The Dragon King’s Harem System

Chapter 261. The Grand Feast I

Dragon King's Harem Chapter 261. The Grand Feast I

Argod’s PoV

The air above the orc's capital, Vurdor, was in a state of transformation. The once bright and warm suns were slowly being replaced by the silvery glow of moons that had taken over the skies. It was as if a strange, mystical force had taken hold of the very essence of the heavens, casting a spell of enchantment upon the land below.

Despite the deepening darkness, the orcs showed no signs of slowing down. In fact, their bustling energy had only intensified as they busily made preparations for the grandest of celebrations - the Dragon's Feast.

Amidst that business, a loud knock on the door of my chamber came into my room, breaking the quiet stillness. I was in the midst of getting ready for the grand celebration. But before I could voice my answer, An orc servant’s voice came.

"Your Majesty," the orc said, "the celebration is ready and they're waiting for you in the hall."

Without answering, Evelina and I emerged from our chamber. We followed the orc servant, his broad frame leading the way through the winding corridors of the palace.

As we walked, several dragon soldiers fell into step behind us, their presence reassuring as we made our way toward the hall. The sound of cheers and raucous celebration grew louder with each step we took, the anticipation building within me.

Evelina and I had opted to forgo the formal attire that would have been more appropriate for the occasion. Instead, we had chosen to wear our usual clothes. Nevertheless, we had adorned ourselves with a few of the trinkets and jewelry pieces that had been gifted to us by the orcs, adding a touch of glitter and shine to our otherwise unremarkable attire. The jewels caught the light and sparkled like diamonds.

Before, I had taken care to examine each piece of jewelry closely before deciding which ones to wear, ensuring that none of them had any magical effects that might compromise our safety or interfere with our abilities. Satisfied that they were harmless, I selected a few pieces that would add a touch of flair to our otherwise plain clothing

Once we arrived, the guards bowed to us and opened the door. The crowd parted before us like the waves of the sea, making way for us to approach the high table where I, the Dragon King, and his wife were seated. The guard who had been escorting us stepped forward and raised his voice in a booming announcement.

"Make way for the Dragon King and his beloved wife!" he declared, his voice echoing through the hall.

As the announcement reverberated, the crowd erupted into a deafening silence. The orcs rose from their seats, their faces solemn and respectful as they bowed deeply in our direction. I could feel the weight of their reverence and awe.

The music and dancing that had filled the hall earlier had ceased, replaced by an almost palpable hush. It seemed that everyone's attention was focused solely on us. I could feel the weight of their gaze upon us, a mix of curiosity, respect, and deference.

We made our way toward our seats, walking with the same relaxed gait that we had used when we entered the informal event. Our movements were easy and natural, unencumbered by the trappings of formal attire or pomp and circumstance.

I could feel the weight of the orc's gaze upon us, their attention drawn to our every move. It was a strange sensation. We made our way to our seats, which were located near Prince Burz, in the vicinity of the empty throne. It was easy to locate them, as there were only two empty seats left in the hall.

The hall was alive with a festive atmosphere, and the air charged with excitement and anticipation. The decorations were magnificent, far more beautiful than what we had seen at the welcoming party earlier that day. The hall was adorned with banners and tapestries in rich, vibrant colors, depicting scenes of dragons and orcs in battle, of heroes and legends from the ancient past.

The orcs from various clans were all present, dressed in their most luxurious clothes, and it was clear that no expense had been spared in preparing for this celebration. There were lords and ladies, warriors and artisans, all gathered together to pay homage to me and to celebrate his rule.

The tables were laden with all manner of delicious foods, from succulent roasted meats to exotic fruits and spices. The air was thick with the scents of something similar to cinnamon and ginger, of cloves and cardamom, and the aroma of wine and ale mingled with the fragrance of flowers and incense.

Once we settled into our seats, the dancing and music resumed, the orcs resuming their celebration with renewed fervor. The servants swiftly poured wine into our goblets, offering us a welcoming toast, but I barely acknowledged them. Instead, I concentrated on my surroundings, paying close attention to the orcs' movements, their expressions, and the subtle signs that revealed their true nature.

I looked around the hall and noticed something that had previously escaped my notice. Most of the orcs present had levels above average, indicating that they were skilled warriors in disguise. It was a clever tactic, but I was not fooled.

Despite their efforts to conceal their true identities, I could sense the undercurrent of tension in the hall, the unspoken challenge that hung in the air like a thick fog. It was clear that these orcs were not merely here to celebrate my rule but to kill me.

Prince Burz’s voice broke my thoughts, his eyes sparkling with amusement. "Your Majesty," he said, his deep voice ringing out above the sound of the music and dancing. "I am so glad to see you and Lady Evelina here tonight. It is an honor to have you both among us."

I smiled back at him. "The honor is ours, Prince Burz," I said, nodding respectfully. "This celebration is truly magnificent, and we are delighted to be a part of it."

Burz's eyes flickered with interest as he noticed the jewelry that we were wearing. "Ah, I see you have chosen to wear the jewelry that I gave you," he said, his tone lighthearted. "I am pleased that you like it."

I smiled, nodding my head. "Yes, it is quite lovely," I said. "Thank you for your generosity."

Burz's smile widened as he gestured toward the jewelry. "If you like it so much, you may keep it," he said, his voice filled with warmth. "Consider it a gift from me."

I shook my head, feeling a surge of amusement at his words. "Thank you, Prince Burz," I said, chuckling. "But if you truly wanted to pay me, you should have given me more than just a few trinkets."

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