THE CRAZY KING: As ken travelled to the seaking city he realized something erry following him. The man with black hair was couscous with each action he took. He entered the city and felt a strange presence . The boy wanted to find a place to rest. He went inside a Traven people weare talking and chatting. As the hudded ken walked by a man fealt his presence. Ken who was talking with the manager of the tavern noticed The atmosphere was tence but ken didn't know why this seemed strange to him. He went outside and was walking suddenly a voice cried out stop you basterd I'll fucking kill you . Ken got stralted but managed to parry the blow as the man used his law of metal he controlled all the metal around him to use a special law mantra as the man used this he got covered in metal and became like a heavy knight.
Ken withdrew his sword and smarked a law perfection relm master interesting. As he stood in a stance his body started to be covered by a strange aura ken used his law weapon ( the crimson darkness) the man rushed welding a heavy sword using the matelic rush. Ken parryed the attake.and targeted the weak spot of the mantra the joints he doged many and attacked him the man was about to strike but ken delt the final strik to remove his armore then ken spoke speak you mutt why did you attack me your not a normal citizen are you who sent you. Tell me you dog who is your master. The man thought in his mind master was right I shouldn't have been so careless. Ken sat down next to the man who was lying in the ground. Making a serious face ken spoke so really you won't tell me anything huh. The man laughed and said kill if you want your not getting nothing out of me ken replied with a smile will see about that. He severed the mans lims and took him to the underground mines just outside the city he tourched the living daylight Out the man in the brink of death the man spok weakly the young lord will avange me you filthy bastard. Ken who was waiping the blood of his hands replied let's see him try.
In a lavish palace we see a blond man in a noval attire muttering interesting you managed to kill one of my hunting dogs my dear golden ticket to acend the throne.