The Deviant Dominant

Chapter 03 – Gemma

The trio sat in the tavern filling their bellies as they caught up. Gemma sat a little embarrassed by her initial emotional outburst in the forest, but that didn’t stop her from telling Lukas and his red-haired companion about her nightmare in the Mystic Forest.


Fiona shook her head in disgust, “I would never team up with a capital-dweller. They are too self-obsessed and would have no problem abandoning you if a better opportunity came along.”


“They were the only people who would even talk to me. Plus my original teammate abandoned me too, and he wasn’t from the capital,” Gemma shot a scary glance toward Lukas. “Where the hell did you even go?”


Lukas spoke up, “Not much to tell there. Ended up walking towards a town called Tarot, saved her ass from a group of miscreants.” Fiona slugged him in the shoulder.


“You both fought outside the Mystic Forest?” Gemma interjected.


“Yeah,” Fiona admitted, “we had to take on a more experienced Adventurer too.”


Gemma was floored, “You fought against an Adventurer?”


“Defeated him too,” Fiona nodded, “gave us a whole XP level.”


Gemma clenched her jaw knowing how hard she had to grind to get her first level up. She recognized the familiarity and flirting between Lukas and Fiona. "So are you two officially teamed up... or like a couple?"


Fiona gave Lukas a knowing smirk, "You could say that I feel 'bound' to him." She turned her attention back to Gemma, "of course, you are part of the team. No more hanging out with those rich, capital yahoos."


Gemma felt relieved that it was assumed she was a member of the team. She didn't know how good Fiona was, but right now, trust was more valuable to her than combat ability.


A devious smile crossed Fiona's face, "But there is some sort of initiation to join the team, thanks to Lukas' class..."


"Fiona!" Lukas gave her a stern stare down.


Lukas glanced over to Gemma, not having said too much to her since reuniting. "Did you get enough to eat? I think we probably need to talk. Alone." His eyes briefly checked with Fiona as he said the last word. An unfamiliar shiver ran down Gemma's spine as she studied Lukas face. Despite only a week of lapsed time, he was a different man than the Adventurer who fled their argument back in Fernin.


* * *


Lukas and Gemma walked along a serene pond situated just outside Eberlorn, but not in the direction of the Mystic Forest.  It was a calm evening, a symphony of natural sounds buzzing quietly in the background. Gemma's beauty reflected off the surface of the water. A gentle breeze blew through her cascading, brunette hair. Her brown eyes sparkled with curiosity, and her lips curved into a soft smile as she gazed at the tranquil scene before her.


"Gemma," Lukas finally broke the silence. He looked away from Gemma, not wanting to break the spell. "I want to apologize for my behavior back in Fernin. I know you didn't envision ending our Scribing day that way, I'm sorry."


"I should have handled it much differently, Lukas. You obviously needed someone to listen to you... or maybe you needed space without being yelled at. I don't know, you know I'm not good at that stuff."


Lukas raised his eyebrows at Gemma's admission, she, too, had changed a lot in just a short week. A little humility made her a lot more attractive. He continued, "Well, I'm glad we're together now. I honestly was naive enough to think I wouldn't miss you, you can be a handful sometimes."


"What do you mean? I hardly ever talk! Not like you, going on about the different creatures in the forest and which guilds are best..."


"Gemma, it's not about how much you say, but what you say."


"I'm sorry I'm not a smooth talker like you, would you rather have me be a silent little submissive for you?"


Lukas chuckled nervously at her use of words.


"Gemma, I really want to be on my team, but I need to tell you about my class first." Gemma's classic, intimidating countenance returned as she focused curiously on Lukas, "You are going tell me?"


"Yes, I was always going to tell you. I just needed to do it on my own time. I have to warn you though, I doubt you will ever look at me the same way again."


Gemma nodded, not wanting to interrupt Lukas' unveiling.


"I am a Deviant Dominant. It's a powerful class, but there are a lot of sexual quirks that come with it. I can link myself with other Adventurers who chose to sexually submit themselves to me..."


"Stop! Stop! Can you repeat that again?"


As awkward as this was, Lukas was enjoying the utter disbelief that was painted on Gemma's face. He never got to see many facial expressions growing up with her. Lukas started over, reviewing the details at a slower pace for Gemma until it started clicking.


"So you convinced Fiona to sexually submit to you? And she is fine with you sleeping around? How the fuck did you pull that off?" Gemma kept firing questions at him, while avoiding the inevitable conclusion.


Finally, Lukas needed to clear up any ramifications. "There's no requirement to be my Obedient subject to be on the team, Gemma. But you have to understand the nature of my class because it will undoubtedly create a really weird group dynamic."


"No requirement? What do you mean? I can't imagine you would be interested in sex with me?" Gemma questioned.


"What are you talking about?” Lukas exclaimed, then realized you needed to tread more carefully, “Sure, we grew up together, that might be a little weird. You may have annoyed the hell out of me as a kid. But you are maturing and I can’t deny that I care about you. This is the deepest conversation we’ve ever had, and I want more. Besides, you are drop dead gorgeous," Lukas grabbed her hand and looked into her eyes, "Gemma, I am interested in you."


Gemma stood there with her mouth gaped open. Her eyes shifted to look across the pond, unable to maintain eye contact with Lukas. Seconds ticked by while Gemma struggled to compose herself.


"Holy shit, Lukas. That's a lot."


More silence.


"More or less than facing a Swamp Witch by yourself?" Lukas joked trying to ease the tension. Gemma flashed him a weak smile.


"I'm going need time to think, Lukas. I'm sorry to make you wait on an answer."


Lukas started breathing again, "Of course, Gemma. We don't have to jump into bed together tonight."


Gemma gave him a playful push, "You are already thinking it's going to happen, don't you?"


"I suggested the idea that you should be my sexual submissive and I am still alive. That is a great sign in my book." Lukas glanced around at his surroundings, the explosive situation had been diffused, now all that was left was waiting.

They made small talk on the trip back, with Lukas still doing most of the talking, but Gemma's stride had a little extra spring to it.




The three had decided to spend some of Fiona’s less-than-honest money on real lodging. They found a cozy inn removed from the hustle and bustle of the downtown area. Lukas and Fiona had opted to share a room and Gemma got her own. After the fascinating evening out with Gemma, Lukas returned to his room lost in thought.


Upon entering the room, a redheaded vixen awaited near the door, kneeling on the ground, wearing absolutely nothing. “I was hoping you would come back to me,” she voiced seductively. "I have a craving – you are the only one who can satisfy it."


Lukas could barely contain himself. The image of this beautiful woman spread across the floor before him, waiting for him to use her like a toy. He couldn’t resist her offer. He walked towards her slowly, as if he were stalking prey. As he approached, she looked up at him with her emerald eyes and bit her bottom lip. Her gaze sent shivers down his spine. Lukas was entranced by her beauty. He knelt down in front of her, taking in the sight of her completely nude body. “Sir, please pull it out, I'm in desperate need,” she said, still staring into his eyes. Lukas lifted her chin to look directly into hers. “Fiona, I want you to beg for my cock.” 


Fiona smirked, “Please sir, please give me your cock! I need you to use my mouth” She continued, “I want you to make me choke on that big cock of yours."


Lukas grinned widely as he stood up and unbuckled his pants. His erection sprang free as Fiona opened her mouth and licked the tip. He grabbed a handful of hair and pushed her head down onto his shaft. Fiona began sucking eagerly, bobbing her head up and down. She took him deeper until she choked and pulled away gasping for air. “I love you big cock,” she begged. “I am yours to do with as you see fit,” she continued as she stroked his dick.


He pulled her closer to him, forcing her to deep throat again. This time he held her there, allowing her to gag as he thrust his hips forward. She coughed as he let go, tears forming in the corners of her eyes. Hungry eyes stared up at him, “Give me more.”


Lukas responded by grabbing both sides of her face and ramming his cock down her throat. Fiona moaned with pleasure. “Good girl,” he whispered as he abused her throat. She drooled as she struggled to breathe. He released her and she looked up at him, her face red with tears streaming down her cheeks, but a huge smile beamed up at him. Her lips dropped down and started nuzzling his balls, then a tongue started twirling around them. 


Lukas grunted and gripped her hair pulling her towards the bed. He laid her down on her back with her head hanging off the edge of the bed, her hardened nipples pointed straight at the ceiling. He forced his cock into her mouth again and watched as her eyes rolled back in her head. She was so turned on by the abuse she was receiving. Lukas reached between her legs and slipped his finger into her gushing pussy. “Keep going,” he commanded as he thrust his hips forward again. She squealed with delight and continued gagging on his cock. He saw her neck bulging as he shoved his thickness deep, his balls firmly resting on her face.


"I'm getting close," Lukas breathed out, enjoying her tight throat wrapped about the head of his cock. “I want my load all over your face,” Fiona orgasmed on his fingers right then. Lukas felt the warmth of her pussy clenching tightly around his fingers. She quivered in ecstasy and continued to suck on his cock as he fucked her mouth. Her hands cupped his balls as they rested on her face. He began pumping faster, harder. His breathing became ragged as he neared climax  Fiona sucked harder and deeper as she felt his urgency.


“Fuck,” he groaned loudly as his entire body tensed. He pulled out quickly and exploded, cum sprayed across her face. He held his cock over her face and the ropes of cum fell sloppily on her. It was a while before he finally stopped cumming. He stood there observing his artwork plastered across her face.


“Thank you, sir,” she whimpered as she swallowed whatever made it into her mouth. “I needed that so bad.”


His freckled submissive went to clean up and then came back and crawled into bed with him, her lithe frame snuggled up under his arm. “Good girl,” he whispered. He slept well holding her close to his chest.




The following day was designated by Lukas as a training day. The team decided to learn each other’s fighting style with the goal to coordinate better before taking on the Mystic Forest. As they finished breakfast, preparing to head out, Gemma, who had been silent the entire morning, said, “Lukas, can I talk to you? Privately.”


Lukas nodded and followed Gemma back to her room. 


“I’ve been thinking a lot, I didn't get much sleep last night. This is totally weird to me. I’m not sure what I need to say.” 


Gemma took a deep breath and restarted, “I recognized that I thought about you a lot while you were gone. You were my go-to guy – you still are. I never thought about relationship stuff much, but I started thinking a lot about it last night. I just couldn’t see a future that didn’t involve you.”

Gemma stumbled, “Lukas, I can’t… No, not that I don’t want to. I mean, can you ask me to do… ‘it’ with you. Dammit, I'm dying here…”


Lukas reached out and put a comforting hand on her arm.


Gemma continued, “Lukas, can you ask me? I’ll say yes, I know it’s stupid, but I want you to be the one to ask.”


“Gemma, will you go on a date with me?”


“Yes… wait, no. I meant about sex. Your class, you know…”

“I know Gemma, I’m asking you on a date. You are a bumbling fool right now, it’s cute, but you don’t want your first time to be like this.”


“A date?!” Gemma repeated with some angst, not too much though. She didn’t want Lukas to retract the offer.


“Yes, tonight after we get cleaned up from training. I’ll take care of everything, just make sure you show up. Oh, and maybe one more thing…” he got close to her, his mouth nestling in her ear as he whispered, “I don’t want you wearing any panties on our date.” And with that he turned around and departed the room.




The three headed to the Eberlorn practice arena, Gemma was glad to be returning to something she was good at. The practice arena was much larger and better maintained than the dirt pad Fernin called a training area. It was made of finely-grated sand floors, stone walls, and had multiple levels for spectators. Wooden obstacles were piled up the side, ready for use. A wall on the far side had sandbags stacked up against it, acting as a backstop to throw spells against.


Gemma walked over to the racks containing practice weapons placed at the entrance, she passed over a pickaxe and grabbed a longsword, bitter memories surfacing regarding her encounter with the Swamp Witch. Gemma and Fiona were going spar first, Lukas felt he already had the best understanding of how well the entire team fights.


Gemma looked over and evaluated the limber redhead. She hoped Fiona was durable enough to last a few rounds with her, she wasn't planning on pulling any punches. They entered the practice ring and faced off against each other. "Let me know if you need a break, I might not be able to tell if I'm pushing you too hard," Gemma offered to her opponent.


Fiona smirked – and then disappeared. A dagger struck the back of Gemma's shoulder, she whirled around to face the assassin, but she had already maneuvered out of reach. Fiona shifted quickly dodging Gemma's powerful swings, striking the taller woman across her thigh. The match lasted less than a minute before Gemma admitted defeat. She was fuming as she looked over at Lukas, who had the smuggest grin on his face as he watched Fiona decisively best Gemma.


"I think if you trained just a little bit more, you might be strong enough to handle yourself out there," Lukas teased with a chuckle.


Gemma scoffed, "Just wait your turn, I'll wipe that stupid grin off your face."


Fiona and Gemma went a few more rounds, eventually Gemma found a pattern to Fiona's fighting and was able to turn the tables on her. Lukas came out, it was his turn to face Fiona. Gemma decided to change things up, she beckoned to the other female Adventurer, "Why don't you go over there and take a rest? I have some aggression I need to get out,” she turned towards Lukas, who gulped nervously at the implications.


Gemma and Lukas fought fiercely for six rounds, each Adventurer winning three. Lukas had gotten much quicker since he and Gemma last practiced. Gemma blushed as she realized where he probably got the Agility boost. 


“Ok, I’ll let you Fiona have a go now,” Gemma announced as she headed for the seats. 


By this time of day, more people had filed in, with several pairs of Adventurers sparring in the different corners of the arena. More than a few seats were filled by spectators, Gemma spotted a familiar figure in the stands not far away. Lukas and Fiona were already hyper-focused in their training so Gemma meandered over to the mysterious observer and sat down next to her.


“I’m not sure why you are following me, but I suppose I can’t complain too much. I know it was you who saved my ass in the Mystic Forest.”


A set of purple eyes looked up at her, “I can’t believe you decided to charge a Swamp Witch by yourself, I honestly didn’t think my heal would do any good.”


“Your name is Gwyn, right?” Gemma asked, remembering her encounter with the girl back in Fernin. 


Gwyn nodded.


“I can’t believe you followed me into the forest that night.”


“I knew something was up when the capital brats let you join them. No offense, they aren’t very accepting of outsiders,” Gwyn remarked.


“Why are you still keeping tabs on me? I wasn't lying, my class is pretty standard.”


“Oh, I believe you. Sorry if I creeped you out. I was looking to connect with someone, and you were my only link to him.” Gwyn gestured down to the fighting Lukas. 


Gemma quickly bridged together some missing pieces. “What do you know about his class?” The tall Brawler continued interrogating Gwyn. 


“I didn’t get anything out of him. Our first meeting didn’t go as planned, let’s just say his first impression of me is rather pitiful.”


Gemma calmed down, though still uneasy about whatever Gwyn was hiding. “So you are following me hoping to run into him?”


“Something like that. If you were feeling generous, you could convince him to talk to me?” The short girl looked up to Gemma, as if wishing upon a star.


Gemma pondered on a solution, “How about you join our team? We could use a healer, and you could chat his ear off. He doesn’t think I talk enough.”


Gwyn blinked in surprise, “Yeah, are you sure I can just join your team like that?”


“Don’t worry, what I say goes. I owe you one, welcome to the team.” Gemma was pretty sure she had the deciding vote on her team, after Lukas, and maybe Fiona. She may have exaggerated a little bit.

“I have to be honest, I’m not exactly a healer, but I do have a healing skill. I can also cook meals.”


“What matters to me is that you saved my life.” Gemma stated, ending the discussion.




The group of four gathered after practice; Gemma introduced the newcomer. Lukas looked at her curiously, remembering their encounter.


“If you are going to be on the team, no prying into Adventurers profiles.” Lukas demanded.


Gwyn frowned at this requirement, “For an entire day?”


She was cute, Lukas thought. If she had any future with their team, she would eventually need to know about his class. Why was she being so secretive though? “If you would just tell us what you are after, we could probably help you.”


Gwyn stared at Lukas, contemplating a response in her head. “I wish I could. Just something personal I have to deal with.”


“But it involves others?” Lukas questioned, desperately trying to follow the logic.


“Yes, it does involve another. Let’s drop it, I’ll try my best to get on your good side.”


The growing team exited the practice arena, two of them heading to dinner, while Lukas and Gemma separated to prepare for their evening activities.




Several heads turned to do a double take as Lukas strolled down the street, holding the hand of his prized goddess. Her selection of dress for the night was red and tight fitting, showing off her curves perfectly. The hem was very short, perhaps her height was partially to blame, but her long, sexy legs were on full display. A black belt wrapped tightly around her waist, accentuating fit figure and large bust. Her hair had an extra flow to it tonight, as Lukas looked and the excitement and nervousness showed on her gorgeous face. Lukas had never seen her in a dress like this.


“What?” she asked when she noticed him staring.


“You look great!” Lukas replied, “I’m just admiring my beautiful date.”


Lukas himself wore a pair of formal slacks and the nicest jacket he could find, despite the warm weather.


They continued down the street, Lukas unable to keep his eyes off her. They soon reached the Great Hall, which housed a rooftop restaurant he had booked for their first official date. As they climbed the stairs to the top, a hostess greeted them warmly and showed them to their table. The menu boasted of fresh imports from the sea and other dishes completely unfamiliar to the young adults.


The dinner went well, both of them enjoying themselves immensely. When the food came, they ate without conversation, taking in each other’s presence. After finishing the main course, Gemma sipped from her wine glass as Lukas leaned back and admired her. 


"You’re actually enjoying this, aren't you?" Gemma questioned sincerely.


"Why would I not? I’m sitting here with the most beautiful date in the whole restaurant."


"You know what I mean, Lukas. Sure, I can put on a dress and catch some looks. But it's still just me. The same Gemma from Fernin. The only interesting thing about me is that I can swing a sword faster than you."


"Debatable on the faster part," Lukas grinned, "and don't sell yourself short. You are amazing. Despite your hard exterior, I know you're passionate. When you care about something, you go all out. Nothing stops you from achieving your goals; you would clear the entire Mystic Forest if you had too. That's what makes you beautiful."


Gemma smiled and blushed a bit. "Thanks," was all she managed.


Lukas leaned over and planted a kiss on her lips. Gemma made him come all the way, but reciprocated when he got there.


"Are we ready?" Lukas inquired.


Gemma nodded and rose. Lukas paid what was sure to be a sizable bill and they departed into the nighttime.


"Before the next stage of our date, I need to check something," Lukas said as he wrapped his arm around her, lowering his hand down her back, getting a handful of her exquisite ass, before dipping his fingers along her bare, slightly moist slit. "Good girl."


Gemma was shocked by his boldness on the public street, but made no move to stop him. She followed him as they strolled down a familiar path to the peaceful pond they had enjoyed the previous night. Upon reaching their destination, Lukas reached behind a bush and pulled out a long rope.


"What is that for?" Gemma watched him.


Lukas winked, keeping the mystery alive. Showing off his strength and agility, he climbed up a tree that was growing near the edge of the pond and looped the rope around a matured branch that was hanging over the water. 


Guessing the general idea, Gemma called up to him, "You don't expect me to swim in my dress, do you?"


"Of course not. Strip." The command came confidently from Lukas as he made his way back down to the ground.


Gemma did as she was told, unhooking the clasp of the dress at her neck and letting it fall to her feet. She stood in front of him, wearing nothing. Her statuesque body was highlighted by the moonlight. Her large breasts sat nicely on her chest. They bounced and swayed as she walked around the edge of the pond. Finally, she stopped in front of Lukas and bent forward, offering him a view of her taut ass cheeks and glistening pussy lips. Lukas felt his cock twitch in his pants.


Lukas wasted no time shedding his own clothes, then turned towards the rope. He had better get in the water before his enlarging member took over for the night. He ran, leaping for the rope, his hands grasping it as he swung out over the middle of the pond. He released, promptly dunking himself in the water. Gemma quickly followed him in, enjoying the thrill of swinging across the water. They embraced in the water, locking themselves in a passionate kiss. Lukas had done well with the date.


The two Adventurers were entertained with the rope swing for over an hour. Finally, it was time to turn in. Luke retrieved the rope off the tree while Gemma slipped back into her dress and tried to improv with her wet hair.


Gemma watched Lukas as he returned, fire burning in her eyes and butterflies growing in her stomach. Gemma had no doubts about what was about to happen. Lukas offered his arm to her and walked her back to her room.


Upon reaching the door, Lukas wrapped his arms around Gemma and kissed her passionately. His hands roamed her body, grabbing her ass firmly through her dress. She responded in kind, pressing herself against his body, grinding against his rock hard cock. They continued to make out, Lukas picking her up and carrying her inside, laying her gently on the bed. He quickly undressed and laid down beside her. Gemma followed suit, revealing herself to him once more.


Lukas took a moment to admire the naked beauty in front of him. Her eyes locked on his as she caressed his face with her hand. He then picked up the rope he had carried back from the pond. He grabbed her arms and forced them above her head, then began binding her hands together. Surprising, Gemma enjoyed the vulnerability she felt. She trusted Lukas more than anyone else, he would take care of her. Lukas took the remaining length of the rope and tied it off on the bedpost. She was restrained.


Lukas moved his mouth down to her neck, kissing her softly and nibbling on her earlobe. Gemma shivered under him, anticipating the pleasure to come. He worked his way down her body, licking every inch of her smooth skin. His tongue found its way to her breasts, lapping at her nipples until they became erect. Lukas took one into his mouth, sucking and flicking it with his tongue. He switched to the other nipple, repeating his actions.


Lukas then traveled further down, making his way to the junction between Gemma’s legs. He spread apart her thighs and licked her pussy lips. He found her clit and sucked on it gently. Gemma moaned in ecstasy as she closed her eyes, enjoying the feeling. Lukas kept working away at her, moving his tongue inside of her, tasting the juices flowing from deep within her.


Gemma writhed against her restraints as her first orgasm of the night wracked her body. Lukas had properly prepared her for what was coming.


Lukas moved up to kiss her deeply, sharing the taste of her juices with her. His cock now resting between her legs. She opened her eyes to see him staring intently at her, daring her to speak.


“Take me!” she demanded.


Lukas positioned himself so that the head of his cock rubbed against her entrance. Slowly, he pushed his dick into her warm, wet pussy. Gemma gasped in pleasure and pain as she felt him stretching her virginal insides. She let out another moan as Lukas took his time, not thrusting too deep... yet. They matched each other's motions, Gemma savoring the passionate love making.


As her pleasure increased, she began to buck her hips against him. Lukas knew it was time to give her what she wanted. He started thrusting harder and deeper into her, their bodies slamming together. Gemma cried out in pleasure, urging him to continue. Lukas obliged, driving his cock deep into her over and over again. Gemma's cries of pleasure filled the room as he pounded her mercilessly. She could feel her second orgasm approaching, but Lukas wasn't going to let her cum yet.


He thrust deep and then paused, "My strong warrior," his finger traced seductively along her jawline. "Are you ready to be my submissive?"


Gemma nodded, her mind racing with anticipation. Lukas smiled wickedly and began to pound her even harder, his cock filling her up completely. She cried out in pleasure as he pummeled her relentlessly, her body shaking with each thrust.


"That's right," Lukas growled into her ear, "I own you now."


Gemma moaned and whimpered as he continued to ravage her, her pussy throbbing with desire. She couldn't believe how good it felt to be used like this, to be his plaything. Lukas' cock pulsed and throbbed inside of her, filling her up completely. She could feel the pressure building, could feel her body starting to tense up. Suddenly, she let out a cry of release as her orgasm washed over her. She screamed and thrashed against her restraints, her body convulsing with pleasure. Lukas held her tight, fucking her through the waves of pleasure until she finally collapsed onto the bed, spent.


Lukas withdrew from her slowly, allowing her body time to recover. He untied the ropes binding her wrists and helped her sit up. Gemma was still trembling from the intensity of the experience.


"I wasn't too rough? I know it was your first time, I got carried away" Lukas asked softly, concern in his voice.


Gemma looked over, finding the strength to speak again, "I want you to take me like that every single night."


Lukas smiled and leaned in for another kiss. This time, Gemma met him halfway, wrapping her arms around his neck and pulling him closer. Their tongues tangled together as they explored each other's mouths hungrily.


Finally, they broke apart and lay side by side on the bed, breathing heavily. Lukas propped himself up on an elbow and stared down at Gemma, his heart pounding in his chest.  He just claimed the most powerful woman he will ever know. He had known for a while he wanted her by his side, and now she was his. Recognizing she needed to recover, he kissed her on the forehead and laid back as they both slipped off to sleep.




Lukas could feel Gemma's gaze on him and he awoke the following morning. He opened his eyes to the sitting beauty observing him.


"Are you alright?" Lukas whispered.


Gemma nodded, her eyes shining with happiness. "Last night was incredible."


Lukas chuckled and kissed her forehead. "Good, because I'm not finished yet."


Gemma's eyes widened in surprise. "But we just..."


Lukas grinned and rolled her onto her stomach, pushing her face down into the pillows. "Just relax and enjoy," he murmured into her ear.


Gemma obeyed, spreading her legs wide as he slid his cock into her from behind. Lukas groaned in satisfaction as he buried himself balls deep inside of her. He began to thrust slowly at first, giving her time to adjust. Gemma moaned and whined into the pillow, loving the feeling of being taken by Lukas. He continued to thrust, gradually increasing his pace until he was pounding her hard and fast.


Gemma cried out in pleasure as a quick, morning orgasm rocked her body. Lukas held her close, whispering words of encouragement into her ear as he continued to pump into her. Finally, he groaned loudly and came deep inside of her, filling her up with his seed. They lay together for a few minutes, recovering from the intense encounter. Eventually, they got dressed and headed out for breakfast at a nearby cafe, where they met up with Fiona and Gwyn. 


Fiona smirked as she saw the tall brunette walking gingerly. "Looks like he was very thorough with your initiation."


Gemma blushed.


"What did you get?"


"What do you mean?" Gemma looked confused


"What happened with your... skill?" Fiona was trying to be cautious with Gwyn at the table, whose purple eyes shone with bright curiosity as she listened intently.


“I don’t know what you are talking about.”

“Did you not tell her?” Fiona directed the question to Lukas.


Lukas shook his head, “I didn’t want it to influence her decision.”


Gwyn’s eyes shifted from the taller girl who looked very sexually satisfied from the night to the redhead who was not-so-carefully inferring something.


Fiona chuckled as she told Gemma, “You should really take a look at…”


Gwyn abruptly stood up, her chair falling back as she tried to tower over the group with her short frame. “Dammit Lukas! I need to know! Are you a Dominant?”


Silence struck the group as they frantically looked around, checking to see if anybody else was listening. Lukas shot an angry glare at Fiona.


Fiona threw her hands up, genuinely surprised, “I swear I didn’t say anything.”


Lukas then turned back to Gwyn, who was still standing there, her arms crossed. He knew the secret was uncovered, but he still tried to mask the obvious. “I’m not sure why you would think that, but you are asking for very sensitive information.”

Recovering from her initial outburst, Gwyn looked shyly towards Lukas, realizing what she had shouted to the entire cafe.


“I’m sorry, Lukas. I realize how inappropriate that was. I really need to talk to you… privately.”


Lukas felt his curiosity growing regarding the strange, but alluring girl, and he agreed to speak with her after breakfast. Gemma and Fiona ran off to start preparing for their expedition into the Mystic Forest while Lukas and Gwyn headed towards his room for their private chat.


Gwyn nervously fidgeted as her and Lukas sat close together on his bed. Lukas wanted to start it off cordially; he wasn’t feeling any malice coming from the cute girl seated close to him

and knew they had a bit of a rocky start up to this point.


“Honestly, I'm shocked you pieced it all together," Lukas finally admitted. "I mean it's my class and I barely know what's going on."


Gwyn smiled sweetly at him, "It will all make sense after I explain. You see, I was Scribed at the age of seventeen, which was a year ago. I was given a class so bizarre – which I know you can relate to – that I locked myself in my room for two weeks."


Lukas nodded, understanding the feeling.


“It will be easier if I just show you,” Gwyn said as she reached out her hand. A tear threatened to form in her eye, “Just… Please don’t take advantage of me, this has been my biggest fear for the past year of my life. Please.”


Lukas’ heart melted as he took Gwyn’s hands in his, wondering what was coming. Gwyn’s profile appeared in his mind as Gwyn watched him eagerly.



Gwyndolyn Groves

General Class: Deviant

Main Class: Submissive

Level 3


Strength: 10.5

Agility: 11.1

Mentality: 15.5

Vigor: 19.2



Liberating Submission (Passive) - Maxed - when bound as an Obedient to a Dominant, all skill effects are doubled - Inactive

Heal (Triggered) - Level 3 - grants a 20 HP heal to an Adventurer

Meekness (Triggered) - Level 1 - Turn invisible for 30 seconds

Wife Material (Ultimate) - Level 1 - receive a +5 Vigor boost for one day after cooking for a man



Lukas was both shocked and amused after reading through the profile. Gwyn waited anxiously for him to say anything.


“Uh…” Lukas stumbled forward trying to find something to say, “are you a good cook?”


Gwyn relaxed as a smile crossed her face. “I’ve been practicing ever since I’ve unlocked my ultimate. I’ve never gotten a complaint.”


“How long have you been searching for a Dominant? I’m assuming that’s what you were doing in Fernin.”


Gwyn nodded, “Yeah, I saw a Scribe traveling through the town I was in at the time; I decided to follow him. Didn’t realize he was traveling so far out there. I had been looking for months, I guess I got lucky when I saw you. Just the way you reacted to your Scribing, I thought maybe I had finally found you.”


“You did find me, you just creeped the hell out of me.”


“Who, me?!” she replied incredulously, “as if I ever would ever pose a danger to you. Look at me!”


At the invitation, Lukas looked appreciatively at her soft and nimble body. Maybe she could have crushed him with her massive tits.


“Are you scared of binding yourself to a Dominant? Is that why you’ve been so slippery?”


“Yes and no,” Gwyn replied, not giving a straight answer, “I really want to find someone to pair up with, the skill boost by itself would be amazing. But…” she paused, “my class is undoubtedly very strange, but interestingly, I think it does match my personality.” Gwyn admitted the last part as a blush reddened her face. 


“I didn’t want to throw myself at someone because they were a Dominant; a fellow Deviant destined to match me. I was fearful I might get trapped in a situation I didn’t want to be in. I wanted to be careful and make the right decision, without risking being taken advantage of. Does that make sense?”


Lukas nodded, “So where do we stand now? Are you interested in pairing up as a Dominant and Submissive.”


“Oh hell yeah,” she replied with enthusiasm, “out of all the people who could’ve been a Dominant, I get you. Mr. Tall, Dark, and Handsome. You could have taken me in the forest back in Fernin if you wanted to.”


“Aren’t you worried I might be a complete asshole? I haven’t been very pleasant around you.” Lukas asked.

“Nah, I saw the glow on Gemma’s face this morning. You can’t be that bad. But if you could be a little more friendlier, I do like affectionate attention.” She snuggled up against his arm.


“I would be a damned fool to turn you down,” Lukas decided, “but we will have to take care of it later tonight. I’m sure the others are waiting to go into the forest, and Gemma is not very patient.”


Gwyn looked disappointed that she wasn’t about to get railed right there on the bed, but she was happy with the overall outcome.




Gemma led the team down the trail, having the most experience in the Mystic Forest. They eased their way through many obstacles and enemies, having three strong fighters and Gwyn to support them. After clearing a group of goblins who ambushed them from a grove of trees, they got bolder and moved deeper into the forest.


They ran into another group of Adventurers at a fork in the trial. The group consisted entirely of elves, three females and two males. Their pointed ears and short statures deceivingly hid how powerful they might be. Lukas knew some of the most renowned Mages and Rangers were elves. Two of them wielded wizarding staffs, while another held a saber. A pair of archers stood behind the group with arrows notched in their bowstrings.


"Anorans," Fiona sneered beneath her breath. Fiona had the most trouble remaining civil with the higher-class crowd. Anora was a picturesque city nestled high in a mountain gorge, not too far from the Mystic Forest. Lukas had never been, but he had the rumors of the grand architecture and regal atmosphere. The city was populated exclusively by elves who prided themselves in maintaining a high standard of living. 


All five elven Adventurers were objectively attractive.  Each of them wore a similar outfit consisting of cream-colored tunics and breeches that were embroidered with golden metallic thread. 


Lukas eyes fell on one of the mages, she stuck out easily being a head taller than her companions, but still only about five-foot-six. Her features were flawless, medium-length, platinum blonde hair shimmered in the fading light beneath the canopy of the forest. Big, blue eyes and a cute, pointed nose completed her perfect face, which was colored by a light suntan. Her hourglass figure was accentuated by her tight-fitting tunic. Generous breasts, especially for an elf, swelled out from her slim figure. The woman was gorgeous.


Fiona nudged Lukas, breaking him from his trance. "What?" he asked.


"You're staring," Fiona teased.


"Just looking," Lukas said defensively.


"She's staring at you," Fiona whispered, pointing to the woman. Sure enough, she was looking directly at him, her gaze unwavering. 


"I would hate to have an Anoran bitch on our team, but watching you corrupt her might make it worth it." Fiona kept her voice low, unsure how pragmatic those long elf ears were.


The elves approached. The saber-wielding male stepped forward, "New Adventurers should really be careful about venturing this deep into the forest. Such ignorance can be extremely dangerous."


There was too much haughtiness in his tone for Lukas to take his warning seriously. He grunted and led his team straight past the fuming elf. Lukas gave the taller elf beauty a wink as he rushed by, causing her to blush bright red.


Despite the elf’s dire warning, the group returned from the Mystic Forest before sundown. All four of them were in an upbeat mood while they ate dinner, having finally gotten a taste of real Adventuring. Lukas and Gwyn were in an extra good mood, knowing their night was not yet done.

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