that Concubine Wan also had a son at the beginning, or the eldest son of the emperor, but died shortly after being born. Later, the concubine Boss gave birth to another one, and was established as the prince, and he died after two years. After that, no emperor was born in the harem. Everyone said that Wan Guifei was not allowed to give birth to a heir to a harem woman except her.

With the majesty of Wanshi, now the prince can see the sky again, and the twists and turns experienced in it are even sad for those who hear it and tears for those who see it.

Well, when it comes to this, why Han Zao died, seems to be very clear, no trial is necessary.

As the emperor ’s most beloved woman, let ’s not say that the prince is not dead, even if he is dead, Wan Guifei is probably not going to be treated. The smartest way is to hurry up and make things small, just find an excuse to cover up the past, everyone continues to maintain the appearance peace.

But the problem came. After knowing this, Wan Guifei was extremely shocked, crying and shouting, and immediately ran to the emperor to make trouble, saying that the matter was by no means her own, and insisted that the emperor thoroughly investigate In the end, find out the truth and give yourself an innocent!

Because of this, the matter involved the prince, Wan Guifei and others, including the son of Chenghua Emperor Teacher. Apart from the headache, Emperor Chenghua had to call Zaifu into the palace to discuss countermeasures.

Zaifu ’s responsibility is to govern the country. Although the three cabinets headed by the cabinet are all in the middle of the day, the country ’s governance is not good, but it does not mean that they have solved the case.

From the point of view of politics and the overall situation, Shoufu Wanan suggested that the emperor should lightly take care of this matter. Anyway, His Royal Highness the Prince is lucky. As for Han Zao, the court can order to give the Han family generous compassion.

But Wan Guifei stopped, regardless of whether everyone believed it or not, she insisted repeatedly that she was completely innocent in this matter.

She understands that everyone knows that she hates the prince and wants to get rid of it soon, so she is the biggest suspect in this matter. If the emperor really vaguely passed this matter, then she really jumped into the Yellow River and washed Not clear.

Under the insistence of the beloved woman, Emperor Chenghua had no choice but to let the elders go to the palace and notify the Han family.

The two bowls of mung bean lily soup, the prince did not drink, his bowl was given to Han Zao, and the rest of the bowl was served by a small inner waiter next to him.

The inner waiter was fine, but Han Zao died.

Before Tang Fan entered the palace, someone had already checked that the pot of syrup was not left. It was impossible to find out whether there was anything in it, but neither the bowl nor the spoon itself was poisonous.

If the mung bean lily soup is in trouble, why does the attendant drink without incident?

Is it the only thing that Han Zao drinks?

The soup was brought by the maidservant in the palace of Wan Guifei, and he did not admit that he had poisoned himself anyway.

Besides, Han Zao is only a young child. Where will there be any enemies? Even if it is the most important thing, it is also the prince.

Up and down the palace is just that person.

However, these things are not easy to say, nor can they be clearly stated, so after the proposal of Wan Fu, the chief assistant, was rejected by Wan Wanfei, he simply did not speak, so as not to offend Wan Guifei.

Wanshoufu and Wanguifei both have the surname Wan, but the two have no penny relationship, but he knows that Wanguifu is favored by the Chenghua Emperor. The position is very stable.

This is very shameful to others. Everyone privately gave him a nickname called Long live the Pavilion. In addition, there are all kinds of funny nicknames for the cabinet’s Zafu, such as Sanji Liu Ji, just It is called Liu Mianhuan, because he has a thick skin and is not afraid of bullets, so everyone shouts from the back, and directly calls Liu Mianhua how.

To return to the truth, there is no problem with soup and bowls. Taiji cannot give a pulse to the dead, and it is impossible to prove whether Han Zao was originally ill, but according to Neihuan and the prince, Han Zao was originally good, and his body did not appear What’s wrong with it.

If someone really poisoned it, then no one would believe that it was read only for Han Zao, a small companion. Everyone would be more willing to believe that this was a deliberate homicide and poisoning, and the goal was His Royal Highness.

If you investigate thoroughly, you do n’t know how many storms and how many people will die in the inner palace. The emperor Chenghua did not love the prince, but this kind of love is limited. The prince has not grown up beside him since childhood. In order to establish the prince for the country, the emperor Chenghua was not stingy for him, but he did not want to make waves for this matter, not to mention in his heart, he also thought that this matter might be related to his beloved woman, Wan Guifei.

The prince himself was also very sensible. Although he was sad and accompanied by death, he did not cry and scream for revenge for his little companion. When the emperor asked him, he just said to obey his father’s will.

Everyone wants big things to be small, only Wan Guifei is unwilling.

His Majesty the Emperor was very helpless, and he did not want to rebel against the meaning of his beloved woman. The matter was stalemate there. Before Tang Fan came, he had put the two most eunuchs he trusted, Shang Ming of Dongchang and Wang Zhidu of Xichang Found it.

Shang Ming took the initiative to petition the Dongchang for investigation, but Wang Zhi knew the emperor’s meaning very well. They wanted to know the truth, but they didn’t want to speak out loudly. In the eyes of the emperor, he secretly went to investigate. Once found to be related to Concubine Wan, it was also good for concealment.

So he recommended a person to the emperor, Tang Fan.

Wang Zhi’s reason for recommending Tang Fan is that Tang Fan is very smart. He is currently serving as a promotion officer in Suncheon Mansion. His career is very close to his counterparts. In the previous Wu’an Hou Man case, he also had an outstanding performance that he could investigate.

The emperor agreed, and Tang Fan entered the palace.

Others wondered when Tang Fan got on line with Duke Wang. After listening to his ins and outs, Tang Fan only wanted to smile bitterly: Wang Zhi is pushing himself into the fire pit. Who would like to get involved in this tricky thing!

The **** Wang was really young and arrogant, and he was extremely self-willed. It didn’t matter if he thought it out, but it dragged Tang Fan off the water.

“Tang Fan, you know the things now, what do you think of this case?” Wang Zhi asked.

Tang Fan disliked Wang Zhi’s high position and liked to make his own claims, not taking himself seriously.

But he is not a person who will complain. Up to now, since he has been put on fire, in front of the emperor’s cabinet, he does not have any right to refuse. Tang Fan’s anger just passed away, and then He was pressed to the bottom of his heart, and he began to think about the solution.

He thought for a while and said: “Xiaguan’s ability is limited. In the presence of His Majesty and you Zaifu, he dare not talk casually. Now he just listens to a rough idea. He has never seen Han Zao’s body, nor has he ever asked all of them. There are people involved in the case, so there is nothing to say for the time being. “

Emperor Chenghua was a little disappointed when he heard the words. He hadn’t planned to let Tang Fan immediately reveal the truth as soon as he came up. If he really has this ability, it’s more powerful than a fairy.

But hearing him say this, the emperor Chenghua still couldn’t help complaining to Wang Zhi: “Wang Neichen, you just said how powerful this person is. In my opinion, it’s just like those of the outsiders who speak imperial history. Kung Fu is invincible! “

Tang Fan looked at his nose, looked at his heart, and pretended to be dead, as if the emperor had said otherwise.

Wang Zhi secretly felt that Tang Fan was ignorant and did not hurry to show his loyalty. He was still on the side of the club and looked like a wooden man. He was busy: “Your Majesty is rosy. Nowadays, many things are like a mess, and it is really difficult to find out immediately Please allow His Majesty some time for Tang Fan to check it slowly. It is good to teach His Majesty to know that in the 11th year of the Golden Palace nomination of Chenghua, Tang Fan won the second place in the second place, and His Majesty also praised himself at that time! “

In order to prove that he had a good vision, he moved his old past, and the emperor Chenghua lifted his eyelids. He vaguely remembered that it did indeed happen, and his impression of Tang Fan was slightly improved.

“That’s the case, Tang Fan, you will be responsible for this case, but …” The emperor glanced at Wang Zhi.

Wang Zhi agreed, and immediately said: “This case is of great importance and must not be argued with the outside world, otherwise it should be severely punished.”

Under the eyes of all the people, Tang Fan finally made a sound, but at the beginning Shi Shitian was shocked: “The servants dare not order.”

what? !

Is this man crazy? !

Does he know what he said? !

Can you play with your temper on this occasion?

Everyone, including the palace guards who served as the background, could not help but widen their eyes and stared at Tang Fan.

Shoufu Wanan yelled in front of everyone: “Dare to be bold, don’t dare to respect the holy intention, and look up to you!”

Wang Zhi was even more annoyed. He knew that Tang Fan was whispering about this errand, but Wang Zhi also had his own plans. Even if Tang Fan was not happy anymore, he was only obedient and obedient. How could he get his arrogance? A small official from Liupin really regarded himself as a green onion. The emperor’s golden mouth and jade words, he even said “not dare to be ordered”. Is this to beat the emperor’s face?

“Tang Fan, are you crazy? What is this occasion, you are here to be extravagant! If you dare to have two words, Xiang Zhong and Shang Lu are your lessons!”

Xiang Zhong and Shang Lu, one is the former military ministry Shangshu, the other is the former chief assistant, both of them have stepped down because they opposed Wang Gonggong, one was dismissed as a civilian, and the other resigned and ran away. Wang Zhi took them out, obviously to Threatening Tang Fan, if you dare to say three and four, then they are your end.

Wan An shook his head secretly, thinking that Duke Wang was also angry, and he didn’t choose any words. You should know that Tang Fan is now only a pusher from Liupin. You take Xiang Zhong and two of them as examples. Pan?

Emperor Chenghua frowned, staring at Tang Fan, his face unhappy.

He is not an emperor who likes to kill people, which is a good thing for him, but if he does n’t look good on a person, he waves his small hand and either dismisses the person or dismisss the person from the post. Too.

Crown Prince Zhu Youqin did not say a word, just looked at Tang Fan curiously.

It has been more than half a day since the incident happened, and it was supposed to be bedtime right now, but because the matter is related to himself, he still can’t take a rest, but the prince did not show an impatient look, although a little tired, but still standing Be beside my father, be respectful as always.

After the storm-like scolding came to an end, Tang Fan then arched his hands and slowly said: “Your Majesty Rong Zi. As a sergeant, he is pushing the dead, but he cannot push the living. I am afraid that the complexity is far beyond imagination, so if your majesty puts the burden on your minister, the minister will not dare to take it, but some things can not be asked clearly in advance, but also ask your majesty to forgive him. “

Emperor Chenghua said: “You just ask, forgive you innocent.”

Tang Fan nodded: “The minister asked the courageously. His Majesty can dare to guarantee that this case really has nothing to do with Wan Guifei?”

As soon as this remark came out, the surprise was even better than before.

Everyone felt that Tang Fan was not only mad, but also a stunned man.

Just put this question in your heart. Can it be said directly?

Even Shoufu Wanan was stunned, and then he could n’t help shaking his head secretly, but he thought differently from the others: it ’s terrible, it ’s terrible, Tang Fan knew that he was present, and he deliberately asked this question, in order to win the crowd first. The case was spread out to avoid being miscalculated in the future.

Wanan naturally remembers that three years ago, it was his own sentence that made this young man the champion who should have gotten his hand, and he turned into a cooked duck and flew.

Sure enough, when Wanan thought so, a figure behind the screen could not hold back and turned out angrily.

“If this is what I did, I will thunder and hack, and I will not die. If it is not what I did, you will thunder and hack the whole family!”

The author has something to say: the subscription of this article will be thrown on the street, which was expected before the writing, but I did not expect it to be so violent to this extent, the ranking rose extremely slowly, and there was the danger of being burst into chrysanthemum .

I have no energy to sell Moe today, let’s do this first ~

Thank you for the overlord ticket of the following friends:

demeter threw a mine

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Jie Xiaoka threw a mine

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Yi still threw a mine

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Yuzhong threw a mine

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letitia threw a mine

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Deep Lane Wuyi threw a mine

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