The Emerald at Hogwarts

Chapter 682, Darkest Moment (2)

There were too many Acromantulas driven out of the Forbidden Forest. The huge spiders formed a solid, towering copper wall. Their large claws clicked together, and many pairs of eyes shined on those ugly black heads... …

The clicking sounds became louder, the rustling sounds became denser, the bizarrely long, hairy legs moved quickly, and in a blink of an eye, the spider swarm rushed into the place where the two wizards were fighting.

Frightened screams and painful cries sounded one after another, and the Acromantula waved its big black claws to attack every wizard they saw.

Whether they are the Death Eaters under Voldemort, or the teachers, students, and Aurors who defend Hogwarts, they are all regarded as dinner and meat by the Acromantula.

Melee, killing, death, flames... all these fell in Ada's eyes, stirring her nerves and arousing the deepest desire in her heart - kill, kill everyone present; kill, completely purify the world!

In the darkness, many spells were fired at Ada. These spells either failed and stirred up a cloud of dust, or were blocked by other wizards, or hit other people, but none of them could hit Ada accurately.

Then, another batch of spells hit Ada, and several more spells passed over her head. The power of the spells even blew her hair, and a few strands of hair playfully left the restraints.

"Humans are also an animal!" Ada exclaimed inappropriately.

Her voice was somewhat distorted in the evening wind. It was no longer as clear and sweet as wind chimes, but instead sounded as timeless and desolate as if it came from eternity.

Raising his hand, he waved the Elder Wand horizontally, bringing up several puffs of blood mist. The scarlet blood floated in the air, and an extremely delicate and enchanting flower bloomed. The corpses of the Death Eaters were the fertilizer that nourished the flower.

Starting from the attack on Hogsmeade, the battle that lasted for several hours had already made people red-eyed, and turned many people into machines that only knew how to kill.

Even in the face of the powerful Esmeralda Drizzt, the Death Eaters' attacks were still crazy and fearless.

A tall Death Eater rushed towards Ada. He was wearing a hood and waved his wand. The killing curse and the Cruciatus Curse were continuously shot from the tip of the wand. There was only endless fanaticism in his eyes.

Ada raised her left hand covered in gray and white, and time seemed to be frozen. The red Cruciatus Curse and the green Killing Curse seemed to be caught with her bare hands, hovering there.

Then, Ada raised her hand, and the spell shot by the Death Eater flew back!The spell that flew back fell into the Death Eater coalition, and the screams and the sound of bodies falling were instantly heard.

And the Death Eater who attacked Ada was beyond death, and even his wand was broken by the rebounding force.


A loud roar rang out among the Death Eater coalition. Albert Runcorn shouted loudly, thrust out his wand, and flew another killing curse towards Ada.

Ada's figure suddenly disappeared on the spot, and the failed killing curse exploded into a piece of turf.

What is strange is that Albert Runcorn did not continue the attack, nor did he search for the missing Ada. His eyes became dull and distracted.

He put the wand strangely against his neck!With a soft pop, the thin wooden stick pierced Albert Runcorn's neck, and blood flowed out, soaking his black robe.

Runcorn lay limply on the ground, his throat making a painful "gurgling" sound helplessly.

The disappeared Ada reappeared, and the Elder Wand started to work left and right, chopping melons and vegetables like a Death Eater with one stick.

Just walking and killing all the way, Ada came to the vicinity of the Acromantula group.

The ground was stained red with blood, and broken spider legs and claws, as well as human corpses, were scattered on the ground.The ferocious Acromantulas are enjoying their food. They are either gnawing on entities of the same kind, or devouring human stumps and broken arms, feasting on them.

Ada saw Hermione, and the second generation of Miss Know-It-All screamed and shot spells. The powerful spells repeled the giant spiders one after another.

Ron was shaking violently and stood in front of Hermione. Spiders were the thing he was most afraid of, but Mr. Ronald Weasley did not take a step back.

Ron shouted words of unknown meaning in his mouth, and his trembling hands kept shooting out spells. The crushing spell blew up the Acromantula that rushed towards him.

Ada also raised her wand, but she did not choose to kill the Acromantulas, but drove them towards the direction of the Death Eater coalition, letting them kill each other.

Naturally, the Acromantulas would not be so obedient. They waved their claws to fight back, and then they remembered the fear of being dominated by Ada.

The golden-red flames continued to gather, and the big bird fluttering about to fly was hovering in the low altitude. The bright light illuminated the night sky. The Acromantula's slender legs twitched horribly, and it quickly moved away from the big bird emitting high temperatures.

Flames billowed, and the blazing big bird spread its wings and took off, chasing the fleeing Acromantula, burning the Acromantula and the Death Eaters together.

At this moment, more people poured into the playground from the castle, including students and wizards.

Fred and George raised their wands high and led the men patrolling the secret passage into the battle.

Then, rows of desks flew out of the castle, and the desks were flying faster than Akinayama’s AE86!

The speeding desks crashed into the Death Eater coalition, knocking many people down, and the wooden desks only contributed to the fire.

It was Professor McGonagall. Her serious face looked dirty and there was a wound on the left side of her cheek. She also brought people to support the battle on the playground.

Similarly, Professor Flitwick and Professor Sprout also came to support.

Although he is short in stature, Professor Flitwick is extremely skilled and agile, displaying the prowess of a dueling champion.

The kind-hearted Professor Sprout has always been kind, but tonight she changed her past affable image and struck decisively and without mercy.

The Death Eaters no longer had the advantage, and the balance of the war continued to tilt toward Hogwarts. The Death Eaters were driven away from the castle little by little, and kept retreating. It seemed only a matter of time before they were driven out of the school.

As the Death Eaters retreated, a dense rain of arrows came from the direction of the Forbidden Forest, causing chaos among the Death Eaters.

As the fierce sound of horse hooves got closer and closer, the centaurs Bane, Ronan and Margery rushed over. The agile centaurs each bent their bows and nocked arrows, and kept throwing arrows at the screaming Death Eaters.

Did you win?

Many people ask themselves in their hearts, as if they want to give themselves courage in this way.

But everyone knows that the battle is far from over. Voldemort (the mysterious man) has not shown up. As long as the Dark Lord is still alive, the war will never end.

Just like 16 years ago, everyone was celebrating Voldemort's defeat, and the celebrations even violated the International Federation of Wizards' Statute of Secrecy.

Everyone naively believed that the darkness was dispelled and they had victory.But reality slapped everyone hard. Voldemort returned in the summer 14 years later, causing even greater terror.

Tonight, although everyone drove the Death Eaters out little by little, as long as the Dark Lord did not show up and join the battle, the trend of this war was still unclear, and victory could be taken away by the Death Eaters at any time.

The night was getting darker and darker, and even though the blazing flames were warm and bright, they couldn't dispel the chill emanating from people's hearts.

Many people looked at Ada, who controlled the flames, at the woman who had just turned twenty - could she defeat Voldemort like Albus Dumbledore defeated Gellert Grindelwald?

Also, where is Harry Potter?

Suddenly, a high, clear voice overcame all the noise, and Voldemort's cold voice resounded through the night sky again. He said: "Put down your weapons. The merciful Lord Voldemort will give you one last chance to beg for mercy."

Voldemort slowly passed through the broken wrought iron gate, the serpent Nagini gliding beside him.

Step by step, Voldemort passed through his loyal Death Eaters, dispersed the blazing flames, drove back the swarms of Acromantulas, and appeared in front of everyone, with cruel joy on his face.

The world seemed to end at this moment, the fighting stopped, and Hogwarts fell into a deathly silence.

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