The Calling of Wrath: A Medieval LitRPG Apocalypse

B2 | Chapter 7 - Motivation


Year 820 | Month 4 | Day 20

“Wow,” I mutter out loud as I stand at the edge of a cliff on a very narrow section of the World Tree’s island that’s just kind of sticking out into the middle of the ocean far from the island itself. And all around it I find sea monsters filling the waters, along with a few monsters flying through the air on a few random smaller islands around it each with a large tree on them.

“The monsters are attracted to the World Tree by its Ichor, but none of them dare to approach any closer to this,” the tiger Sacred Beast explains as he sits next to me on his haunches and looks out over the monsters. “As long as they don’t bother the royal families or enter the island itself, His Excellency allows them to do as they please.”

“And I’m guessing they’re killed if they get closer?” I ask as I kneel down next to the edge of the cliff while looking down, only to quickly pull my head back when a fish monster jumps up, snapping its jaws where I was.

That was a fast fish.

“Of course,” the tiger answers, seemingly uncaring of what just happened. “But a lot of them are killed anyways as this is where we train our young.”

I blink at that before looking over at the tiger again and asking, “Against Tier 3 monsters?”

The tiger nods his head with a short, “Yes.”

I stare at the tiger for a few seconds before asking, “How do you train them before that?”

“How?” The tiger asks while tilting his head. “What do you mean? Sacred Beasts are born at Tier 3.”

My jaw drops open in shock.

They’re what?!

Now that’s just fucking unfair.

I turn my gaze back to the monster-infested waters again with a sigh.

Then again, there’s no use in complaining about the unfairness of life. Even if this particular instance makes me as strong as a baby Sacred Beast.

“I will stay here to keep any of the Tier 4s away from you as you hunt,” the tiger continues, bringing my attention back to him again. “Please hunt at your leisure, Wrath.”

Why do I get the feeling he has more that he wanted to say but didn’t say it? Something like ‘and grow strong fast to save us?’

Either way, I nod at that before turning back to the water and standing up straight again, stretching a little in the process.

Doesn’t really matter if they want me to grow stronger or not. It’s not like I’d just stop trying to get stronger if they didn’t want that, and having assistance towards that goal is always welcome.

Plus the whole Fafnir destroying the planes thing would kill me too. And my family and kingdom.

Mostly I just want to grow stronger though.

Destroying the New Earth Alliance sounds nice as well, since I don’t particularly care about how they were planning on mind controlling me if I wasn’t set free.

I smile slightly before raising my hand towards the water and sending out a bolt of Wrath Lightning at it, feeling my conviction towards growing stronger getting stronger itself.

Although, to do all that, I’ll need to reach Tier 4. And the Tiers above that, but Tier 4 first.

So I’ll need to find the guy who has my Crystal.

The Cliff Overlooking the Hunting Grounds

Year 820 | Month 4 | Day 20

Velcor watches from his place seated next to the Embodiment of Wrath as she fires bolt after bolt of Wrath energy into the water containing the monsters, only occasionally pausing to send bolts after the flying monsters who get too close. And throughout the entire process, the Sacred Beast studies her for her worthiness. To see if she is truly worthy of being called Wrath.

Because no matter how hard Velcor watches her, he can’t figure out why the Heart of Wrath chose her.

The girl seems to barely ever show her anger if she even feels any, and while Velcor does understand that anger isn’t the only part of Wrath, not to mention that there are many different types of Wrath, he still wonders just what type of Wrath she has. What form it takes.

But there is one thing that he’s certain about.

The girl’s Wrath energy is the purest Sin energy he has ever seen before. Even purer than the Wrath that came and died before she was even born.

Even purer than the World Tree. Than Fafnir.

And that only confuses Velcor further as he continues watching her throw pure bolts of Wrath energy into the ocean to turn the sea monsters to ash.

Mystery or no mystery, she’s the last hope of all of the planes of existence. The only one who can kill Fafnir for good.

All of the Sacred Beasts understand by now that the System is on its last legs. That after Fafnir breaks free from its containment, all the System will be able to do is empower its users and grant them their status, skills, and levels.

That it won’t be able to directly interfere or lock up monsters ever again.

And when that day comes, all of the planes will be merged into one grand plane. One dimension.

The very idea that the Sacred Beasts, and even their Ancestor are all placing their hopes on just a single young child irks Velcor, even if he has grown to respect her just a little bit. For no other reason than being Wrath. A superior creature to even the Sacred Beasts, much less the humans of Midgard.

Velcor glances at the leaves of the World Tree above them before his eyes narrow in on one particular leaf where he finds a purple and black aura all on its own. One very different from anything else near the island.

Although… I get the feeling that one will protect her if something above her Tier attacks her at this hunting grounds.

The Sacred Beast turns his gaze back to the Princess once more, putting the thoughts of the future of the planes out of his head for now as he ponders if he should catch himself something to eat to spend the time away.

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