the egg of the Mcu

Chapter 4: The super soldier serum is a steroid?




"Expression through Writing"

-Point of View (POV)- 


-Ivo robotnik pov -

Three months had passed since Tony Stark's kidnapping. I had made significant progress, with nearly everything I needed for my departure from Earth ready. All that remained was to wait for Loki and the Battle of New York.

Sitting at my desk, I watched live footage from the Specter Drone sent to monitor Stark. On the screen, he and a man named Yinsen were completing the Mark 1 Iron Man suit. The design was crude and bulky, a clear prototype born of desperation, but functional nonetheless.

Leaning back, I studied the screen, noting every detail of the suit's construction. This was the moment Stark began his journey, and I made sure to document everything. Soon, the events I'd been preparing for would be set in motion.

Me:{ I need to upgrade my body at some point}

Ever since arriving in this world, I had been acutely aware of my body. At first, I didn't care—after all, Dr. Eggman's iconic egg-shaped physique was part of his identity. But over time, I realized something unsettling: no matter what I did, my body refused to change.

I tried everything—diet, exercise, even experimental methods—but nothing worked. I was permanently stuck with Eggman's body type. Eventually, I stopped fighting it and began to see it as an advantage. My appearance could deceive enemies into underestimating me, making them think I couldn't possibly be a physical threat.

But an idea began to form in my mind, a solution that could work—a way to weaponize this disadvantage and turn it into one of my greatest assets. The wheels of invention were already spinning.

Me: Sage pull up maps

Sage pulled up a giant holographic map of the world. After scanning the map, I quickly identified the location of an object that could prove useful. I gestured for Sage to proceed. She nodded, then left with Cubot and Orbot to retrieve the item.

Me:now I need to create a chamber 


Wrapped in a thick coat, I sat in the Polar Egg Mobile as Orbot—also clad in a matching coat—drove us through the icy expanse of Siberia. The Polar Egg Mobile, resembling an oversized polar bear, effortlessly traversed the snow-covered terrain. Its advanced sensors scanned the area until they picked up something—a facility buried beneath the frost.

Orbot brought us closer, parking outside the structure. As we exited, the cold bit at the air around us, but I paid little mind. Cubot, ever impulsive, opened the doors without checking for potential threats. It didn't matter much; Father could always rebuild Orbot or Cubot if anything happened to them, and I had no reason to worry for myself, given that I didn't have a physical body to lose.

We stepped inside and were greeted by silence and decay. The facility hadn't been active in years, maybe decades, judging by the layers of frost and dust that coated every surface. We moved cautiously, exploring the halls, until we stumbled upon a room filled with cryostasis chambers.

Inside each chamber was a human, frozen in suspended animation, their bodies unmoving but unmistakably alive. I studied them carefully, the faint glow from the chambers casting an eerie light on their frozen faces. Whatever this place had been, its purpose had clearly been abandoned long ago—but its secrets remained intact, waiting to be uncovered.

Me:all we need is a dna sample 

I began hacking into the facility's outdated systems, extracting any valuable data I could find. Among the records, I discovered information about the humans in the cryostasis chambers. They were once an elite group of assassins for Hydra, with an unmatched kill count. Each had been injected with a prototype super soldier serum that enhanced their physical capabilities but caused severe mental side effects. The serum had driven them to rebel against Hydra, leading to their forced cryostasis. The facility had been abandoned, leaving them alive but trapped indefinitely.

Focusing on one of the chambers, I hacked into its controls and carefully cracked it open just enough to send in two small drones. One carried a vial of tranquilizer liquid, while the other was equipped to extract blood. The drones landed on the subject's arms, their precision ensuring minimal disturbance. The first drone injected the tranquilizer, ensuring the human remained unconscious, while the second drew a vial of blood.

As soon as their tasks were complete, the drones retreated, and I sealed the chamber once more. I carefully erased all traces of our presence, scrubbing the facility's systems of any indication of tampering. Without physical bodies, we had no DNA to leave behind, making the cleanup seamless. Satisfied that our actions would go unnoticed, I reviewed the data we had gathered and prepared to leave the facility.

Me:mission accomplished 

Cubot:are we going already? Can we at least make a snowman 

Me:father said we can go to a location of our choice if we accomplish this 

Orbot:how about the lake I'm interested in fishing and I have new bait 

Cubot:how about the amusement park 

We left the facility behind and returned to the Polar Egg Mobile, where Orbot resumed driving us back home through the snowy expanse. While we traveled, I began scanning the vial of blood we had collected. The results confirmed what I had suspected—it was coursing with traces of the super soldier serum.

Extracting the serum from the human DNA would be a complex process, akin to separating melted ice from water. However, I had no doubt that Father would not only succeed but also improve upon the formula. After all, Ivo Robotnik was the smartest man alive, rivaled only by the likes of Tony Stark. If anyone could refine the serum and unlock its full potential, it was him.

Me:maybe add animal dna in it?

Thanks to the Polar Egg Mobile's hover mode, we made it home quickly and without issue. Once inside, I headed straight to the lab and carefully stored the vial of blood in a fridge similar to those found in blood banks, ensuring it would remain preserved for Father's analysis.

As I glanced around the lab, my attention was drawn to Father and a few Egg Pawns working on something in the corner. They were constructing a massive chamber, easily twice Father's size, with a glowing red core pulsating at its center. Though I was curious and tempted to ask about it, I knew better than to interrupt him when he was in the middle of his work.

Deciding to leave him be, I floated out to the living room and waved my hand to turn on the television. As the screen flickered to life, I settled in, letting the faint background noise of the show distract me while I considered everything we had accomplished today.

-ivo robotnik pov-

I was meticulously finishing the chamber that once held Steve Rogers—the man transformed by the Super Soldier Serum into the iconic First Avenger, Captain America. Rogers had famously sacrificed himself by landing an enemy plane into the icy waters of the North Atlantic. Thanks to his enhanced physique, he survived decades in cryogenic suspension before being discovered by S.H.I.E.L.D.

The serum that turned Steve into Captain America was the work of Dr. Abraham Erskine, a brilliant scientist who was tragically killed by a Hydra agent. In contrast, the serum used on the Winter Soldiers was a different formula, created by Howard Stark. While effective, Stark's version caused severe mental side effects and was ultimately stolen after Howard and Maria Stark were assassinated by the Winter Soldier himself.

I reviewed every detail of these serums, noting their differences and imperfections. With my intellect and resources, I was confident I could not only recreate the serum but also eliminate its flaws, improving it far beyond its original limitations.

Me:{since I don't really go outside I have time}

I walked to the fridge and retrieved the vial of blood Sage had secured during her mission. Returning to my lab, I began meticulously analyzing it, ignoring the background noise of the news reporting Tony Stark's return and his decision to shut down the weapons manufacturing division of Stark Industries. While noteworthy, it ultimately played in my favor—an opportunity to sell more of my advanced weapons to the military.

Weeks passed as I dedicated myself to the task. Finally, after countless tests and refinements, I managed to replicate the Super Soldier Serum. Extracting it from the human DNA within the sample had proven difficult, resulting in minor changes to the formula, but it was a functional success.

Satisfied with the results, I loaded the serum into the chamber. Stripping off my shirt, I stepped inside and signaled Sage. Without hesitation, she activated the controls, the hum of the chamber growing louder as the process began.

Sage:good luck father 

Me:I'll be fine I was the one who made it 

-3rd person-

Sage pressed a button, and the chamber doors sealed shut with a hiss. Inside, Ivo felt sharp needles pierce his arms as the serum was injected into his veins. Powered by the steady energy of the arc reactor, the chamber hummed to life. Sage glanced to her left, monitoring the process as it reached 30%. The vitals displayed on the screen were stable, giving her a sense of cautious optimism.

However, when the progress hit 50%, Ivo Robotnik began screaming in agony, his voice echoing through the lab. Panic flickered in Sage's eyes, but she hesitated, torn between stopping the experiment and trusting in Ivo's determination. Summoning her faith in his resilience, she let the process continue.

When the meter finally hit 100%, Sage quickly deactivated the chamber as thick smoke began to pour out. The chamber doors creaked open, and Ivo collapsed onto the floor, his body hidden by the dense, swirling smoke, leaving Sage unable to see his condition.

-ivo robotnik pov-

Me:mirrors give me a mirror 

I quickly stood up and searched for a mirror, eventually finding a full-body one nearby. I stared at my reflection, only to feel a surge of horror—my body was still the same egg-shaped form it had always been. No physical changes. However, my mustache appeared far healthier and more vibrant than usual.

Frustration boiled over, and in a sudden burst of anger, I punched the wall. To my surprise, the metal frame bent and crumpled under my fist. I froze for a moment, pulling back my hand in shock. Despite my unchanged appearance, I had gained the enhancements of a super soldier. My strength was undeniable—my body, though unconventional, now possessed extraordinary power.

Me:this is good 

I decided to test the limits of my enhanced body and headed to the training room. For hours, I pushed myself to the edge, experimenting with my new capabilities until nightfall. By the end of my training, I had discovered some remarkable things: I could lift over 15 tons at my peak and maintain a sprint of 60 miles per hour without tiring. It was far beyond anything I thought possible, and I surprised even myself with the results.

Though I had achieved more than I initially hoped, my curiosity lingered. What would happen if I added animal DNA to the serum? The thought intrigued me, and with three IV bags of the serum stored safely in my lab, the possibilities were endless. However, I decided that particular experiment could wait for another day. For now, I had plenty of time to explore the boundaries of my creation.

Me: {I don't feel tired so I can create more badniks)

I slipped on my shirt and lab coat before entering my lab, my mind buzzing with ideas. The thought of using vibranium for my creations was tempting—it was nearly indestructible and possessed unmatched energy absorption properties. However, I knew that for the grand scale of what I wanted to build, I would need an endless supply of it.

Unfortunately, vibranium could only be found in two places on Earth: Wakanda and Talokan. Both nations were exceptionally skilled at guarding their reserves, making it almost impossible to acquire. Beyond Earth, I doubted vibranium existed in space, which meant I needed to come up with an alternative. For now, I shelved the idea, knowing I'd need to explore other materials or strategies to achieve my goals.

Me:{maybe I should create a device that allows me to duplicate things}

Pulling out a holographic canvas, I began sketching designs for a new Badnik project, my mind racing with ideas for its functionality and capabilities. Suddenly, a sharp beep interrupted my focus. I quickly dismissed the canvas, switching the display to a live feed.

The feed revealed Tony Stark, now in his Mark 2 armor, flying at high speeds. Based on the direction and his current trajectory, I immediately deduced his destination: the town of Gulmira, where the Ten Rings were active.

Without hesitation, I activated the new and improved Specter drone, giving it the command to follow Stark from a safe distance. Its upgraded stealth capabilities would ensure it remained undetected, allowing me to monitor his actions closely. With the drone now in pursuit, I returned my focus to the lab, knowing the data it gathered would prove invaluable.

Me:things are getting interesting 


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