The Castle in the middle of nowhere.

257. The Capital of wonders p.3

How should I call such an unbelievable thing? A coincidence? It was hard to believe in coincidences after living through the horrors of war. Freya was crying silently, but she was surrounded by Luna, Aoi, Hestia, and Lavender, who supported and tried to comfort her. Only Amber approached me and tugged me outside. We stopped near the balcony railing, gazing across the Palace Gardens in the crisp morning air. Just behind the distant walls, the people of Avalon were waking up or already tending to their daily business.

"It's..." She wanted to say something but couldn't find the proper words.

After an uncomfortable moment, she hugged me tightly and rested her forehead on my chest. We stayed silent for a long time, and I closed my eyes to find relief for my tearless but still burning eyes. Suddenly, I felt someone hugging me as well, startling me slightly. It was Freya.

"Thank you, Theon. It was hard to hear all that, but I would lie if I said I wasn't already prepared for the news," she said sadly, trying to smile. "I have been alive for centuries... No matter where my parents were, they would be dead anyway."

"I'm sorry for delivering the news in such a heartless way... It's just..." I raised my head towards the sky and sighed. I was locked between Amber and Freya in a way that I couldn't even hug them back.

"It's fine..." She sighed for one last time and wiped her tears with a mischievous smile, so unfitting in these circumstances. "So you knew my Dad, huh?"

"Please, don't make this even more awkward than it is already..." I groaned and rubbed at my eyelids. "But yes. I knew him pretty well... And before you ask, he was much older than I. He could have been my father."

"It's so strange..." She giggled and wiped another tear that started falling down her cheek. "But it's kinda comforting, Theon. I'm glad to meet you."

I smiled a bit and nodded. Somehow, this conversation helped me to shake some old wounds I wasn't even aware were there. But now I felt much better. Freya was still hugging me when I heard her gasp. Instinctively, I followed her gaze out over the wondrous sight, which was probably like nothing she had ever seen before.

"Oh, right... These are the Royal Gardens."


"She acts like a big baby..." Aoi complained as she looked at Freya, who was making a flowery wreath.

"She's been confined underground for centuries, sister." Amber shook her head in disapproval. "Just give her some time."

"I know, but..." Aoi sighed.

Hestia appeared out of nowhere and ruffled Aoi's hair. "Are you jealous of her?"

"A little bit..." the Dragonkin Queen admitted after a moment she needed to reconsider. "I mean... Theon knew her father."

"So what? It's not like she knew Theon back then. In fact, she was long dead before her father even met Theon." Hestia sat down near the two. "You can't be serious."

"It's just... Unfair." Aoi lowered her head and squeezed her eyes shut.

"Unfair..." Amber said with a slight but sad smile. "Theon feels guilty for not being able to give us all the time and attention we deserve, in his opinion."

Aoi opened her eyes wide and looked in shock at Amber. "Then why did he..."

However, the Dragonkin never finished as she simply looked at Freya.

"Aoi!" Amber hissed in anger. "Why has he taken another wife? That's what you wanted to ask? For the same reason he took you, girl! Of us all, you should understand and support Freya the most."

Hestia stepped forward. "Or me, don't forget about me. He took me as his wife to save my life, Aoi,” Hestia said calmly but firmly. "Tell me, what would have happened with you if he hadn't taken you as his wife back then?"

"I would have certainly ended up as a sex slave or be killed..." Aoi covered her face with her hands and started crying. "I'm so sorry, Amber, Hestia..."

"Aoi, you have the right to be uncomfortable about another woman joining our family. It's normal." Amber fixed her short, flowery dress as she sat on the blanket. "Theon loves us, at least. He tries his best to give us all the attention and time he can."

"I know..."

"But you don't understand!" Amber frowned at the woman she loved as a younger sister. "Just take a look at the reports about the surrounding nations and their nobility and royalty. Beneath a thin veneer of decency—or sometimes openly—they live with hordes of affairs, concubines, and manservants. Yes, Darius Metaka and Mia Francesca are exceptions, but the others? We have all the information on some of the more disgusting practices of these foreign nobles and royals. Imagine what their spouses must feel, knowing what their partners are doing."

The First Queen of Arcadia sighed, her voice softening. "I know how I sound—that we should be grateful that Theon isn’t a selfish bastard. But the truth is, we should be. He acts according to his own values, not following what is seemingly acceptable in Aderon. No, he lives by his own rules. But there's a catch, Aoi. He is probably the most powerful king in Aderon's history. Do you really think he needs you or me?"

"I..." Aoi lowered her head. "No."

Hestia picked up an orange from the nearby table and began peeling it."I'm not even sure if he needs me or Lavender. The only person he really needs in his life is Luna. But even her life could have been miserable if Theon was such a bastard as some heroes were or some royals are now. You would think he would use my authority to justify his rule. To ensure that people would accept him because the Gods are on his side. It took me a while to realise that he never needed my divine aid. Yes, our presence allowed him to take over more peacefully, with more people giving him the benefit of the doubt, but ultimately, he would have gained full control anyway. If not by peaceful means, his Immortal Legions would quell any uprising and his loyal Inquisitors would snuff any rebellion long before it could take root."

"What are you saying, sister..." Aoi looked in shock at Hestia, who just finished peeling her orange. "If he doesn't need you and Lavender, then why does he need Luna?"

"Because only she can ease the pain of his immortal existence." Amber shrugged. "Only she can give him the bliss of sleep, and her powers protect his mind. It's the only thing he can't do on his own."

"But..." Aoi furrowed her brows and clenched her fists. "But he loves us, right?"

"Of course, you silly goose!" Hestia shook her head in disbelief and sighed. "But I will be brutal, Aoi." Hestia split the fruit into pieces. "Love is a very capricious feeling. It's not eternal, and most certainly, it's not something you can take for granted. If you only demand it from others without loving them in return it will quickly burn out. Love is strange in its simplicity, Aoi. It grows when it's reciprocated and changes into an enduring bond if you are selfless in it. But as you receive it, you must gift it as well. It will wither like a flower if it's only one-sided."

Amber smiled softly and looked at the unblemished blue sky. "Theon once told me something about love I will remember forever.” She straightened slightly. "Love is patient and kind; love does not envy or boast; it is not arrogant or rude. It does not insist on its own way; it is not irritable or resentful; it does not rejoice at wrongdoing, but rejoices with the truth. Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things."

Hestia smiled. "And here we reach the core of the case, Aoi. Theon loves us all. His love is real, and he puts all his heart into making us all happy. Because we are not just some trophies he gathered or beauties to show off his status." Hestia raised the piece of orange and offered it to Aoi, who slowly took it. "He respects and loves us as we are."

"He is also protective and won't allow any harm to befall any of us, Aoi." Amber smiled warmly. "Since the day I found myself in Avalon, I wasn't afraid. If anyone in this world can provide us safety and stability, it would be Theon."

Aoi sighed and slowly chewed on a piece of orange, but the uncertainty on her face made Hestia sigh in turn.

"You do realise that he destroyed Berna and executed all the nobles who refused to surrender simply because Jukk'nala threatened Lavender?" The Goddess-Queen stared intently at Aoi until she gave a slow nod. But Hestia only exhaled in disappointment. "He killed a god and waged war against an entire kingdom just to save her."

"It's..." Aoi sighed heavily. "Only now I have realised that he might have done that simply for her. However, Berna was always a threat. Their radical policies would never let them accept Arcadia and the war inevitable."

"It's true, but he could have made another decision back then. Yet, Theon decided to kill Jukk'nala to send a clear message: any threat towards the Queens of Arcadia is punishable by death." Amber smiled towards Hestia, who offered her an orange piece as well. "There is also another thing to consider. To become a Queen of Arcadia, it's not a matter of coincidence or simple luck that some girls like us have, but it's fate guiding our paths."

"Fate... It’s a mysterious force, an unsolvable puzzle even for us Eternals." Hestia sighed and popped an orange piece into her mouth. They sat silently for a moment, then Hestia sighed again and leaned forward, resting on her elbows. "I agree with you, Amber. To become a Queen of Arcadia, fate itself must set its gaze upon you, and you have to find the strength within yourself to seize that one opportunity. I felt it myself, and I believe we all have. It’s not like Theon was bewitched by our looks, after all. With Amber, Irene, and Luna at his side, surrounded by exceptional beauties like the Flower Girls, secretaries, and countless aides—not to mention any woman living in Avalon—we were all just decent, maybe good-looking at best."

"Well... That's true." Aoi threw her hands above her head and dropped on the blanket, looking at the sky. "When I first saw you, Amber, I couldn't believe my eyes. Your beauty was simply unfair. But now... I don't know how it's even possible for me to look so... Good."

“It’s Eriar…” Hestia shook her head, a small smile tugging at her lips. “Don’t ask me why he’s doing it. Probably just for giggles.”

"Well..." Aoi smiled softly. "I certainly didn't mind."

Amber leaned over Aoi and softly stroked the Dragonkin's cheek. "Are you feeling better?"

Aoi nodded. "Yes. Thank you."

"Never hide such feelings before us, Aoi," Hestia warned the Dragonkin. "Such feelings would burn inside you, leaving only grief and pain where love and happiness once were. You can always talk with us, or when everything fails, seek Theon and tell him everything. Bitterness can destroy you, Aoi, so be aware of it."

"I will." Aoi's voice was solemn. "Thank you."

They sat in silence, watching the distant clouds drift toward the city. Amber exchanged a sorrowful gaze with Hestia. Unlike them, Aoi had the blood of an ancient dragon coursing through her veins. Like a dragon, she was loyal and protective but also possessive in her love. Zephyr had warned them about this, and now they were witnessing the first signs. According to the God of Winds, they needed to help Aoi transform that possessiveness into something more beneficial. He never told them what it would be, only that they would know when the time came. Amber wondered what would happen if Theon were here. How would he react if he saw and heard everything?

But Theon was visiting the Royal Military Academy with Luna. The Guardsmen training programme had recently accelerated because he wanted to secure as many cities and towns as possible before winter arrived. Until the core of Arcadia was secured, the Guardsmen would be trained as quickly as possible and armed with extensive handbooks and manuals to compensate for the rushed training. While the Dungeon Cities had all the time in the world, other key population centres were rapidly running out of it. Thus, some areas would need to be abandoned for security or economic reasons.

Theon was preparing for the assault of the Winter Beasts, which he predicted would come with the first snowfall. On the surface, the Kingdom of Arcadia appeared to be an unbeatable empire stretching from the northern sea to the Kingdom of Hilgvar in the south. However, those incomprehensible swathes of land were mostly empty, just untamed wilderness where you could walk for days without stopping and finding not a single living person. The Eagles and Dragon Riders patrolled the area but were far too sparse to do anything more. Somewhere in that wilderness, enemies were plotting against Arcadia, and Theon was doing everything in his power to ruin their plans before they could come to fruition.

“Um… Amber, Hestia, Aoi, I’d like to thank you.” Freya approached them quietly, holding three flower wreaths in her hands. Behind her stood Lavender, already wearing one, a soft, warm smile on the Dryad’s face as she watched Freya.

"Thank us?" Amber gave the Dwarfess an incredulous look. "What for?"

“I’m pretty sure your agreement to my selfish request was the key to becoming Theon’s wife. I never really believed I’d survive that battle, but I did. Now, I can feel the wind in my hair, the warmth of the sun on my skin, and I get to admire the beauty of this world again. I can’t thank you enough.” Freya smiled brightly as she handed them the wreaths. “I still don’t know if I’m dreaming or if this is real. I’m still anxious, and I know I’m incredibly awkward. But I’m grateful and happy. I truly hope we can get better acquainted and become the best of friends.”

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