The Emerald at Hogwarts

Chapter 678, The Half-Blood Prince Returning Home

Just then, Ada and Snape returned to Hogwarts.

The two passed through the barrier covering the school and appeared in front of the Aurors, the Order of the Phoenix, and many teachers and students.

Even though there were still dense crowds of Dementors floating around outside, people immediately saw Snape in black robes and the murderer of Albus Dumbledore.

Angry and hateful eyes were directed at him like sharp knives. Some people's hands moved faster than their brains. They chanted spells without thinking, and colorful spells fell on Snape like raindrops.

Sirius and Harry even dropped their wands and rushed towards Snape, wanting to punch Snotlout's annoying face.Fortunately, Kingsley and Lupine had quick eyesight and quick hands, and each of them grabbed hold of the other, preventing them from rushing over.

A magic barrier like a goldfish bowl was turned upside down to cover Ada and Snape. Even if the magic spell fell, it could not break through this layer of protection.

Seeing Ada protecting Snape, the Aurors from the Ministry of Magic all stopped.

They didn't know why Ada did it, but since she did it, there must be a reason.

The teachers and students of Hogwarts, as well as the members of the Order of the Phoenix, were confused and did not understand why Ada wanted to protect the murderer Snape.

"Get out of the way! Drizzt!" Sirius yelled, "Let me kill this snot-nosed guy!"

Like father, like son, Harry also shouted loudly: "Snape, you still have the nerve to show up at school? I will never forget how you looked into his eyes, he trusted you so much, and But you killed him!"

Snape took out his wand, and Lupine, who was holding Harry, blocked Harry behind him.

Remus Lupin pointed his wand at Snape and said coldly: "I will never allow you to kill anyone again in Hogwarts!"

However, Snape did not aim his wand at Harry, nor at the large, barking dog.He turned to face outside the school, raised the wand in his hand, and chanted softly: "Calling the gods to protect you!"

The pure white silver light circled around Snape's head and turned into a deer. She landed lightly on the campus open space, jumped through the crowd, and flew out of the wrought iron gate.

The deer once again galloped around Hogwarts, as if it had never left.

As for Severus Snape, who had his back turned to everyone, his dark eyes were already filled with tears.

Sirius stopped shouting, and Harry stopped questioning. Others may not know what the Patronus of Deer represents, but they do.Everyone who is familiar with Lily knows that Lily’s patron saint is a doe.

"Is this still the case after all this time?"

"Always will be."

Without asking any further questions, Ada also raised the Elder Wand, and a thin silver veil appeared on the tip of her wand.

The naive Chow Chow didn't appear, and the Elder Wand just kept shining with silver light, causing ripples like a stone thrown into the middle of a lake.Silver ripples spread out layer by layer, impacting every dementor that tried to get close to Hogwarts.

Overturned and expelled, more than a hundred dementors surrounding the school were dispersed in the blink of an eye, and they no longer dared to take a step closer.

Ada raised her free left hand and cupped her hands upward.The silver light on the tip of the Elder Wand and other galloping patron saints are all integrated into the protective magic that protects the school.

The magic shield protecting Hogwarts became more solid, and the school seemed to be enveloped in a cocoon made of huge glass.

The offensive of the Death Eater coalition has been stopped, and they will probably not launch another attack for a while.Ada turned back to everyone, knowing that everyone needed an explanation, about Snape and Dumbledore.

"Come with me." Ada said slightly tiredly.

After saying that, Ada and Snape walked towards the castle together. This matter had to be explained as soon as possible, and there was not much time left for them.

Harry was the first to follow towards the castle, followed hurriedly by Sirius and Lupine.

Mr. Weasley and Kingsley did not leave immediately. After warning the Aurors, they turned back towards the castle.

Professor Sprout hesitated for a moment, but in the end she did not leave with him, but decided to stay and take care of the students guarding the school gate.

The group of people walked non-stop towards the eighth floor of the castle.

Everywhere he went, Snape could feel people's hateful eyes, and everyone was applauding and cheering for Dumbledore's murderer to be "caught."

When they arrived at the long corridor on the eighth floor, Sir Cadogan even appeared in the portrait, chasing the advancing team and verbally abusing Snape.Vulgar and dirty words are constantly poured into people's ears.

Amidst the scolding, the ugly stone statue guarding the principal's office appeared in everyone's sight. It did not fight like other statues, but just guarded the principal's office firmly.

Professor McGonagall, who arrived halfway, spoke the password, and the stone statue jumped to the side, revealing the stone steps spinning up behind it.

Before Professor McGonagall could ascend the steps first, Snape grabbed Harry and dragged him up the stairs.In the astonished eyes of everyone, Ada blocked everyone's pursuit.

"Get out of the way!" Sirius yelled, and he even pointed his wand at Ada, who "cannot tell the difference between friend and foe."

"Calm down, Sirius." Professor McGonagall pushed Sirius away. She believed Ada, but she didn't believe Snape.

Professor McGonagall asked angrily: "Ada, do you know what you are doing now? You are covering up the murderer of Dumbledore, and you are putting Potter in danger! That traitor Snape is ready at any time Will take Harry to find his master!"

There were rumors in the school that Snape had been caught, so Professor McGonagall hurried over. She didn't know what happened at the school gate.

"I know exactly what I am doing, Professor." Ada said in a soft but firm voice, "Like Professor Dumbledore, I have unbreakable reasons to believe in Severus Snape."

"Just a doe?" Sirius asked with a roar, "He was the one who leaked the prophecy to Voldemort, and he was also the one who killed Dumbledore with his own hands!"

Remus Lupine stopped Sirius from shouting any more in the corridor.

Lupine said: "Patron saints usually don't change. This is only possible when they suffer a big blow and a huge emotional change."

The Patronus Charm is one of the most powerful, oldest and most famous defensive spells in magic.Remus Lupine is very knowledgeable about this ancient curse, and he has also seen someone's patronus change his image.

Tonks loved Lupin so much that her patronus changed from a rabbit to a wolf.

"But Sirius is right, we can't trust Snape based on a Patronus alone." Lupine continued.

Lupine was willing to trust Ada's judgment, but he didn't want to see Dumbledore's tragedy appear on young Ada.Most of the others were also like this, they were afraid that Ada would mistrust Snape and end up harming themselves.

"Listen to me!" Ada shouted, still standing in front of the stone statue, refusing to give an inch.

She continued: "Severus Snape did not betray Albus Dumbledore. Everything was Dumbledore's plan, including his own death."

It was unbelievable. What Ada said was too unbelievable. It was completely different from what they saw and heard.

"Ron, Hermione, do you remember that Harry was cursed by Quirrell in his first year and almost fell off his broomstick?" Ada asked.

Everyone looked at Ron and Hermione who were following them.

"That's what happened." Hermione said, "Snape had been reciting a counter-curse to protect Harry at that time..." Ron also nodded, indicating that what Hermione said was true.

Ada turned to look at Sirius, and she continued: "Sirius, just because you 'betrayed' the Potters, Snape wanted to kill you. Voldemort was the one who killed the Potters."

"He...he..." Sirius muttered, speechless.

Ada looked at Lupin again and said, "Remus, those wolfsbane potions you received when you were newly married were a congratulatory gift from Snape."


"And George. George's left ear was injured by the Shadowless Curse. It was a spell invented by Snape himself. If he hadn't told me about the counter-curse, George would still have one ear!"


"What about Dumbledore?" Professor McGonagall asked with a trembling voice.

Ada raised her head, sighed, and replied: "Even if no Death Eaters broke in that night, even if there was no Snape...Professor Dumbledore...he wouldn't have survived for long."


In front of everyone, Ada revealed Snape's identity as an undercover agent. His identity had been exposed to Voldemort, and Ada no longer needed to keep this secret.

In addition to Snape's undercover status, Ada also revealed the reason why Dumbledore had to do this and that his life had already entered a countdown.

Telling the secret, Ada felt happy in her heart. It felt terrible to keep the secret alone.

Ada felt happy, but everyone else looked dumbfounded, and for a moment they couldn't accept it.If it were another person, they would probably think that person is crazy.

Everyone looked at the ugly stone statue, as if they would see it suddenly jump away and see the wise and wise Dumbledore walking out of the principal's office.

Dumbledore arranged everything in the last moments of his life and accepted the fate of death calmly.Albus Dumbledore deserves to be "the greatest wizard of our time".

Suddenly, the stone statue really jumped to the side, but the person who stepped out was not Dumbledore, but Snape.

Severus Snape was equally great.

He endured the pain to kill Dumbledore, endured thousands of accusations, endured the humiliation and went deep behind enemy lines, and almost lost his own life... Such a person deserves to be called great.


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