The First Strong

Chapter 2591 - 3 Fanger

The devil came from the shadow forest, but it is still only in the range of the shadow forest, and it is a little distance from this edge.

Basically, it is about a hundred meters, and it is in another direction with the emptiness.

Of course, the Skyless Devil does not dare to approach the direction of the Shadow Forest.

Now that the devil of the Phantom Devil has come out, it directly affects the scene.

Originally, the two sides were confrontational. Through different cards, it proved that Shen Lang was stronger and took the initiative.

Now the appearance of the Phantom Demon makes everything full of variables.

Whether it’s a phantom or nothing, nothing is a demon, just a different race inside the demon.

Just like humans have different races.

Even if they are both internal and uncomfortable, when they encounter foreign enemies, they may still be united and speak out first.

Therefore, the words of this phantom demon, Shen Lang does not believe at all.

This is also an old rival. Everyone has fought a round, and the second round is because they ran.

But now it has become a confrontation between the three parties, the situation is more complicated, and Shen Lang feels more interesting.

The enemy of the enemy can be a friend.

Regardless of whether they have this sentence, but this meaning is probably understood.

When the phantom demon king comes out, he wants to unite with Shen Lang, even if he can offer memories, as long as Shen Lang helps it to destroy the emptiness.

Isn’t the Skyless Devil wanting the Pearl of Shadow?

Is the Pearl of Shadow not the one obtained from the Queen of the Phantom Demon?

This shows that the grievances of both sides are not so simple.

This is available.

“It turned out that the devil of the phantom demon came. Say hello to the queen to me, did it come?”

Shen Lang smiled and said hello, as if the old friend met.

This makes the devil a little silent and depressed.

Are they friends? of course not!

They are enemies!

The enemy who used to lock it up, and the enemy that was occupied and destroyed by the underwater city. Now, when I meet again, I will say hello to the Queen. What do you mean?

“Let’s say it! I don’t know what your grievances are, but now I can ventilate each other with you. The phantom demon, of course, my men will be defeated. Now you can catch up here, It’s not easy, but you don’t dare to come out of the Shadow Forest, you need it to protect you!”

“This is a emptiness, perhaps a demon. Of course, my men will be defeated. He is not only brutally wounded by me, but also has a very strong toxin, and it will not last long.”

“So, do you want to play one game first? Don’t wait for me to shoot, kill either side, or kill you all, you have no chance to retaliate.”

The sinking of the waves is a boast, and it breaks the dilemma of both sides.

The Phantom Demon was previously locked into the mirror world, but it was not seriously injured, but it did not dare to come out. This is a great weakness.

The emptiness of the devil is the opposite. It does not enter the mirror world, but it has received a lot of injuries, and it does not dare to break into the shadow forest to pursue.

So both of them need such a middleman, or they need to draw an ally.

A few Shen Lang, of course, is not the best choice, but now they have hatred with both of them, but it is the most reliable ally.

As long as one party and Shen Lang are united, it is bound to kill the other party!

“I want it! As long as you kill it for me, I can offer my memory! My memory will not lose than it!”

The demon king quickly emphasized one side and did not mind expressing the desire to kill the emptiness.

There is no opening for this moment.

Because it understands a bit, it wants a virtual mirror and a pearl of shadow, how to exchange it?

“Remember it, I can’t offer it. I can count the things you just saw. But the condition is to kill it!”

The emptiness of the demon is on the side of the price, while the direct illusion of the illusion.

The two sides are so arrogant, but they directly alert Shen Lang. Will this be a tacit singer?

The imaginary demon who had resisted, now seeing the phantom demon, is willing to offer memories, is it that they both hate?

“Then I will collect the money and then do the work. Anyway, I will not eat this family. You and I, just choose an ally.”

Shen Lang said this, look at this, and look at that, meaning to bid.

The phantom demon and the imaginary demon, all understand, this ally is very unreliable, this time is waiting for the price and linger, in addition to memory, but also to see who is out of higher prices!

They all stare at each other, but there is no direct bid, they can’t let the other party know their own cards, but they also have a bottom line, and then prepare to send the idea directly to Shen Lang.

“All that I have shown you before, all for you! As long as you help me kill the Phantom Demon, and the Mirror and Shadow Pearl must be. Others… There must be a lot of value in him, you can collected!”

The imaginary demon immediately sent the idea to Shen Lang. The previous show was for them to pick, but now it is upgraded to all sent!

Also treat everything in the Phantom Devil as a sucking chip to kill him.

At this time of Shen Lang, there is actually a calculation in the heart. These two demons are not reliable!

In order to kill another demon, they seem to be able to join him, but because both sides have their own taboos. One is afraid to come out of the shadow forest, one is afraid to go in.

But after all, they are all the devils in the Tianmo Lin, in case they have an agreement in private?

For example… The Phantom Devil does not dare to come out of the Shadow Forest, and the Skyless Devil does not dare to go to the Shadow Forest. This is just an analysis of Shen Lang.

What if the two sides deliberately showed it?

When he thinks that this is the case and cooperates with one of them, it is the failure of others to kill them!

Anyway, for the two devils, they will not care about their lives. What they want is the shadow of the pearl, and now with the mirror of the virtual mirror.

These can be regarded as the inner contradiction of the demon can completely put down the grudges, together with the extinction of the enemy, and then settle the account.

So at this moment, Shen Lang seems to want to be associated with one of them, in fact, one does not believe. And this meaning was given to the cold autumn and the dog god.

Just as they watched each other and prepared for the auction, Shen Lang felt a strong idea poured over!

“This is my memory, all for you, you helped me kill it!” The imaginary magic does not wait for him to take it, is to directly extract his memory!

“This is my memory, all for you, you helped me kill it!”

Almost at the same time, another strong idea from the Phantom Devil is also the memory extraction!

In this way, Shen Lang is like a spiritual bombardment of two gods!

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