The Epic of Leviathan

Chapter 558: Vali Lucifer VS Sona Sitri (2nd Round) Part VIII...

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Kuroka decided to start attacking Tsubaki using her Senjutsu Bullets. At the same time, she started to channel her ki to strengthen her internal and external body. Kuroka knew that this fight was going to be extremely hard, but she was going to give it her all.

Tsubaki easily danced through Kuroka's attacks with close to no difficulty. Kuroka couldn't help but frown at that… Well, she wasn't expecting Tsubaki to get hit, but she expected the Devil to have a little bit more difficulty dodging her attacks. Tsubaki was making it look extremely easy.

Meanwhile, Tsubaki wasn't idle. While dodging the attacks, she was already preparing several Magical Circles with her free hand. If Tsubaki didn't know any better then she would have said that Kuroka was barely trying. Tsubaki's preparations were finally finished, so she slashed her hand vertically, releasing a flame whip.

Kuroka's eyes grew wide in surprise and she had to duck her head to dodge the flame whip. 'That was dangerous, nya~. It could have taken off my pretty little head, nya~' Kuroka shuddered at the implications. She didn't want to be a headless Neko. That would have been a huge turn-off.

"Be…" Kuroka wanted to say something, but she couldn't even say anything before she had to jump to her right to dodge another attack. 'She isn't playing around nya~' Kuroka screamed in frustration inside her mind. She had to do something or she would lose even before the fight could start in earnest.

While Kuroka continued to dodge the attacks, Tsubaki kept working on the next attacks. Now that, she was no longer getting shot by the Senjutsu Bullets, she was free to do whatever she wanted. Tsubaki wasn't worried about the fact that Kuroka was continuously dodging her attacks.

Yes, getting hit by those attacks would injure Kuroka, but she wasn't going to be eliminated. That was not what Tsubaki was aiming for. She simply wanted to keep Kuroka busy while she was preparing something extremely special for Kuroka.

The black-haired Nekoshou's biggest weapon was her nimbleness and cat-like reflexes, but if Tsubaki could stop Kuroka from using that ability, then she was going to win the Match with a swift blow.

Kuroka also realized that Tsubaki was planning something, but she couldn't fight back. Tsubaki seemed to be much better than her when it came to Magic. Kuroka might be able to match Tsubaki's power in Magic, but Tsubaki was way faster than her and that was a low blow to Kuroka.

Kuroka prided herself to be good in Magic, but now, it seemed that she had grown quite conceited. Kuroka finally came to a decision, she decided to use her trump card. She didn't have any other options. Kuroka clenched her fists tightly as her whole body started to get surrounded by a purple aura and a third tail popped out from Kuroka's back.

Slowly a purple ring of flames also formed behind Kuroka and moments later, Kuroka disappeared. Tsubaki didn't have the time to act surprised as she had to bring her Naginata in front of her to stop Kuroka's long nails from piercing her chest.

"So, you have been hiding your power?" Tsubaki asked with an amused grin on her face.

Kuorka's slitted eyes narrowed… her eyes were slitted before, but now the slits were quite prominent and her canines were also poking out of her mouth. Kuroka was gnashing her teeth together in frustration, she had thought that her speed would be enough to land a surprise blow on Tsubaki, but once again she was wrong.

Yes, she had been able to surprise Tsubaki with her raw speed, but it still wasn't enough to get past Tsubaki's guard. "You don't have any right to say that" Kuroka said while gritting her teeth. Tsubaki simply inclined her teeth in amusement…

"True… so shall we continue the fight?" Tsuabkai asked and her whole demeanour changed. Kuroka understood that the fight was finally going to start in earnest. Kuroka couldn't help but grimace internally.

She couldn't maintain her three-tailed state for more than a couple of minutes, that is why this move had been her trump card. She still wasn't strong enough for a third tail, but she was strong enough to have a third tail temporarily. Tails represented the power of a Nekoshou, but they could also represent their age. That is why Magari had 7 tails. She was extremely old, and throughout the years her tails had kept growing.

Tsubaki released her demonic power, and Kuroka's eyes nearly popped out of her eye sockets in surprise. Tsubaki's power level was close to Ultimate Class level, Kuroka was not expecting that. She was a High-Class Devil but wasn't anywhere near the Ultimate Class power level.

Tsubaki easily pushed back Kuroka as she swung down her Naginata and Kuroka was barely able to step aside, but she still wasn't fast enough. A deep slash appeared on her left hand and Kuroka gritted her teeth in anger. Once again, she tried to stab Tsubaki with her right hand, which was still okay and this time, she decided to coat her hand with Kasha.

Tsubaki simply grinned and grabbed Kuroka's hand, once again surprising the black-haired Neko-girl. "How?" Kuroka asked with a shocked look on her face, her hand was coated with Kasha, so it should have been impossible for Tsubaki to stop the attack without getting injured.

Yes, she could have understood if Tsubaki had again used her Naginata to defend herself, but Tsubaki had caught her Kasha-covered hand with her bare hand. Kuroka was brought out of her shocked state when she felt something cold like metal pressed against her neck.

"Please surrender, you don't have any chance of winning the Match. I guess your power boost is temporary, right?" Tsubaki requested softly. Even though Kuroka had assured her that neither the Destroyer nor Lady Hela were going to come after her, Tsubaki still wanted to be safe. She didn't want to give them a reason to act, especially when she could easily finish the Match without causing Kuroka too much damage.

Kuroka gritted her teeth so hard that it was a surprise that her teeth didn't shatter. Tsubaki had her pegged, even with her trump card, Tsubaki had soundly defeated her and her power boost was only temporary, after that, she won't be in any condition to fight. Kuroka knew that it was time to admit defeat… Tsubaki was well and beyond her current capabilities.

"Fine" Kuroka barely held back her snarl. In this state, she was a lot more aggressive as she gave in to her animalistic side when she used forced the third tail to appear. "I Forfeit, nya~!" Kuroka bit out in a clipped tone. The words felt like ash in her mouth, but it had to be said.

"Tsubaki Shinra has won the Fifth Round of the Dice Figure Game by Forfeit" Grayfia's monotone voice was heard throughout the Game Field.

(A/N: For those who are wondering where is the Fourth Round, Vali lost the Fourth Round by default as he was unable to send a Piece).

Moments later, Tsubaki was teleported back to Sona's dugout. Once again Vali Lucifer and Sona Sitri were summoned in front of the elevated platform. "Your Queen is very strong" Vali complimented dryly.

"Thank you" Sona replied with a smile and threw her die on the elevated platform and Vali also followed her example. The dice finally came to a stop with a clink and the sum of the dice came out to be Eight…

Just like before, both parties were given 5 minutes to select their Piece or Pieces. "Can I go, Kaichou?" Tsubasa requested as soon as Sona entered her dugout. Sona knew that Vali only had two Pieces he could send. He could either send Bikou or he could send that Golem named Gogmagog and since both of them were melee fighters, Tsubasa would be able to easily deal with them.

Yes, Bikou was a Youkai, but unlike Kuroka, Zhu Bajie, or Sha Wujing, he was purely a melee fighter. "Okay…" Sona agreed with Tsubasa's request. Sona had complete trust in Tsubasa's ability.

Meanwhile, Vali was having a hard time deciding whom to send for the next round. Now, he only had two options. Either send Bikou ro either send Gogmagog. After thinking for a couple of minutes, Vali decided to send Bikou. He had no idea who Sona was going to send, but since he only had two melee fighters left in his Team, there was a chance that she might send her two Bishops.

At least, Bikou would be able to put up a fight in that situation since he was quite fast, but Gogmagog was very slow and the Golem was basically a tank, though Gogmagog had a lot of power at his disposal due to being a Rook.

"Bikou, I am going to depend on you for the next Round" Vali said and Bikou stepped forward with a grin.

"Don't worry, I wouldn't disappoint you" Bikou declared with a smirk on his face and Vali simply gave him a sharp nod.

When the five minutes were finally over, Bikou was the one who stepped forward from Vali's dugout, and it was Tsubasa who stepped out from Sona's dugout…


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