The Enemy Always Wants to Pull Me into a Coffin

Chapter 98

Chapter 98

After Arecio finished eating the crayfish bought by the neurosis, he wiped his mouth and turned upright. There is already a faint white belly on the horizon, but he is still very energetic when he has not slept all night. He has too many questions to ask about the neurosis that has completely restored his memory, such as when he recovered, such as why he should hide it, but in the end, What he asked was still the question he cared about most.

“At that time… why did you tear up the covenant?”

This is what he cares most about. After he killed Theo, he spent some time reorganizing the Rose Society of the blood race and inserting his own people. It’s a pity that Crowvenson was already dead at that time, otherwise he would definitely become Arecio’s powerful arm, loyal and capable.

Arecio took care of everything, thinking that with the joint efforts of him and the neurosis, after the light and darkness have gone through several generations of running-in, there will be a day when they will live in harmony, but…

The saints of the temple tore up the covenant and led three legions to attack the **** fortress of the demons. Within three months, the fortress fell.

Arecio didn’t know why it was like this, when he reacted, it was already full of smoke. He couldn’t help but move, because the sword of the temple had already faintly pointed at the werewolf tribe that had already been decaying at that time. The werewolf changed three kings in a short time, faltering, and could not withstand an attack from the temple.

He couldn’t see the neurosis, couldn’t inquire, and complained one after another, and Arecio finally took action.

He knew that everything was irretrievable.

He is extremely prestigious among the dark creatures, even he himself didn’t think of it, but he just raised his arms and responded like a cloud. He easily pulled up the front of the Dark Alliance to fight the increasingly sharp offensive of the Temple. He felt that he was in a sea of ​​hatred. Almost every dark creature he came into contact with was full of resentment towards the light camp.

He didn’t know where this resentment came from. Obviously he had talked with some friends, and these friends all looked forward to peace. Overnight, many people’s views began to change 180 degrees. They eagerly surrounded Arecio, hoping that he could “end the light.”

“Areci.” It was the call of the saint who pulled his heavy thoughts back. Arecio raised his head and stared at the saint in front of him without blinking, he wanted to know the reason.

“Areci, I remember that I once told you about the problem of soul retrospect.”

“……Yes it is.”

“I said, only God can do this.” Ruzius lowered his eyes, his eyes also reflected the war and death of thousands of years ago, and said softly, “God can do many things.”

“You mean ten thousand years ago…”

The saint did not answer him immediately, but stood up. Through the floor-to-ceiling windows of the living room, you can see the red and white roses crawling all over the courtyard wall, and the brilliant flowers blooming in the morning light. Withdrawing his gaze, he stared at Arecio with those sky-colored eyes that didn’t seem to be haze.

“At the carnival where you were absent, I learned of a doomsday prophecy.”

“The one who made the prediction is Noah.”

Arecio was startled, he thought of the blind prophet, who was probably the only person Ruzius was a friend in the temple.

“He… Is that so…” Arecio lowered his eyes, “No wonder I almost didn’t see him in the back. I thought you sent him away. He will be happy with Dalf from the Starlight Theater. To live in seclusion.”

“Dalf died for him.”


“This is just the sorrow of a few people. What our era experienced is undoubtedly an even greater sorrow.” Ruzius said slowly, “I almost went crazy when I learned of your death that year. You know. Yes, I have never been normal, but since that day, I’m probably really crazy.”

“The one I want to kill most is of course Theo, but before I can plan, the plan for attacking the Sea of ​​Undead has been determined within the temple. I actually didn’t know the temple’s millennium plan at the beginning, but I can compare it with The attack on the werewolf was linked, and I faintly thought of the legend of the goddesses that you told me.”

“If there are really three dark pillars in the world, then there will also be three most special dark races.”

“The temple wants to completely destroy them, no doubt.”

Arecio let out a sigh of relief, something he didn’t know ten thousand years ago. Those who know the doomsday prophecy can’t relay the prophecy to others, so Ruzius is guarding the prophecy alone while discovering that he is among the executors of the prophecy. At that time, Arecio couldn’t imagine the mood.

“I haven’t shattered Theo’s bones and ashes, nor have I seen your body with my own eyes. I can’t just sit and watch the world ruin. Therefore, I asked to go to the Sea of ​​Undead and inform the Lich of the temple’s plan.

“Ujfa Lucy is a smart woman. Although I have never revealed a prediction to her, she should have guessed it with the knowledge of the Lich. It is not so specific, but it has a rough outline. She is actively searching for salvation. You may have been in contact with God in the end, and what she finally gave me was the compass that could indicate hope, the location of the last pillar, and the opportunity to meet the goddess on the Styx in a dream.”

“Then the plan for the temple began. Leviathan collapsed and she died.”

Arecio couldn’t help it.

“I came to see you again the next year, why didn’t I just reveal it to me? The doomsday prophecy cannot be said, so other…other things…”

The saint shook his head.

“Did you not find out?”


“You are being watched, the **** of slander.” Ruzius didn’t pause, and then said, “This is what the goddess told me, probably it is a chess piece that sees you as a useful piece, and the **** of slander has focused on it first. You, the moment I saw you again, I saw the shadows on your body, but fortunately… these shadows just entangle you, but can’t blend into your body. You haven’t been bewitched at all, but I’m not sure to say something. After the incident, the **** of slander will not act on you in advance.”

“In your case, I always refuse any risk.”

The saint walked towards Arecio, who was sitting on a chair, and the saint knelt to him on one knee and held his hand. Arecio’s thoughts were still immersed in the various things from tens of thousands of years ago, and he looked a little dazed. After a long time, he slowly raised his head.

“I was a little weird during that time…”

Friends around him always hold sharp opinions, and he always had some terrible thoughts the night before, and then the thoughts disappeared the next day. He originally thought he was just impetuous, but now that he learned the truth, he realized that he might have really been the prey of the **** of slander, but the other party did not succeed.

But anyway, ten thousand years ago alone took on all the neurosis…

He realized that his hand was being taken up, and the saint took his hand and opened his mouth. The blunt human teeth touched Arecio’s wrist. Alessio trembled, it was like an exchange of positions, it was obvious that he was the blood clan.

“You can’t bite through.” He twitched his hand.

“…Try it?”

Still can’t think about it, it hurts!

“You don’t need to pay too much attention to me. After all, my plan to save the world was not successful ten thousand years ago.” Perceiving his slightly depressed mood, Ruzius said, this wrist-biting action successfully changed the subject and made it too. He can talk about other things.

Arecio looked at his expression, Mao was about to explode!


“Meow, meow, meow, meow…” U held his rice bowl, humming a small tune with “meow”, and walked into the living room. So happy, it’s time for dinner again, two big brothers, do you have any canned food today?

With a rice bowl in his mouth, U looked expectantly at the two elder brothers who were sitting and kneeling, and found that the elder brother who was sitting was relieved and stood up abruptly without going back upstairs, leaving the second brother slowly getting up. I cast my eyes on it.

U: Meow? Meow meow meow meow?

It has an ominous premonition.

“The radishes in the field are ripe, and there is no cat to collect the radishes.”

U was caught on the nape of his neck with a dumbfounded look, and the rice bowl was still in his mouth. It turned its eyes to look at the calm eldest brother, and noticed the horror under the calm.

“Papa”, the rice bowl in U’s mouth fell to the ground.

“Meow meow meow meow!”

Areciou opened the curtains on the second floor, just in time to see U stretching out his two front paws, “meowing” and working hard to plan the radish. He wanted to laugh a little, and it was naive to care about a cat with a neuropathy, but if he really told him to say what he had said to Theo in front of a neuropathy…

Arecio pondered for a moment.

Let the neuropathy ask Theo if there was any recording at the time.

In the morning, he made up his sleep. The carnival was over, and he had to go back to his normal work. He planned to go to the nursery center in the afternoon to check out the venue and other things. At noon, he ate the radish that U had planed out. It seemed that there was nothing wrong with his neurosis, so he picked up a piece of radish and asked him.

“What do you look like.”

Arecio looked at the radish that was deliberately cut into a heart shape: “…”

Neuropathy pointed to U’s rice bowl again.

“What do you think it looks like?”

U buried himself in the food. He was exhausted in the morning and ate cat food.

Arecio looked at the heart-shaped cat food: “…”

He couldn’t suspect that a week, a neurosis that completely turned into a love brain would turn all the furnishings at home into a heart shape.

He stood up and decided to escape first.

“I’ll go to the center, there is still some remaining work, do you… stay home and rest?”

The saint glanced at the decoration in the room and nodded.

“I have already finished my work, and I can rest today.”

By the way, all the furnishings at home have become heart-shaped.


Seeing Arecio’s stupid expression, the saint smiled.

“Don’t worry too much. I will only change the decor in the near future. I shouldn’t do anything else…probably.”

Fuck this guarantee is not at all reassuring!

Worrying that the neurosis might continue to engage in moths, Arecio went to the conservation center, first helped tidy up the site, and then went around to various dark creatures. Especially Zerita, the moment the two pillars were erected, her physical condition became better and better. When playing in the water, she almost seemed to have never suffered from illness.

Several other water monsters played with Zelita during this period, and they were a lot more courageous, but the current placement of them in the nursery center is very troublesome.

“It is a dark creature brought by the Southeast Division, but the personnel of the Southeast Division have been found to have many problems.” Crowvenson stood beside Arecio and said in a deep voice, “Although not all personnel are suspected, Although other branches have also found suspects, the headquarters currently advocates keeping these water monsters.”

“Has the news been sent back to the Southeast Division?”

“Yes, but we were smarter. The headquarters directly reprimanded, ordered rectification, and sent an investigation team.”

Alessio nodded, knowing that Theo’s spirit was attached to that person, he had no hope of hiding. Theo must know that his plan has failed again, but he doesn’t know how powerful Theo is in the Southeast Division. Maybe… it’s not impossible that the entire division has fallen.

Thinking of this, Arecio said:

“The investigation team reserved a place for me.”

“Okay, I will report your name immediately.”

“No, this place is not for me, for Ruzius.” Arecio shook his head, “Of course, I will follow it, but in name,’Arecio’ is still in the nursery center.”

Crowvenson thought for a while, understood what Arecio meant, and nodded immediately.

“Okay, don’t worry.”

Alessio nodded to him, Yu Guang caught a glimpse of me at the door, as if waiting for him. So after a brief exchange with Crawvenson, he went straight to me.


“Sisi, I have something I want to show you.” I handed Guangnao to him, and Arecio glanced at it. It was an ordinary pupil interface with some scattered comments, and it seemed nothing unusual. However, when he read these comments carefully, he found that without exception, they were all emphasizing the privileges of dark creatures. The wording… was a bit strange.

He looked at me, and I nodded slightly to him.

“The public opinion plan that was postponed because of fear of Carnival… is about to begin.”

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