The Duke’s Daughter Is the Knight Captain’s (62) Young Wife

Chapter 62

My brother’s progress.

“… what? Chris.”

“Yes, no, because, boy… I…”

“Okay? I love you. [M] I have permission from my mother. And then if Chris even agrees, I’ll never love anyone but Chris for the rest of my life. I swear.”

“… that’s how any woman must be fooling you”

“No. My thoughts are serious”

What shall we do?

I’ve heard a lot about you.


I was walking Natalia and Mary to the kitchen to ask Chris for lunch as usual today.

Natalia is with us to get to the garrison, but inside the mansion we basically take two of Natalia, Mary. It’s Richard and Mary on Natalia’s day off. By the way, Master Wilhelm means I’m a temporary lecturer for the Knights, so please drop by to pick up the Knights on Natalia’s day off.

Well, it’s mostly Zach. Honestly, I don’t really rely on it.

And even today, I came to ask Chris for a favor in order to make a meal for Master Wilhelm.

That’s what I saw was the look of my brother Alberto, with his hands on the wall and on Chris, approaching him that way.

Then I saw something I shouldn’t have seen, and I hid.

“… because I’m ten years older than the boy. I was born a civilian. If it’s a duke’s warrant, you should marry a better match.”

“Chris! The only thing I love is Chris!

“Then marry the woman you matched. If you want to treat me on top of that, well then…”

“No! I’m with a woman other than Chris…!

“No… think of it as a distraction. Differences in identity…”

“It doesn’t matter!


Always, I know my brother loves Chris, publicly speaking. I’ve heard it many times too.

But every time I did, Chris didn’t care, I just flushed it.

In this way, Chris, blushing and looking up at his brother, seems kind of awfully fresh.

Hiding around the corner, I watch the two of you go as I, then Mary, and Natalia show a little face at the top. Totally blade tortoise.

But I’m curious. My brother and Chris have been feeling good lately, he said, but I didn’t think they were making this much progress.

Chris’ refusal, too, is about as much because of the difference in identity. That has nothing to do with my brother.

If Chris is good, my brother will have cancer.

“Well done, Marquis Anderson. How’s the lady? I can support you more than I can.”

“Chris… you…”

“Because, hey? Who will admit it? The Duke’s Rest Ordinary wife is a civilian cook, and he’s ten years older? Me, too, I don’t hate anything about you. So if you’re going to be Boy’s concubine…”

“Don’t call me Boy!

So, my brother roughed up his voice.

It’s a training ground. It gets kind of slight watching.

But since there are three of us standing still hiding side by side, everyone’s body is snuggling. Specifically, Mary is stuck on my back.

The part of the double hill that hits my back like that makes me a little depressed that it was bigger than I thought.

If Natalia is bamboo, Mary is yummy. I guess that’s why Richard, who recently asked Mary to teach her all sorts of things, is in a good mood as he is every day.

I get black emotions, but I’ll throw them away for a second. Now it’s important to keep an eye on your brother’s love path.

“Chris… don’t you like me?

“No… not that I don’t like it”

“So you like me?

“Well… no, uh…”

Brother, push it. Push it, right? Why are you so aggressive?

I’ve never seen you say it so enthusiastically before.

“… if you don’t like it, I won’t forgive you”


“I was lost that night. I’ve already forgotten. Boy, Boy’s…”

“I told you to call me Alberto about me, that’s what I said! You called me!

“… so I’m lost. Let’s just say we didn’t.”

“I can’t do what I didn’t! I’ve always loved Chris! How can you forget the night with the woman you love!

Apparently, something happened at night.

From my older brother’s tone, it sounds like a big incident, but what the hell happened?

Chris’s face is bright red, isn’t it? It’s fresh to see Chris like that.

“Again… call me Alberto.”

“… boy, I am”

“Just one more time. That’s all I need.”

“Oh… Alberto, dear…”



My older brother hugged Chris and kept his mouth shut.

Chris also leaves everything to his brother, without refusing to do so. What a disgrace in the morning. I’m more disgraced to be peeking at that though.

My breasts sometimes.

Yes, the men and women who love each other are the ones who exchange embraces and mouths like this. Love stories I’ve read a lot about are mostly over with mouth-to-mouth.

I’m ashamed to say this is the first time I’ve ever seen people mouth each other like this.

I didn’t know it was so heartbreaking.

“Let’s get married, Chris. I can overcome any difficulty with you.”

“Dear Alberto…”


I could pull my face in there.

I’ve already seen too much, but it would be wild to peek any further. With what I can pull in, Mary and Natalia can pull in their faces too.

Signal the two of you just with your eyes and decide to go back once.

Let’s decide to have breakfast first.

Step away from the kitchen to the dining room and sit in front of your father and mother, who are already seated. Naturally, my brother is not there. I’d be surprised if I were there.

Good morning, Father, Mother.

“Morning, Carol.”

“Good morning, Carol. Your face seems a little red, what’s wrong?

“Yes, no. Nothing.”

Exactly, if you’re shown that kind of behavior in the morning, your face is also something that makes you red.

But it was good. Finally, my brother’s thoughts seem to have come through to Chris.

Will there eventually be a day when I have to call Chris my sister-in-law?

So I’ll just think about it for a second.

Passionate words and embraces, like my brother was doing earlier, and – mouth it.

If only I had been made Wilhelm…

Boom, heat ran all over my face, as if it was clumping and sounding.

What shall we do? If that happens, I could be happy and fall.

I was so hot that you hugged me to Master Wilhelm’s successful body, and the lovely mouth of his mustache approached me and I mouthed him passionately – just thinking about it made my head boil.

“… Carol?

“My face is even more red, are you okay?


Dear Wilhelm.

Carol will be waiting for you anytime.

Words of heart-shaking love and a passionate mouthfeel, like the one my brother made Chris.

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