The Female Partners I Rescued All Fall In Love with Me

Chapter 93

Chapter 92: Extra (Complete)

Jiang Li asked the system marker to pay attention, looked away, and left with Bai Tu first.

They originally had some guesses about this matter.

The villain of the original world line is moody, cruel and violent, it is very reasonable to do this.

And seeing Cang’s expression now, things become confusing again.

Back to the temporary residence, the moon and stars are thin, and the candles the size of beans illuminate a small square space.

“I thought there would be magic lights or something.” The system was disappointed.

“You can choose, it would be good to have a place to live.” After all, this is just a small town in the sea of trees.

“What should I do, do you want to confront that person face to face?” Jiang Li asked, looking at Bai Tu.

“It’s not right,” Bai Tu shook his head, “If she harbors malice, wouldn’t it be a surprise? We might as well hide our traces and go to her residence to investigate.”

“Yes.” Jiang Li nodded, but the cold and tired eyes of Cang lingered in his mind.

She sighed, that was all she could do.

According to Erin, every time Cang comes back from a mission, he doesn’t stay for a long time.

The next day, when Cang Chu left the mission, the two went to explore her residence.

The system was monitoring the punctuation, and they quickly found the location.

She actually lives outside the town. Compared to Cang’s own style, the small courtyard is quite warm.

Bai Tu looked up and said, “There are restrictions.”

It happened that Bai Tu had a way not to encounter the ban, and the two went in secretly.

Did they guess wrong?

“Look at the furnishings here,” Bai Tu suddenly said, “Are these daily necessities for two people?”

Jiang Li walked over: “It seems… so. Does Avril live here? If she is here, why hasn’t anyone seen her, is she really… imprisoned?”

“You stop first,” the system suddenly said, “There seems to be a secret passage here!”

Jiang Li was startled: “Secret way?”

The system is a little embarrassed: “Isn’t it marked before, because the signal is a little weak, I almost ignored it.”

The two then looked at each other and entered the secret passage according to the system’s instructions.

The secret passage is very narrow, only one person can pass through, and there is no light inside.

Jiang Li lit up a little firefly.

“Is this going underground?” I could even hear an echo because of the tunnel.

“It seems so.” After saying that, the two walked into a door, and the eyes suddenly opened up.

“These may be what she got from her mercenary mission.” Jiang Li said, “Wait, this is…”

She stopped abruptly, looking at the crystal coffin in front of her in surprise.

In the crystal coffin, a brunette girl is lying inside, her face is delicate, she looks like a large doll.

The girl’s face was ruddy and her expression stretched, as if… asleep.

But she could never simply fall asleep.

The system suddenly said: “I seem to have received a similar signal, it said…”

“It said, help?”

As soon as the system voice fell, the door of the stone room slammed down with a dull sound.

At the same time, four giant blood-red eyes rose from the four sides of the stone room.

“This is… a magical product. It is a defense device left by Cang! We have been discovered!” The system shouted.

“She should be here now,” Jiang Li cast a spell, forming a barrier to block the laser from the giant eye, “How could it be? We should be careful enough.”

Bai Tu’s eyes were heavy: “There is only one explanation, she is stronger than we estimated…”

At this moment, the door of the stone room slammed open, and a black figure walked in.


This appearance gradually overlapped with the villain in the data provided by the system.

Jiang Li’s heart gradually sank.

Is Cang acting before, or is there something else hidden in this matter?

She was a little unsure.

Cang held a long, pitch-black spear in her hands, covered with terrifying scarlet lines, she raised her spear and said in a hoarse voice, “You people… Leave her alone!”

Jiang Li was taken aback. The words went through her mind again, and the things and things she encountered along the way were connected like beads.

“Wait! The lady in the coffin and I are definitely on the side!” She said quickly, “Can you listen to us for an explanation…”

The system discouraged: “No! If this is the case, there is nothing on our side that can hold her hostage!”

Jiang Li didn’t listen to it, grabbed Bai Tu, and walked away from the crystal coffin.

“We’re here to fix things, not make things worse…I trust her.”

Cang walked to the crystal coffin and looked at Jiang Li and his party after seeing that Avril was fine. She was on guard, but the hostility in her eyes was much less.

“You speak.”

Jiang Li exhaled and said in a clear manner: “Let’s put it this way, the lady’s boss noticed that she was out of contact and asked us to investigate. We are her colleagues.”

“Really.” Cang didn’t say anything, his expression was light, and he caressed the lid of the coffin with his fingers. Only when she saw Avril, her eyes softened a little.

This villain is not easy to shake.

Jiang Li thought about it, roughly guessed what Cang wanted to do, and hit the key: “Don’t you want her to wake up?”

Cang Yi stagnant, his scarlet eyes looked at her: “Do you have a solution?”

“If you tell me what’s going on, I can do it.”

Cang lightly snorted.

Jiang Li was not annoyed, and smiled: “It was our fault that the two of us trespassed on your house before, so I apologize to you. But we did that because of On the premise that you are an enemy rather than a friend.”

Jiang Li looked at him seriously: “Have you heard of the ‘system’?”

“You mean…that little thing that resides in the soul?”

She knew. Jiang Li thought, it seems that Cang and the executor have a close relationship.

“I guess there is something wrong with Avril’s ‘system’, but what is the problem, we will continue to investigate.” Under Cang’s gaze, Jiang Li said calmly, “I hope you can Understand, we can’t come up with a solution right now, just because we don’t have enough information.”

Cang fell silent.

Have to admit, she was persuaded.

“But you have to prove to me that you are here to help her.” She took off part of the thorns on her body, “I can’t just rely on your words…”

Jiang Li and Bai Tu looked at each other.


If Cang knows enough information, then they can name the number of the Avril system and show proof that they are the special executors of the main system.

I don’t know.

Bai Tu took a step forward and said unexpectedly: “I swear to the law.”

Her voice was like gurgling water, which unconsciously made people relax: “You understand, for people like us, what the law means.”

The more powerful the creature, the more bound by the law. Swearing that if they breached the contract, for them, it would be the end of their body and spirit.

Cang was silent for a moment, then relaxed: “Okay.”

She gave up a position and let the two come forward.

She lowered her eyes and said, “The reason is this, one day, a girl came to us.”

Put down your guard, and the tiredness in your eyes can’t help showing.

For Avril Lavigne, she has worked hard for too long, but she can’t see any turning point. Even if Jiang Li made a promise, she didn’t dare to believe it easily until she saw the result.

She was too afraid to lose hope.

Jiang Li asked the system to scan Avril’s whole body while listening carefully to Cang’s story.

In Cang’s narration, the girl’s approaching fight was malicious at the beginning, and then the man joined the “male protagonist” Andre, causing Avril to fall unconscious.

Cang’s eyes flashed a trace of cruelty and pain: “If Andre hadn’t dragged me down, my Avril wouldn’t have…”

Jiang Li frowned: “Then, did you finally find that person?”

“No.” Cang shook his head, “But I can sense that that person is lurking in the dark like a poisonous snake. She didn’t leave.”

At this moment, the system said: “The result is detected. The system carried by this executor has been paralyzed, and most of the components have been destroyed… The previous call for help was only the last one it issued. It’s just an order.”

Jiang Li: “That Avril…”

“Her soul is incomplete, the world’s understanding of the soul is not comprehensive, so Cang Cai did not find out. I guess that the missing part of the soul should be the girl Zaicang said In hand.” The system speculated.

Cang looked at Jiang Li, some kind of nervousness: “Why…”

Jiang Li told Cang the results obtained by the system, Cang frowned, Jiang Li said: “Don’t worry, I have a solution. We might as well lead the snake out of the hole…”

In the next few days, Bai Tu and Jiang Li separated, Jiang Li acted on the bright side, made friends with Irene and others, and did tasks together.

Bai Tu hides and protects Jiang Li in the dark.

This is a plan they discussed before.

What could be more attractive than Jiang Li, a system carrier?

In order to succeed in the strategy, Jiang Li even asked the system to deliberately release some signals, intermittently, as if the clumsy system did not do a good job of hiding.

She didn’t believe that the person in the dark would hold back.

As expected, during a mercenary mission, that person appeared.

When the huge red fire raccoon spewed flames, a petite figure flashed out, Jiang Li was stagnant, just felt dizzy, couldn’t see anything clearly, couldn’t move at all.

In a trance, she seemed to hear a voice, accompanied by a light silver bell: “Giggle, where is this little lamb that appeared?”

When she regained consciousness, the girl had already been pinned to the ground by Bai Tu, her body was twitching because of the severe pain – Bai Tu directly crushed her hand bones.

Only at this time did Bai Tu lose his indifferent or even friendly appearance, and was indifferent like a god.

Maybe this is her true appearance,

Seeing Jiang Li regaining consciousness, Bai Tu said, “How do you feel?”

Jiang Li said that there was nothing wrong, and she said: “I asked, her code name is “Scorpion”, she is in an organization that is opposed to the main system, and the purpose is to smash all systems… This plan really is It’s too risky, is it really okay?”

Jiang Li smiled helplessly at her.

The system gave Bai Tu a reassurance: “It’s okay, this guy just temporarily paralyzed the two of us.”

“Scorpion” stared at the two of them resentfully.

But after all, she is the lamb to be slaughtered. In the end, she can only hand over Avril’s soul obediently.

In addition to Avril’s soul, there is another surprise, that is, they got the core code of Avril’s system.

With this, the system that has been abolished and shut down can be restarted, as long as it is brought back to the main system for repair.

For most executors, their system is an assistant and a partner. If Avril wakes up and learns that her system can no longer be restarted, she must be sad.

They returned to Cang’s hut again.

These days, Cang pretends to go out on missions as usual, but in fact has been accompanying Avril in the underground stone room.

Avril fell into a deep sleep and couldn’t eat while she was sleeping. If it were normal, she would soon die and her body would rot.

This crystal coffin is a treasure collected by Cang, which can freeze time.

She freezes Avril’s time.

Before Jiang Li and Bai Tu came in, she had been watching Avril Avril tenderly and said softly, “They are all good people. I will see you soon, right?”

Jiang Li and the others brought back Avril’s soul, and with the help of the system, the soul gradually returned to its place.

As if to resolve this anxiety, Cang took the initiative to say to them: “Avril, she…is the most beautiful person I have ever met.”

“She helped me in the quagmire, and she didn’t dislike my background at all.” She pinched the pendant around her neck, “She also did this for this. She really is A very powerful alchemist, even if it is two mutually exclusive materials, Mithril and Jade Heart Stone, she can perfectly combine them.”

Her eyes flashed with reminiscence: “She told me that when the ‘mission’ was over, she would settle down with me in the sea of trees. She also personally designed our house, once The grass and trees are carefully selected.”

“I like it so much, I like it so much, I never thought at that time, just one month later, she…”

Jiang Li interrupted her: “It’s over. Ah… The soul fusion has been completed, go see your girl.”

Bai Tu raised her hand and handed Cang a small jade bottle: “This is something that can warm and nourish the soul, even if the system can’t exchange it… Take good care of her.”

Bai Tu rarely showed a sincere smile to others.

Cang took it over, she had long forgotten how to express her gratitude, so she could only give a stiff smile.

Open the crystal coffin, hold your breath, one second, two seconds…

The people in the coffin finally moved.

She rubbed her sleepy eyes in confusion, and her voice was soft: “What’s wrong?”

The next second, her eyes widened in surprise.

Because Cang hugged her, the white-haired girl buried her head in her neck, and a few hot tears fell on her skin.

It hurts her.

“…Cang?” She saw two strangers standing and strange furnishings around her, “What the hell?”

The blond elf smiled at her, then took the black-haired woman’s hand and walked out.

Avril hugged Cang helplessly: “What’s wrong? Don’t be sad, I’m here, always…”

There was once a villain, she was born lowly, she was beaten down in the mud, she was so used to the pain that she didn’t even dare to stretch out her hand to call for help.

But she met a girl who didn’t think she was dirty, pulled her up, and asked her, do you want a piece of candy?

So, the monster girl restrained her thorns, and filled the empty place with a warm and soft heart.

The girl took her hand, and then never let go.

Jiang Li stopped disturbing them and walked out of the stone room with Bai Tu.

The sun is just right outside, and the green trees are about to drip green: “The system has already submitted the string of core codes, and it will be fixed soon. The task is completed, let’s go, let’s go around Turn. This continent, we haven’t looked at it carefully yet…”

Bai Tu smiled back and said softly, “Let’s go.”

Three thousand worlds, they all want to see it together.

The author has something to say:  My first novel is now over, what is this feeling of happiness and sadness _(:з」∠)_

In my case, everything that needs to be explained has been explained, and the relationship between the two main CPs has been completed (I am also complete)

So it’s over

Little cuties

The new article will open at the end of July or the beginning of August, depending on how I prepare 0V0, I have to read more books and charge more

Love you all!

Oh, thank you for the little angel who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution~

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated [nutrient solution]:

Su Gusheng 10 bottles;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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