The Fantasy Entertainment Empire

Chapter 454

Chapter 442 Bathing in Dragon Blood (2 in 1)

Shivana struggled with serious injuries and bit her mother Iva’s left wing.

Iva is not to be outdone. Despite being restrained by the light, her neck and head can still move.

Opening her mouth wide, she bit Shivana’s back in one bite.

Neither of them let go.

At this time, Vayne’s giant crossbow was showing off again.

Three roots went down, and the Holy Power exploded again, and the key was still tied to her neck this time.

Iva was forced to let go.

Shivana let out a muffled groan, her limbs clasped tightly on the body of the dark dragon, and her whole body suddenly exerted force!

The next moment, the dragon’s blood spilled down from the sky, and Iva’s left wing was severely torn off.

After losing the ability to fly, Iva fell miserably from the air.

At the same time, Shivana was already seriously injured.

Just now, at the last moment, before breaking Iva’s wings, she was actually at the end of the crossbow, just fighting for the last bit of willpower to complete the final blow.

At this moment, the huge darkness enveloped her, and she fell from the sky, and she couldn’t even maintain her sobriety.

Before she fell into a coma, her last impression was that a beam of light warmly enveloped her, supporting her body and falling down without letting her fall to death.

When Shivana’s incarnation dragon fell on the ground, she could not sustain her magical powers, so she recovered from that huge dragon form to a human form. But fortunately, with the protection of Lux’s light shield, she was only in a coma, and she did not suffer more severe damage from the fall.

On the other hand, the dark dragon Iva didn’t have such a good treatment.

She fell to the ground fiercely, and the impact of that huge body even crushed several towering trees.

But she was far stronger than Shivana. She had obviously endured more blows, but after falling on the ground, she was still able to stand up, and obviously still had a certain fighting ability.

Of course, because the left wing was torn off, it must be impossible to fly.

The wounded dark dragon Iva took two breaths, but no one could threaten her for the time being.

Afterwards, she raised her head high and took a deep breath.

Outside the small town of Renwall, the dragons and beasts fighting the soldiers of Demacia stopped one by one.

They also raised their heads one after another, roaring, and then the whole body lit up.

All the dragons and beasts, surrounded by this ray of light, turned into fly ash.

Then, the rays of light flew up into the sky and gathered towards Iva who had fallen into the forest in the outskirts of Renwall.

Before the movie, it has been explained that these dragons and beasts are actually all formed by the magic power of the dragon Iva, not flesh and blood. Since they can be released by Iva, they can naturally also be recovered when Iva is seriously injured and feels a fatal threat.

But in any case, this is a good opportunity.

As the commander-in-chief, Xin Zhao seized the opportunity and shouted: “The evil dragon has been shot down! Warriors, kill with me! Completely destroy this monster!”

Immediately, he stepped on a war horse and rushed out from the gate that had just opened. Behind him, Galen and Jarvan also followed each other.

There is also a very funny picture here. Bobby is a Yordle, she can’t ride a tall horse, and her own mount is a pony, petite. After Xin Zhao and Galen led the elite knights to kill out, in the dust, the fixed lens shot Bobby riding a pony, kicking and chasing behind her, her face still With a little anxiety.

The slightly funny scene caused a burst of laughter from the audience in the cinema.

After a little use of such comedy elements to adjust the atmosphere left by the fierce battle before, the story entered the final stage.

The heroes of Demacia gathered together and found the dragon Iva, who was very conspicuous in the forest.

But although this dragon has lost the ability to fly, after recovering the magic power of those condensed dragon beasts, her injuries have also recovered a lot.

“Humble humans! Damn reptiles! You will be burned to ashes in my anger!”

She snarled angrily. She had never thought that she would be hurt so badly by a group of human beings in the hands of a ‘daughter’ that she didn’t even look down on.

The blood basin was pointed at the group of humans who appeared, and the magic power that was still turbulent was condensed in her mouth. A fierce flame was sprayed out, as if to burn all the humans in one go.

And at this moment, Xin Zhao, who took the lead, became angry.

The silver spear in his hand was waved by him. A puff of breath burst out from his body and from the spear that he danced, and formed a whirlpool around him.

This whirlpool sturdyly blocked the violent flames outside.

Guo Lei suddenly had an idea: Xin Zhao is getting bigger!

Returning to the big screen, the fierce flame rolled over the vortex and was blocked to the surrounding area, setting the lush forest alight, but at least for the time being it did not hurt Xin Zhao and the soldiers behind him.

Xin Zhao, whose beard and hair are already mixed with a lot of white hair, has a lot of sweat on his face after finishing this set, and the whole person is a little out of breath.

Obviously, just now, for him, the consumption is not light.

Galen and Jarvan rushed past him.

Holding a Demacia battle flag in his hand, Jarvan threw a sharp shot into the distance, shouting: “For Demacia!”

“For Demacia!” Galen also shouted from the side!

“For Demacia!” All the Demacia fighters were shouting!

Jarvan rushed to the front, he avoided the dragon’s tail sweep, then jumped high, the halberd left a wound on the dragon’s body.

Then, Galen also rushed up, and the epee fiercely confronted the dragon’s claws. He is already a strong man, and after putting on a strong full body armor, he is more like a personal tank.

However, despite this, the dragon’s claws looked two or three times larger than his entire body.

Iva’s body is really like a hill to humans.

But despite this, Galen still did not lose.

He stiffened his body, even if the corners of his mouth were bleeding, he didn’t take a step back. In him, the power that symbolizes the glory of Demacia is bursting out.

Later on, Poppy and Xin Zhao, who had recovered, also arrived.

“A bit of cold light comes first, and then the gun is shot like a dragon!”

Under the classic lines, Xin Zhao was really like a sharp dragon and snake, and gave Iva a heavy blow. But the short body of Bobby who came afterwards also had majestic power. She charged bravely, and then slammed with the holy hammer, smashing one of Iva’s claws into a depression.

Under the leadership of the four heroes, the soldiers of Demacia launched a siege on Iva.

There are a total of forty or fifty elite fighters on the scene. All of them are considered to be of good skill, but in front of the giant beast, the damage they can cause is relatively limited, but every attack of the giant beast, But it can always cause at least one person to be seriously injured or killed.

Although Demacia was like a rainbow and was brave and fearless, even if he faced this mountain-like monster like an ant, he still succeeded. But sometimes, victory is not completely controlled by human will. Although Iva’s body is constantly adding new wounds, no one can cause damage that can really hurt her.

Even, because of the constant harassment of these ‘little reptiles’ and the increasing pain on her body, she felt even more angry.

It constantly waved its sharp claws and tail, sweeping away and destroying these little guys again and again. But Galen, Xin Zhao, Jarvan, and Bobby are still a bit powerful. Together, they can even resist her to a certain extent.

The irritability in her heart accumulated more and more, until she reached the peak when a crossbow bolt shot on her from the depths of the jungle.

When the second crossbow shot came, she waved her right wing, which was still intact, to block the arrow.

But despite this, she has already felt a real threat to her life.

She roared, and a string of dragon fire spewed out of her mouth. After she pushed back the Demacian who was besieging her for a while, she stepped away and tried to run.

Iva decided to leave here for the time being. As long as she survives, her injuries will be healed quickly and she will be able to fly high again. When the time comes, it will not be too late to come back to retaliate against these Demacians.

Galen Jarvan and others also discovered her intentions, so they stepped up to call on her comrades to block her retreat together so that she could not easily escape.

At the same time, Wei En, who was not far away, also appeared, raising the giant crossbow and shooting one arrow after another.

But such a giant mountain-like beast was determined to run, and it was still too difficult to stop.

One by one, the soldiers who tried to block in front of it were easily swept away. The few who are stronger and luckier can still get up and fight again, but most of the people who are hit mean their lives.

At this moment, Lux, who was hiding in the dark, was quite entangled in her heart.

Of course she didn’t have the courage to fight this giant beast, after all, she had already shot it before.

But then again, she sneaked back from the evacuated civilian team. The previous release of the magic of light caused a blow to Iva, and no one saw her take it.

But now, if she showed up and used the magic of light to attack Iva, that would be another matter.

There are quite a few people present.

Demacia is a country that is extremely devilish. There is basically no living environment for wizards, especially dark wizards. Wizards are always arrested and then tried.

Among them, Lux’s elder brother, Galen Crown Defender, is also a staid and law-abiding person. Even their uncle, a Demacia guard, died in the hands of a wizard. Galen has always regarded himself as the guardian of Demacia, the embodiment of Demacia’s spirit,

However, Lux is a man who has awakened his magical powers, and there will be very big contradictions between them.

In fact, Galen was also aware of the anomaly in Lux’s body, which was also the reason for the bad relationship between the two of them.

At least after both of them were grown-ups, Lacus never made it public, let alone in front of her brother, to show this kind of power.

It was exactly the same, she fell into entanglement.

If she shows up now and does not listen to orders to come back without authorization, it may be a trivial matter. It would be too out of the ordinary to show the smell of magic in public.

But the next scene left her with no choice.

She saw her brother, Galen, carrying the huge sword himself, and stopped Iva’s retreat. Iva slapped his paw down, and Galen held his sword hard against it, and a few pieces of dragon scales flew away, leaving a long wound. But under the confrontation of this kind of huge force, he could not get any benefit, the huge sword was also shot out, and the whole person staggered back two steps.

But he still stood in the way of the dragon.

Ivana’s cruel face appeared in front of Galen. The evil dragon opened its mouth wide and bit towards Galen.

There is no doubt that even Shivana, who has turned into a Jackie’s mouth, can’t stand this mouth, let alone Galen at this moment.

He was almost desperate.

However, at this moment, a golden-white light appeared, forming a hemisphere, covering Galen inside.

Iva’s blood basin was bitten on the hemisphere, and it was not broken for the time being.

Galen was shocked, and then heard a familiar voice: “Brother! Run!”

He didn’t hesitate, immediately fluttered to the side and rushed out.

The next moment, the dragon Iva used force again, and the ball of light was bitten, but it bit empty.

Galen, who had escaped from Longkou, retrieved the giant sword from the side, and then looked aside, he saw his sister running out of the woods.

Holding a wooden staff in her hand, she was full of white and flawless light.

Lux finally showed up, biting her lip.

Galen’s expression was a bit complicated, but he didn’t say anything in the end, and he took up the huge sword and turned back to participate in the battle.

And here Lacus took a deep breath, the grand magic condensed all over her body, beams of light flew out of her body, entangled on the limbs of the dragon. Although it can’t completely make it impossible to move, it can at least restrict her movement.

With such a great opportunity, all Demacia heroes are swarming!

Xin Zhao waved his spear and kept attacking; Galen and Poppy attacked the dragon’s forelimbs vigorously together; Jarvan leaped high and waved his halberd heavily…

Even Vayne, who had been wandering around the edge of the battlefield, realized that this was an excellent opportunity at this moment. She rushed over and jumped onto the dragon’s body, and the crossbow arrows shot out one by one, greeting the deadly place on Iva’s body.

The ADCs are all outputting their faces!

Iva finally failed to hold on.

It was Jarvan who completed the final blow. Amidst the screams of the dragon, he stabbed his halberd fiercely from one of her eyes, and Qi Gen sank in!

Jarvan, bathed in dragon blood, has completed his self-salvation!

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