The Crazy Villain Regains His Sanity

Chapter 79:

‘We’re in big trouble.’

An alarm was ringing continuously in James Reed’s mind.

Of all things, he never expected Choi Jun-ho and Guillermo to meet so early.

The reason for the cold sweat was obvious, remembering the stories Guillermo had spread about Choi Jun-ho.

Before attending the gathering, he memorized hundreds of pages of information about Choi Jun-ho and participated with that knowledge in his mind.

With the introduction of the newly emerged danger Level 8 Plus monsters, Mexico suffered significant damage. Meanwhile, Guillermo lost a dear friend.

He vented his anger towards Choi Jun-ho, because of his claim of hunting Nuri alone, saying that the danger level of the monster he went up against must have been manipulated.

While James understood Guillermo’s feelings, he thought the other was venting his anger in the wrong direction.

Strictly speaking, it was an error on Guillermo’s part to assume that Choi Jun-ho’s solo hunting was similar to how one would hunt a danger level 8 monster.

‘We responded well.’

In the case of the United States, from the early stages, they successfully hunted Plus-tier monsters without significant damage through a thorough response system. The Nuri hunting briefings played a significant role in this success.

During this, there was intense debate internally, with the main topic being, ‘Is it true that Choi Jun-ho hunted this alone?’

James Reed, along with the other Transcendent, concluded that no one, including himself, could hunt the Plus-tier monsters alone. This indicated the formidable strength of the Plus-tier monsters.

However, watching Choi Jun-ho, he couldn’t help but think that maybe the other could have really hunted Nuri alone.

If it turned out he did hunt a level 8 monster alone, Choi Jun-ho’s status would reach a level far beyond the current one—a contender among the world’s strongest Transcendent.

Perhaps other Transcendent, including himself, deliberately ignored this reality.

In any case, one thing was certain.

‘If I translate wrong, Guillermo might die.’

James Reed recalled the personality of Choi Jun-ho.

A disposition that was infinitely distant from a righteous Transcendent and infinitely close to a villain.

Choi Jun-ho was a Transcendent with a cruel nature. If he took just one wrong step, it wouldn’t be surprising if he’s called one of the League’s Twelve Constellations.

If something bothered him, he wouldn’t hesitate to use force, regardless of his opponent’s social status. With a narrow mind, there’s no way he would just let it slide when someone insulted him in front of his face.

As for his merits, he lacked both greed and lust.

Choi Jun-ho’s actions spared neither men nor women. A prominent example was Anna Christine, who took a month off due to serious mental damage from Choi Jun-ho’s age attack. In the United States, there was an abundance of Awakened striving to catch Anna Christine’s attention.

This incident led them to abandon the beauty trap strategy.

However, it’s challenging to see the lack of greed as entirely positive. This was evident when Choi Jun-ho, who had no desire for wealth, exposed corruption in a lunchbox company through donations. The incident escalated, reaching the position of Seoul mayor and a member of the National Assembly, reaffirming that Choi Jun-ho was a ticking time bomb.

Whether to reveal it or not, it’s a problem.

A personality that would cause a stir wherever it’s placed.

‘If I make a mistake…’

James Reed thought about the repercussions of his translation.

It was terrifying just to imagine.

Guillermo was a Transcendent known as a pillar in Mexico, serving as a bridge between the United States and Mexico with a pro-American inclination.

With him, the United States and Mexico maintained a harmonious relationship despite their border proximity.

But what if there’s no Guillermo?

Transcendent from Mexico with anti-American tendencies would try to confront the United States.

It would create tension on the North American continent. Also, by killing a Transcendent, Choi Jun-ho would be shunned by other Transcendent.

If it’s true that he hunted a Plus-tier monster alone, he’s a valuable resource against the stronger monsters that might appear in the future. It meant he could contribute more to the world.

Such a resource could not be left to turn against the world as an enemy. James Reed had a determined expression, carrying a sense of duty.

He would handle this conflict; he was determined.

‘All right. I’ll work damn hard.’

James Reed started interpreting between the two.


James Reed accepted the offer to translate, and I relayed what I wanted to say to Guillermo.

What I wanted to say was simple.

Why blame me for your weakness?

Just hunt better.

Wouldn’t you rather spend that time improving your skills?

Since I couldn’t speak his language, I simplified it appropriately.

If he didn’t realize his mistakes and rebelled, I was ready to deal with him without mercy.

However, our conversation began to take an unexpected turn due to James’s unexpected move.

It was strange how Guillermo’s words were translated.

“You exaggerated the hell out of your hunting! You think you’re so strong? Bullshit!”

“You want to hog all the credit for the hunt, thinking you’re all that? Give me a break!”

“Yeah, you’re great! Go bald!”

Guillermo was clearly speaking seriously. However, as it passed through James Reed’s mouth, the words were getting strangely altered.

Seemingly aware of the strange interpretation, he started to have an odd expression on his face.

But telling someone to go bald, wasn’t that crossing a line?

While I casually dismissed it when Jung Ju-ho complained, being in the same position, it hit me like a bucket of cold water, and I suddenly became alert.

Could it be that my hair had thinned? I should check that later.

I asked James Reed, who looked like he was up to no good.

“Is he really saying this?”

“Yeah! It’s totally real!”

“I don’t think so.”

“It’s true! Believe me!”


Something seemed to have changed in the middle.

James Reed met my stare with an innocent gaze.

Since I didn’t know Spanish, it’s difficult to argue further.

But it was clear that there must be something wrong with the translation.

Especially seeing that the atmosphere around Guillermo was much softer than before.

“If you’re dissatisfied, learn Spanish! It’s easy!”

Meanwhile, he deceitfully continued in a nonchalant manner.

This macho man, no, he’s more like a schemer. It’s clear he played tricks in the middle of the conversation, this schemer-man.

When neither I nor Guillermo said anything more, the schemer-man laughed.

“Haha! It seems there was a bit of misunderstanding between us. From my perspective, you two could become really good friends, right? So, let’s get along well! Hmm? Super best friends!”

“Oh, you go ahead and be best buddies then.”

“It’s not all that bad! Guillermo is an incredible gourmet! As a gesture of apology, I’ll ask Guillermo to make you Mexican-style miso stew.”


Was there such a dish?

Mexican-style? What style was being infused into it exactly?

Schemer-man spoke with a lively expression in my direction.

“Aren’t you curious? It’s going to be delicious.”

“It won’t be fun if it’s not delicious.”

“Haha! Trust me!”

Why should I trust you when it’s Guillermo who’s doing the cooking?

“Come on, let’s share the good things together! You know that saying, right? ‘Sharing is caring’! Yeah, that’s the spirit! I really like it!”


It seemed like this guy deliberately pretended not to be good at Korean, even though he’s proficient.

Regardless, under schemer-man’s mediation, I could try Mexican-style miso stew cooked by Guillermo.

…Mmm! Guillermo might not be as bad as I thought?

* * *

Japan, which successfully brought the International Transcendent Day event to Tokyo, was putting in special efforts to ensure the success of this event.

By widely publicizing Japan’s resilience to nations around the world, this event was planned to be a showcase of the country’s strength, serving as a propaganda stage.

As a result, it was natural for them to pay attention to the dynamics of the Transcendent attending.

Placing Choi Jun-ho and Guillermo in the same hotel was part of Japan’s hidden scheme.

If a conflict were to arise, it could lead to the elimination of Transcendent from other countries.

From Japan’s perspective, it wasn’t necessarily a bad thing that other countries’ power diminished and their images tarnished.

Especially if it involved Transcendent from neighboring countries.

The Awakened Minister reported to the Prime Minister.

“Choi Jun-ho and Guillermo met, but no conflict occurred.”

“Why not?”

“James Reed mediated.”

“Macho Man… Choi Jun-ho is not the person to respond to mediation.”

“James Reed showed his resourcefulness. I didn’t think that far. I apologize.”

Macho Man James Reed, with a rough exterior that was easily misunderstood, was, in reality, an elite among elites who had gone through the Stanford Ph.D. program.

He was one of the individuals Japan was most cautious about in this event.

It’s a style that combined the shrewdness to secure national interests in any situation with adaptability and versatility.

“It’s a shame, but it can’t be helped. Anyway, since Choi Jun-ho is a ticking time bomb, opportunities won’t be scarce, right?”

“That’s right.”

“He has considerable skill, but he has a bad temper. Since a bomb can explode anytime, anywhere.”

“There are a few points where it could explode.”

Among them, the awakened minister pointed to the process of hunting Nuri.

As people hunted the danger level 8 plus monsters that appeared worldwide, the number of Transcendent questioning the hunting information provided by Korea increased significantly.

The Prime Minister and the awakened minister did not doubt the information provided by Korea. Based on that, they established a manual and were able to hunt plus-level monsters with minimal damage.

However, the presence of a young Transcendent in a neighboring country, who could be considered the strongest in the world, was burdensome.

Even if they had a relationship close to an alliance.

“Jealousy has a way of obscuring the truth. Stick to stirring things up from behind the scenes. Our existence must never be revealed.”

“They’re bloodthirsty creatures by nature. Just a slight nudge can lead to incidents. I’ll do my best to escalate the situation as much as possible.”

“Do your best.”

The awakened minister deeply bowed his head.


The opening performance at the event was truly excellent. It brilliantly showcased Japan’s cultural strengths and influence, creating a diverse and enjoyable experience for the audience.

It felt like a significant amount of money was spent on this event, confirming the notion of a wealthy nation hosting it.

According to Lee Chan-taek, resolving several common agenda during the International Transcendent Day event was optional, and it’s up to each country whether they would accept them or not.

“If many countries accept them, it can win UPN’s favor. UPN may not provide direct assistance, but it can offer indirect help in various ways. In this era overflowing with falsehoods, UPN is one of the most objective sources of information.”

Lee Chan-taek explained that as the largest gathering of Transcendent from around the world, the event held significant authority.

He also mentioned that important content often emerged due to the diverse opinions of the Transcendent attending, making it quite beneficial at times.

“It’s quite popular.”

“You’re going to be in the spotlight.”

I had felt eyes on me since earlier.

Various emotions such as jealousy, anger, envy, admiration, and respect were conveyed. It felt like being in a zoo as if everyone wanted to assess my abilities.

They could confirm, but they should be prepared for what they might find.

Before resolving the common agenda, there were presentations from each country.

Starting with the host country, Japan, the G15 Awakened nations, including the United States, China, the United Kingdom, France, Germany, Russia, Italy, Canada, Brazil, India, South Africa, Australia, Saudi Arabia, and South Korea, would present their hunting achievements and unique case reports in a total of twenty presentations.

These presentations aimed to showcase the achievements of each country.

Countries that do not have enough Awakened power to fully solidify their monster defense fronts needed help from the G15. In the case of Africa, the systematically organized Awakened power was absurdly lacking, and G15 took advantage by dispatching power externally to secure interests in other countries.

While it served as a platform for information exchange, beneath the surface, it revealed the sharp diplomatic conflicts and interests of various nations.

I didn’t have the brains to delve into this, so I just listened to the presentations from other countries with one ear and let it pass through the other. Some countries tended to exaggerate their achievements, and it seemed like it could lead to trouble later on.

However, I had no reason to intervene. I just quietly spent my time listening.

Finally, it was our turn. As we were the ones who initiated the first hunt of the danger level 8 plus with hunting Nuri, the expressions of officials from various countries brightened.

Our first spokesperson was Lee Chan-taek.

Standing in front of the podium, he began his presentation with a calm voice.

“I will brief you on the hunting process for the 1st monster classified as danger level 8 plus, Nuri. As some of you may know, the Avant-Garde Guild, led by me, failed in the Nuri Hunt.”


Confessing the failure calmly in a setting where everyone was boasting, those gathered in the hall were surprised, and their attention turned to Lee Chan-taek.

Amidst the pouring gazes, Lee Chan-taek explained the Nuri hunting process in a voice that was not different from usual. How they prepared before the hunt, how Nuri responded during the hunt, and what happened to the Avant-Garde Guild.

“I ordered all guild members to retreat and tried to stop Nuri alone. However, Nuri’s Gift at that time was so powerful that it was overwhelming. I thought I was facing my end.”

With a vivid account of the failure, the awakened individuals there paid close attention. Humans learned from failure. In my view, Lee Chan-taek’s presentation had the most substance among those that took place today.

“The one who saved me from becoming an enemy to the citizens of South Korea was Transcendent Choi Jun-ho. Let me make one thing clear: Transcendent Choi Jun-ho indeed hunted Nuri alone.”

Should I view Lee Chan-taek’s words as a gesture of support for his country’s Transcendent, or should I see them as a help to clear the suspicion against me?

As long as the people here didn’t pick a fight with me, I didn’t really care.

They kept gossiping behind my back, causing unnecessary problems.

“The process of hunting Nuri will be explained by Transcendent Choi Jun-ho.”

The gazes of the Awakened converged on me this time. I followed Lee Chan-taek and stood in front of the podium.

Looking around, I could see a variety of emotions more clearly in the mixed gazes.

Some were getting restless, their bodies showing signs of unease.

Well, the age of Transcendent was just a number, and there were plenty of them who bluff about their own abilities.

Since I became a Transcendent at a young age, many people probably want to dismiss my accomplishments.

This was how I saw it.

The process of Nuri hunting was widely known in each country, so why bother explaining it?

Those who didn’t believe would continue not to believe and dismiss it.

I raised the paper I had copied for myself to read. As I used Land Mine, it exploded, turning into dust that scattered in the air.

One thing was for sure; it had the effect of capturing everyone’s attention.

“Anyway, there’s probably no one who doesn’t know how I hunted Nuri, and those who don’t believe won’t believe no matter what. Is there a reason for me to explain further? Anyone with complaints, raise your hands. I’ll explain kindly.”

Of course, I would convey it not just in words but through actions.

My words spread, translated into different languages.

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