The Castle in the middle of nowhere.

10. The town under Avalon

"A Phantom Ranger!" exclaimed Fuellar with reverence and shock.

Lanka didn't need even a second. The echo of Fueller's voice was still ringing in the chamber when she started walking toward the golden key with a serious expression on her face. But before she could touch it, the Guild Master barred her path.

"Friends and Guild Members! I just realised that this trial and how it culminated was the very thing I have been waiting for my whole life."

He looked at everyone.

"I'm going to Avalon. I want to catch a glimpse of its wonders. We all saw things we had never even heard about before. Equipment that has never been seen before. Mysterious and tasty potions. But what's more important is that even if I die in the process, I finally would be able to help fix this world. I hereby disband the Emerald Shield Guild! Every one of you must make your decision. In case no one wants to go with me... Farewell, my friends!"

He grabbed the golden key and vanished from the room, with Lanka vanishing right after him.

Somewhere ahead was Avalon and its Priestess. She would beg her to be her apprentice.


Mana economy for dummies like me:

I received almost nothing, or more like I was at zero from gathering resources taken by my own residents, but that's logical. However, for fighting my denizens, I received about 20% of what I was getting from regular adventurers.

The next exception was the extraordinary feats they achieved. These rare occasions give plenty of mana. Like my Dwarves or Wendy crafting rare or higher-grade items.

Or Marie, who received a very rare class, gave me one hundred thousand mana. Then she begged me to upgrade the wolf spawner. Long story short, I paid more for upgrades on the wolf spawners than I received from her actions, but it's worth it. I had also appointed a wolf scion. Marie single-handedly tamed her wolf, giving me one hundred thousand mana once again. That girl was some kind of genius or she had some hidden luck statistic that is maxed out. Dunno. She never ceased to amaze me.

I watched the other adventurers' parties roaming my grounds, but so far, no one else piqued my interest. In the meantime, I wondered what was wrong with the other dungeons and why they didn't allow themselves to be explored. My mana income was solid and steady and I already calculated I would be in the black at the end of the month.

There had to be something more to their bloodlust.

Knys's guild, during their eighth-day stay, generated for me almost a quarter of a million mana. Just fifty low-level people doing their daily tasks.


When they finished trials, I received almost half a million mana. When I gave them this Quest, it cost me three hundred thousand mana. So I got back two hundred thousand as gain. All in all, I received almost half a million mana.

What the fuck is wrong with dungeons in this world?

I need to do some tests to see how Quests work. I had general info from my SysBro, but not enough to say I knew how everything works.


"You were right, Theon." The sweet voice of Amber brought me back to reality as her hand gripped mine. "Uvar Knys and that cleric, Lanka, already are here."

I nodded as I watched those two standing on the roof of the Main Castle, or as Amber liked to call it, the Palace, watching in awe at everything around them. Their excited voices were heard in the gardens where we sat on wooden chairs and drank cold apple-pear juice. I nodded to her with a smile.

"I told you so. However, I think most of them will pick the silver one."

"Maybe." She smiled with a lazy smile, turning her face towards the sun.


Lanka was holding the rampart of the castle and was shocked. "It's just as big on this side!"

"Aie! I can't see the mausoleum from here! Fuellar?!" yelled Ikki. Fifteen people so far joined them on the roof. Most of them were sitting or watching the amazing view.

"I... I think it's here!" They all looked at the elf and everyone rushed toward him.

"There! I think that's the roof." He pointed at something in the distance.

"That's just..." started Knys.

"Amazing?" The melodic and amused voice they heard in the boss room made them all jump and turn around. The King and Queen of Avalon were standing once again in front of them.

"Yes, my Lady!" responded Knys, kneeling on his right knee.

"You have chosen your fate. All of you. Stand." King told them. "You not only passed my trials, but you have also responded to my call. Thank you, brave adventurers! As you noticed, your Quest is not over. You have yet to receive your reward!"

They all looked at each other, surprised. But the Queen, with a soft smile, opened an actual door in thin air and she stepped inside, quickly followed by the King, who nodded to them to join them.

They came out at the defensive wall of the castle, turning their heads around and pointing at the Palace towering over the entire Dungeon. With muffled and excited voices, they were talking to each other. On the left side of the wall towards the centre of the dungeon, they saw a vast field full of some kind of wheat that was growing.

On the right side, they saw a small village surrounded by the Walls of Avalon. There was a gatehouse similar to the one they had eight days ago crossed to save the slaves. There were also smaller and bigger cosy-looking homes that looked like they were just waiting for people to start living in them, painted with white, blue, and green paint. There was even a small park with a pond and a water well inside. The village looked like it had been taken straight from legend. On the main square was standing a grand, three story tall building overseeing the main wide road from the main square to the gatehouse. It had a vibrant green shield over its entrance. All adventurers looked at each other.

"This is the Town under Avalon." The King extended his arms, showing them a silent but serene-looking place. "And this is your reward. This is a safe zone within The Righteous Dungeon. This is your home in Avalon!"

They all gasped in shock. But the King continued.

"If you have a family, they will be welcomed here. Uvar Knys, I hereby appoint you the town’s first mayor and I bestow a mission upon you. Create a new true guild of Adventurers! Forge people willing to face all odds of the world in attempts to change it!" Lanka saw the Guild Master crying. She also cried, but when she looked around, she understood that all of them were crying. Once exiled, they now had a home. The King and Queen of Avalon looked at them with soft smiles. "Will you do this Knys?"


"All of you! Do you want to change the world?!"

"Yes!" All fifteen of them yelled.


A few hours later, I was standing on the wall watching dark storm clouds in the distance. The forces of at least four dungeons were closing in. Arani and his eagles reported that invaders were moving in disarray and he could fend them off without any extra help. I considered that for a moment, and using our connection, I allowed him to try.


Lanka was sitting in her own home. It was huge! And it was one of the smaller houses near the town square. It was not like the small dirty room she had shared with her sister in the capital, but a real house that was two stories tall! After she took a wonderful bath and ate some food that she found in her kitchen, she prepared herself to take the road to the capital. With four other guild members, they would travel to gather the families of all who stayed in the capital or nearby villages. Two other parties were heading in other directions to bring everyone as quickly as possible. She laughed to herself, picturing her sister's face when she saw her in her new Priestess of Eriar robe and holding her new staff.


Sally was humming a happy melody on her way toward Ian's farm. Behind her was following one of Avalon’s snow wolves that she had started taming a few days ago. It was almost tame now. Her entire life changed so much so suddenly that she was sure they all died and were living now in some fantasy. From afar, she heard the voices of Ian and Verni, who, as usual, were quarrelling about some construction details. She smiled. Ian was cute, and Sally liked him. Even her daughter Fiona liked Ian.

Master Chef Annika recently managed to help Sally change her class to cook, so now she was double-classed.

Like Ian. She giggled.


Fiona and Marie were sitting in the park in the middle castle, waiting for Nicole. Marie was combing the long black fur of her familiar and friend, Mr Fluffles. He was a Great Shadow Wolf and was three times bigger than Marie. In fact, he was normally five times bigger, but one of his skills allowed him to shrink his size to be anything from a regular wolf to his full size.

Fiona was openly jealous, but Mr Fluffles was so cuddly and adorable that she couldn't help but like him. Fiona also was jealous that Marie already had a class. But this time she could be angry only with herself because she simply couldn't decide what she wanted to be. But the good and wise King told them to not hurry and pick a class when they were ready.

"Sorry!" Nicola finally joined them.

She was red from running. Although Fiona and Nicola were level 30, the King forbade them to spend their skill and statistic points till they decided on a class. And Nicola and Fiona didn't dare touch anything since the King explained it was for their own good. And that's why running was hard for Nicole, who had only 5 dexterity.

"About time! I was about to send Mr Fluffles to bring you here!" Marie laughed.

"Humpf! You should have done that. I love riding on his back!"

"Why do you want to see us, Fiona?" asked Marie.

"I want a class! But I'm not sure if my mom will allow for that one I unlocked yesterday." Fiona whispered confidently.

"What did you unlock?" Nicole asked in surprise. She also wanted to tell her own news about the class she unlocked.

"The Arcane Fencer!" the six-year-old said proudly.

"THAT SOUNDS AWESOME!!" Marie was excited. She had a plan.


Wendy and Sally knocked on Annika's room at the Palace. Annika opened them, surprised at what they might have wanted.

"Sorry to bother you, Annika, but do you know where the girls are?" Wendy asked, concerned.

"Marie told me they wanted to play in the park in the middle castle," the woman replied in surprise.

"That's the problem. I was returning from Ian's farm and was nearby, so I wanted to see what they were up to and they weren't there!" Sally told them, her voice filled with worry.

"Nicole acted strangely the entire morning when she returned from her training with Scions Galahad and Stella." Wendy added thoughtfully. Annika, upon hearing this, closed doors behind her with a concerned but otherwise calm face.

"Whatever they schemed, I'm sure Galahad and his Skeleton Knights will not let them out of Avalon. Also, those three are always together and Mr Fluffles is with them. He alone is more than enough to protect the girls."

"But..." started Wendy and suddenly laughed. "You are right. They may be kids, but they have higher levels than half of Queen Josla's royal guards added together."

"But we can ask his Majesty where they are." Added Annika.


Lanka was puzzled. The land she and her party travelled across looked more desolate than ever as they neared the capital. She wondered if she changed that much in Avalon or if the world outside had become dirtier lately. The locals hid as they were passing by their homes, too terrified to speak with the dangerous-looking adventurers.

"Look, Lanka! The Capital." Evan pointed towards their destination.

She nodded quickly.


Idna was sitting in her room, eating the last portion of bread she managed to buy three days ago. She knew that tomorrow the landlord would cast her out, as she was unable to pay the rent alone. It was all the Queen. Idna wanted to cry. Her sister must have perished in that new dungeon. It has been twelve days since all traces were lost. However, she heard that some of the former Emerald Shield guild members were seen...


Familiar two knocks sounded in the room and Idna darted towards the doors with new tears in her eyes.

"Sister! Is that you?!"


"They are still in Avalon. You don't have to worry. They are playing in Bjorn's workshop, or I should say, it looks like they came to ask him for a favour." The King responded without even a little trace of irritation or anger. He truly was looking after them all.

All three women sighed with relief.

"Hmmm... Looks like our two young birds picked their classes," the King added with a smile.

"Classes?" Wendy and Sally looked surprised.


"So... you young folks want me to make you a wooden practise sword and shield, a rapier and a sabre?" Bjorn looked at the three resolute girls.

"Yes uncle Bjorn, pleaseeeee!" All three of them tried to make puppy eyes and, for sure, they had trained this reply to make an almost perfect choir.

"Well... Irene asked me for a new desk, but I guess she wouldn't mind waiting one more day..." responded Bjorn, patting his beard and slowly nodding. The girls were like family and, truth be told, Bjorn's heart was melting from the children’s honest affection.

Bjorn was an orphan. Nothing new in this world. But he literally had no one. That's why he cherished the family they created here in Avalon. Suddenly, the doors to his workshop almost exploded when Wendy and Sally barged inside.

"Ummm... Welcome my Ladies. I see you are almost in the same hurry as your girls." The dwarf answered jokingly and stood up to bow when he saw the King and Queen entering the workshop behind them. "Your Highnesses!"

"Welcome, Bjorn. The garden set you made for us is magnificent and very convenient. Thank you." Queen Amber said. King Theon nodded to him. Bjorn was overjoyed.

"Fiona! Nicola!" yelled both Sally and Wendy. "What classes have you picked?!"

The Queen was smiling, and the King was amused. Bjorn was always under the impression that they were always acting both very casually but with extreme dignity.

"Mom!? How do you know about that?!" Nicole and Fiona were surprised that their secret was so quickly busted.

"That would be my fault." The King cleared his throat, still grinning. He was having great fun. "Please tell us what classes you have picked. Fiona?"

Fiona sighed. You couldn’t hide anything from the King in his domain. But maybe it was better this way. Since the King and Queen were here, their moms couldn’t punish them that much.

"I'm Arcane Fencer, mom." Fiona sighed, waiting for the worst.

"Nicole?" the Queen asked softly.

"I'm a Paladin Crusader." Nicole replied timidly.

Bjorn had to sit down. With a shaking hand, he took off his hat.


I almost cried here. This is so much fun. I can't wait when the girls enter Khys’s guild and ask him to be adventurers. I must see his face when he appraises them.


Idna was sitting on a spacy wagon towed by some majestic war beast. She took the last few belongings she had, despite what her sister told her. Near her was sitting a woman holding two boys who were maybe five or six. They all were so hungry, but her sister and her friends brought with them incredibly tasty bread and some delicious stew. With them were seven more women with their children.

"Slavers!" someone yelled outside and their wagon moved faster.


Queen Josla was standing in a place that not long ago was a battlefield. The ground was charred and covered with blood. Most of the monsters here already crumbled into dust, but not all of them. The Giant was dead. He was one of the few Scions she cared to know about. When the Blood Dungeon was destroyed and its Vampire Scion perished with it, Gukk, the mountain giant, became the most powerful scion.

Or should have been.

Whatever killed him clearly outclassed Gukk. And Gukk was level 92.

She was terrified.


I looked at Arani, who was sitting on the roof of the keep. His report was concerning. Whatever happened with the dungeons alliance against, well... me, was shattered. Arani and eight other Storm Eagles harassed a small goblin army that was still heading toward Avalon. But when they finally reached the main army, it was already in the middle of infighting.

"Thank you, Arani. Anything else?"

"Yes, my King. The scout I have sent to watch over Priestess Lanka and her party engaged a large party of Slavers..."


They were surrounded. Idna and the rest of the women and children hid in the wagons, but she clearly saw over thirty Slavers closing on her sister and her party. But the tank of the team just laughed.

"Lanka, tell me, lass... It's already self-defense?" Laughed Ori, high spirits.

"I think so, Ori." She calmly turned her head toward the leader of the bandits and told him. "This is your final warning. Leave or we will defend ourselves and our families."

"Ohhh... Don't be like this! We just want to take you for a ride!"

"Don't do it. We are protected and stronger than any of you filth can ever dream to be!" Lanka warned them yet again. But the Slavers just laughed.

"And so we are! Queen Josla is our friend!" the leader started approaching her. Lanka just raised her staff.

"In the name of Eriar, I invoke WALLS OF AVALON!" Lanka yelled.

Around the wagons were raised barriers made from Holy Light itself. A few Slavers jumped back, surprised. Idna saw how a similar light covered Ori, Neffli, Aron, Warren and Lanka. Then she just walked toward the slaver's leader, but he raised his big axe and smashed it over her head. Idna shrieked, but the axe just bounced off.

"Our protection is real!" Lanka said menacingly as she punched the bandit in the face.

He recoiled, almost landing on the ground, surprised by the power of her hit. At this sight, the slavers tried to attack, but the warrior and rogue from the Lanka's party jumped towards them and fought them with ease. Their tank just shield-bashed and stunned the slavers one by one.

The slaver leader began to fill with fear. He had a party of twenty level 15 thugs and ten others, so this should have been an easy job. He took out a summoning crystal.

"Ifrit I summon thee!" He yelled and raised the crystal.

Lanka watched as the great fire elemental was formed. Walls of Avalon would last for the next ten minutes, but she had burned all her mana on this skill. If not for that level 40 Ifrit, they would easily win this battle. She looked at Neffli, but she was as panicked as she was.

"Hahaha! Ifrit, crush them!"

An eagle scream pierced the air. But it was no regular eagle. The scream was like the ear-piercing shriek of a banshee. Lightning smashed Ifrit and Lanka watched as the fire elemental power links that bound it to this world crumbled and shattered. But Ifrit still tried to abide by the will of the slavers' leader. It was then when the Eagle landed and, with its giant claw, killed Ifrit like a child would blow out a candle. It looked at Lanka as she dropped to her knees. With one more shriek, it flew into the air, grabbing the slavers' leader.

Without Ifrit, the slavers stood no chance, and Lanka's party quickly captured them all. They threw them into a closed wagon and Neffli cast sleep magic on them. They would wake up only when Neffli allowed it. Lanka fell heavily on the ground, but Ori helped her stand back up.

"Tat' was a wild spell, Lanka! Are ya' good, lass?" He asked, concerned.

"I'm good. But I'm drained from using all my mana Ori. Will you help me to my sister's wagon?" She panted a bit.

"Aye! Come I'll pick ya'." And just like that, he lifted her without any effort. Idna looked at the scene before her, surprised. They were different. She barely recognized her own sister. Ori put her down and Idna saw how tired her sister really was.

"Lanka, we must move! What if that eagle returns?" Idna hissed to her sister, full of fright..

"I hope so. He is watching over us."


"It's a Storm Eagle of Avalon. It's protecting us, Idna. No one will be able to hurt you there." Lanka smiled at her sister. "Idna, when we parted I was level six. Now I'm level twenty, like everyone else in my party."

Idna looked in shock at her sister. Level twenty? But that's... She looked at the wagon with captured slavers... That's probable. Idna was afraid to ask.

"Sister, what will you do with them?"

"They will make a good gift for the King of Avalon, who wishes to question them."

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