Chapter 24: A Wild Beast
Brenda's heart thumped in a frenzy, Grandma Beatrice was taken by the unexpected surprise. This was undoubtedly not accounted for. This is an interesting development.
This young man is strange, thirsty and very unpredictable. Grandma Beatrice thought, unable to comprehend him completely.
A cute beam followed, her wrinkled dimples flashed, diving deeper into the faculty of her imagination.
Maybe I didn't need to push Brenda that much, since Delvin had taken a liking to Brenda already.
Abruptly, she came out, still wearing her cute grin, 'Of course Delvin, you can go ahead, besides she does have her own mind and brains.'
The response overwhelmed Delvin with an explicable joy. He smiled shyly, feeling a little stupid, touching his head, 'Thank you, Grandma Beatrice, you are the best.'
Delvin turned to get Brenda's approval, she had a mischievous, shy grin mixed with curiosity, she dropped all other thoughts, she had to go with the flow, tapping her bravery from within her bosom, 'Follow me.'
She got up and started walking toward the opposite entrance door. Without looking back, Delvin followed right behind her. On reaching the door, she pulled it toward her and found themselves on the veranda.
George and Grandma Beatrice looked at each other curiously. George specifically found this action very strange for Delvin's character.
What could Delvin possibly talk about with Brenda? There is no point in time when these two had a close interaction or relationship that I can remember?
When George couldn't hold it any further, he went for it, 'What is the meaning of all this Grandma?'
Grandma Beatrice looked at George with curious sinister eyes. She had her own suspicions, and was not going to disclose them to George.
'What do you mean? Actually, I was going to ask you the same question?' Grandma Beatrice flung back.
George's patience grew thin, he and Delvin shared almost everything, but today's act was something entirely new, he did not know the reason behind it. Could it be because of his sister that he was skeptical about Delvin?
'Honestly, I really want to know that's why I asked you first.'
This was the time for Grandma Beatrice to put on a show, 'This young man is something else. Maybe he just likes Brenda?'
George jolted right away, and was aroused. Then a serious facial expression protruded, 'No, grandma. That is not possible.'
George refused Grandma Beatrice's suggestion.
Grandma Beatrice was the one dumbfounded by this reaction from George. She needed answers urgently and right now, 'Why do you say so, George?'
You could see her body quivering. This might disrupt her plan. George, without doubt, was aware of something Grandma Beatrice didn't know.
George relaxed on the maroon leather sofa, sipped his glass of wine, he was not in a hurry to spill the beans, 'Because he.' George paused deliberately to create more anticipation in Grandma Beatrice for what he was about to bring out.
'He already likes another girl from Lusaka Blue Hotel.'
Grandma Beatrice frowned, but regained her normal facial expression and composure, but inside she was fuming with smoke, 'Are you serious?'
Grandma Beatrice demanded confirmation, earnestly seeking validation and at the same time keeping her temper under control.
George nodded his head first, accompanying it with the words, 'Yes grandma. I am certain of it.'
Grandma Beatrice put on a fake smile, things had turned sideways, her plan was doomed to fail.
'This is interesting, then I truly have no answer for you George.' Commented Grandma Beatrice, then leaned back on her sofa with a thoughtful countenance, plotting her next move.
On the veranda, Brenda was very agitated and nervous. Delvin noticed, there was only one way to kickstart the conversation on the right note.
'Relax, I am not going to eat you. Do I look like a wild beast?'
Brenda's countenance fell, she felt fixed, but her body loosened a bit, 'No, it's just that I am not used to being around men, and you are not a wild beast.'
Brenda refuted Delvin's question, and blushed.
Delvin's mood lightened up also, for he was not good at approaching or talking to females, but he made it appear like it was natural, 'Good, I am very happy to hear that, my friend, or should I call you sister? If George is my brother, you are equally my sister.'
Right now, she felt quite relaxed, a serene cheerful feeling dripped through her delicate entire being as her body released out more tension. However, the word sister bothered her the most, her imagination held something else, 'Do you look at me as your sister?' Brenda asked, feeling quite disappointed but tried so hard not to show it.
Delvin took some humble time before answering, probably examining the question before proceeding, 'Yes, and the main reason I wanted to talk to you is this. I would like to know what it is that females look for in a man, and how do I know if a female is interested in me? And lastly, do you have any place in mind you think would be good to go on a date or would impress a woman?' Delvin fired almost three questions all at one goal.
At Lusaka Blue Hotel, Jasmine leaned on her office chair when her father entered her office.
'How is my beautiful daughter doing?' Mister Parker put on an all smile though he looked depressed.
'I am really fine, thank you and you?' Jasmine threw back her greeting.
'I feel a bit tired. Let's go out and refresh ourselves. This might do us good?' Mister Parker suggested.
Countless thoughts flew into Jasmine's mind. She gazed at the state her father was in, he definitely needed to relax and refresh himself. She sighed heavily. A bright smile appeared on her cute face, 'Dad, let's go for it.'
Mister Parker's face brightened with a smooth grin. His mood gradually improved, as it continued building up.
'That's my princess, alright, let's get going then?' Mister Parker put forward.
Jasmine closed her laptop, pushed her chair back, stood up, picked up her blown leather handbag from the table, hung it on her shoulder. She was about, when Mister Parker uttered, 'you will find me in my car.' He knew women's mind, he had to give her some space, mister Parker straight away turned and walked out of her office.
Jasmine nodded before a word came out, 'OK.'
Five minutes later, she found herself opening the car door to her father's car, which was packed right next to hers. Mister Parker happened to be lost in his deadly dreams of so-called life, the action of the door brought him back to today's reality. He glanced at Jasmine with shining eyes, while flashing a genuine smile directed at her.