The Era of the Global Gods: From Demigods to Masters of Crystal Walls

Chapter 147

When winter fades, of course, it is spring, the eternal law of nature.

Even the polar winter zone seems to have only winter and summer.

Also with the spread of the mighty power of Zhao Sheng’s priesthood.

“Buzz-” “Buzz-” “Buzz-”

Gradually, the warmth of spring appears.

And then in just a few moments.

It spreads to the entire dream simulator fictional scene, bringing spring greetings.

“This is the gentle spring breeze, the gentle sun, the germinating plant seeds.”

“And awakened hibernating critters, a world full of vitality.”

“Finally, at this moment, jointly constructed…”

“Spring comes after winter fades!”

Zhao Sheng slowly spoke.

His eyes were solemn.

Because at this time, he is fully activating the priesthood and divinity.

In exchange, it is now a world that can be called earth-shaking changes——

Around him, the white snow was dispersing, and the biting cold wind and cold intention were quietly dissipating.

The powerful blizzard that was originally fierce and roared forward gradually weakened its power at this moment.

Then it was replaced by a spring breeze mixed with special warmth, soft and tenacious across the world.

Sow out, the call of spring, and the seeds that belong to spring.

“This can’t be!”

At this time, Chu Jingche’s eyes widened.

The face is distorted.

In his eyes, he couldn’t believe it, and he couldn’t believe it: “The scene has been changed?!” ”

But the facts were confirmed in front of Chu Jingche’s eyes.

That’s the way it is!


The scene of the cold winter system belonging to the two of them is changing at this time.

The climate gradually changed from a brutal chill to a slightly warmer early spring.

Not to mention before that.

Chu Jingche’s blizzard has been defeated.

After falling into the downside in the comparison of divine power, he failed to defeat Zhao Sheng in the competition for the rules of this world.

And then after being seized by Zhao Sheng of the rules of this world.

Conversion completed!


“How could this happen?!”

Chu Jingche was still roaring.

But you can sense the cold rule that originally dominated it.

At this time, it is being passed by the rules of the change of seasons.

A perfect transition is formed.

That is…


“He’s just an ordinary person from the Emerald City! Same age as me! ”

“Even he’s just a demigod high school student from an ordinary family!”

“How could it be… How could it be… How could it be…”

“How could I not even defeat him overwhelmingly in the fight of the priesthood?”

“Even the divine perception is far, far behind him?”

“How could this be? I definitely don’t want to accept it! ”

Chu Jingche’s face twisted with almost hideousness.

Because he couldn’t believe it.

I don’t want to believe it.

Himself, really by a high school student from an ordinary family who is not in the metropolitan area.

Give it the cruelest, most direct and most crushing way.


Tough on the head.

In the competition of the god template, defeated!

Chu Jingche couldn’t even believe that the news was transmitted back to the capital, to his own circles.

The reputation and prestige of his own painstaking management will be ruined by this failure.

Behind the back, the mocking and mocking gaze.

Will break him!

“You… It’s really…”

“I’ve lost a lot of people.”

Chu Jingche looked up directly.

A surge of divine power stimulated by the two divine natures of ‘cold’ and ‘cold’.

Immediately, a crazy chill turned around him.

“The template of the gods of the storm in the northland, but the template obtained by my elders who personally conquered the gods of the outer lands.”

“You think that just like this, you can easily overwhelm me, then you are too naïve.”

A howling cold wind gushed out around him.

It turned into an overwhelming storm and began to sweep around.

The strong force even directly repelled the spring breeze that permeated Zhao Sheng’s side.

“What’s going on?”

Zhao Sheng frowned slightly.

He could also sense that the Spring Realm, which he had originally unfolded, had begun to stalemate.

That’s right, it’s a stalemate, not fully expanded.

“This is dragged down by the power of winter.”

A little contemplation.

Soon, Zhao Sheng discovered the reason.

“It’s him.” Looking up, he looked at Chu Jingche, whose whole body was blooming with white-blue light in front of him.

Obviously, it was this Chu Jingche who used special divine power.

The stalemate over scene property transformations is completed.

Or called a pause.

“Now, our divine power has been offset by the equal amount of divine power that is temporarily the same.”

“Then next, what really compares…”

“It’s the race troops!”

Zhao Sheng thought calmly in his heart and came to the conclusion of the facts.

It seems that this Chu Jingche in front of him.

The idea of fighting actually wants to defeat himself on the battlefield of believers.

“Whimsical.” The corners of Zhao Sheng’s mouth turned up slightly.

Compare the strength of troops composed of religious races.

Then he really hasn’t been afraid!



A dull trumpet sounded.

In the melted snow, the heavy body of the brute bear man was moving.

The two thousand barbarian heavy iron shield soldiers in the center had already lifted a heavy iron shield that was two meters long and one meter wide at this time.

Like a low wall, it covers most of the body.

And shoulder to shoulder, shield to shield, clinging to each other.

Only the javelin drawn with the backhand revealed a slightly sharp tip.

If the enemy comes.

It is to be expected.

The javelins thrown by the powerful arms of the brute bear man will rain down.

Or on the front line of meeting the enemy, a deadly rainstorm of deadly casualties thrown at a position of fifty meters!

In this battle, these iron shield soldiers did not need to directly gouge through the middle of the enemy.

On the contrary, stability is also required.

Prevent the enemy from gouging through his own formation and being cut directly in the middle.

Therefore, it is quite appropriate to choose these iron shield soldiers who are fully armed and also carry heavy iron shields as the central army.

On both sides of the iron shield soldiers, there are barbarian bear warriors wearing three layers of heavy armor and holding heavy halberds.

Each has a size of a thousand men, and can resist the enemy on both sides while waiting for the opportunity.

Whether it is a formation that squeezes the enemy offensive forward.

Or keep the full line of defense backwards.

They can all support the two thousand iron shield soldiers in the middle to prevent the formation from being destroyed.

Even, in order to stabilize the formation, another thousand barbarian halberd soldiers were all used as reserves by Zhao Sheng.

Placed in the rear of those iron shield soldiers, as long as there is a lot of pressure, they will be thrown into the regional battlefield.

As for the archers, they are the wolf goblin archers.

The size of four thousand people.

At this time, they were all listed at the front, forming the densest group of archers.

In order to pour out all the feather arrows in the quiver as much as possible in the shortest possible time.

With the densest rain of arrows, it inflicted significant damage on the enemy’s troops.

But those a thousand wolf goblin archers.

It is arranged at the end.

This is the only mobile force in the event of an emergency on the battlefield.

Then, these wolf goblin archers must be ready to enter the battlefield at any time.

Even to the point of scorching death battle.

Even if it is.

You also have to engage in hand-to-hand combat to spell out a bloody path with your life!

The troops composed of these faith races chosen by Zhao Sheng were themselves mixed and weaved.

Although there is a lack of melee cavalry, there is no way to carry out assaults and charges.

But under the combination of three types of cavalry, near and far.

Compared to the opposite.

That’s exactly a force of melee infantry and long-range archers.

Apparently a lot of science.

“At least.”

The upturned smile at the corner of Zhao Sheng’s mouth did not fall: “It’s really too difficult to make me lose.” ”

At the same time, in the divine power that had entered the stalemate stage, the attention shifted.

I looked at the snow-covered scene.

The two forces that gradually began to approach.


“Three hundred meters!”

“Wolf Goblin Archer Ready!”


Right below, the first to attack were those wolf goblins.

The Wolf Goblin Priest at the head coldly swept the distance in front of him, and pointed forward with his raised short sword.

This is the order, the command to all start shooting arrows forward.

“Swish, swish-”

Only in an instant, the archers who received the order drew their bows and shot arrows one after another.

Aim at an angle of 300 meters.

Pull the bowstring full.

Directly shot out all the feather arrows.

And without waiting for the result, after shooting this arrow, a new arrow was pulled out of the quiver.

Resting on the bowstring, pull away the previous angle again, and simply release your fingers.

“Swish, swish-”

A new rain of arrows, reappearing.

Whizzing through the air.

With the scream of death, it covered the whole world.

It just so happened that the previous round of arrow rain coverage had just ended, and these new arrow rains appeared again.

Behind this batch of arrow rain, a new batch of arrow rain is closely followed.

“Three rapid-fire is over! Stop shooting! ”

The wolf goblin at the head looked ahead.

Pieces of enemies fall.

It’s just that in its eyes, it is still solemn: “To the left and right, retreat separately!” ”

Then a new order was given.

Didn’t let the wolf goblin archers continue to fight hard.

Instead, with the establishment of the results of the battle, a retreat to the rear began.

“Boom, boom-”

Because it’s just ahead.

The touch that seemed as if the earth was shaking slightly had appeared on the soles of the feet.

Tens of thousands of half-orcs were running at this time, as if a black and green wave began to sweep towards them!

This is the appearance of a charging orc battle group, about to defeat them head-on!

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