The Emerald at Hogwarts

Chapter 685: Mortal body

Situations like Antonin Dolokhov's happened constantly on the playground and in the castle.The Death Eaters who were so arrogant just a few minutes ago are now in much more misery.

Some people were hit by arrows shot by centaurs and fell to the ground wailing; some were stunned by Grawp's punches and fell into a coma; some were suppressed by house elves and were unable to straighten their backs, or were beaten by The table knives were pricked like a hornet's nest; some people were chased around by hippogriffs and thestrals, covered with bruises; others were subdued and knocked unconscious by wizards' spells...

As for those Death Eaters who fled when the counterattack began, they were not lucky enough to escape from the campus. The wizards who came to Hogwarts to support them drowned them like sea water.

Various postures and shapes all indicate that the victory of this war belongs to Hogwarts.

As more and more Death Eaters were killed and subdued, Voldemort gradually became a loner.

Contrary to the sharp decline in the number of Death Eaters, more and more wizards are supporting Hogwarts.There are parents and friends of the students, shop owners and homeowners in Hogsmeade, righteous people who are eager to help, and follow-up reinforcements from the Ministry of Magic.

Hopes of reinforcements for Hogwarts were restored, and the Death Eaters collapsed, but the battle was not over yet.

Harry, Ron, and Hermione ran among the fighters and those who were struggling under the spell, looking for the big snake Nagini that was wandering around.

Whether it was because he was a Horcrux or because of the special characteristics of the blood-cursed orcs, the big snake Nagini ran rampant among the crowd, curling up from time to time to attack the wizards, trying to kill those who dared to resist Voldemort.

It’s just that the sharp fangs and invincible snake body in the past were all ineffective today. Nagini’s attack failed to kill any wizard. Instead, it kept exposing its position and providing coordinates to the three people running around. .

Nagini spat out letters and wandered among the crowd, searching for the next prey.

Soon, Nagini targeted a wizard who dared to resist his master, Neville Longbottom.At this time, Neville was fighting a Death Eater and did not notice Nagini's curled up body.

From being almost treated as a squib by his family, to being the little crybaby of Gryffindor, to bravely breaking into the six DAs of the Ministry of Magic, and now resisting Voldemort and fighting Death Eaters, Neville has completed his transformation from an ugly duckling to a white swan. .

On the road to counterattack, I would like to call Neville Longbottom the strongest.

The snake body, as thick as a bucket, was coiled in one place. The muscles, bones, and scales all gave the snakes powerful explosive power. Nagini rushed towards Neville like an arrow from a string, and the huge impact knocked Neville. , the snake body immediately wrapped tightly around him.

Nagini raised the snake's head and made a "hissing" sound. The Death Eater fighting Neville also pointed his wand at Neville with a grin.

Life was at stake, the Death Eaters' curse and Nagini's venom seemed to be able to kill Neville in the next second.

At this moment, a gray short knife was thrown towards Nagini.

The big snake stopped its movements abruptly, and its head stopped stiffly in mid-air.With a clang, the short knife fell to the ground.

The Death Eater who pointed his wand at Neville was not so lucky. Blood surged from his face and chest, as if he had been struck by an invisible sword.

The Death Eater stumbled back, fell weakly, and the wand fell from his limp right hand.

It's Snape!

Severus Snape saved Neville Longbottom, whose life was hanging by a thread. What a strange combination this is!

Snape was also looking for Nagini. He immediately discovered Neville in danger and hurried over.The Shadowless Curse and the dagger were shot almost at the same time. The dagger forced Nagini back, the Shadowless Curse killed the Death Eater, and Neville's crisis was relieved.

The big snake Nagini turned its flat head and saw clearly the person who interrupted its attack. Nagini immediately let go of Neville and turned to attack Snape.In Nagini's view, Snape deserved more punishment for betraying his master.

The scales rubbed against each other, and there was a heart-stopping rustling sound. Her thick body left wide sliding traces on the ground, and Nagini slid straight towards Snape like lightning.

Snape quickly waved his wand to resist, but the spell could not cause harm to Nagini. Even the killing curse with single-point instant kill could not destroy the big snake. Snape could only delay the action of the big snake to prevent himself from being hit by the bucket. The thick snake body is entangled.

Neville, whose bones were about to fall apart, subconsciously picked up the fallen dagger. After a few seconds of confusion, his brain issued a clear command - kill the big snake with the dagger in his hand and chop it into two pieces!

Holding the gray dagger tightly, Neville stood up unsteadily and charged towards Nagini with three unsteady steps.

Not only Neville, who was swaying, but also the three Harrys who were struggling to pursue her, also rushed over at this time. They raised their snake-toothed blades made by goblins and slashed at Nagini fiercely.

Nagini was trapped in a tight siege and had no way to escape. Snape's spell could not kill the snake, but it could trap Nagini and restrict its movements!

Amidst the roars and fighting sounds of the crowd, the trampling of the hooves of the swarming centaurs, and the deafening explosions, two daggers slashed down with a seemingly invisible green light——

I don't know whether Harry struck Nagini first or the shaking Neville struck first. The big snake Nagini was chopped into three pieces. The severed snake head flew high in the air, cutting through the darkness. Shining in the dim light of morning.

"I'm willing to risk my life for you. When you meet your opponent, you are just a mortal of flesh and blood."

The Savior Star and the Gryffindor Dagger joined forces to destroy Voldemort's last Horcrux!

At the same time, in the auditorium where the battle situation was equally tense, Sirius, Lupine and Bellatrix were fighting fiercely. The wands danced and slashed, and the three wands shot out bright light, and the floor of the auditorium became hot and cracked.

Bellatrix had a crazy smile on her face, and she roared hysterically: "Kill you, kill you! The purity of the Black family cannot be tarnished by you!"

She shouted and waved her wand, and the Cruciatus Curse and the Killing Curse continued to shoot out from the tip of the wand. Several times, the vicious spells almost hit Sirius or Lupin.

The most dangerous time, if the Killing Curse had been deflected even an inch, Sirius would have died.

The students in the auditorium wanted to rush forward to help, helping their Professor Black and Professor Lupin to deal with the vicious Bellatrix Lestrange.

Sirius and Lupine appreciated the students' kindness, but they did not need their help.

Two against one is already a very disgraceful thing. If Bellatrix can't be defeated, the two of them will be laughed at by the hateful snot-nosed man for the rest of their lives.

"Go back! Go back! She's ours!" Sirius shouted, "Go deal with someone else -"

Bellatrix's spell interrupted Sirius, and the green light flew past his cheek, almost taking away his life.

After a brush with death, Sirius did not dare to be distracted anymore and joined the battle again with a wave of his wand.

Except for Bellatrix, all the Death Eaters who broke into the auditorium were subdued (killed). There were not even a few Death Eaters left outside the playground. More than a hundred people stood in the auditorium, watching the three Duel of men.

Even when one versus two, even when outnumbered, the crazy Bellatrix did not show any cowardice, but instead taunted her while waving her wand.

"Shame and scum of the Black family, you have stained the blood flowing in your veins!" She cast a spell on Sirius, "I will kill you with my own hands and wash away the stain on the Black family!"

Sirius yelled: "Shut your stinky mouth, Bitchi!"

"Filthy and lowly werewolf, I heard that you are married to the filthy Tonks?" She cast a spell on Lupin, "And I heard that the filthy child is pregnant? I won't kill her, I want to see it with my own eyes. A wolf cub will be born with you two!"

Remus Lupine, who was always gentle and gentle, also had red eyes at this time.

Lupine's biggest worry is that his unborn child will be as miserable as himself, inherit his lycanthropy, and become a werewolf who suffers pain and discrimination.

"Shut up, you crazy bitch!"

The light of the curse kept shining in the auditorium, and the exchanges between the two parties were extremely intense.

In order to avoid the disaster, even the people watching the battle had to retreat and stand close to the wall.

Bellatrix laughed heartily, and she must have laughed like this while firing the Cruciatus Curse at the Longbottoms.

Apart from her loyalty to Voldemort and her powerful powers, it seems difficult to find positive words to describe Bellatrix.

Like her master, she is cruel, cold-blooded, ruthless, crazy... full of naked malice towards everyone.

Suddenly, Bellatrix's proud smile froze, and her eyes seemed to pop out. She was hit by the magic spell shot by Lupine!

Then another bright red light flashed, and the Stunning Curse rolled up Bellatrix like a rope, carrying her across half of the auditorium, slamming into the stone wall at the other end, and sliding unconscious. On to the ground.

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