The Duke’s Daughter Is the Knight Captain’s (62) Young Wife

Chapter 51

Second Hour – Hygiene –

“First thing I want to tell you, I’m not teaching you how to heal your wounds.”


To my words, Deputy Vector speaks up like that.

My face is in danger for a long time. Apparently, I’m totally hated.

“What is it, Deputy Vector?”

“We’re here today to talk about how to heal wounds and how to heal illnesses.”

“If you can teach it all in a half-day lecture and remember it all, don’t you think anyone here can be a doctor?


To my words, Deputy Vector nodded as he was convinced.

Even I don’t know how to cure all my illnesses better than I did. incurable diseases, there are also many things called If we could cure all of that, it would be about God.

“So the first thing I will lecture you on is just how not to make the wound worse, that and how not to get sick. Now let’s move on to the second piece of material.”

The second material is basic hygiene.

“I’ll read it out first, so if you have any questions on it, please do it every time you finish the dossier”

And read out what you’re writing.

Nevertheless, it’s really no big deal, it’s a basic thing.

“Above all, all you need for hygiene is a hand wash. Wash your hands first and foremost when doing anything. Wash your hands with care, especially when treating wounds or providing food.”

Explain that as you do your hand washing tricks.

The human hand is above all a source of infection. Sometimes touching a wound with a dirty hand purifies the area. So washing your hands is very important.

And this leads to the first question of the question.

“The first question was that you should put a clean cloth on your wound. This means that your hands when touching the wound must be clean, which is your common understanding. And washing your hands is above all cleaning your hands.”


Somehow, ladies and gentlemen, I don’t think I’m convinced.

I meant to explain it as plainly as possible, but was it hard to understand?

“Then, in the second question earlier, you don’t think you can put bugs in against what you put in your mouth. And as it was the third question, I don’t think many people would drink through rotten water.”

It’s natural that anyone wants to drink more beautiful water than rotten water, right? I don’t want to drink water or anything with bugs in it.

“In other words, we should avoid raw water intake as much as we can. It’s a battlefield, and I really think you’ll have trouble with the water, but if you’re going to use the water from a river or pond for drinking, assume it boils. Even beautiful water may contain invisible toxins and insects.”

Rivers are still servants, ponds and the like are often packed with rotten water.

The water rots, some may wonder, but the water itself does not rot because it is inorganic. However, as a result of the corrosion of substances in the water, it can emit a strange odor.

And everyone knows what happens if you drink something like that.

“This is the two principles in hygiene. Clean, and heated. In general, it has also been proven that toxins in water can be used for drinking by heating and boiling.”

Then, and finger the bottom half of the material.

“Eight years ago now, it was a civil unrest in a neighbouring country…… did you know the battle of El-Gilland? This is a war historic battle in which 90,000 rebels were defeated against 60,000 regular troops. I don’t think you’re all in, but you’ve probably heard of it?

Vice President Vector and the other executives were able to see him snort.

The Battle of El-Gilland is as massive a civil unrest as I have also learned in history classes. Exactly, there’s no way you knights don’t know, is there?

“This El-Gilland battle, but you may all know the story that the tactics showed the siege by the widows. But do you know the story of the plague spreading to the rebels?

“… eh”

“Originally, the rebels were in a state of scarcity of supplies and water resources. So the water in the river flowing nearby was the basic source of water, but most of the soldiers who drank the water in that river complained of abdominal pain, were exhausted and could hardly fight, it is documented.”

This is what I was told, for the record, by the palace doctor who taught me when I was educated.

But, Guidance Some days this kind of conversation helps.

“Because there were a large number of invisible bugs in that river. There are also autopsy results that the worm was ingested from the mouth, attached to the liver, and led to death. And there was also the fact that the water in the river was boiled and used in nearby villages. There must have been some tactical victories, but it wasn’t just tactics that overshadowed the difference, it was also their hygienic knowledge.”

That’s it for the second piece of material.

Again, when we talk about the actual history of war, it seems to have drawn your interest.

Those who were mumbling at first also began to listen to me along with the words, Battle of El-Gilland.

“In this way, did you realize that there is also a history that was defeated by drinking raw water? Cleanliness and heating help prevent this from happening. That’s it for starters…… any questions?

“… is it true that such a thing happened in the Battle of El-Gilland?

“Yes, Captain Alexander Battalion. This is a fact that is also in the history of war. Neither do I know exactly what the bug is.”

“… right”

Master Alexander seemed to be peeling a lot, but he seemed to have caught me slightly.

You were still interested because you put the history of war to work.

“Now, ask a question.”

“Yes. Uh… Sergeant Kruger, right? Go ahead.”

Sergeant Kruger is probably the youngest, but probably around forty.

This one has a much thinner impression, but it feels intelligent somewhere. Perhaps you are in a position to give instructions at the rear?

“You have to wash your hands, he said… wouldn’t it be nice if your hands weren’t dirty?

“No, there are many invisible toxins in your hands. There are many possibilities of being dirty, even if it looks clean”

“But… the lady won’t know, but the water is precious on the battlefield. You can’t waste water like that.”

Sergeant Kruger’s words are certainly convincing.

I don’t know because I’ve never been on the battlefield, but water would certainly be precious. I don’t think the water supply is conveniently close by.

Besides, water is heavy. It would be inconvenient to carry something that you struggle with just carrying, just to wash your hands.

“Besides, you’ll have to have firewood to boil it, and you’ll need a pan. Sometimes the smoke comes out and becomes a landmark for the enemy army. Most importantly, one more soldier’s job is to pick up firewood.”

“You’re certainly right about Kruger. Not only is all the raw water dangerous, but it also means increasing the number of wasted jobs to soldiers…”


I’m a little upset.

I believe that the Knights will survive as long as they can.

I took it as a war history that drinking raw water as it is leads to how much danger, and I tried to get the question solved first, but apparently you don’t understand. Waste of work, etc., they said.

Then it’s a counterattack from me, too.

“Well, I’d like to ask you some questions.”


“Do you prefer to regret ‘I should have boiled it then’ with all the soldiers drinking raw water complaining of abdominal pain and even the dead out?

To my question.

You all stared at me at the same time.

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