Chapter 93: Chapter 52
Lennix was navigating the grimy sewers, a challenging task for a vampire. His heightened senses, far superior to those of humans and most demi-humans, made the repugnant smell of the sewers almost unbearable. However, he knew he was the best-suited member of the group to confront Eirisse and her thralls directly. He was leading the way for the others.
"That tick really had to choose the sewers as her hidden base, didn't she?" Ercale, who Lennix knew as Cain, couldn't help but grumble about their location.
"What did The Shadow Monarch's hideout look like?" Zee, who had initially wanted to remain with Xain but had been convinced by Larkin to accompany Lennix, asked.
To which the emotionless Clarissa chimed in, "The Shadow Monarch? You fought against them? Because if so, that's impressive." Clarissa was here as insurance, given her previous words: "Master Lennix is too much of an idiot not to make mistakes, so I should come to make sure you actually reach Mistress Eirisse." This was her primary reason for being present.
Lennix's curiosity about The Shadow Monarch was piqued. They were infamous for their rapid growth in the criminal world, so he bombarded Ercale with questions about The Shadow Monarch. "So, did you and Xain actually bring down The Shadow Monarch? If so, how did you manage it? And what was their gender—man or woman?" He asked in rapid succession. However, Ercale quickly gestured for him to be silent.
"Did you forget that we're supposed to be sneaking through the sewers?" Ercale scolded, clearly annoyed by Lennix's barrage of questions. The stern words effectively silenced Lennix, but not before Ercale provided some answers. "The Shadow Monarch was a young man, about 19 or 20 years old. As for his appearance, he looked similar to the people of Aeruna. As for your other question, he's dead now—I killed him."
After learning that Ercale had killed The Shadow Monarch just the previous day, Lennix's curiosity compelled him to dig deeper. "Tell me, when did you do it? When did you eliminate The Shadow Monarch?" Ercale's response was nothing short of surprising for him, "Literally just yesterday." The news left both Lennix and Clarissa astounded, though it was hard to discern her reaction due to her emotionless face. Clarissa did interject, saying, "You managed to eliminate one of the most notorious crime lords just yesterday."
Zee chimed in, "Mmm, they did. Although, according to Xain, it was primarily Cain who did most of the work." This revelation left Lennix in awe, and he commented, "So, you took down one of the most feared crime lords yesterday, and today, you're determined to prevent a vampire from evolving and liberate an entire town from her grasp? Talk about a packed two days."
Ercale couldn't help but roll his eyes at Lennix's remark. "Yes, thanks for the reminder, as if I weren't keenly aware of it," he retorted before they continued onward through the sewers.
As they ventured through the dark and fetid sewers, Zee couldn't help but express her concerns once again. "I wonder if Xain and the others are safe," she murmured, her anxiety clear. Ercale, growing increasingly annoyed, responded with an exasperated whisper, "You've asked that five times now!" Zee quickly corrected herself, saying, "I'm just concerned for hi-I mean them."
Lennix stepped in to offer some advice, saying, "Don't concern yourself with their well-being right now. Focus on our own safety, especially since we're headed into a far more dangerous fight." Clarissa chimed in with a blunt observation, "It's understandable that she'd be worried, given her feelings for Xain."
Zee tried to deflect the implications, stammering, "I-I-I don't know what you're talking about. I'm just worried for him, nothing more!" However, her attempts to deny her emotions were transparent. Ercale, growing increasingly impatient, snapped, "Enough! Drop the damn tsundere act. Anyone with a half-functioning brain can figure out how you feel about that ape."
Zee fell silent and continued walking, her gaze fixed on the ground. Her cheeks were flushed, and her embarrassment even colored her ears. She couldn't help but think, *I just hope everything's going well,* as they pressed on through the dimly lit and murky sewers.
"So far so good," Xain whispered as he led Victoria and Larkin through the labyrinthine back streets of Moonveil. While he might not have been intimately familiar with the town, his experience navigating back alleys and hidden passages served him well as he led Victoria towards the militia barracks.
They were sneaking because Lennix had warned them, "My sister has probably commanded the militia to attack you on sight." Ercale's guidance had reinforced their cautious approach, with the demon advising, "We don't know which members of the militia are under mind control, so avoid all of them until you reach the barracks."
Silently, they pressed on through the shadowy paths, one step closer to breaking Eirisse's control over Moonveil.
As Xain led them through the winding streets, he posed a critical question, "What exactly is our plan when we reach the barracks? Because we still wouldn't know who's under Eirisse's control." With caution, Larkin and Victoria huddled behind a nearby wall to discuss their strategy.
Victoria began to share her theory, explaining, "I have a theory about that cow's mind control. I believe it affects only those who lack mana or exhibit feeble willpower." Xain gave a knowing nod as if he understood the intricacies of magical influence. Victoria continued, "The former Supreme Officer Kaden excels in both aspects, so it's unlikely he's under her control. Once he finds out that I'm alive, he will, without a doubt, support me!"
Larkin's expression remained concerned as he peered down the alley, catching sight of the militia patrolling the main roads. They were either searching for them or following their usual routine. "I just hope we can get there in time," he said, mindful of the urgency of their mission.
Victoria attempted to reassure Larkin with her words, saying, "Don't worry, as long as nothing unexpected happens, we'll be completely fine." Just as she finished speaking, an unforeseen event unfolded. A loud explosion erupted, followed by plumes of smoke billowing up from a location roughly four blocks away.
The sight left Victoria, who had been so confident just moments before, confused and scared. So scared in fact that she grabbed onto Xain. Larkin and Xain knew the source of the explosion, *Why the heck did you do that Amara!?*