The Blood Luna: Mated.

Chapter 24: Rescue Mission

Dahlia can't help but be emotional about the state of her father. It's so cliché, but life seems so unfair right at this moment. Waiting for Lockhart seems to take forever. Moments like these, make time stand still and the make a wary mind run rampant. Dahlia has a few moments where childhood reminds her of how special her father is and how him taking up the responsibility to care for her like his own, saved her life. Dahlia is determined to save her father at all costs.

Dahlia patiently sits, starting at the door where Lockhart had exited. Time seems to stand still. Fifteen minutes pass by and Dahlia can hear commotion coming down the hallway, towards the door. Dahlia can vaguely make out words coming from Lockhart.

"You need to follow my direction completely, if you cannot, you need to leave now. The fate our our Luna, and her father are at stake!" Lockhart yells at his assistant, while busting through the door where Dahlia waits.

Lockhart meets Dahlia's eyes. "We have prepared everything, but you need to listen to me on this and not fight my instructions. When I say it's time to pull out, you need to come out of it and not fight it" Lockhart stated. Dahlia nods a simple 'yes'.

"What do we do now?" Dahlia asked. With a sign Lockhart replied. "We need to start an IV so we can put you to sleep and keep you hydrated with fluids" Lockhart said. Lockhart hands her a gown. "You need to change into this" he stated. "Why do I need to wear this?" Dahlia asked. "If anything goes wrong this will allow us to start rescue resuscitation easier" Lockhart said. Dahlia took the gown to the rooms bathroom to change.

"Nurse, please set up the infusion pump and Vital Monitor" Lockhart ordered. "Right away Doctor" the nurse stated. "Once under, we have little control, we need to stay alert of her vitals at all times, so we know if an issue will occur" Lockhart said. "Yes, Doctor" The nurse replied.

"Let's place these beds side by side" Lockhart said as he started to meticulously move the extra bed beside Ethan's. "What's all the noise?" Dahlia asked as she watched Lockhart struggle to get the beds in perfect position. "I wanted the beds side by side" Lockhart said. "That's a good idea" Dahlia stated. Lockhart struggles to get the perfect alignment on the beds. "Perfect" Lockhart whispers to himself.

"Dahlia, everything is ready, we just need you to get into the bed and get comfortable so we can insert the IV and hook up the vital monitoring" Lockhart stated. Dahlia let's out a breath and complies with his request. "Once the IV is inserted we, will start fluids and get a baseline on your vitals before we put you to sleep" Lockhart stated. Dahlia sees the nurse approach her to get her IV started. Lockhart notices Dahlia doesn't trust this nurse and intercepts the IV contents. "It's a small needle and it will feel like a pinch" Lockhart stated. Dahlia nods.

Dahlia isn't afraid of many things but needles have always made her uneasy. Her mother would always hold her hand and hold her to her chest when she was a child, during her vaccinations. Her father would always hold her after she cried after every shot and then bought her favorite ice cream. It's funny how those moments become so important after you no longer can get the physical comfort, you desperately need from your loved ones. How Dahlia missed her Mother and Father badly in this moment.

Dahlia locked eyes with Lockhart as he approached with the needle. Her eyes flashed red out of fear. "Everything is gonna be alright" Lockhart said. Dahlia closed her eyes in a weak attempt to seem brave. Dahlia felt the cold Alcohol pad brush her skin, it made her whince and she shut her eyes even harder. Dahlia felt the needle pierce her skin and a warm drop of blood run down her arm. Lockhart placed a piece of sticky tape to hold it in place. "All done, sorry it took so long, It's been awhile since I placed an IV" Lockhart said with a smile on his face as Dahlia opened her eyes. "Next we need to place the the Vital monitoring pads, I'll let the nurse do this part" Lockhart said flushed. The nursed walked over with this giant square made up of tiny sticky squares with little metal buttons on them. "May I" the nurse asked cautiously. Dahlia gave her a nod 'yes'. The nurse was a pro, and demolished the tiny square and placed them all over my chest and under my bare breast and already had them hooked up to the monitoring system. "That was fast" Lockhart said impressed. "When you do it enough, it just becomes second nature. I hope I didn't offend Luna" the nurse said with her head down. "No offense taken, you were very professional thank you" Dahlia said with a smiles. The nurse walked away and hit a button on her vital machines, and 'beep, beep' sounded off.

"Looks like everything is in order, Doctor" The nurse said with conformation. "Please start the IV drip" Lockhart stated, the nurse nodded and opened the IV up. Dahlia could feel her body begin to turn cold. "Dahlia, now is the time where we will put you to sleep. Being the Luna, I am uncertain how long it will take for you to fall asleep through intravenous sedation. We will use Benzodiazepine to put you to sleep, it will make it to where you feel no pain and will allow you to breath on your own. I found this to be the safest option" Lockhart stated. "Now let's get started" Lockhart stated. "Okay, I'm ready" Dahlia stated. "Go ahead nurse" Lockhart stated. The nurse brought over a syringe and twisted it onto her IV pump, and pushes the fluid into her IV.

"Okay, everything is in motion, now we just wait until you fall asleep" Lockhart stated. "What should we do until then? Dahlia stated. Silence fell onto the room, until the nurse broke the silence. "Luna, I think you're so brave to do this. It must be scary to have that kind of ability. I couldn't imagine what you go through on a daily basis" Yhe nurse stated. "What is your name" Dahlia said. "My, my name?" the nurse said back shocked. "My name, my name is Rose" Nurse Rose replied. "Rose, you don't need to be so formal, Dahlia is fine. I have gone through a lot but not as much as our clan has, since the incidents. I'll do my best to protect anyone in the pack. Thank you for your care today, it means a lot" Dahlia stated. The nurse had a tear fall from her cheek. "Dahlia, how are you feeling?" Lockhart asked. "I can feel that I'm getting a little sleepy" Dahlia stated. Dahlia's eyes grew heavy. "We're right here" she could barely make out Lockhart's voice. Dahlia's eyes felt as if they weighed 1000lbs each. Everything around her grew black and silent.

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