The crimson princess

Chapter 164: Birth of Rias

Pov Dia,

Dia: "How are you, my cute little So-tan?"

As I spoke, I stroked the cheek of this adorable little sister of Sera-chan.

I placed my hands in front of her eyes and created small animals made of PDD (without any destructive intent), letting them float and move around her.

She was already cute while laughing at my touch, but now, with stars in her eyes, she looked even more precious.

Of course, I took a photo of this moment for Sera-chan, since she wasn't present due to having too much work.

Oni-sama, Grayfia-chan, Lord and Lady Sitri, and little So-tan were with me in the waiting room, while my father was accompanying Mother, who was currently giving birth.

Dia: "Oni-sama, this is the song that will be played at Riri's birth celebration."

He took the sheet and analyzed the score.

Sirzechs: "This music is very noble, but it's perfect for our new little sister."

He started talking about my newly adopted daughter a month ago.

Dia: "She is adorable and will grow into a beautiful woman, much like how I look right now."

I decided to give up my loli form, except for the shooting of Miracle Levia-tan, due to various reasons, and I really like this new appearance.

Dia: "I would have loved for her to be as childish as So-tan so that I could pamper her without making her feel embarrassed, but there's nothing we can do about it."

Everyone in this room was aware of the adoption and all the things we had fabricated. As for my new appearance, the official excuse is that I fused with my wife because she had an incurable disease, and there was nothing we could do—so I wanted her to live on through me.

Other information, Inglis had much too much energy so I had to put it in my peerage to save her, it's a bit the reality except that in this scenario it is my biological daughter.

When I heard my mother insulting my father, I immediately plugged So-tan's ears with relaxing music.

Dia: "Was it also like this when I was born?"

Sirzechs: "No, it wasn't like this—it was worse. And apparently, at my birth, it was even worse than yours. Plus, I caused a lot of damage because of my Super Devil level from birth."

Dia: "You know, sometimes I envy you for having natural talent."

Sirzechs: "You say that, but you're stronger than me."

Dia: "Yes, but I trained like a maniac to reach my current level, and I still do. I train with weapons that weigh as much as a star like the sun, and that is very heavy."

I never stop training because power is very important in this world.

After that, we talked about the girls I will have soon. In addition to Testarosa, Misery and Carrera are also pregnant.

In addition to these three, I have a feeling that it will soon happen for Rain and Ultima as well.

I asked Rimuru if she was involved in something, but she answered negatively, and I know that a maid cannot lie to her mistress, so I believe her.

The preparations for the three new children are going well, and all of them will be one year younger than Riri, So-tan, and Inglis-chan.

Dia: "Why is this taking so long? With Rimuru, it was fast."

Sirzechs: "I don't think you can compare a devil's birth to that of a slime, especially since your children with Rimuru were almost more liquid than solid."

Dia: "Yes, but she was cute, so we don't care about the appearance."

I took three seconds to process those words and decided not to correct the mistake because I simply didn't want to.

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