The Black Scepter

Chapter 50 - Draw a sword

I’m going to go out for a day today. I’ll put it on first. If I can get back early, I’ll add one more. If I come back too late, I’ll change it tomorrow.

Waiting for more friends, thank you for your support!

3700 words big chapter, beg for red ticket collection.

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“It’s better to put it away in Qilian. The noble mask is not easy to use here.” The short man with a somber expression seems to be the most powerful of the three people. He took a step and stretched his hand to think on the ground. The fat man who was about to get up, but stared at Murphys without ever leaving, “Hiddink Charles, the man who looked at the flowers heavier than him was Covin John, who was speechless to strangers, but familiar Everyone thinks he is a tuberculosis.”

He took out his handkerchief and wiped the greasy hand rubbing on the fat man. He seemed too lazy to introduce the fat man beside him.

“Boozer Pompeii, nice to meet you!”

The fat man who climbed up was still friendly, and Murphy nodded, which was considered a return.

“Murpheus Windsor.”

He looked back at the guy who was counting a few petals, and the other party looked at himself awkwardly, smiling awkwardly.

The three seem to be normal, but Murphy knows that many things in front of him are appearances, like what appears to be driftwood on the water, sometimes the head of a crocodile attacking at any time. Can confirm true and false.

The roommates introduced each other for the first time. The atmosphere in the dormitory was normal. There was not too much embarrassment. The fat man turned his head to look at the room in order to ease the embarrassment, and hurried to the empty bed left in the room. Beside, he apologized and said: “Sorry, my book occupies your place, so take it away.”

Murphy smiled and helped in the past. This is also the first step to integrate into this group. Seeing that Murphy was polite, the other two didn’t say much. Hiddink was short, but it looked like The most mature of the few, he closed the damaged door and turned to start taking off his leather armor.

“Cowen, you can go to the group of veterinarians in advance for the afternoon class. I think it’s easy for you to get off the horse tomorrow.”

“Well, I will go.”

Covin was honest, he and Hiddink didn’t seem to have the kind of restraint and restraint that the nobleman should have, he took off his leather armor, followed by the lined sackcloth and underwear, and Murphys and Fat Boozer moved out. After hundreds of poems, I turned around and saw two guys with almost underwear left. Boozer ran over to help the two men fold up their clothes, and then they started to unload with the help of the two. The leather armor sticking to the body.

Compared with the performance of the three people just now, this scene is somewhat shocking.

Murphy saw that the three of them seemed to have nothing, but they were all covered with scars-most of them were bruises, and there were black marks after being hit by a blunt device. Fat Boozer was taking off. When I was wearing the clothes, it was as if I had peeled a layer of skin. The skin of my back and buttocks was completely worn out, and my shirt was bloodied!

This was worn out by unsuitable leather armor and saddle during field training.

However, the three people basically did not have any uncomfortable expressions about these wounds, just bit their lips slightly, and after taking off, they divided the pile of clothes into the tub used to place the laundry in the room, and then He walked to the public bathroom at the end of the corridor.

The Byzantine public baths are all large bathing pools, but here it is different-this method was originally invented by the prison: the bottom of a wooden barrel is punched with more than ten small holes, and it is used when it is used. Pour water on the face, and the water will trickle down from the bottom, rinsing the body from top to bottom.

The reason for this is that there are too many wounds on the students of the college. Some diseases and germs will cause headaches and infections due to the bath. Another advantage is that it is fast and convenient, and it can be completed in a few minutes.

“Murpheus, let’s take a shower. Noon is a lunch break. It’s good to go with us at the end of the afternoon.”

Hiddink’s tone was lukewarm and seemed to be just out of politeness, but this had already surprised Murphys. He nodded and turned silently to continue to clean up his bed.

It’s really all the schools that are named.

Murphy made the simple bed sheets and bedding. These things are all in the dormitory. They are simple and not gorgeous. Looking around the room, the other beds show the style of several people-the beds in the distance are The head of the bed is a rare Byzantine cactus, which is said to have been transported by sea from the end of the southern sea. The volume is not large, but the value is equivalent to the same volume of sterling silver. It should be a large bed of Kewen. It looks He loves plants and has a battle flag at the head of the bed, a small paper box, a few sheets of parchment with some writing on it, and the rest is neatly folded bedding, very clean.

There is almost nothing on the bedside cabinet of the bed next to it. Only a leather notebook and a quill pen have been used for a long time. A “Li Wei Lun” is very old on the side of the pillow.

It should be Hiddink.

Fat Boozer’s bed was already filled with his poetry collection. It’s funny that Murphy saw a row of dachshund hanging above the head of the bed. It is estimated that this greedy guy will pull directly when he is hungry in the middle of the night. Root to eat?

The life of the Cavaliers Academy is really more interesting than expected.


For the traditional knight of Fording, to become a “knight” requires a series of tedious ceremonies, perhaps a large nobleman holding a long sword like a knight’s light shoulder, or the kind of preaching and grand “grant sword” “Ritual”, in short, how come it is busy, and all of the expenses must be borne by the knights who have been granted, so this kind of ritual that may make people bankrupt is gradually reduced in the distant Fording Empire and the Gilman Empire. Even knights with horses and armor costing more than a hundred times that of infantry are becoming rarer.

This situation is completely different in Byzantium, especially the Cauchy Knight Academy where Murphy is.

After the lunch break, when Murphys and several of his roommates walked to the racecourse in uniform training uniforms, this momentum allowed Murphys to suddenly overthrow the image of the knights he had seen before when Tang Jidi described him. .

According to the old guy: “The group of guys in the Fording Empire are narcissists, standing together like that, but a charge… Gee, like a rabbit chased by an eagle, run away!”

The irony is slightly sighed.

What Murphys saw at the moment was not the legendary soldiers who rushed out as soon as the charge was sounded, and there was only a neat line of students on the big horse farm. Although it had entered the autumn, it was still a little hot. Students in long linen training suits are armed with long guns, sweating and performing the most basic and simplest standing practice with guns.

Although he did not ride a horse, this clean military was full of momentum.

According to Hiddink, this kind of exercise will take one afternoon, and you can take a break in the middle. The tremor of the gun and the height of the gun must reach the standard. If it violates it, it will be beaten by the instructor.

That’s not a joke. Instructors generally have the level of mid-level guardian knights, and basically no one dares to fight back.

The standard of the seventh company is not much stricter than that of the other companies. Murphy did not feel the atmosphere of so-called geeks all around. On the contrary, he saw that the noble young masters around him were all weak and abnormal gestures.

Naturally, that was because they had just returned to the academy in the morning after a week of field training, but when the wooden rifle with a small weight was delivered to Murphys, the problem came.

The posture of holding a gun is a very natural problem for Murphy-he has been holding it for eight years according to the posture taught by Tang Jidi, for eight years, for a grown-up teenager, some habits may be I can’t put it down in this life.

For example, he holds a static posture.

There are a total of 87 students in the seventh company. They are basically children aged 14 to 16. No matter what their status before, no matter how monstrous their parents are, they are all wearing heavy training here. Soldiers in uniforms frowning and sweating.

That’s right, there are no “knights”, no nobles, no superiors, only ordinary soldiers.

The rules and etiquette valued by the knights of the Fording Empire were swept into the garbage dump here.

So the role of the instructors here is to drill these “noble soldiers”.

“what happened?!”

A soldier-like questioning sound came fiercely, followed by the stride of leather boots coming to the ground, and the instructor wearing the mid-level guardian knight badge on his chest suddenly stopped in the last row of the seventh company, his eyes glared. Same as cow.

Murphy didn’t do anything and still stood with his gun.

“Which pig gang teaches you to hold such a gun?”

Severe drinking broke the calm, like a thunderstorm thundering on the campus full of students.

The instructor did not know that he inadvertently violated someone’s bottom line.

Murphy turned his head back slightly, and had been flattening for more than ten minutes, but his rifle did not appear to tremble slightly. He squinted and looked at the talking knight. His voice replied very coldly: “Not a pig, but my mentor.”

It turns out that Murphy’s gun position is not different from other people. He seems to be the most special one in the neat team.

This scene made the three people in the same dormitory next to them slightly stunned, but none of them talked more nonsense-for the nobles, when they see others in danger, they can stand by and watch instead of falling into the rocks. A virtue.

This refutation may be regarded as a kind of blatant provocation-so the instructor is not nonsense, just lifted his foot and kicked towards Murphys!

“It’s not pigs are–“


The figure flying out horizontally made many students who glanced slightly in this direction stand on the spot-they had already waited for the new kid to be beaten with a lively attitude!

But the fact is like a powerful palm slammed their faces, UU reading www. The instructor who looked at least twice as strong as Murphy on was just lifted up and was caught in the rifle wheel in Murphy’s hand, rolling out like a spinning top!

The rifle was held in the hands of Murphys, still and always the posture taught to him by Don Quixote. The three-meter rifle was a practice gun, hollow and easily broken, but it should have been broken 100% this time. An arc was drawn during the impact, and after the instructor’s body was drawn, the fir’s rebound force was absorbed by Murphy’s wrist shaking force, but there was no sign of breaking!

The speed of the whole rifle is so fast, from Murphy’s slightly lowered posture to the instructor who is struggling to raise his foot to attack, it is just a blink of an eye. Even the battle-hardened knight is just a subconscious lift Raised his arm, but did not block the rifle that suddenly changed direction and hit him in the abdomen!

With just one blow, it has already witnessed Murphy’s basic skills in using lances.

If the magician Della has a status that cannot be looked up in that amazing field, then Murphy thinks that the old guy who taught himself this set of gunmanship may not be much lower than Della in his field. .

The Napoli magic steel dagger is pinned to Murphy’s waist. This low-key identification always inadvertently makes people ignore the fact that the existence above the big knight seems to have not appeared in front of the world for a long time, so that it is a knight. None of the instructors paid attention to the origin of this sword.

The instructor who was pumped to the ground jumped up almost instantaneously. To be honest, just the attack of Murphys was just an expression of attitude, and he would never die-but how can there be face-saving in the army? It was absolutely shameful for the instructor to be beaten by the students, so the instructor who stood up did the only thing he would do at the moment.

Draw a sword.

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