The Corrupted Gamer: Harry Potter

33 Teasingly Teased

I really need to stop writing other things before making sure I already wrote a chapter for this first. Damn procrastination bug bites hard sometimes. LOL

Parvati had a great time on their date, or so she tried to convince herself as they went to the castle for lunch. Unlike what a lot of people thought, she could be just as smart and witty as her sister Padma. The difference was that she was outgoing and desired for adventure, to see what was out there and to find out what the world was like, rather than sit at home and curl up to read a book about the same thing.

And that was the problem she now had. If she was really Padma as she was pretending to be, the date would have been absolutely spectacular. In fact, she knew Padma would have adored Harry even more for pretty much giving her a lesson on creatures of the Black Lake and the Forbidden Forest while he made references to the spells both necessary and complimentary for handling them.

If Parvati had been a few years older, having a crush on a handsome professor would have been a great adventure for her, especially if he was receptive to her attention. However, she was eleven and Harry wasn't an actual professor. He was only a very smart boy that had caught her sister's attention.

Harry also treated her like she was made of glass, and that irritated her, especially when he cautioned her to never go into the Forbidden Forest without him. If he wasn't there to protect her, she could be hurt or maimed, and he didn't want that to ever happen. That implied she would never be allowed to go anywhere without him and not just into the most dangerous area around Hogwarts.

It was too restrictive for Parvati. What right does he have to tell me what I could do? They were betrothed, not already married! I was not his property!

That thought stilled Parvati's tongue and she fought hard to not shout outrageously about his behavior, because Padma would have loved for him to express protectiveness and caring on a scale that would be reserved only for Harry's family. Plus, Parvati wasn't the one he was betrothed to and she did her best to ignore her own ingrained reaction to fight against anyone holding her back.

The two of them entered the Great Hall and greeted their friends. Parvati had been around them enough to fake it and they ate the food together. She kept a smile on her face the whole time they were eating and talked when spoken to. When the meal was done, Harry asked her what she wanted to do now.

Parvati glanced around at the Ravenclaws and this was not what she wanted. She wasn't Padma, despite being her identical twin, and she could not live her sister's life. It was too restrictive, too intellectual, and she couldn't imagine being with Harry was worth the trouble. She wanted to be wanted for who she was, not for who her sister was.

“Would you mind if I spent some time with Parvati? We haven't really talked in a while and...”

“You don't have to explain, Padma. She's your twin and we all know that you love her deeply. If you want to spend some time with your other half, that's all you need to say.” Harry said and the girls and boys around them nodded. “Go have fun and try to not gloat too much about the free Care of Magical Creatures class you had today.”

“WHAT!” Hermione gasped and slapped Harry's arm. “I knew I should have followed you when I saw you leave the castle!”

The students around them laughed.

“I seem to have a bit of free time right now.” Harry said and stood. “Who wants to go to the edge of the Forbidden Forest and learn the best charm to chase off pixies?”

“US!” The Ravenclaws yelled and stood as well.

“See you later, Padma.” Harry said and bent down to kiss her cheek before he whispered in her ear. “I can't wait until tonight and we can cuddle and share the new book I ordered from Flourish and Blotts.”

Parvati blushed at the implication and she nodded without speaking. She sat there and watched as the entire group of first years went over to the Hufflepuff table and the entire group of their first years joined them.

When they were out through the doors, she walked over to the Griffindor table and sat beside her sister. Said sister put an arm over her shoulders and hugged her close.

“I'm sorry you hated it.” Padma whispered in her ear.

Parvati turned her head to look at her. “Bathroom break?”

“Bathroom break.” Padma agreed and both sisters stood.

“I'll meet you in the common room.” Lavender said without looking at either sister, smiled at them, and left.

“She knows.” Parvati whispered as they followed a few steps behind Lavender out of the Great Hall.

“I told her as soon as we switched places.” Padma admitted.

“Why?” Parvati asked when they entered the closest girl's bathroom.

“I didn't want to lie to her.” Padma shrugged as she locked the door and started to undress.

“Why not? It's not like she would have known the difference.” Parvati commented.

Padma chuckled. “Lavender might be air-headed and a bit aloof; but, that doesn't mean she's stupid. I also thought it was a waste of time trying to figure out what the two of you talk about when no one else is around.”

Parvati nodded. She completely understood that reasoning. Pretending to be someone else when around a boy that you have to practically slap to get his attention, was a lot different than spending time with a best friend that you shared all of your secrets with.

When they were both wearing their normal weekend clothes, they walked together up the staircases to go to the Griffindor common room. Parvati told Padma all about her date that was wonderful and that she hated.

Padma laughed and gave her sister a hug, just outside the Griffindor common room. “I'm glad we got that all worked out.”

Parvati nodded again. She would not be requesting another switch, even if she knew they were going to snog later. Kissing a boy that was kissing someone else while he was kissing you, became less and less appealing to her as she thought about it. The kiss on the cheek Harry had given her was too reserved. She wanted passion, and heat, and she wanted someone to kiss her because they wanted to kiss her.

“Thanks, Padma.” Parvati said and gave her sister another hug. “I get it now.”

Padma gave her a happy smile and walked away.

Parvati went inside and saw Lavender as she waited by the fireplace. Before Parvati could get across the room, Lavender had lunged at her, grabbed her hand, and ran up the stairs to their dorm room. Both girls were laughing as they dropped onto Lavender's bed and then Lavender begged Parvati to tell her all about the date she had with the handsome Bones boy.


Later that evening, Padma came out of the pensieve inside the Room of Lost Things and she had a beaming smile on her face as she hugged her boyfriend. “You really did treat her exactly like she was me, even though she gave herself away six times.”

Harry softly laughed. “Did you catch how she looked at me coming down the stairs? Not the blush, the spine straightening and she exuded confidence.”

Padma nodded. “If any of our friends had been around her right then, they would have caught her right away.”

“We do tend to hang around smarter people.” Harry said and stored the pensieve.

“Only a little.” Padma said and they walked over to the classroom setup. It was off to the side with all of the repaired desks and there were already several piles of broken and discarded things built up just inside the door to the room. “This is almost as good as your school supplies stall.”

Harry laughed and stored everything, took out the desks, and repaired them as he added them to the classroom setup. Not surprisingly, a pile of the desks had already been removed and had appeared in several of their classes. The castle's house elves had been busy utilizing the new resource they had available.

“Have you finished going through all of that stuff still in your inventory?” Padma asked as Harry took out a very stylish and fancy couch for them to sit on.

“If you're wondering if I found any old and damaged books inside lost trunks, cabinets, and dressers, the answer is yes.” Harry said as they climbed onto the couch and cuddled up together.

Padma gave him a teasing smile. “Do I have to win a tickle war with you, or will a little hickey be enough to satisfy you?”

Harry laughed and turned his head away. “Have at thee, vampire!”

Padma giggled and leaned in to clamp her lips onto his neck. She had been almost giddy when she found out that with their matching Gamer Bodies, they could cause lasting conditions on each other. They could also choose to let them remain or to remove them by the morning.

Harry tried to not moan as Padma sucked and licked on his neck. They might only be eleven; but, that didn't mean they didn't like having someone that loved them, kiss them as much as they wanted. It was also fun to let Padma enjoy herself. She was almost like a cat as she let out a little purr and her hands kneaded his t-shirt.

It took her ten minutes before she was satisfied and Padma leaned back to stare at her handiwork. To her surprise, the hickey turned out to look like a heart. She blushed and felt embarrassed and proud, because everyone that saw it would know that she was the one that had done it and had given it to him.

“I like it.” Harry said and Padma let out a startled 'eep' sound.

Padma looked at his happy face and then to the right and saw a floor length mirror as it reflected them.

“I think I'll keep it for a while.” Harry said and turned her face towards him with a hand. “You can keep applying it whenever you want, just to make sure it never fades.”

Padma's blush almost burned. “H-Harry.” She whispered and leaned in to kiss him. It was soft and tender, just as they both liked her doing them.

They were soon laid down on the couch and held each other as Padma took her time as she covered his face and neck in soft kisses. She would occasionally get in a mood where she wanted to cherish him and Harry never discouraged her, because he was still amazed that anyone wanted to do that. Him. The Freak. The one his aunt and uncle warned him that no one would ever love for as long as he lived.

The two of them eventually drifted off to sleep together and they had completely forgotten about the new book. A Hogwarts elf very quietly popped in, draped a hand-knitted blanket over them, and popped back out. If there was one thing a House Elf appreciated, it was someone that was willing to clean up after others.


On the afternoon on Tuesday, October 29, 1991 and Harry stood there with his classmates for his Flying Lesson. It was the fifth one he had had this month and it was the most boring thing he had ever experienced. He understood that they couldn't do much, because the school brooms were dangerous, and he did not point that out again.

Harry did take a moment before each lesson to switch the school brooms out for glamored conjured copies of his Nimbus 2000 that weren't so damaged that the charms on them could fail at any time.

It was the drills that annoyed him. They did no free flying, no casual flights around the Quiddich Pitch, and definitely no flying next to each other because of the danger. They were taught the basics and then nothing else. It was only kick off, repeat, repeat, land. Kick off, repeat, repeat, land.

If Ronalda Hooch had designed the course to kill most of the joy of flying around on a broomstick, she had succeeded. His fellow Ravenclaws had lost their eagerness for the lessons long ago and just went through the motions, as did the Hufflepuffs, and that was a bad outlook for a student to have. So, that meant he needed to do something about it. He had let this farce go on long enough.

As soon as everyone finished the drill and put their brooms onto the ground, Harry pointed behind Hooch's head and shouted. “Rogue bludger!”

The Quiddich Coach whipped her body around as if on a swivel, thanks to decades of officiating Quiddich games, and never saw the stunner that hit her in the back of the head. No one shouted or yelled as Harry Bones assaulted a teacher, either. In fact, most of them just exchanged unsurprised looks and shrugged.

Harry walked over to her and levitated her out of the way, created a lawn chair for her, and plopped her down onto it and covered her face with a Quiddich book. He waved his wand over the school brooms on the ground to end the glamours and everyone gasped as the ratty old school brooms changed into the best brooms on the market.

“Unofficial Professor Bones is taking over this class.” Harry announced and everyone cheered.


Minerva McGonagall sat in the Headmaster's Office and missed sitting in her old office, because it looked over the Quiddich Pitch and she could watch the first years in their classes as she did her paperwork. She had intentionally scheduled her off classes at the same times and sighed as she looked out at the view she actually did have.

The Black Lake was beautiful, as it always was. It wasn't the lush green of a well maintained Quiddich Pitch, though. Minerva let another sigh escape through her lips and started to turn away from the view, only to catch movement in the corner of her eye. Decades of enjoying the sport gave her lots of practice in seeing quick movements and what she saw, shocked her.

No less than sixteen students on brooms were flying in a perfect formation over the black lake. They followed a seventeenth broom and it led them through several impressive manoeuvres before the sixteen brooms split to have the colors of two houses in two groups, then they interspersed and then formed pairs in opposite colors.

Suddenly, there were ten bludger balls that flew at them from somewhere and one of each pair had a beater's bat in their hands and smacked the balls away. Then eight quaffle balls dropped from the sky and the pairs split as the students without bats swarmed over the balls.

Once they were sorted, they paired up again and the beaters hit away the bludgers. The whole thing reformed into two perfect 'V' formations with the seventeenth in front and they flew off back around the lake towards the Quiddich pitch.

Minerva knew why they needed the extra room, because there was no way to do things like that within the space between the stands. The lake was the biggest flat area besides the Pitch and it made sense to move the practice there. She started to nod, then she froze.

There were no practises during school hours and definitely not between two different houses! Minvera thought and strode out of the office. She went down the spiral staircase and out past the gargoyle. She walked swiftly, just barely below a full jog, and made her way through the castle and exited out through the side entrance that was closest to the Quiddich Pitch.

A minute later, Minerva stood on the short grass of the Quiddich Pitch and stared at it as she felt frustration. It was empty, except for a pile of falling apart school brooms and a lightly snoring Ronalda Hooch off to the side with her favorite book draped over her face to keep the sun off of it.

Minerva took a moment to calm down and remembered that she knew the flight schedule for Hooch's classes. Tuesdays were Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff and Wednesdays were Griffindors and Slytherins. Since today was Tuesday, that meant her prized student was involved. She would need to ask him what was going on, as soon as she tracked him down or found one of the Ravenclaw prefects to track him down.

She would get to the bottom of what she had just seen, or she wasn't Minerva McGonagall, Quiddich Fanatic.

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