Chapter 31: Chapter 31 - Cristy Wentworth's Saving ability
David's POV
And then, the next morning, me and Class 1-A went to the area of our first mission by military vehicles. We were divided into 6 teams, with 5 members each. Our team names will be named after their leaders. Haru is the leader of Kichi's team, thus his team name is the Haru Squad. That squad team is my team. As the vehicle rattled by, I looked at the photo of my dead grandfather, who was a soldier in America. "Well, I'll put my skills to the test," my mind said.
Upon arriving at our location, we all got off with our equipment and weapons and started walking towards a safe spot near the Jap Shadows' headquarters and compound, which was highly guarded and secured. Along the way, Kichi almost tripped over a small ledge on the dirt trail but was fine. The morning was before sunrise, but we ate a light breakfast.
Later on, arriving there, we scattered and set up camp. Cristy used her unique ability, Photography, to take pictures of the place's security and guards and used the same ability to save the mental photos to the phones of the other squads. I was stunned and astonished at her unique ability while not comparing it to my ability known as Earthy Figures. That ability enables a user to summon any creatures, from golems to monsters in different shapes and sizes, from the earth. At the same time, Kichi and Jojo, a Japanese-American from the US, were scouring the surrounding area of the enemy base.