The Dragon King’s Harem System

Chapter 264. The Grand Feast IV

Dragon King's Harem Chapter 264. The Grand Feast IV

Leaning forward slightly, I discreetly placed a hand over my mouth, feigning a small cough that echoed through the hall. With a hint of theatricality, I allowed my complexion to pale ever so slightly, as if the supposed poison had taken effect.

As anticipated, my subtle act garnered the attention of many within the hall. Their eyes discreetly darted in my direction, subtly observing my well-rehearsed display of weakness. It was a delicate balancing act, ensuring that my facade appeared believable without raising any overt suspicions. All the while, the dancers resumed their rhythmic movements, gracefully filling the space with their enchanting artistry.

Meanwhile, the other guests carried on with their festivities, seemingly oblivious to the undertones of deception that lingered in the air. The clinking of goblets and the sound of laughter echoed through the hall, as they indulged in the sumptuous banquet laid before them. It was crucial to maintain a sense of normalcy, to convince them that everything was proceeding according to plan.

Prince Burz, seizing the opportune moment, approached me with feigned concern etched upon his face. "Are you all right, Your Majesty?" he inquired, his voice laced with a touch of insincere worry.

With a composed expression, I reassured him, "I'm fine, Burz. Just a tad weary from the journey." My response was carefully crafted to offer a plausible explanation for my apparent fatigue, dismissing any doubts that may have crossed his mind. With a brief nod, I redirected my focus toward the center of the hall.

My gaze roamed across the grand hall. I detected subtle movements amid the stately pillars and amidst the guests themselves. These imperceptible shifts in positioning hinted at the strategic placement of their hidden soldiers, preparing to execute their nefarious plan.

Their carefully orchestrated scheme, concealed beneath the veneer of revelry, was not lost on me. My trained eye discerned the slight adjustments in posture, the glimmers of anticipation flickering within the eyes of certain individuals. It was a dance of shadows, an intricate web woven in secrecy.

Burz's eyes narrowed ever so slightly as he reached for his goblet, a sly smile playing upon his lips. "Your Majesty," he began, his voice carrying a hint of mischief, "allow me to offer you another toast, a special one this time."

I regarded him with a measured gaze and took my goblet. The liquid within shimmered in the soft glow of the hall, enticing yet potentially treacherous. Raising the goblet in acknowledgment, I played along with his game, my expression guarded but compliant.

He held his breath, waiting for me to partake in the toast. I brought the goblet closer to my lips. However, instead of indulging in the wine's embrace, a sudden cough erupted from my throat.

I released a faint chuckle, a wry smile adorning my lips. "Seems like the wine doesn't agree with me tonight," I remarked, my voice laced with a touch of amusement. I set the goblet down on the table.

Evelina's eyes flickered with concern as she leaned towards me, her voice tinged with worry. "Should I check on you, Your Majesty?"

Before I could respond, Prince Burz interjected, his tone filled with a mixture of protectiveness and caution. "If you need it, I can summon a group of healers right away to assist Lady Evelina in examining you," he suggested, his gaze shifting between us.

I raised a hand, signaling for them both to pause. A subtle frown tugged at the corners of my lips as I replied firmly, "There's no need for such measures. I appreciate your concern, but I assure you, I am not as weak as my momentary cough suggests."

The festivities continued, I maintained a watchful eye, keenly aware of the shifting dynamics around me. The dancers, seemingly emboldened, flirtatiously approached, teasingly encircling me, Eir, and Guillotine. Their movements held a subtle undertone of threat, a calculated attempt to test our defenses.

Amidst the whirl of dancers and the melodious music, I caught glimpses of Prince Burz's troops subtly maneuvering into their prearranged positions. Their gazes locked onto us, their stance prepared for swift action at a moment's notice. It was a precarious dance of deception and anticipation, where every move held a hidden purpose.

However, the atmosphere shifted abruptly as the music suddenly ceased, leaving the hall in hushed silence. The dancers froze in place, their expressions transforming from mischievousness to focused determination. It was a moment of suspended breath, a mere heartbeat before the storm.

In that split second of treacherous intent, the two dancers, their graceful façade shattered, revealed their true intentions. Like striking vipers, they swiftly drew out poisoned daggers from hidden sheaths, their eyes ablaze with malice. Their blades gleamed ominously as they lunged toward me, driven by the desire to end my life.

Yet, before their lethal weapons could pierce my skin, a surge of invisible energy pulsed through the air. The power of Telekinetic coursed through my veins, empowering me to manipulate them. With a mere thought, I unleashed my latent ability, compelling the force of my mind to seize control.

As if frozen in time, the dancers were ensnared by an invisible grip, their bodies locked in place. They stood there, trapped like statues, their movements halted in mid-thrust. The daggers were mere inches away from my vulnerable flesh.

"How dare you..." I hissed, my voice dripping with displeasure. Without hesitation, I raised my hand, summoning the full extent of my power.

In an instant, the dancers were violently flung from their poised positions and propelled forcefully towards the center of the hall. The impact was jarring, their bodies crashing against the polished floor, and their movements abruptly halted. It was a ruthless display of my authority, a resounding declaration that their treachery would not go unanswered.

With a swift and practiced motion, I drew upon my Mana Weapon, summoning my dual swords. The blades materialized in my hands, shimmering with an ethereal glow. They hovered effortlessly before me, poised to exact justice upon those who had dared to threaten my life.

Without hesitation, I unleash my wrath upon the immobilized dancers. With unerring precision, the swords shot forward, slicing through the air. The blades found their mark with brutal accuracy, piercing the chests of the traitorous dancers, impaling them mercilessly.

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