The Duke’s Daughter Is the Knight Captain’s (62) Young Wife

Chapter 97

In the garden

With Master Wilhelm, I came out to your garden.

I was just pulling grass in the morning, so my back hurts just a little. I’m still not supposed to be old enough to hurt my back. If you take the same position all the time, your back really hurts.

Master Wilhelm lowered his voice when he saw where he pulled the grass with Natalia.

“Hmm… have you drawn so much grass”

“Yes. For one thing, I’d like to pull some more grass. By and large, is it around here?”

“Hmm. Shouldn’t I cut it with a sickle?

“I’m going to build a vegetable garden here. I was wondering if it would be fun if we could make edible vegetables and such here.”

“I see. That sounds interesting.”

Ha-ha-ha, and Master Wilhelm smiles.

I was wondering what I would do if I told you that crap, but you seem to admit it as my hobby.

You want to plant a lot of things. Same goes for vegetables, but with herbs?

Master Wilhelm is busy, and you may plant good medicinal herbs for nourishment.

All right, and Master Wilhelm rolled up his sleeve.

“So let’s pull it off”

“Yes, Master Wilhelm. Here you go, soldier.”


Yo, yo, yo, and pull the grass as long as you do in the morning.

Weeds that have been left unattended for a long time and have remained stretched have strong roots. Anything that cannot be pulled by my power is left to Master Wilhelm to give up early.

I need to work out more, too. If you stay like this, your arm is going to have muscle aches for grass pulling.

“Oh… Speaking of which, where did Miss Natalia and Miss Mary go?

“Yes, I need Natalia to clean your mansion. Mary washes sheets and clothes.”

“Oh well. I’m sorry. Where Noon should have given instructions.”

“Don’t worry, I told you to replace Master Wilhelm’s sheets as well”

“Ugh, um”

Humph, humph, and pull the grass around the nose.

It’s a simple job, but it’s fun if you think you can be with Master Wilhelm this way. Besides, considering you’re building my vegetable garden here, that’s all it takes.

What would you like for vegetables? Even beginners want vegetables that won’t wither away, right?

Oh, yeah.

Ask around there, too, when shopping. If you’re a store dealing with seeds and seedlings, you might be familiar with that.

“Oh, yeah. It’s Carol.”


“I don’t care whenever you return to the Knights lecturer. I talked to Vector. What do you think from around next week?

“Well… uh”

When it comes to next week, you have three days.

In three days, for one thing, the mansion is going to end in a paragraph. Then you’ll be fine.

I have to work properly, too.

“Yes, I’m fine. I’ll have the materials ready by then.”

“Uhm. I’m gonna take a hard time”

From then on, only the bumps and the sound of pulling grass sound.

Sometimes I just can be on Master Wilhelm’s side, and I’m happy.

It’s just the sun’s hot.

Master Wilhelm wiped his forehead sweat with the back of his military hand. There’s sweat on my forehead, too.

“Dear Wilhelm, it’s time to take a break”

“Mm… oh, yeah”

“I’ll put in a drink, for those in the shade”

“Oh… there he is”

Good, and raised, Master Wilhelm is even hipped.


So, I noticed.

Even though my lower back is a painful task, if you are as old as Master Wilhelm, you will be more burdened with your lower back.

When it was, the day your father entered the court, he was carried straight back in a stretcher. We were all fussing about what the hell was going on, but the fact of the matter is, my hips were so tight trying to lift a lot of books.

Since that day, Father says he’s been working with constant concern for his hips.

I also need to be more concerned about Master Wilhelm’s hip-!

“Also, sorry! Dear Wilhelm!”


“Also, it’s all right now! Carol will do the rest of the grass pulling! Master Wilhelm is not resting!


“As it is, Master Wilhelm’s hips are under strain! Sorry!

Oh, my God.

Father said that even he broke his hip because he was forced to move in a lot of sitting jobs. Master Wilhelm often sits and works in the clerk’s office, so if he can’t, he’s going to be carried on a stretcher, just like his father.

What shall I do, in a constant hurry of my heart, Master Wilhelm was dull and laughed.

“Yes, no. It’s not that you’re not feeling well.”

“So, but…!

“What, I’ve been pulling grass for a long time. When you’re in your mid back, it’s a strain on your lower back. Just take a little rest, okay?”

“So, but… uh… then let’s mow the rest already. I’ve deducted enough to make a vegetable garden.”

“Oh, well.”

About half of your garden, I already had a grass pull.

The remaining weeds are good because they were pruned from the roots. The stretched ones are fine as long as they are in the form of letting Natalia or Mary pull them even when they have time.

For the rest, if you evenly soil and sow the seeds and fertilizer, it is the completion of the vegetable garden.

“But what kind of vegetables are you going to make?

“For one thing, I’m going to try to make it out of something simple. And then there’s the price of the seed and the consultation. Because it makes no sense to use high seeds to make cheap vegetables. It’s also a promise.”


Brewing tea for Master Wilhelm, I imagine.

Freshly picked vegetables are delicious. It’s as sweet as eating it as it is.

Of course, some vegetables, like pumpkins and potatoes, don’t taste good unless you let them sleep for a while after picking them.

But to my words, Master Wilhelm tipped his neck slightly.

“Savings are pretty good, even if we don’t make promises…”

“Um, Master Wilhelm…”


“I may not be able to keep my sanity this time if I hear Master Wilhelm is going to war again. It is also my hope that Master Wilhelm will be bravely defeated from the Knights.”

“Ugh, um…?


I have some truly unfortunate facts.

I have a lot of problems.

“but…… the”

“No, what…”

“If Master Wilhelm is brave enough to defeat the Knights Commander… he’s unemployed”



Silence spreads.

On second thought, Master Wilhelm will be unemployed. I’m a Knights lecturer, but I don’t make that much money.

I mean, saving is on the decrease. The Duke’s family will still pay for the samurai’s share, but you can’t be heartless to the cost of living.

Then it’s best to make a promise.

Master Wilhelm closed his eyes just a little and then got a small nod.

“… unemployed”

“… Yes, I’m unemployed”


I wonder why.

The wind was as hot as boiling until earlier.

Just a little, it’s cold.

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