The devil fruit thinks my qualifications are poor, so I awakened myself!

Chapter 064

(Ask for tips, ask for flowers)

New world, somewhere in the sea.

“Goo la la-la!”

“Marco, shall I have two more drinks?” Whitebeard said with a smile.

“Dad, you’ve already drunk three bottles today!”

“Your current body has begun to show sequelae.”

“You can’t drink too much!”

“Start focusing on health and protecting your body.” Marko said helplessly.


“Daddy, Captain Marko, look there!!”

Just when Marko, still wanted to speak.

A member of the pirate group next to him suddenly exclaimed.

Marko, and Whitebeard, and others.

Looking in its direction, their faces suddenly changed.

“This is…??”

“It’s incredible!”

“What the hell is this?”

“Is it a natural phenomenon of the New World?”

“No, this should be the explosion caused by the explosion!”

“Explosion? It can’t be! What kind of explosion can cause such a large explosion cloud. ”

“Could it be that the Navy has developed a new weapon?”

I saw that I don’t know how far away, a huge mushroom cloud, connecting the sea and sky.

The people of the Whitebeard Pirate Group were so shocked when they saw this scene that they couldn’t close their mouths.

They had never seen such a terrible explosion.

From an endless distance, you can see this terrible explosion cloud.

This shows that the height of the explosion cloud at the explosion site is at least more than 10,000 meters.

And the explosion site is in the New World.

If it is the first half of the great voyage, or the place of the four seas.

Even if it is high, it is difficult for them to see.

“If it is really a terrible weapon developed by the Navy!”

“Even if it is on this sea in the future, it will not be calm.”

“What kind of weapon is it!”

“Such a terrible weapon, but I actually have some expectations.”

“Yes, I want to see it too.”

“No matter what kind of weapon, in short….. This is absolutely unheard of, unseen, unprecedented superweapon! ”


The whitebeard, who heard this, laughed loudly.


Everyone looked puzzled and didn’t know what was going on.

“Daddy, what are you laughing at?”

Diamond Joz next to him couldn’t help but ask curiously.

“What Saatchi said just now is ‘unheard of, unseen’ reminds me of an interesting old man!”

“Goo la la-la!”

Everyone was stunned.

I don’t know who the interesting old man in Whitebeard’s mouth is.

But I am afraid that I am very strong to be able to become my father’s old man.


New World, All Nations.

The bigmom pirate group that is enjoying the family tea party.

Suddenly interrupted by a person.

“Mom, it’s amazing, go outside and take a look!”

Everyone looked up, but it was the fourth brother Owen.

“Brother Owen, why is he so flustered? It’s rude to disturb my mother’s tea party! Nusterdi, the twelfth son of the Charlotte family next to him, spoke.

“There’s no time, hurry up and take a look, you guys come together!”

Although everyone was puzzled, they still followed and walked out.

Then I saw the most shocking thing in their lives.

I don’t know how far away, a towering mushroom cloud runs through the heavens and the earth.

Even if you are far apart, you know that the power of its horror is absolutely amazing.

“Happening in the new world, is it a new weapon developed by the Navy?”

“Apart from the Navy, who has such a powerful scientific research force and developed such a terrible weapon!”

“If the navy masters such a force, wouldn’t it be dangerous for our three emperors?”

The people of the Bigmom Pirate Group began to talk about it.


“Is that you? Rogue Kid! ”

Everyone didn’t know that at this moment, Bigmom looked at this huge mushroom cloud and listened to them discuss whether the mushroom cloud was a new weapon developed by the Navy.

In her mind, what came to mind was the battle in the Canyon of the Gods back then.

The Rogue who can transform into a strange weapon.


The waves are fierce, like a typhoon passing through.

Karp and the others rushed to the Advance City with difficulty, and they could be seen—-

There was only a mushroom cloud that gradually dissipated.

Push the city, it’s gone!

Even due to the huge wind pressure, there are not even some building remains around.

“Where are Lieutenant General Tsuru, hurry up and find them!”

Karp was the first to react, and immediately yelled at all the naval soldiers on the warship.

“Cousin, is it you again?!”

“Absolutely unforgivable!”


These naval soldiers quickly released lifeboats and began to search everywhere.

But soon, the Navy soldiers searched for the bodies of a large number of prisoners who advanced into the city.

Some were barely preserved, but most were ruined and fragmented by shock waves and hot steam.

However, no trace of Lieutenant General Tsuru and others was found.

Angry, Karp can only intensify his search.

And the situation here was reported to the Warring States.


After hearing the content of Karp’s report, the Warring States suddenly felt like they had lost their souls.

Although he knew that Rogue was back, he also knew that the other party’s firepower was strong.

After all, Rogue’s memory of destroying Marin Fandor is still there.

However, he did not expect it.

After coming back this time, Rogue’s strength is even stronger!

Unexpectedly, I didn’t know what weapon to use, and instantly destroyed the entire Advance City.

Now Lieutenant General He and several others are even more uncertain.

Instead, most of the prisoners held in the city were dead.

But once someone survives, it is definitely a vicious person detained in the 6th layer.

They flee en masse, which will have a huge impact on the world.

“This matter…”

The Warring States had no choice but to slowly take out the phone worm.

First report this matter to the commander of the whole army.


A few kilometers away from the Advance City, a huge head slowly poked out from the sea.

Although his face was covered with scars, most of his hair was burned.

It was bare, one side curved and not presentable, like ruined dead grass.

But the whole person, it seems that the spirit is okay, and he has not been hit hard.

In his arms, he was still holding a huge boat.

“Pizarro, Ledfield, and Bundy Waldo, Hiliu…”

“Several of you remember that the favor owed to Lao Tzu must be repaid.”


A few days later, the world shook.

Known as the world’s number one prison, the deep-sea prison propulsion city was abruptly erased from the sea.

And the original author of this person turned out to be a sea thief who was all the rage more than ten years ago.

Sky thief… Rogue!

He reappears, and this time destroys the city of Advance.

And his bounty was also raised to 1.5 billion Bailey.




Great Routes.

A large merchant ship was moving rapidly.

“Boss, this time the harvest is not small!”

“Not only can it be sold for a good price, but it can also be appreciated by that adult.”

“It’s much more convenient for us to do this business in the future.”

“It’s nature! In this shipment, there are not only all kinds of female slaves, but even three devil fruits, which is an unimaginable fortune! ”

“Yes, I heard that a devil fruit is at least 100 million Bailey! These three devil fruits alone are worth 300 million Baileys. Plus these slave women and treasure. Hehehe, I don’t know how much money that adult will give us! ”

“I think it’s at least 500 million Bailey.”

“With this money, we can buy a big estate, have our own home in the town, and become a rich gentry.” When the time comes, go out during the day to plunder and trade slaves, and go back at night to enjoy. It’s unimaginably happy! ”

“That’s nature, I told you at the beginning, follow Lao Tzu to mix, eat fragrant and spicy and spicy women.”

“Yes, yes, the boss is right!”

Some people on the deck were sitting there eating meat and drinking, talking excitedly.

Although they were very happy, the bottom cabin of this merchant ship was inside.

But it was a dozen young girls, miserably tied there.

There are Fish-Terrans, Long-Hand Races, Long-legged Races, and Common Terrans.

Among them were three sisters, cowering in the corner.

The girl at the head clasped her hands together and closed her eyes, as if praying.

“Great God, if you hear my supplication!”

“Please send disaster and punish this abominable group of slave traders”

“As long as you save our sisters from the fire, even if it is for you as a slave, I am willing to wait!”

She knew very well that once she and others were sold.

That end was even more miserable than that of slaves.

Especially their three sisters, they all look good.

And women, in this era, are just the playthings of those who are rich.

The more beautiful you look, the more miserable the end.

They had known this for a long time.

After all, those elders and seniors in the Amazon Kingdom give them popular science every day.

However, at this moment, suddenly the cabin shook violently.

The three sisters hugged each other in horror.


On the deck outside, the slave traders were still eating and drinking wantonly, imagining a better future.

But at this time, suddenly the world changed

Far away, a huge mushroom cloud rises into the sky.

Directly through heaven and earth.

They swore they had never seen anything so horrible.

At this time, a terrible hurricane rushed towards this side from afar.

Their ship began to shake violently.

“What happened? Is it a typhoon? ”

“Voyager come and see, what the hell is going on, what kind of weather we encountered!”

“Boss, I may have never seen it, let alone heard of this phenomenon!”

“That steaming cloud explosion, it seems that it is not a natural disaster, what exploded?”

“Put your pockmarked dog smelly fart, what kind of thing can explode to have such a big explosion cloud?”

“Stop talking nonsense, hurry up and find a way!”

Just as everyone exclaimed, a huge iron box.

Falling from the sky, directly through the deck, and crashing into the cabin on the lower level.

And there, is where the goods are stored.

“Go and see what it is!”

“Navigator, helmsman, give me all the means to get through.”

“This batch of goods, there must be no mistakes!”

“That lord, it will come soon, there will be no goods to hand over by then, we will die.”



With a loud bang, the huge iron box fell into the cabin.

All the girls, all looked there.

Then in the shocked eyes of everyone, this huge iron box was twisted and turned into a person.

“I’ll go!”

“I didn’t expect that just 20% of the power was so fierce that even I was blown away!”

This person is naturally Rogue.

It’s just that he didn’t expect it, even if it turned into a safe house.

Still following the fierce wind, I flew out I don’t know how far.

However, Rogue is not worried.

He should be one of the few among the Devil Fruit Abilities who are not afraid of seawater.

After all, he can transform into a submarine, even in the sea.

In addition, for example, the ability of hot and hot fruits, just entering the sea, the terrible heat, evaporates the seawater, and can also alleviate the side effects of some devil fruits encountering seawater.

Another example is the ability to freeze fruits, the moment they touch seawater, they will freeze it without any problems.

Even those who have the ability to open a sea door at the moment of falling into the sea can escape from the sea.

In this way, there are many capable people, although they cannot really not be afraid of the sea.

But they can avoid the side effects of the sea.

“What people?”

At this moment, two slave traders, armed with swords and muskets and hammers, ran down.

Rogue was still a little confused, not knowing where this was.

But when he saw these girls of all races in chains in front of him,

“It turned out to be a slave ship for human trafficking!”

When he was in the Navy, he also captured these slaves who trafficked human beings.

However, the navy had limited forces, and these slave traders who trafficked human beings often disguised themselves as merchant ships.

So it’s very difficult to capture!

After all, just to capture pirates, the navy is not enough manpower.

Not to mention, cracking down on these slave traders.

Rogue was too lazy to talk nonsense, and directly raised his hand and waved.

Suddenly, two grenades flew out directly.

“Boy, you still dare…”

When one of them saw Rogue fight back, he immediately wanted to take a knife and hack him to death.

But before he could move, the bomb came.


The two suddenly turned into powder, and there were no bones.

When the surrounding girls saw this scene, they were immediately frightened.

But among the three girls in the corner, the one at the head suddenly brightened.

She stood up loud and trembling, and said to Rogue.

“May I ask you are….. God? ”

After all, she had just made a wish, and Rogue fell from the sky.

And with a raised hand, he killed two slave traders.

In her eyes, she was like a god.


When Rogue heard this, he was stunned.

But then the corners of his mouth turned up, and he said: “Yes, I am God!” ”

He didn’t expect that after returning to Qingdao.

Finally, someone recognized the hero with his eyes and recognized his identity as a god.

Not bad, children can teach!

Look at each other longingly, and reverently gaze.

As soon as Rogue raised his hand, music suddenly sounded all around.

“Just believe me…”

“I almost forgot, in the daily department store of this god…”

“And speakers and such a thing!”

Rogue couldn’t help but secretly think that this is the real BGM.

Accompanied by loud music.

Behind Rogue, there was a ray of light flickering.

In addition to speakers, Rogge also used flash for himself, as well as professional fill lights.

Suddenly, a colorful light appeared behind him.

Rogue is like the god who came out of the myth.

The girls who watched were mesmerized.

Especially the girl who spoke before, she plopped down and fell to the ground.

Her head was dead against the ground.

In the most pious voice, he said: “I, Hancock, am willing to become a believer in Lord God.” ”

“No betrayal for life!”

It was fulfilling her previous prayers.

At the same time, she is also smart.

It doesn’t matter if the person in front of him is a god or not.

The strength of the other party does not need to be questioned.

And she was just a slave girl who had been taken away.

If there is no one to cover it, it will definitely end up miserable.

Especially since she has two younger sisters to take care of.

As long as the man in front of him is willing to accept her.

Hancock had a proud heart, willing to submit, and has believed in him ever since.


When the other girls saw Hancock like this, they also seemed to understand.

“I’m willing to follow the gods!” They all knelt down.

“Yo huh?”

Rogue’s eyes suddenly lit up, a little surprised.

Even he did not expect that this cute and beautiful girl in front of him turned out to be the future female emperor Han Cook.

Now she is not the female emperor who has no one in the cold eyes.

But the appearance of the beauty embryo is already clearly visible.


“Since you have come to Qinghai, let’s rebuild another temple here.”

“But before that, I’m going back to Apayado!”

“Lao Tzu has to figure out what is going on!”

“Why did I fall from Kukai to Advance City?”

“Could it be that the original explosion was so strong that it directly destroyed Apayado?” Rogue was a little puzzled.

But I can’t be sure if it was because of his own reasons that he ruined Apayado.

This made him fall from the empty sea to the bottom.

But anyway, he’s going to go up and check it out.

Anyway, he has now tried 20% of the power of the desert emperor Great Ivan.

Amazing indeed!

Pressed him, and released one a day in a row.

At that time, directly destroy the entire Qinghai.

For example, Mary Joa, the Holy Land, comes with one.

For example, the newly built address of the Navy headquarters.

For example, one from the Island of Justice.

In a word……

Where it’s not cool, come to one.

“Very good!”

“This god is in a good mood, so he accepted you guys!”

“From now on, you will be the first believers in this God!”

Rogue suddenly said with a smile, while his gaze rested on Hancock’s body.

“From this day forward, you are members of the Knights Templar of this God.”

“Hancock, you are the head of this Attendant Order!”

Hancock, who was kneeling below, heard this, and immediately raised his head and said respectfully.

“Concubine obeys the oracle!”

Looking at Hancock, he began to have a temperament that gradually became a female emperor.

“There are some expectations that can be cultivated.” Rogue nodded in satisfaction.

“Abakin, Inajiro, what the hell is wrong with you two?”

By this time, the slave ship had stabilized its hull and moved away from the previous vent.

So the boss of the slave traders rushed to the cabin with people.

After all, the previous explosion, they also heard.

Two of his subordinates, Abakin and Inajiro, never returned.

This made the slave trader boss feel a little uneasy in his heart.

“This is?”

Everyone immediately saw the girl kneeling on the ground.

and Rogue, who stood in front of the girls.

“Who are you?”

The boss of the slave trader suddenly said sharply.

“Boss, look!” At this time, the person next to him pointed.

Everyone turned their heads to look and suddenly found the bodies of the two who had been blown up.

“Arrest him for me!”

The boss of the slave trader suddenly roared.

Everyone immediately took out their weapons and rushed towards Rogue.

But this time, Rogue had no ink, and Gatling appeared between the backhand.


Braving blue fire on the steel beast, these slave traders were devoured in an instant.

The powerful firepower of 400 rounds per minute is not at all what these ordinary human traffickers can resist.

In an instant, corpses were strewn across the field, and blood flowed like rivers.


These girls kneeling on the ground suddenly changed their expressions when they saw this scene.

Some timid girls covered their eyes even more.

They are just ordinary girls, when have they seen this scene?

The three Hancock sisters, although they trembled with fear, still stared at the front.

Hancock, in particular, looked at all this intently.

She was the head of the Knights Templar, and she would not even dare to face this.

How to maintain the divine power of “God” in the future!

“Very good, Han Cook, you are very good!”

Rogue put away the Gatling, looked at Hancock and nodded in satisfaction.

“Worthy of being the future female emperor!”

“From this time, you can see it.”

“Her qualifications are absolutely different from those of others.”


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