The Dramatic Dungeon - A Dungeon Core Story

Chapter 74 - Simon: Enter stage left

Making our way through the ruins we swiftly arrive at the theater’s entrance, the bards sufficiently awed by the ancient buildings surrounding the dungeon proper. As we approach the gate, I am once more awed by the beautiful mask that decorates the threshold.

Unconsciously I touch the mask currently invisibly adorning my features. Its power is weird, and situational, but I could no longer imagine myself without it.

The rest of my party is moving up, Kallion’s magelight granting a better view of the building. Ellie has conjured a light as well, though hers is a floating orb that bobs and weaves around her shoulder and constantly shifts colors, though the cool blue light of Kallion’s staff is strong enough to overpower its vibrancy closer to us.

I turn towards them.

“Are you ready? We can offer tribute now, but from what I heard there is space inside the entrance to do it also.”

“Oh, I want to see this. Let’s do it inside then!” Ellie exclaims. She visibly bounces in excitement and I have to level her with a firm gaze and sternly reprimand her.

“This is a Dungeon Delve, not a sightseeing tour. Even with this one’s unfitness for military exercise barring some exceptions, a dungeon is still a potentially hazardous environment, designed to test a Delver in all aspects. Once we are in there, I need your full focus on your environments, is that understood?”

By phrasing it in that way, my [Commanding Voice] could take effect, and she immediately calmed down somewhat, before nodding at me with a mumbled “Understood.”.

I don’t really expect any deadly accidents, given what we have seen of the dungeon thus far, but there are confirmed cases of people dying in this dungeon already. Two of them if I'm not mistaken, though the circumstances surrounding these cases are hazy at best.

With the excitable bard suitably focused, I walk up to the double doors, and with a shove I push them open to reveal the lobby beyond. The ruined exterior gives way to a brightly lit, glamorous and luxurious room filled with mannequins and various humanoids chattering away with each other beyond a small foyer. In the entryway, a mannequin is sitting behind an opening in the wall, clad in a servant’s uniform as it turns towards us with its featureless face. It beckons us forward and points towards an alcove opposite its position that has a ritual circle engraved in it. Nodding at it, I lead the way towards the circle and produce our tribute.

The bards close in and produce theirs as well, and we step back and let Kallion invoke the words of power, channeling the essence into the circle surrounding the offerings of makeup and sheet music.

Idly I wonder what other strange Tribute the dungeon must have received since delvers started to make a regular appearance in here.

When the final word is spoken and the essence dissipates, we all nod towards each other and back towards the mannequin. It beckons us towards it again, and I oblige, stepping closer. A set of round golden tokens is arrayed on the desk before it, seven total. They are larger than coins and upon closer inspection they bear the word “Ticket” engraved on one side.

I hesitantly reach out my hand and upon the mannequins' nods grasp one of them, picking it up to inspect it closer. The metal feels cold to the touch, and the token has a surprising amount of weight to it. Flipping it over, the other side of the token simply reads “Do not lose” in common script.

The mannequin moves the rest of the metal tokens towards us.

“Everyone, grab a ticket. And hold onto them as best as you can. Looking at the throng of people, that looks like a first dungeon challenge.”

After everyone grabs a token, we gather and I loudly announce the plan.

“All right, everyone, do your best to stick together. It looks like the objective is to hold onto the tokens and make our way over to the large entrance over there. Stick close together, and try not to lose each other in the crowd. I will lead the van, while Astrid brings up the rear. If someone does get lost, look for either of us and try to rejoin, alternatively make your way to the entrance. If someone does lose their coin, make your way to the entrance still, we can figure out how to proceed from there. If you are in danger, do you have skills that can be used to signal others?”

I direct the question towards the bards, who all nod.

“Right. Flashiest you can manage, if possible indicate who is in danger and the severity. If anyone sees a signal try to reach out to people within your vicinity to alert them and make a concerted effort of reaching the area. After a situation is resolved, Kallion, please make a strong enough magelight to serve as a beacon, and we will gather there.”

After a brief discussion of the exact effects of our signals and their appearances, the group is ready to take the plunge and experience the first taste of what the dungeon has to offer us. With sure steps, I lead the charge into the crowd.

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