The First Strong

Chapter 2585 - War of illusion

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This change in the cold autumn has directly made the imaginary demon, obviously more cautious.

For this sword, it still has a deep understanding.

At this time, Shen Lang’s hand has one more thing, which is a water ripple stick.

This thing was taken by the mermaid patriarch, although he could not play the best role, but this thing is extraordinary, it was passed down from the ancestors of the Hanze mermaid.

It is the sword of the king that can’t open it!

The dog **** is also ready to fight, it put so much poison, I thought it was a success, can play a key role.

I didn’t expect the other party to care at all, let it feel very lost, and must regain face!

The two sides are confrontational, and they are on the verge!

The emptiness of the devil seems to be ready, but it has not seen any obvious changes.

Just at the moment when I was about to start the war, Shen Lang was opening another sentence.

“Wait a minute! The pearl of the shadow you said, is this something?”

When the gaze of the emptiness of the gods attracted the past, he saw a **** ball next to him.

It is staring at it. This is naturally the pearl of the shadow that it wants. The shape is exactly the same, but it feels that it is not the pearl of the shadow, let it frown.

If it weren’t for the Pearl of Shadows, this Terran could not be prepared to make almost the same thing in advance.

If it is the Pearl of Shadow, there is only one appearance, it seems that no energy can be sensed.

But… Is this the speciality of the Pearl of Shadow?

In the hands of this human race, there will be no reaction. Only in the hands of the demon can the effect be achieved?

“You hand it over, I can spare you!”

Between the words, the one that was already approaching, the protective cover, was pulled out for a while.

This is his sincerity to show that he really will let them go.

“it is good!”

After Shen Lang agreed, the Pearl of Shadow began to drift slowly toward the emptiness.

The main attention of the imaginary demon is divided into a few points at the moment.

It doesn’t feel so simple, the other party is likely to play tricks, it may be used as a cover, actually sneak it!

Therefore, in addition to paying attention to the pearl of the shadow, in order to avoid the other side to recover, it is also the most important thing to watch the cold autumn.

The shadow of the pearl is not fast, and the closer it is, the more clearly it can pay attention to all the details.

What makes the vain magic wonder is that this pearl of shadow is not only without energy, but it seems to be completely transparent!

That is to say, when it is visible to the naked eye, this really has a shadow bead coming over, but it goes to induction, but it has nothing but nothing.

This scene is too weird. As a very accomplished illusion, it is of course to be destroyed!

“you wanna die!”

When it used the method of phantom to find out, it was discovered that this is a virtual shadow, a thing that deceives its vision!

The reason why it is deceived, besides the other party’s means is too clever, but also because it is preconceived, the pearl of the shadow is not controllable by the human race, the more unresponsive it is, the more mysterious.

This makes it angry and angry!

“Calm, calm, just try to see you, see if you have really seen the shadow of the pearl, the devil is nothing, let me try it out, you have never seen it! You are not afraid of me giving you fake Is it?”

The good attitude of Shen Lang, let the imaginary demon who almost ran away, first stopped, and did not attack.

“You see, this time is true. However, since you claim to be more illusory than the phantom demon, then of course I have to test you, you can find out which one is true!”

When Shen Lang waved his hand, immediately in the space of the front large film, there appeared one after another shadow beads!

These shadow beads are exactly the same as the actual shadow beads. They have been at least dozens of time, and they are swimming in the air, surrounded by the emptiness.

Although the cold and cold autumn decided to fight hard, Shen Lang also gave him the sword of the king, and he took out the water ripple stick, but he decided to try again.

He is the only one who has witnessed the venom of the poisonous grass in the Dragon Valley. It is the dog **** himself, and he does not know the specifics.

He still thinks that since the dog **** has injected a lot of toxins, it is definitely effective. The other party is only more powerful and can still survive.

So he decided to delay a little longer and let the toxins play more time.

The first pearl of the shadow that has just been presented is actually projected by the Holy Black Technology. Because it will be affected by the environment, when he sends it, it is slowly drifting over, so as not to be seen later.

And he is also concerned about the reaction of the emptiness.

The other party does not believe him, he also sees it, and also knows that the high cold autumn holding the sword of the king is the key defense object of the other party.

Therefore, in the case that the Pearl of Shadow has not been seen, he has secretly applied the pen and made some arrangements.

When the other party is irritated after seeing it, there are already illusions around, and the scenes that have been presented are already true and false.

Shen Lang does not give the other party a chance to carefully investigate, and immediately guides the other party’s emotions with the pearl of the shadow it cares about.

When he releases dozens of shadow beads in the name of the illusion test, it is the true fantasy of Zhengda Bright.

At that moment, when the other party was attracted by these dozens of shadow beads, the replacement of the real fantasy was completed.

That is to say, the three waves of Shen Lang and Gao Hanqiu, which are seen again by the illusory, are no longer true. They have changed.

“Don’t dare to play with me!”

Of course, the emptiness of the emptiness is clearly seen. No one is true. All dozens are used to confuse it.

This time, it is really irritating on the one hand, and excited on the other.

Because the first appearance of the virtual shadow, it can be said that the other party may have seen the illusion of the shadow of the pearl, and now can illusion dozens of, basically the same, it shows that impressed, it is very likely that you really have this thing.

So at this point it wants to catch the waves!

But it immediately found The two people and one beast that are now seen are fake and illusory!

“The worms are small and dare to show off in front of the ancestors!”

It sneered a little, and his hands waved forward, and all the real illusions that were illusory by the pens disappeared.

It can not only be illusory, but also illusion!

But what is a bit of a surprise is that after several of their real illusions have disappeared, the real people have disappeared! I didn’t see them when I saw them, as if the entire space now has one.

However, the emptiness of the devil, is not a barbaric reincarnation, the ability to illusion, so that it is much more sensitive to the observation of the environment.

And it’s not a panic at all, you can patiently observe all the subtleties.

Immediately it found a problem, the front looks emptiness, but it seems a bit different.

And soon it was judged, and the front seemed to be a mirror reflection!

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