The Four Kings of PRIDE

Chapter 316: Another Tide!

Chapter 316 Another Tide!

Dista: Charmons Kingdom: King and Queen's Chambers

King Bujon:

Respectfully in my private quarters now after having quite the conversation with Hido from Dardre, sitting upright on the bed as I gaze down at the floor.

Pacing in place with her hands behind her back, my wife Lien says with a resolute but concerned tone, do you believe his words my love?

Still having my eyes focused on the floor, I pause slightly before responding to my wife's question, I have mixed feelings about what was told to us, but another part of me does find the actual fact in his statement.

Placing my feet on the floor as I am up right, bringing my eyes up to look at my beautiful loved one in the face, I then continue to speak and say, as I'm thinking of everything that has happened with our kingdom and Dardre beyond the years, Tiozin has lost three of his major power holders.

So even though I truly don't trust Hido, I'll say this, his info on Tiozin scouting for more talent is a good bit of information for us. Because if it is true or not, will have the advantage to prepare even more so.

Coming closer to me as she gracefully steps toward me, putting her soft and supple hands as me and Lien stare into one another's eyes, relinquishing sound from her throat in a light manner since we are right in each other's faces, Lien states, I hear your words. And as you have broken down all the facts to me. I am in your corner on whatever you decide Jon Jon. But I tire of discussing about that shady man. So let us rest.

End of Chapter 316

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