The Castle in the middle of nowhere.

13. Quest for the receptionist.

The stranger was looking at her with his incredibly blue eyes and soft smile. She heard him speaking, but she was not sure what he said. She just agreed. However, the stranger smiled warmly and seated himself near one of the tables. Idna tried to return to her senses and swiftly took her new notebook and pencil, sitting in front of the man.

"I'm sorry, Sir. I was captivated by your incredible eyes. I beg for your forgiveness." She started her apologies, but he simply laughed candidly..

"Miss Idna, that would be the first time that a Lady used such a classic pick-up line against me." She felt her face turning red and wanted to hide when the full meaning of what she just said struck her.

"I... I just..." She started, embarrassed, but he smiled once more and raised his hand with an open palm towards her.

"While teasing you, Miss Idna, is a very tempting prospect, I'm glad you agreed upon my Quest." He was still smiling, but now he was in business mode and she could exhale...

...wait a second.

"I agreed to take your quest, sir?" She was shocked now.

"Indeed. I came here just to offer you a Quest. And you are a perfect match for a job I have on my mind."

"But... Sir. I'm just a receptionist, level one!"

"Exactly! That's perfect!" He was thrilled now.

Idna exhaled and gave herself a few minutes to regain the professional rhythm and the stranger was just sitting, enjoying her confused presence.

"What would that entail, sir?" She asked.

"Inspection of the dungeon zone located just outside the Village."

She gasped in fear. She couldn't possibly do that and survive, since even she knew the stories the dungeons. But before she could reject, he continued.

"Of course, I'll accompany you to hear your thoughts about the area. I can also guarantee your relative safety."

She looked at him and decided that was worth the risk. With him, she should be safe. She at least wanted to play receptionist to the end.

"And what kind of reward do you offer, sir?" she asked carefully.

"What do you want?" He simply asked.

"What I want...?" Idna repeated his question, surprised.

She looked around herself and thought about the home the good King gave her sister before allowing Idna to bring herself and the others here. She thought about the happy children playing safely within the mighty walls of Avalon, protected from the monsters that would normally be treated as a calamity and required countless sacrifices to be killed in turn.

"I... I don't know, Sir. In this place, there is everything! What could I possibly wish for? I have incredibly tasty food, fresh water and luxuries I never dreamed were possible! Sir... This place... Avalon is like heaven." She saw his smile once again. That man smiled a lot, but she felt incredibly calm in his presence.

"I see... I'm certainly happy to hear that Miss Idna. But isn't there anything you would like to have or get?"

Idna focused and quickly licked her lips. There were a few things...

"I want a few things... But I don't dare to speak up, sir."

"Miss Idna, I have to insist. Just tell me everything you want and I'll tell you what I can provide."

"I would like to see Avalon with my own eyes. I would like to walk through its streets and see the wonders my sister told me about. I would love to see the Queen and the King of Avalon. And I would like to obtain a familiar."

He just smiled...


She wore incredible armour made from small rings under which she had thick but not cumbersome cloth. She was armed with an incredible sword and targe. She was more than sure these items were unbelievably expensive, yet the stranger just allowed her to use them.

Her sister showed her the dungeon just across the gate. It was a place covered by a magical fog, but as far as they could see, it was empty and flat, with small groups of monsters hiding in it. She wasn't sure what exactly she had to inspect, but she accepted the quest.

She swallowed and crossed the gate into the dungeon. What she saw there was unexpected.

The fog lifted and the entire area was visible up to the distant wall of the higher levels of Avalon. However, the fog was not entirely gone as it still blocked the view of the magnificent Palace her sister told her about. She looked around and saw the stranger laying in the grass, chewing on a stalk which stuck out of his mouth.

She couldn't help but giggle at this sight. They were inside a Dungeon, yet she didn't feel this ominous presence she always felt even in the distance when she was nearby other dungeons. The very first thing children learned in this world is fear of dungeons. She learned her lesson well when her parents were killed by monsters sent out by some dungeon while they tried to protect them. In a sense, they succeeded.

And yet here he lay. Unfazed by the situation, the mysterious stranger was biting at a string of grass and humming some melody.

"Sir! I'm ready." She waved at him and came closer.

"Excellent. Let's begin then!" He smiled while still laying. "Tell me, what's your first impression?"

"This place transformed a lot. I can't believe it's the same location I saw before. It's still flat but now it's..." she hesitated, unable to find a good word.

"Better?" The stranger helped her.

"Yes. Definitely better! Now the terrain here is more diverse while still retaining the properties of a plain. And this lake? Just wonderful! If not for the baths at home, I would gladly jump there to clean myself!"

He looked at her, laughing at some thought, and she once again felt as if she was turning red. However, the man was still looking at her, waiting for more.

"I can't see if the pond has a fish spawner or another aquatic node, but even if not, that wouldn't be a problem. The guild will try to ask the King for permission to bring fish and, with a little luck, the dungeon will be able to replicate them or even in the best-case scenario, the dungeon will obtain a new animal spawner."


She was so pure! I was amazed she survived that long in the world out there. I can already tell that Idna sometimes spoke before she thought, which was somewhat cute, to be honest.

To whomever is reading my journal, I know what you’re thinking at this very moment. That I planned to block their water to peep at a naked catgirl in the lake. This is very poor planning. If I blocked water to the bathrooms, I would have to endure every random dude who also would use the lake to wash themselves as well. So that's a no.

However, the information about fishes was more interesting. Fish and chips, here we go!

"Miss Idna, there is one monster approaching you from the left side."


Idna swiftly looked to the left and saw a light blue slime slowly crawling her way. She quickly appraised it and smiled.

She prepared herself and quickly charged the slime, thrusting with the sword. However, the slime jumped toward her. She covered herself with the targe, trying to cut with a wide cut this time.

The slime, however, bounced off her targe, and once again started crawling her way. This time, Idna concentrated as she fully understood that this may be monster level one but slimes rarely are seen at this low level. And judging how this one avoided her every single attack explained why. Her heart started beating faster as she understood she could lose.

The slime stood still and sprung forward, right towards her face. But Idna was waiting - for this to happen.

"Wide Cut!" she cried out while gripping the sword with both her hands, swinging it in an arc. A small mana blade formed on the tip of her sword and extended the range of her cut just enough to reach the monster flying at her.

She made it! She defeated a monster all by herself! She quickly looked at the dissolving slime body and saw one copper coin and a strange silver-coloured item she appraised quickly.

Exceptional grade item.

A tool routinely used for sharpening pencils or even sticks.

Cost: -never sold before-

Her first loot! And it was so practical! She would treasure it forever.

"Excellent!" She heard a stranger clapping his hands nearby. She saw his hands pointing right. "There is another monster."


She was panting very hard as she leaned over the lonely rock. They were in the dungeon for three hours and she levelled five times. That was incredible! However, she was sure that she was able to proceed this smoothly only because of the equipment the mysterious stranger lent her for the mission duration.

"Miss Idna, what kind of familiar you would like to obtain?" the stranger standing nearby asked casually, offering her a bottle of water.

She took it and drank greedily. She gave him back the bottle and dried her lips while he gave her a vial of health potion. She slowly opened it and shrugged her arms.

"I don't know if I'll be able to tame any monsters here. But I really would like to have a wolf," she replied calmly, red from exhaustion.

"Mhm. What about an eagle?"

"Eagles are not only hard to tame but also require a big space of their own. I also don't think an eagle would like to stay indoors that long while I'll be working daily at the guild hall, Sir." She shook her head and added with a big grin on her face. "But a wolf wouldn't mind napping near the fireplace while I'll be working or living in our wonderful home and well… that would be the life, Sir!"

"Ohh..." He looked at her for a while with a surprised face but nodded with a soft smile. "Thank you, Miss Idna. I think I understand a little more about familiars now. Shall we move on?"

"Yes, Sir. I’m ready." She stood up slowly and almost fainted, but the stranger caught her in time.

"Let's just wait a bit longer." He helped her sit once again and gave her a red fruit she had never seen before.


Queen Josla was furious.

Her elite spies failed to infiltrate the new dungeon and, what was worse was they just lost themselves in the fog. However, as infuriating as it was, that was not her main concern. If her scouts couldn't get into the Dungeon, no one else would be able to. The slavers recently lost some of their people and demanded from her information on who was responsible. She sighed as she had no idea, but sent a request to start an investigation.

She looked at a map of the Cridia Kingdom and marked on it the wave of refugees. There were not many of them, but it was a noticeable amount indicating something bad may have happened. That, as well as the famine that will hit the kingdom because of this year's drought, may have dire consequences.

However, she was able to negotiate with the Mountain Dungeon for a supply of food in exchange for the life of about a thousand people, which was excellent since she had too many criminals in her prisons, anyway.

Once again, she glanced at the map and sighed. Something was happening in the east and she had to know what.


"So what do you think, Miss Idna?" the blue-eyed stranger asked patiently.

"I will prepare an official evaluation of this place for use by our guild, but I already can tell you, I'm amazed!" They were standing on the opposite side of where they started, and it was now early afternoon. "I was able to level up to level six in just seven hours, Sir! That's incredible. Before my sister and her guild found this Dungeon, Lanka needed almost five years to get six levels!"

He smiled warmly and slowly walked forward towards the gate to the upper levels of Avalon. Idna had to move a bit quicker to match his speed.

"What did you think of the monsters, as you call them?"

"I still can't believe it. They attack alone or in pairs, and while I had to watch out, I was able to defeat them. I'm certain that Dungeon could kill me at any time, yet it allowed me to kill its monsters." She fixed the target and moved towards the man. "Also, the loot is very appealing as well as the herbal nodes that can be found around. I think if our guild recruits new Adventurers, we will be able to use this area as a training ground. I'm aware that my Guild has a very special standing with the Righteous Dungeon, but knowing and seeing with my own eyes are two different things!"

"Excellent!" The stranger was visibly happy to hear her evaluation.

"Sir... We should return as it's starting to get late. Despite being on good terms with the Dungeon, I don't think that sleeping here would be wise."

"Some of the bigger groups of Adventurers might try, though. Look over there." Idna moved her head toward the pointed direction and saw a wolf that was laying in the grass near a small hole which in the wild could be its den.

"They are less active at night? But... What a wonderful place!" She was excited to see that. "Avalon is an incredible place."

He smiled once again and turned towards her when they reached the big gatehouse’s closed portcullis and the heavy-looking double doors behind it.

"That concludes my quest, Miss Idna." His voice was soft and calm, but she could somehow tell that he was very amused.

"Sir... This must be some kind of mistake! The amount of experience points..." She gasped and paled when she read the World Words floating in front of her.

"Is that so? However, nothing can be done about that now. I shall now give you your reward." He said and stepped forward to the gatehouse and Idna saw a heavy metal grate rising.

It was raised just in time for the gates to open outside and allow the blue-eyed man to enter inside without slowing him down. Idna was awestruck, but she followed him unwittingly. They passed two more sets of grates and doors; one in the middle of the gatehouse and the second on its exit. Idna looked at the wide street laid with white stone and the two Skeleton Knights guarding the entrance on both sides. She slowly followed the stranger, who carelessly walked forward, holding his hands behind his back.

"Mr... Ammm... Sir?" She just realised she spent a few hours with a man whose name she didn't even know. "We shouldn't be here!"

"Why? The gate opened for us. However, the only way leads forward, Miss Idna." He turned his head towards her while still slowly walking the streets of Avalon.

Idna turned quickly and saw that the way back was closed and the last heavy grate started slowly going down. She hastily moved toward the man, too scared to stay alone in this wonderful but strange place. All buildings around her were simply majestic and richly decorated. All around her were white, blue, and gold finishes that made even the simplest of buildings look more impressive than queen Josla's entire capital.

They slowly walked down the street, but she hadn't seen anyone so far until she heard the happy screams of playing children from a nearby park. There are children in Avalon as well! After a moment, she noticed that she was walking alone. With fear, she looked around and saw a stranger waving at her and showing her to return. She quickly ran to him.

"I'm sorry, Miss Idna. I noticed that this shop might offer some items you would like to try, but you already managed to stroll away a bit." He opened the door to a brightly lit shop and Idna timidly walked inside.

"Welcome to my tailor shop, Miss! How may I help you?" The young-looking woman welcomed her with a wide smile on her face. She wore an incredible dress embroidered with colourful threads that created a wonderful flower motif. Her long golden hair shone brightly with her gentle movement.

"Welcome, Miss Wendy. Can you help Miss Idna to find some matching clothes?" the stranger asked, startling Idna as she found the question completely unexpected."I'll wait outside."

"But of course! Let's see..."

After almost an hour Idna, all happy, left Wendy's shop wearing an amazing long green and blue dress with embroidered flowers. In her hand, she had two big bags, which had five more wonderful dresses inside. Idna had given the armour, sword and targe back to the stranger before trying on many dresses that Wendy showed her.

"You look wonderful, Miss Idna." The blue-eyed stranger said, smiling softly.

"Thank you, Sir." She felt herself blush slightly, but gave him her best smile. She felt beautiful.

He once again moved forward, helping her with bags. She now felt more natural and free in this strange Castle. She knew she was in the Dungeon, but on the other hand... It was so safe here. She saw fountains, big pots with flowers growing inside of them and trees growing in designated places along roads so that when the summer came they would cast shade, giving respite from the hot rays of the sun.

"Do you like Avalon, miss Idna?"

"I love it! We are so blessed to be able to live in its shade!" She nodded quickly with conviction, making her shoulder-long hair fly around loosely. "I can't imagine leaving this place anymore, Sir."

They entered one more big gatehouse, but this time, all the gates and grates were already open. Idna saw the magnificent garden with fruit trees she had never seen before. Wonderful fruity and flowery scents were in the air as she followed the stranger towards the Palace. She gasped when the doors immediately opened and they entered the grand hall in which she suddenly felt small.

But the stranger moved forward, and she followed him, too bewitched to protest or be afraid. They entered a big empty room, and she quickly realised it must be the throne room, the heart of Avalon. She looked around in the hopes of seeing the Queen or the King, but she was all alone with a blue-eyed stranger...

...The blue-eyed stranger who just walked up to the King's throne and sat on it. She saw his clothes change from combat equipment to a breathtaking dark blue robe embroidered with golden thread and finished with snow-white elements. On his head was a simple crown made of gold.

"I'm happy to hear you love Avalon, Miss Idna."

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