The Era of the Second Element of the Literary Girl

Chapter 32

-Thirty-She was so angry that she was sh

Before the animation of “Magic Sword Academy” starts, Li Xiaoci stayed at home and finished all the content of “Dragon and Tiger”.

can only say that playing with other people’s wives is fun!

Do not block text throughout the writing process!

Moreover, the original work should have more than 1.2 million characters, but in her hands, the total of the five volumes is only over 800,000 characters. This is not to say how much content she has cut, but her plot is relatively streamlined, removing a lot of common nonsense in Nikkei, in short, it just drains a lot of water.

When the four volumes of “Dragon and Tiger” were released at the same time in early February, it ended in one breath…

Everyone’s mentality collapsed.

Originally, before the release, the readers of Dragon and Tiger Post Bar were like this:

“Is the chicken not out of the second volume? I want to see my wife Aiban Dahe.”

“The devil is lazy, and the degree of diligence is not as good as before. After all, it has made money and changed.”

“I will always like (Sophia, crossed out) Aizaka Dahe.”

“Cut, just the devil’s salted fish. If he can produce the second volume this month, I will cut Xiao Hao by one centimeter, and if he can produce the third volume, I will cut it by two centimeters.”

However, after the release, the reader comments of Dragon and Tiger Post Bar became like this:

“Fuck “Dragon and Tiger” is over, ah, I can’t see my wife anymore!!!”

“Why did it happen like this? For the first time, I want to urge an author to be replaced. For the first time, I hope that my favorite female character and the male lead can achieve a positive result. These two happy things are intertwined. And this Two joys will bring me a lot of joy. I should have had this kind of happy time like a dream. But why did it become like this.”

“Why is it over? Why don’t you write more? I don’t want to finish it!”

“I was wrong, I will never stand again…”

For this situation, Li Xiaoci said: “…”

The update is slow and you are not happy, but you are not happy to update this book all at once!

Why are you so awesome?

What readers are these!

She was so angry that she was shaking.


It’s not just that the mentality of the readers of “Dragon and Tiger” exploded, the mentality of the readers of the Post Bar of the Magic Sword Academy also exploded.

“Why did everything written next door finish first? The fourth volume of “Magic Sword Academy” that was said?”

“It’s been three months, right? Devil young thief, you can finish “Dragon and Tiger” in one breath, why can’t even the fourth volume satisfy us? Men can’t say no!”

“Obviously “Magic Sword Academy” came first!”

“Even if I am dead and nailed in the coffin, I will still be in the tomb, shouting with a rotten voice, ‘Young devil and thief are guilty, I live and die with Su Fan!’-Lu Xun.”


Regarding “Magic Sword Academy”, Li Xiaoci decided to continue writing for a while.

After all, this book is my own original, even if the bridge is old, it is designed by myself. Unlike the affair mentality of “Dragon and Tiger”, not only can she not let her go, but she will write awkwardly, so… Regarding the fourth volume, let’s wait a little longer.

Anyway, the animation is about to start, what’s the hurry! You see, Jiangnan’s writing of Dragon Clan Five has been delayed for so long…Moreover, “Dragon and Tiger” has not even decided to whom to sell the animation adaptation rights. I am afraid it will be another half a year after the animation starts. In this way, “Magic Sword Academy” is already treated as a pro-son.


As the launch date of “Magic Sword Academy” approached, some ACG video media on the Internet also reported the situation in this regard.

Among the animations to be broadcast soon, the two original works of “Magic Sword Academy” and “Swallowing the Sky” are undoubtedly the most eye-catching works. Therefore, ACG network media often use these two works. Putting them together, just like Jing Zi and the national team, if you want to favor one, you will definitely step on the other.

“…Since the production lineup is 50-50 on both sides, then finally we have to return to the core of these two animations, and that is the sale of people. Whether it is the light novel “Magic Sword Academy” or the comic “Swallowing Sky” “Di” are all animations with sellers as the core. So, how popular will be at that time will naturally depend on how well their sellers are selling. When it comes to selling, you have to mention seiyuu. The seiyuu of “Di” is strong, and there is a popular seiyuu for the Lantern Festival, and other supporting voice actors are not new. On the other hand, in “Magic Sword Academy”, all new voice actors are used, which is not very optimistic…”

At present, the dubbing of animation in the industry has always been a very awkward point for people to play. After all, there are only a few capable voice actors, and most of the animation lines are relatively secondary. It is easy to make people play when they are replaced by new voice actors. And embarrassing. In the previous life of Guoman, why was always criticized for the CV problem? Isn’t it because the industry started late and there is a lack of experienced voice actors? It’s not realistic to be fat in one bite.

And here, the situation is similar.

But, if you are not optimistic, you are not optimistic. The viewers who are looking forward to this animation are not in a hurry to make a conclusion, they are just a little worried.


This evening, as the first episode of “Magic Sword Academy” is about to go online, many fans of the original book are also sitting upright in front of the computer, waiting for the countdown.


Li Xiaoci’s villa, study room.

As the chairman of the Tonghua Group, Li Xiaoci’s father also said to his wife “I have work-related matters, don’t disturb me”, he locked the door of the study enthusiastically, turned on the computer, and clicked on a certain A certain video site that has won the right to play animations is looking forward and nervous.

If you let other directors of the Tonghua Group see this scene, they will definitely feel that they have seen an illusion.

Chairman Li, who is known for his majesty, would actually be so interested in waiting to watch a meat selling animation?

fake, it must be fake!


In an apartment.

Xu Zhengming, the editor-in-chief of Qingzhi Wenku Publishing House, is also holding his son Xu Mingming in the sixth grade of elementary school. He is really waiting for the animation of “Magic Sword Academy” to be launched. In addition, his father-in-law Mr. Hu is also happy. Hehe sat aside, with an expression of “I watch the animation with my grandson”.

His wife Hu Xiulan has no idea about this picture.

It’s rare for a father and husband to accompany their son together, so that their grandparents and grandchildren can enjoy themselves. It’s not too good!

There is nothing wrong with it.


Steal the battery studio.

As the number one Sofia chef in the universe, the battery teacher also holds the Sophia fan pillow designed by himself, and looks focused in front of the computer.

The outside world compares his original comic cartoon “Swallowing the Sky” and “Magic Sword Academy” together, but he himself has no idea in this regard. He just wanted to quickly see his wife Sophia, and by the way, how did his wife speak and how nice it was after she moved. As for the comparison… what is there to compare! There is a wife on one side and a daughter on the other. The palms of the palms and the backs of the hands are all meat.


Kyoto Military District Sanatorium.

At this moment, in a large screening room on the 20th floor of the nursing home, there are more than 70 veterans of the Asian Allied Forces with relaxed expressions sitting. These veterans include Pakistanis, Laos, Vietnamese, Indians…Anyway, they are all veterans from various Asian countries who have received reading therapy and got rid of the psychological trauma of PTSD.

In fact, in theory, these people are almost healed in their state, but they have no intention of leaving the nursing home and returning to their hometown. It’s not that they are not patriotic and don’t want family members, but…

Can’t buy light novels by flower growers in their own country!

There is no gentleman who can communicate!

According to the diagnosis of Dr. Norman back to that environment, I am afraid that PTSD symptoms will recur again!

Therefore, all retired veterans also have a happy face… Oh no! She stayed in the nursing home with a regretful look. She could only chat with family members every day, express her homesickness, and look forward to one day when the old irons in their hometown will also be able to see this shocking them. People’s “planting flower card light novel”, feel their happiness now!

“It’s almost starting.” Abbas.

With that said, the retired veteran stretched out his “hands of a real man” full of war scars, took a bucket of popcorn from Comrade Zhao Kun next to him, and took it into his arms, and he also thoughtfully grabbed another handful. Throw it back into Zhao Kun’s hand.

Zhao Kun: “…” You can just steal it all! Knock inside!

This screening room is usually used to watch movies or something. Now, these veterans also directly watch the “premiere” of the animation of “Magic Sword Academy”.


Hearing Abbas’s reminder, many veterans also showed expressions of expectation.

All of you sitting here are the original party. In addition to retired veterans, even the sniper **** Chen Guangming who came to visit old friends is also here. They naturally understand the evaluations on the Internet.

In view of the fact that many animation media have stated that “Black Cat Club’s production strength is good, but the seiyuu lineup is unexpectedly very general, and the probability of an’awkward match’ is very high. Please be prepared for the role chefs and put the keyboard down first. Therefore, the original parties such as Abbas and Chen Guangming also felt very nervous.


I used to rely on my own brain to make up, but now I can finally hear my wives talking. It seems normal to be nervous?

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