The Crazy Villain Regains His Sanity

Chapter 75:

Me: Where are you?

Me: I said I’m on my way!

Me: You read my message but didn’t reply. ¬_¬

Me: If you don’t reply, I’ll consider it as you unlocking the Gift.

Me: By the way, is Complete Immunity good?

Me: Ignoring me.

Me: [Expected delivery]

Me: [Gift icon]

Despite using my ultimate moves, the package and the gift icon, Berserker still didn’t answer.

I put my phone down and clicked my tongue.

“…This guy really seems to have really unlocked Complete Immunity.”

Considering Berserker’s personality, I had 100% confidence in my assessment.

The crazy guy probably became self-assured that he could defeat me, and then suddenly came to his senses.

Complete Immunity was a legendary Gift that didn’t allow its user to suffer from any abnormal conditions.

For someone confident in their own combat power, Complete Immunity was a shield that could withstand any poison, mental confusion, or debuffs.

It’s a Gift that I really wanted to have. To do that, I needed to find that Berserker guy.

“Looks like this guy has definitely gone into hiding.”

Where should I go to catch him?

This guy was a villain, so he’s probably moving around the outskirts, making it difficult to pinpoint his residence. He likely believed in that and was employing an evasive strategy, biding his time. Perhaps he thought time was on his side.

Perhaps he believed that if he continued to strengthen himself during this time, he could eventually defeat me.

…No, he couldn’t be that foolish.

However, the challenge lay in what came next after finding him. To obtain the Complete Immunity, I needed to acquire the blood from the heart. Did that mean I had to kill him again, or was there another way to obtain the blood?

This was something I needed to think about. Killing him would be a waste since he had some usefulness.

The most important thing right now was to figure out the location of the Berserker guy.

That was easily resolved during a conversation with Lee Se-hee.

“Of course, there’s a way to find out.”


“Yes, because the smartphone that Berserker has is registered under Jun-ho-ssi’s name.”

“That’s right.”

Come to think of it, I was paying the bills for it too. Should I lower the plan since I was practically providing it for free?

What Lee Se-hee was referring to was a ‘location tracking app’.

Since it’s a smartphone registered under my name, tracking it shouldn’t be difficult.

I would be seeing that Berserker soon, it seemed.

As expected of Lee Se-hee. If there’s a problem, she solved it decisively.

She smiled at me, crossing her legs and displaying her elegance.

“The lunchbox company issue is no longer under Jun-ho-ssi’s control, but it’s being dealt with on a larger scale than expected.”

Not only the lunchbox company but also the civic group and the Seoul City Hall-related department involved in selecting the company were under investigation.

Especially after the vice-mayor was dismissed and the Seoul mayor stepped in to explain directly, the scale of the incident was quite significant. Lee Se-hee mentioned that this reflected the president’s intentions.

“The president is more spirited than expected.”

“This time, he wants to firmly establish his authority.”

“His own party?”

“Yes. Even within the same party, not everyone thinks the same. Especially the power in the Blue House has a limited term, and the next power is emerging, so there’s bound to be a power struggle.”

They were trying to undermine the current leadership for a power transition, while the current leader was dismissing the successor’s aspirations, saying it’s too early.

Even within the midst of a single deceitful scheme, it was fascinating to see intense power struggles unfolding.

Regardless of the purpose, it’s not my concern.

“By the way, it’s unexpected.”

“What is?”

“I didn’t know Jun-ho-ssi had the ability to make crucial decisions from the sidelines.”

“They’re actively handling it on their end. I’m just observing. If they don’t handle it properly, that’s when I’ll take action.”

I was hoping that my actions would have a preventive effect.

Still, there were more cases where things didn’t change, but in those situations, I could just use force.

Unless I have to personally go around and handle everything, the government system would work more efficiently when self-adjustment occured.

It seemed like I had equipped a refined restraint that no longer impulsively killed without cause.

“With what happened to the mayor of Busan, both the opposition and the ruling party will be in disarray, and the pro-presidential faction will gain momentum. It’s not a bad development for Jun-ho-ssi.”

“Sounds good.”

“Yes, because they’ve learned that messing with Jun-ho-ssi leads to significant losses for themselves. They’d rather get along well with Jun-ho-ssi than have a falling out.”

“Honestly, I don’t want to get involved in politics.”

Even if the opposition candidate won in the next presidential election, I plan to get along well with them as long as they didn’t intervene with me too much.

It’s more important who the person was rather than which party they belonged to.

Lee Se-hee also expressed agreement, mentioning that it’s not an easy task.

“The party’s ideology is important. Members of a party usually follow that ideology.”

“If they don’t want to die, they’ll try to change that ideology.”

“…Well, that’s a valid point.”

There were surprisingly few people who wouldn’t compromise their beliefs in the face of death.

So, that’s why I was being considerate of Jung Da-hyun.

Lee Se-hee pursed her lips.

“Don’t just take care of Da-hyun, take care of me too.”

“Is there something you want?”

“I’ll think about it.”

Lee Se-hee, who had been smiling happily as if she wanted to hear those words, soon mentioned an upcoming event.

“By the way, you’re going to Tokyo soon, right?”

“Yeah. Why?”

I wondered if there was any other special matter, but after Lee Se-hee closed her mouth and seemed to organize her thoughts, she cautiously spoke.

“It’s okay if you go, but there are some concerns.”

“What concerns?”

“I’m not sure of the government’s intentions, but the awakened individuals affiliated with the International Transcendent Union generally view Jun-ho-ssi with skeptical eyes.”

What could they be skeptical about?

As I made a puzzled expression, Lee Se-hee showed me three long, white fingers.

“Firstly, by eliminating Zhang Zedong, Jun-ho-ssi is not viewed favorably by awakened individuals with a pro-China stance. Secondly, there are those who believe that the hunting information about Nuri hasn’t been accurately provided. Lastly, there are people who don’t trust Jun-ho-ssi’s abilities.”

“My abilities? Why?”

“There are so many unbelievable achievements that Jun-ho-ssi has accomplished.”

“Just because I caught a monster alone?”

“The damage caused by that monster to the world is enormous, you know?”

Not long ago, harmful level 8 monsters similar to Nuri appeared all over the world.

I heard that the damage caused by them was significant. The briefing on Nuri’s hunt was helpful, but at the same time, it raised doubts about my abilities.

This was different from the existing harmful level 8 monsters, and a new grade called “8 Plus” had been created for them.

It’s quite extraordinary to make a fuss over killing just one monster.

“The problem is that they are weak.”

“That’s the fundamental problem. But those people might want to test Jun-ho-ssi’s skills.”

“Why bother?”

“Testing someone is like checking if it’s dung or soybean paste that you’re eating—it’s human psychology.”

The expression felt exaggerated. It’s not because of me, right?

Anyway, I didn’t have much concern for those who doubted my abilities.

They might not believe it since they hadn’t seen it with their own eyes. However, if they attempted to test me with that kind of thought in mind, they would have to face the consequences.

There’s no such thing as a free lunch.

“It doesn’t matter. Just kill them all.”

“All of them…?”

“If they try to test me, they should be prepared for the consequences, shouldn’t they?”

“I doubt they’ve made the necessary preparations.”

“Then they’ll have to face the consequences.”

“…Jun-ho-ssi hasn’t changed. A storm is about to sweep through.”

Was she treating me like a troublemaker?

It seemed like Lee Se-hee truly didn’t know what real trouble was.

Still, I hadn’t caused any trouble while being in my right mind.

Deciding to think about dealing with the intruder after going to Tokyo, I returned to the initial topic.

“Tell me how to trace the Berserker.”

“Sure. Please give me your smartphone.”

Lee Se-hee manipulated it so that I could check the location of Berserker.

He was in a village on the edge of Haenam.

Could it be that he’s deliberately staying far away from me? Did he think I wouldn’t go to Haenam?

It was time to start thinking about catching that guy.

Lee Se-hee reminded me of something I had forgotten.

“Oh, and you should probably know that Director Jung Ju-ho’s confirmation hearing is coming up.”

“Why is that?”

“Probably because there’s a high chance Jun-ho-ssi’s name will come up during the confirmation hearing. Director Jung Ju-ho is Jun-ho-ssi’s superior.”

My name? Would they try to exploit Jung Ju-ho’s weakness through me?

Jung Ju-ho would handle it on his own, I suppose.

Lee Se-hee had merely passed on the information that this could happen.

Now, should I go catch Berserker?


Berserker had decided that his life was basically about endless freedom.

Driving a camper that could be called a home all over the country, and when bored, sometimes moving around with nothing but his bare body.

In the process, he sometimes trampled on villains if he encountered them, and if he came across nuisances created by hunting teams and found someone he couldn’t compromise with, he would kill them.

Someone had to clean up the garbage.

When money ran out, he hunted monsters and sold them in the black market to make a living.

Berserker didn’t haggle, so he was a welcomed customer.

So even though he’s living as a villain, Berserker’s life was not lacking.

Sometimes thoughts of family crossed his mind, but even that didn’t hold much significance.

Continuing this kind of life, catching a glimpse of a ‘moment of the stars’, that would be enough. The present moment, completely unbound by anything, felt very pleasing.



Thinking that gaining Complete Immunity allowed a glimpse of a ‘moment of the stars’ was nothing more than a misconception. It was just the thrill experienced upon obtaining the Gift, not reaching the level of a ‘moment of the stars’.

So the text message he sent to Choi Jun-ho hit him hard.

Complete Immunity was just a means to exert one’s full power; it wouldn’t make them stronger. Especially against opponents like Choi Jun-ho, it’s even more useless.

Berserker placed his hand above his heart. There was no special injury, but he had been tense since earlier. Although he had fully recovered without a trace, his futile resistance in front of that guy resulted in lingering effects for quite a while.

“That guy is coveting my Gift.”

He couldn’t forget the gaze that Choi Jun-ho had given him when he found out that he could have Complete Immunity.

Like the eyes of a predator looking at a delicious prey.

He knows that the other could plunder other people’s Gifts. If he obtained the Gift of Complete Immunity, Head Breaker would likely exert absolute dominance, immune to any abnormal conditions.

It’s like equipping a monster with wings and a laser beam.

Considering Choi Jun-ho’s personality, he would mercilessly kill himself and plunder the Gift without hesitation.

He’s not afraid of death, but he feared being powerless and crushed like a bug without being able to do anything.

That’s why Berserker decided to ignore his messages.

“Buy some time. Stand before him only when you feel sufficiently trained and confident.”

At least enough to ensure that his end wouldn’t be miserable.

He wanted to create cracks in that calm face. At least, create significant scars.

Then, when he looked at the scar, he would remember himself.

If it’s a battle he couldn’t win, he wanted to leave behind traces that couldn’t be erased.

Suddenly, this situation of his felt laughable.

“Hehe, to think I would be satisfied just to leave a mere scar.”

It was just a little while ago that he was contemplating how to kill the opponent.

It seemed like he got caught by a truly nasty guy.

But he didn’t mind. The existence of a seemingly insurmountable wall only served as a goal to push him further, unsatisfied with where he was now.

Berserker who arrived at the remote village of Haenam stayed for a few days, killing the villains lurking nearby and seizing their base.


A life of training by the endless sea was not a bad one.

Choi Jun-ho wouldn’t know he was here.

This strategy of traveling around the country unnoticed was a newly devised plan. Choi Jun-ho was a busy guy, so he hoped the other would forget about himself for a moment in the midst of various matters.

But why did he feel so uneasy?

He tried to shake off the lingering discomfort, but it wasn’t easy.

Haenam was a good hiding place. Not only far from Seoul but also a place with few safe zones, making it difficult for witnesses to exist.

However, his senses were sending a vivid warning, intense to the point of being scientifically inexplicable. In this case, holding out for too long might not lead to a favorable outcome.

“Is luck not on my side? I should move.”

Not ignoring the growing discomfort, he drove the camper out of Haenam that night.

He set a new destination: Yeosu. The plan was to stay hidden there as much as possible.

The car raced down deserted roads without hesitation.

Normally, it would be a breathtaking sight, but strangely, the anxiety was growing more and more.

“What’s the problem?”

What on earth was happening? Absentmindedly releasing the steering wheel, he looked at his hands and noticed they were covered in sweat.

Suddenly, his hands were trembling.

After driving with half of my mind elsewhere, the car entered Yeosu.

Having killed a few wandering monsters around and parked the car in a clear field, Berserker got out, fixing his gaze on the sea.


The ever-unchanging presence of the sea usually helped calm his mind. However, this time was different.

Instead, his senses were sending louder and more insistent warnings.

Get out of here. Escape quickly.

“Is it telling me to run away from the world?”

Even though he had come from Haenam to Yeosu, the unease seemed to intensify rather than dissipate.

But the warnings from my senses grew stronger and stronger until they reached a peak.

Thump, thump.

Suddenly, beyond excitement, fear began to engulf his entire body.

A feeling of tingling all over, a dryness that made the saliva stick to the roof of the mouth. The chilled spine became moist with cold sweat.

He had only felt this way three times.

During his first hunt, when he got married, and…

When he met Head Breaker Choi Jun-ho.

Perhaps gaining the Complete Immunity distorted his senses. It would be fine if his senses expanded, granting him almost precognitive abilities, but there was no excluding the possibility of abnormal reactions.

Wasn’t that the case?

He’s far away from Seoul. Choi Jun-ho didn’t even know where he was. But his body sending such a reaction meant it’s not adapting well to the Gift.

The moment he turned, thinking it was just an overly sensitive reaction, a voice that should never have been heard pierced his ears.

“Does Complete Immunity have other effects like enhanced intuition? It seems like your senses have improved quite a bit. Indeed, a legendary Gift.”


Berserker was shocked to the point where it felt like his breath was taken away when he saw the person sitting on the camping car.

The ghostly face smiling at him, upon closer inspection, was that of Choi Jun-ho.

How did this guy end up here?

“I came here for the Gift.”

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