The Duke’s Daughter Is the Knight Captain’s (62) Young Wife

Chapter 59

Treatment of the Baron’s Lady


To Master Wilhelm, my mother coughs at me even though I couldn’t help but hold him in front of my mother.

Unexpectedly, I was embarrassed to leave Master Wilhelm. My brother seems to be laughing, shivering puffy as he turns away.

What the hell is so wrong with you?

“Your treatment is next, Miss Mary.”


His Royal Highness Rayford has already been taken, and only Miss Mary with a blue face is here.

I wonder what she’s going to do now that she’s lost her back shield called the royal family. I don’t think you already have a future with Your Highness, and are you going to go back to being just a baroness as usual?

But my mother looked at Miss Mary with a sharp eye.

“You have a few things to ask.”

“Hey, what, is it…”

“You were in school, studying with Your Highness and Carol. There’s no difference in this, is there?


I can see Miss Mary, frightened.

That’s natural, too. This is the residence of the Duke of Ambrose, in front of you is your mother, the Duchess, and your brother, the Duke’s Rest Warrant, and me and Master Wilhelm.

His Royal Highness, who was the only ally, has been taken, and there can’t be any allies here.

“So is it true that during that school, my daughter Carol harassed you?


Answer me.

I have no such facts.

At least, because I didn’t know about Miss Mary or anything until that night club. It can’t even be harassment, can it?

In the first place, there is no way I would harass you because you approached Your Highness, etc. My Highness and I have been close to each other since that time.

“Oh, that’s… that”

“Keep your reply short. Carol harassed you. Whether there was that fact or not, clearly.”


You can’t even answer that, can you?

The fact that there was no honesty here, if you testify, you deceived Your Highness with falsehood, comes to light. This means that the crime of defamation, and fraud, against me will be officially proven.

I don’t know where Miss Mary’s parents stand, but there won’t be a house, at least a nobleman in the kingdom, to defy the Duke of Ambrose family. To such a house, she would have clearly shown hostility.

“Ah, ah…”

“Answer me. Honestly.”

“… Oh, there, there, there, there, there”

With a trembling voice, I shouted so small and squeaky.

It’s a voice that I even think you won’t hear if you do. But it sounded right to us just waiting for Miss Mary’s word.

Apparently, you still want to lay down your sins.

“Now explain clearly what has been done”

“… oh, not really, remember, with something that’s not there”

“I see. So harassment and harassment from Carol, which was so hard for you to cry over to Your Highness, is a substitute for forgetting even though it hasn’t been so long.”


“I told you to answer honestly. And you answered honestly. Right?”


Mother’s, I can’t stop pursuing words.

I just look at Miss Mary like that with cold eyes.

All causes are Miss Mary.

… Is that it?

So, I doubted it.

There is no such thing as the fact that I harassed Miss Mary. Even so, Miss Mary made it up and cried to Her Royal Highness, letting her decide to break her engagement with me.

If it weren’t for Miss Mary, I would still have gone to school and been educated by the Queen on the day off. And in the future, you will have become His Highness’s wife and queen of this country. I’m sure, neglected all the time.

His Royal Highness has never been nice to me. I’m sure he stayed that way, even if he married in the future.

Whatever you think, I’m right to be disengaged.

I couldn’t tell Master Wilhelm my thoughts while I was engaged.


There is not a single thing that Miss Mary has done to me.

Precisely, would you have had to quit school? But Lilia comes to see me regularly, so this isn’t such a huge loss either. Lilia was the only friend I had.

What shall we do?

Isn’t it enough that you have to thank me, this, rather than incriminate me?

“Now, as for perjury on this occasion, if I answer honestly, I am not guilty. Let us swear by the name of the Duke of Ambrose.”

“Ku… well, that’s…”

“Still, if you mean repeating false statements…”

“Mother, please wait”

Between Miss Mary, whose face keeps turning blue, and her mother, who keeps asking, yes.

My mother frowned as surprised at my words like that.

You didn’t seem to think I’d take refuge.

“Carol, what’s wrong”

“Mother. Mother wants Carol to be happy, doesn’t she?

“Of course. This mother wants your happiness.”

“Then Mother, without Miss Mary approaching Her Highness, the future to which I was bound without delay with Her Highness…… do you think Carol was happy?

Mm, my mother frowned.

There was no love between me and Your Highness. In that state, even if we transformed our engagement into marriage as it were, that future would not have changed.

Instead, after we have a marriage, all I see is a future where you can get into the side room and leave me alone and stuff like that.

“… don’t you think”

“Yes, I agree”

“But it is true that Miss Mary used falsehoods to discredit you. You’ll have to be guilty of that.”

“Then Mother, I have a suggestion.”

grin, and say that to your mother.

Then I saw Miss Mary.

What kind of emotion does my smile look like to her right now?

“I want another samurai.”

“… are you serious, Carol”

“Yes. Now Carol is a temporary lecturer at the Knights. I also need manpower to make that material, and I think Natalia is tough on her own.”

This is true. In fact, I forced Natalia to do much last night.

From now on, we’ll just be writing down the same material, and even Miss Mary will be able to do enough.

My mother was greatly sighed and then nodded.

“… Hmm, fine. If that’s what Carol says, let’s be your samurai. I’ll tell the Baron Hopkins family from my mother.”

“Thank you, Mother”

“However, I will not give you a salary from the Duke’s house. Let’s just guarantee food and shelter. I don’t even give other servants the holidays I’m giving them. Also, Natalia should do the same with Carol when she goes out. Miss Mary won’t let you out of the mansion. Is that all right?

“Yes, that’s fine”

“Oh, no…!

“Oh, Miss Mary, because you say you don’t like it?

Miss Mary speaks up, yes, to a very clapping story.

But if you don’t like it, it’s okay with me.

I’m sure for Miss Mary right now, I also look like a devil’s brake.

“If you don’t like it, it’s fine. I’ll leave the rest to the court.”


“Fraud, libel, perjury, and then if you work hard, you can also add incitement to Your Highness’s attempted murder. Is it something like a forbidden twenty years? Instead, if my daughter did that, then you have to look at the Baron’s disenfranchisement.”

“I will! Let me do it! I swear allegiance to Master Carol!

“No, it’s fine if you don’t want to. I can’t even feel motivated.”

“I’m willing! Let me be a samurai! I’ll do anything! Please!

Ugh, and smiling, I look at Miss Mary rubbing her knees and palms on the floor, and her forehead and asking her to come in.

Look at me like that.

“… Alberto, you’re horrible with a woman”

“… I think so too”

Yes, Master Wilhelm and my brother said so.

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