The Eternity Game Ayla Prision

Chapter 16 Monster

"W-Where am I???" I suddenly wake up, still in the same position, but this time the bed is in a room. The walls are a simple golden color with various types of furniture, and what I see the most are books, many of them scattered on the shelves in the room.

"...I don't remember very well what happened in the [Lamentations Room] as the librarian was like a dream." I'm not sure what happened to me when I was in that place, but since the librarian gave me free access to take books, I judge that what happened was terrible.

'It's a good thing I don't remember what happened.'

'Not that it matters, the librarian is still going to fuck me, I need to get out of here.' I try to move.

"...Chains..." I am chained, with chains holding my limbs while a steel collar is in place of my choker, it fits perfectly and when I swallow, my throat presses against the collar.

'Yes...I guess he chained me in his this place is the [Lamentations Room]' and very different from the complete darkness before now that I have permission to come to this room.

'My mind doesn't remember much about the nightmare I had, or what I did in it, but that's irrelevant since I'm trapped here about to be fucked.'

'Damn, I don't want this, and now in addition to the 7, this guy is going to do it to me too.'

"Hello, my dear, I see you're awake...yes, you seem much better now," the librarian enters the room while looking at me.

" was an accident...I didn't even try to open the book, it just fell to the can't let this one slide?" I try to bargain. My neck hurts from being out of bed.

'Seriously, why did he put me in this position? Is there a purpose to this?'

He simply ignores my attempt while he starts to undress, I see his body, he can only be described as a beauty, his curves are perfect, along with his breasts forming a beautiful contrast, his nipples are a peach color, but I notice scars in specific parts that connect his arms, legs and neck, showing that what he said about his body is true.

The librarian would be a beautiful woman...if he didn't have a cock that is now exposed, although every piece of his body seems to match, his cock is a part that makes it obvious that it is not an original part of him.

'It's small...' I feel relieved by this fact, since Leviathan's is huge.

'...SERIOUSLY?' until he starts to get excited, his cock now erect is the size of Leviathan's, but much less thick, it is also not rigid, in fact it seems quite flexible and supple.

'...Fuck...' I don't know what I was expecting from this bunch of perverts.

"Curious, my dear? My cock is part of a [Basilisk] although the bodies of Basilisks are resilient and rigid, their cocks are thin and flexible, which is quite controversial given their bodies."

"...Exciting..." I try to be sarcastic, regardless of whether it is less thick and more flexible, it is still huge.

He uses some kind of magic, now my clothes are gone while I feel warm.

'Tsk...of course he would use aphrodisiac...' if I weren't immortal, I'd probably get addicted to aphrodisiac since it seems like they all have some kind of fetish for using it during sex.

He climbs above my body, I don't even have the urge to complain, I know it won't change much, I just hope it doesn't hurt too much.

He doesn't even bother trying to make my body more comfortable and immediately tries to start putting it in.

"W-Wait, if you shove it in without lubrication, it's going to hurt me," I say hastily to him.

"..."He gives a sadistic smile.

"You'll regenerate anyway, and besides, you already have the aphrodisiac to help," he continues moving his cock over my tight entrance, since his cock is flexible instead of rigid, he has some difficulty penetrating my pussy, which is like that of a virgin.

"G-Go slowly...I-I don't like pain..." I ask him, even knowing that this sadistic monster doesn't care.

He continues now seeming slightly irritated.

"Tsk..." he clicks his tongue with the difficulty. Then he uses his hand to slightly open the entrance while positioning his cock more gently, the act fills me with shame as now he is looking at my interior.

"!!!" he soon thrusts in and goes all the way without any care, digging into my vagina, as is the instinct of a monster, he doesn't care about my condition, he just wants to rape me already.

I feel him going in as I hold back my voice as a form of resistance, soon he reaches my uterus, as I managed to hold back my moan of pain, I feel a slight triumph.

Soon I'm confused by the fact that he's not going back.

"? AAAARGG" I feel his cock pressing while opening the doors of my uterus to enter, since his cock is thinner and more flexible than Leviathan's, he slowly begins to enter.

"Kyaa s-stop, stop, you can't go in there" I try to make him stop while I shake. He doesn't care while his cock forces its way into a place that shouldn't be opened.

I feel pain, the aphrodisiac is much weaker than Leviathan's, so him forcibly opening my uterus is not pleasurable at all.

"AHhh p-please go back" he ignores me, now I feel the glans of his cock inside the uterus, just a little more and he will manage to open it.

"PLEASE DON'T GO IN THERE" I feel like it's the instinct of this female body, my womb is not a place he should invade. He doesn't care, his sadistic smile contrasts with his beautiful feminine appearance.

"Ahhhh" I feel him almost entering, in a last impulse he shoves his cock into my uterus, I feel his cock hitting the uterine walls while tears stream down my face.

"I-It hurts..." I feel a terrible pain, but it comes with a strange sensation.

"We're not done yet, my dear hahaha" he says with a laugh, unlike Leviathan who was gentle and caring, the librarian is a monster, so his sadistic instincts predominate when doing most things.

" this" I speak softly, containing my moans of pain.

"...Hehehe" he just laughs while starting to go deeper.

"...!!! W-Wait, n-no, y-you can't go further" I feel his cock entering more, now I feel a slight pleasure as the veins of his cock scrape the entrance of the uterus to enter.

"Hmmm" his flexible cock, instead of pressing my uterus upwards, begins to curve, scraping my uterine walls as it begins to fill it, like a snake coiled in a hole.

"Ahhh hmmm" I feel pleasure with his cock scraping my uterine walls. I feel this pain as pleasure while trying to contain my moans.

"I see, it seems the lady is a masochist" he says, his sadistic smile is no longer more frightening than his eyes that observe me, when I look into his eyes it's as if I'm facing an abyss, his lifeless black eyes make my body tremble.

"N-no I'm not" I deny while he starts to press his body against mine.

'I REFUSE TO ACCEPT THAT I'M A MASOCHIST' I can't accept that they say I feel pleasure in being hurt.

"Don't get close..." his body pressing against mine makes his cock move in my uterus, I feel it trembling while the pleasure spreads through my body.

Now that he has pressed close to my body, his cock has coiled around my uterus, occupying all the space there is inside.

"I'll move, my dear masochist, we'll see if you still deny it" he begins the piston, his flexible cock coming out of the uterus, entering me, causes me pain, making me tighten my vagina, but this act only makes the pleasure better.

"Ahhh ahhh I-I-I hmmmm aaahh" his movements are savage as he moves, our position makes his cock penetrate my uterus with each thrust, his cock that enters my uterus and bends passes scraping my uterine wall every time, sending me pain and pleasure.

'I-I'm not a's all the aphrodisiac's fault' I deny feeling pleasure in the pain while blaming the aphrodisiac.

"When you cum, if you don't warn me, you can be sure I'll punish you" he says, looking at me, his eyes hiding a dangerous glow.

"...hmmm" he continues his thrusts, going deep, my love juice now wets the sheets as I raise my head to be able to see my stomach, my abdomen is slightly protruding, every time he enters all the way, the part where this uterus of mine is located becomes larger and slightly swollen.

He accelerates his movements, filling me with pleasure.

"Ohh ohh ahh" his reckless thrusts cause me pain, but the pleasure I feel is greater.

"See how you like this, my dear masochistic lady" he taunts me while his breasts press against mine. His breasts must be a D-cup while mine are a B-cup at most, his pressed breasts are soft and make me slightly want to squeeze them.

Seen from above, it would look like a woman pressing against another...if he were a woman.

"I-I'm cumming" fearing what he will do if I don't warn him, I say I'm cumming while feeling the pleasure blank my mind, but he doesn't stop, he just accelerates his movements.

"Ahhh ohhh waaa" he continues his thrusts, hitting my spots, his flexible cock makes a mess in my uterus, as his position changes, I feel like he's hitting near my ovary, causing pain that turns into pleasure.

My drool slightly drips while electric waves spread through my body, the pleasure I feel makes the pain seem sweet.

He holds my head that I can no longer have the strength to lift.

"Look at how your face is loving this, you are undoubtedly a masochist for enjoying this situation."

"Hmm, I-I'm not a masochist, it's... it's just...ahhh...the a-aphrodisiac" I finish speaking with difficulty.

"Hahaha, let's see how long you keep this up," he says with a sadistic smile, seeing him so close reminds me of the villainesses I read about in the past.

"Ahhhh" I feel his cock harden, which ends up causing me pain, but I let out a moan of pleasure at this. He continues his thrusts, now his cock a little rigid, scraping my vagina up to the uterine walls, all the pain gives me a sense of pleasure.

"Cumming, cumming, I'm cumming" I end up climaxing with the sensation while the love juice comes out, wetting the librarian's groin. He increases his thrusts while I feel his cock start to grow a little, widening the entrance of my uterus.

"No please arg ahhh...don't cum inside" the librarian is a monster, so if he cums, I'll end up pregnant with a monster. He continues his piston and in an instant shoves it all in at once, I feel my uterus expand with his cock inside, which is now thicker and slightly rigid.

"AAAHHHH" I let out a cry of pleasure as I feel a warm, viscous liquid being poured into my uterus, the sensation makes me cum. My uterus begins to grow as my abdomen is slightly pressed against the librarian's belly.

"Yesss" the pleasure clouds my mind as the librarian's ejaculation doesn't stop, since his cock is inside my uterus, all the semen is poured into it, and as it is now more rigid and clogging the entrance of the uterus, the semen has no space to get out.

I feel a slight pain and pleasure with the expansion of the uterus that continues to fill.

"Uh-huh aahhh"

'Please take it out, it doesn't fit anymore' I can't speak properly because of the pleasure. After about 10 seconds, his semen finally stops coming out, now my belly is like a 7-month pregnant woman's. The amount is less than Leviathan's, but it's still a lot for my little body.

He snaps his fingers, probably using some magic. I see his body glow slightly as he speaks.

"We can't let you waste a single drop, don't you think?" I don't understand what he's talking about, until I feel a pleasurable pain in the uterus as the librarian's body disappears and appears outside the bed.

"HMMMM" the pleasure makes me moan, I recover after a few moments as the librarian just watches with a smile.

"W-Why?" I become slightly desperate with my belly that doesn't shrink even when his cock is no longer in my body, but I feel something is in its place.

"Why do you ask? I said I wouldn't let you waste a drop, so I put a plug in."

"A plug...where?" I ask with doubt about what he's talking about.

"In your uterus, where else?" Soon the realization hits me, and I realize what the thing I feel at the entrance of the uterus is.

"W-What...take it out, take it out, I don't want this" I desperately try to get rid of whatever he has shoved inside me. Now that I know, I feel my vagina contract, while I force myself to try to remove whatever he has put in me.

"That won't come out so easily, well you can try, I want to see how long you last," he says, leaving an implication that I don't understand until I feel the entrance of my uterus widen.

"ARHG" the plug he put in just grew a little. I force myself to try to remove it, but after a few moments the plug widens more, the pain converted to pleasure makes me cum.

"Hmmm ahhhh"

"HAHAHA, try a little more, who knows, maybe it'll come out next time, of course, taking out the semen would be useless now that you're pregnant," he laughs at my attempt, but what he said next fills me with fear.

"P-PREGNANT....i-impossible...I-I...I can't be pregnant..." I feel the tears as I discover that I'm going to have a child, I who even after losing my masculinity had not yet fully accepted being a woman, discover that I can have children.

It was something obvious, but I wanted to ignore with all my might because this fact only reinforces this cursed situation I'm in.

"Hick..." silent tears stream down my face, I feel as if something important that I tried to maintain had been destroyed in a single moment.

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHA" the librarian laughs like a madman, finding my sadness entertaining, this sadistic monster doesn't care at all about my feelings.

I, who am confined in these chains, can do nothing but lament my situation.

"Uriel, Aetheris..." I whisper the names of the beings I most wanted to take me out of this desperate situation. My pain, which I judge to be purely unjust, which was caused only by a criticism, I feel that this punishment is too heavy for something so simple, I can only curse Aurora for making me go through this.

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