The Box Office King of Hollywood

Chapter 216: Reciprocation

In the bright afternoon sunlight, the crackling bell of a bicycle rang out as a small dog in the middle of the road scurried into the greenery next door. A normal-looking bicycle sped past, driven by a jubilant girl with loose golden hair and dimpled cheeks, her face radiating happiness. He looked at the street sign at the intersection and then turned right into a quiet, tree-lined street.

Rachel McAdams slowed down her bike and carefully examined the houses to her right. This area was not as crowded as North Hollywood; the houses were more scattered, some even separated by thirty meters. Approaching an ivy-covered wall, remembering the description on the phone, he accelerated and stopped near the door, confirming the number of the house.

"Is this Matthew's house?"Rachel McAdams supported her bike, took a bag out of the front basket, but instead of immediately touching, she took a mirror out of her bag and meticulously checked her sweet face and seductive figure.

She had put on light makeup today and looked particularly fresh and tender.

After applying a nude lipstick and making sure everything was perfect, she put the mirror and lipstick away and walked over to the doorbell. The bell rang for a dozen seconds before the iron door opened from the inside, revealing a sturdy and handsome face.

"Hi, Matthew," she greeted with a gesture and a smile.

"Hi, Rachel," Matthew replied, stepping out to secure the bike and inviting her inside. "You look very pretty to-day."

"Shall I?"Rachel McAdams touched her face as she followed him inside, "Thank you."

Matthew parked the bike by the door, locked it and invited Rachel McAdams inside. As they were walking through the yard, she asked, "Is this your house?".

"Rented," Matthew replied, holding the door open for her and then following her inside. "I couldn't afford a house like this before this year."

He pointed to the tidy living room: "Make yourself comfortable. Tea or coffee?"

"A glass of water, please," Rachel McAdams chose, sitting down on a single sofa and looking around the living room.

Matthew poured two glasses of water, placed one on the coffee table in front of Rachel and then sat down on the adjacent sofa.

"What about the sword? Rachel asked, pointing to a prop sword mounted on the wall.

"It's a souvenir from the 'Scorpion King' crew, the prop sword I used during filming," Matthew explained briefly. "It was my first starring role, so the sword has a special meaning for me."

Rachel, aware of the Hollywood tradition of giving souvenirs to the main actors, commented enviously: "That's cute." He lowered his voice. "It's a shame I haven't received any mementos from a team yet."

"You will soon," Matthew assured her with a smile. "Didn't you get the part of Erika? I read the script; it's an important supporting role."

"Hmm," Rachel replied, and then asked curiously: "I heard from the team that they wanted you for the main role, but you turned it down?".

Matthew admitted: "Yes, my agent and I discussed it and we felt it wasn't the right fit for me at the moment."

Rachel raised her voice slightly surprised: "But it's a main role!"Then he realized its simplicity: "I almost forgot, you're in 'Pirates of the Caribbean', a first-rate production. It's normal for you to overlook such a small role."

As she spoke, she looked at Matthew, her eyes full of admiration, "Even my role, you solved it with a phone call..."

His agent possessed no such skill.

Although Matthew was still a third-tier star, Rachel could see his potential. If 'Pirates of the Caribbean', a joint production of Walt Disney and Jerry Bruckheimer, would succeed...

The change in two years was huge.

Rachel could only inwardly marvel at the transformation, not only in Matthew but also in herself.

His return from Canada to Los Angeles to pursue opportunities in Hollywood was a well-considered decision. Having come this far, I didn't plan to come back empty-handed like last time.

Two years had transformed a naive girl into a mature woman.

During these years, Rachel kept an eye on Hollywood, studying its customs. She realized that Hollywood had shortcuts, especially for someone like her with an attractive appearance. The success rate of these shortcuts was even higher.

It was a matter of give and take. Matthew had given, did he want something in return? His text was a test.

She was no longer the naive girl of two years ago. Maybe Matthew had helped her out of a past friendship this time without expecting anything in return, but what happens next time?

To get someone's help, you must offer something in return.

"By the way, I saw the tabloids stirring up rumors about you and Keira Knightley," Rachel mentioned, feigning curiosity. "It's not true, is it?"

Matthew immediately denied it: "False. Why would I get involved in a scandal with her?"He was about to joke about something like frying eggs but he realized that it was in bad taste to talk about another woman's flaws in front of another woman, so he held back.

He looked at Rachel and asked, "Did you come by bike all the way here? Is he close?".

Rachel nodded, "It took just over ten minutes. It's close. You should come sometime."

"Sure," Matthew said, apparently not understanding the implication. "I'm on break now, so I have time."

He asked, "When does the 'Underworld' crew start filming?".

Rachel approached Matthew: "They're coordinating with the lead actress, Kate Beckinsale, who's getting ready for 'Van Helsing.'"

He recalled the rumors in the team that Kate Beckinsale was dating investor Fox Sherman. It seemed like a relationship, but for Rachel it was just a cover for the give and take underneath. Why else would Sherman invest so much in a Beckinsale-centric movie?

Rachel corrected her expression and said, "Matthew, you helped me get such an important role as Erika. I don't know how to thank you."

Hearing this, Matthew immediately thought about the text. He was not a saint, a man of great moral integrity. Since joining the Hollywood circle, he had not forgotten his true self. His eyes involuntarily turned to Rachel.

"I..."Matthew started to say that it's not necessary, but then, seeing Rachel's attractive figure under her deep blue dress, he swallowed his words and said, "It's up to you."

"I understand," Rachel replied with an even sweeter smile, her dimples deepening. She stood up bravely: "You have given and I want to give you something in return."

With that, she positioned herself in front of Matthew, slid the straps of her dress and deftly removed it along with her underwear, standing in front of him.

Matthew looked at Rachel. If she saw this as a typical Hollywood favor exchange, then... let it be so.

He was not a cold-hearted saint, but a passionate 22-year-old.

Rachel got down on one knee and started to unbuckle Matthew's belt, then she opened her eyes wide in disbelief at what she saw.

"That's amazing," he gasped...

The living room, once tidy, soon turned into a chaotic battlefield, full of indescribable sounds that spilled out into the courtyard, lasting from the afternoon until it finally calmed down at the end of the afternoon.

As the sun moved westward, approaching the horizon, Rachel left the house, followed by Matthew. He walked her to her car and drove her back to North Hollywood.

In the black BMW SUV, Rachel slumped in the passenger seat, looking at Matthew for a moment before saying, "You're handsome, you have a great body and stuff... It was amazing! Why didn't it occur to me to try this?". with you before?"

Matthew could see Rachel's significant change over the past two years and replied unreservedly, "I'm also sorry I didn't try this with you sooner." He gave her a thumbs up and said, "Rachel, you were amazing."

Rachel's skill had left a deep impression on her. "I can't help but want to do it a few more times."

Frankly speaking, Rachel was beautiful and met his aesthetic standards, and her outstanding skills had brought him immense pleasure.

"Matthew..."Rachel laughed and suddenly asked: "Have you fallen in love with me and are you thinking about becoming your girlfriend?"

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