Chapter 31: Rivive
'Everything is OK with me, ma, I have been working extra hard at Dad's company, then I also met someone.' Jasmine talked about the two most important things in her life.
Rosemary Parker was a bit startled, her daughter with a guy? This was probably a new and the strangest thing Rosemary Parker had heard. She knew how thick-skinned Jasmine was. She is not easily taken. What kind of man could draw her attention? Or what has really changed in her life in the past six months of her absence? All these questions ran through Rosemary Parker.
'Baby, did I hear you right? Someone?' Rosemary Parker asked in disbelief.
Jasmine shyly skirted at her mother's surprise, 'Yes mom.' She awkwardly admitted.
This was a huge development for Rosemary Parker, the one and only child. She had to swallow her saliva which couldn't easily slide through her throat, she had a mixture of emotions, this sudden change she did not expect, now even more curious to know.
'How did it happen, my love?' Rosemary Parker investigated, her tone full of curiosity and excitement.
It has to be said that Rosemary Parker was still in the process of adapting to this new transformation of Jasmine. She became envious of her as a protective mom, and felt a bit left out. She wanted the very best for her daughter and all this had to go on without her presence?
'Mom, he came to work at the Lusaka Blue Hotel. He is an electrical and electronics engineer. He works for ZamCorp Base One just like you, we have chemistry, he is well-behaved and gentle, so we are going out this Saturday, actually tomorrow.' Jasmine went on sharing her encounter with Delvin.
Rosemary Parker was in awe of this progression. The child has really grown. If I was there, I would have to approve of the relationship, but she must have her own experiences. Above all I trust her. I am sure she made the right choice. Rosemary Parker thought.
'Wow! He must be something if he works for ZamCorp. I am happy for you, baby girl. I will be cheering for you from up here. Does your father know of this already?' Rosemary Parker posed another query.
Jasmine had predicted that things would eventually come to that.
'Not yet, but he actually enticed me to go out with him before he even asked me out. So I am sure he would be in support of our relationship?' Jasmine was all prepared, she replied nonchalantly.
Rosemary Parker held her jaw, tears of happiness and joy dropped from her eyes onto her cheeks, she was still in disbelief and wished she could hug and kiss her daughter right now. But there was a big barrier, many mountains to climb, a thousand deserts to cross, and a phone call was not good enough to satisfy or give her the pleasure of releasing and emitting her emotions and energy. She had to live with them. They also gave her a sense of belonging, and a close attachment to her home and family.
'Interesting! What manner of man is he? To capture even your father's charm?' Rosemary Parker stated, in an emotional way.
This question caused Jasmine to blush. Pride streamed into her heart, the sensation of righteousness and bliss radiated from her.
'His name is Delvin Dred, he is a lovely guy. If you come, you will meet him in person. See, observe, and make your own judgment about him. On the first day of meeting him, we went to buy electrical materials for the hotel. Elderly people assumed we were a couple, they made good comments, that our chemistry reminded them of their young love, while others proclaimed we were a match made in heaven, can you believe it?' Jasmine went on to describe the person who had stolen her heart with extreme joy and enthusiasm.
Back at Grandma Beatrice's House, an hour had almost elapsed. George was getting anxious. What was Delvin doing? He cross-examined in thoughts.
Brenda had already fallen asleep, George started making a series of consistent steps from here and there. One thing was clear, he promised to do whatever Delvin required of him or advised him to do.
Delvin is not a person who would do something he doesn't know, and for him to do something dubious? It is the thought he wouldn't entertain? A series of questions raced incredibly fast in Georges' mind.
Inside Grandma Beatrice's room, Delvin regained consciousness.
'What? Did I pass out? Oh no?' Delvin denied the truth of the matter, pressed the Grenator to check what time it was. He looked at Grandma Beatrice, touched her hand, blood was now flowing, and her body warm once again. She seemed to be breathing nicely like she was just sleeping. As he was about to walk out of the door, Grandma Beatrice coughed lightly, and Delvin halted and turned to take a look at Grandma Beatrice. She arose and sat on the bed. She was in a confused state, 'What happened and why are you in my room?' Grandma Beatrice implored, what came first in her head.
Delvin did not give her an explanation right away. Instead, he gave out a brightly lit grin, 'Oh, I will right away call for you, George and Brenda, and we can talk about that together.'
Grandma Beatrice felt perplexed. This showed in her face.
Delvin did not feel obligated to start explaining Grandma Beatrice's circumstances there and then, because he didn't have all the needed answers right there, about what had happened to her, without any delay, he slipped out of Grandma Beatrice's room, to go fetch George and Brenda into the sitting room. Leaving Grandma Beatrice in her confused state and full of anticipation for answers to the questions that roamed in her mind.
George, who was still in a troubled condition, the minute he saw Delvin walking in the living room, he lingered not, moved forward to meet him before he could speak. Delvin came first, 'You guys come and see Grandma Beatrice.'
Brenda awoke so suddenly, as if she weren't sleeping at all, gazed at Delvin and instantly made the fastest run to Grandma Beatrice's bedroom. George followed after, and then Delvin.
Delvin walked slowly, when he entered, he found Grandma Beatrice hugging two old beings like babies. He chuckled, he found this scene quite hilarious. The three cared not. A few minutes went by, they finally pulled out of Grandma Beatrice's arms.
'What happened, Grandma? You scared us both to death?' George questioned, with a gentle modified pitch and full of concern.
Grandma Beatrice, who looked puzzled too, began to share her side of the earlier incident, 'It all started with a headache, then I felt dizzy, I couldn't breathe, my lungs were blocked. Everything happened so fast and it all went dark. The next moment, I woke up. I saw Delvin near the door.'
The next version of the story followed and is narrated by George, 'I found you lying unconscious on the floor. I was panicking when Brenda joined me. We took you to the hospital. After the doctors analyzed your situation, their final verdict was that they could not help, they did not understand what was wrong with you. When we came back home, the same thing was said by our family doctor. He even tried to consult other doctors in his sphere of contact, and they too didn't know. And then Delvin came along and did?' George stopped himself. He did not know how to explain the actions of Delvin and then continued, 'The rest can only be explained by Delvin what he did to revive you.'
Revive? Does it mean I was on the verge of death? These thoughts ran through Grandma Beatrice's mind.