The Birth Of Legends

Chapter 17: Game Quet

'It was good and how about your work?' Replied George, releasing a positive vibe. You could tell from his body language, and predict what he had been through.

Delvin tried to emulate George's energy, 'All good and interesting.' He smiled awkwardly, George replicated.

'Mister Parker told me that you did a very good job and that you were the hero of the day, who managed to take out five armed robbers. You must have made a good first impression.' Commented George.

Delvin's face made wrinkles, which gave a questioning illustration, 'Really?'

'Yep, he rarely makes good compliments. It looks like you two will go a long way from his tone. He is a difficult person sometimes, but if you do what he likes, you get into his good books.' George explained enthusiastically.

Delvin still wore a curious facial expression, 'Oh! Is that so?'

'Yep, did you have an opportunity to meet Miss Jasmine?' Asked George nonchalantly, getting even more enthusiastic, his gaze completely focused on Delvin.

Delvin was silent for a while because, after hearing Jasmine's name, multiple memories flashed in his mind, he could not help it but smile broadly, before admitting joyfully, 'Yes, brother, she is out of this world.'

Delvin assumed that George must be a fan, or had some interest in Jasmine.

'I like her, I guess the person who will marry her will be lucky. She also does have a good heart like her father.' George confessed his feelings and also complimented Jasmine.

Delvin's atmosphere transformed after the discussion on Jasmine was induced. He began to give out a unique horror, that of passion, and it was felt in the entire room, 'Is that so?' Inquired Delvin with a playful smile.

George noticed the change in Delvin, he could feel his attachment to Jasmine, and the energy he emitted right now. It's obvious that some love was fuming.

'Delvin, don't even think about it?'

'What?' Delvin made a facial expression of surprise and not knowing what was happening.

'I know what you are thinking. Just quit on those thoughts before they go far?' Advised George.

'Why not?' Delvin demanded an explanation.

'Because Mister Parker is very protective of her, and you would have a fallout with him if you started poking your nose at her.' Articulated George.

'How old is she?' Delvin brushed off George's comment. His mind was already made up, he did not intend to have any second thoughts.

George tilted his head to look at the ceiling. He did hear the question though.

Delvin followed George's gaze, hoping to comprehend what had gotten his attention. Unfortunately, he came to a dead end. After a series of seconds elapsed, George opened his mouth to give his response, 'She must be eighteen this year, if my memory is right?'

Delvin was electrified, a thousand images of both him and Jasmine unwrapped in his mind, completely lost in a fantasy world.

'A perfect match for me then,' Delvin alluded, and laughed hysterically.

George came to the realization that Delvin got nothing from his words.

'This isn't fun dude, I have given you my warning alarm. I want you to have a long-lasting working relationship with Mister Parker. That man can make your life easy or difficult.' Clarified George.

Delvin couldn't help it but laugh even more madly.

'Wow! Don't worry, I know what I am doing. Above all, it's important to have happy and merry moments.' Delvin paused from laughter while George dressed himself with a puzzled face.

Inside Lusaka Blue Hotel, Jasmine was in her office sitting. Her mind raced with countless thoughts until the thought of Delvin occupied her, in the process, calmed her down.

She continued entertaining the images of Delvin.

Hey Delvin, will you come over tonight? It's already eighteen hours, you did not even ask me for my number? I thought of asking you, but I was very shy and timid. But the next time you come around I will gather my courage and ask. I miss your energy, the deep sensation you left in my head. I can't run away from it, my thoughts are already stained with your images. I now think about you more than anything else during the day or at night. A thought of you gives me peace even when I am in a strenuous situation. If I were an artist, I would paint a thousand portraits of your wonderful face, hang them around my bedroom and office. There is nothing more I desire than you, my love. She smiled at her thoughts and her body was now full of goose bumps.

She muttered to herself, 'Wow! Just a few thoughts of this guy leaves me with goose bumps.'

Back in Delvin's room he was all lone once more. He thought of how to improve himself other than practicing at Death Driven Valley?

Skylark? The system activated.

The hologram display appeared in his mind.

Wow! This is definitely new? Exclaimed Delvin in surprise.

He had been used to that of a smartphone. He scrolled through the options. Then he came across the option game quest.

Skylark? What is this game quest about?

'Well! With this quest game you are given missions to complete and earn real money.'

'It does also improve your real life combat.' Explained Skylark.

Delvin pressed on the option quest.

'Welcome Delvin Dred to the Nineth Realm of martial arts fighters in the seventh dimension. Here you have the opportunity to soar high and reach your dream! My name is Lexon and I will be your tour guide.' The voice sounded like that of an AI.

'Any questions?' Lexon AI asked.

'How do I go about it?'

'It's very simple. First you have to choose an avatar and your game name.'

Delvin was a bit skeptical about it.

'Don't worry, this is a legit game and there are no tricks.' Lexon the officiating AI explained to easy up Delvin after reading his mind.

Today's technology is too much. Complained Delvin.

You can call me Alvin Trickster. Declared Delvin.

'Generating automated avatar!'

Lexon announced , the officiating AI. Different avatars could be seen scrambling on the Hologram display, and it landed on Magnum the thunder god. The Magnum gets deleted and replaced with Alvin Trickster, the thunder god.

'The rules are very simple in this quest. You need a hundred data units to enter a match.'

'You have 0.0 data units. However, the AI game offers you 100 data units free for a single match, and you stand to win the equivalent.' Informed Lexon, the officiating AI.

'Level one, stage one.'

Alvin Trickster was transported to a big arena, before alighting on the ground thunder and covering the dark crowds and Alvin Trickster landed on the ground. White blueish smoke coming out of his body. The arena was fully packed with people.

Alvin Trickster could see the life bar showing a hundred percent.

A master of ceremony walks in the arena.

'Ladies and gentle men, young and old, help me welcome the challenger!'

'Alvin, - - - - the Trickster?' He shouted. The crowd was silent.



'Boo - - - - - - !' Roared the majority of the crowd.

'Morris, I am betting twenty thousand dollars that Alvin the Trickster won't stand for two rounds!' Dared Nathaniel.

'Come on Nathaniel! A newbie?'

'Let's make it ten thousand?' Suggested Morris, 'Actually, I have changed my mind. I bet fifty thousand on the newbie, Alvin my Trickster.'

'Do you dare?' Nathaniel held his chin.

'Are you serious, Morris?' Morris smiled mischievously.

'What is the point of betting if we don't try on new fighters?' Asked Morris nonchalantly.

'You are a crazy man, honestly you are!'

'Alright! Fifty thousand he won't stand for two rounds!' Admitted Nathaniel reluctantly.

'Quiet! Quiet!' Yelled the referee, raising his hands to silence the noisy crowd.

'And now, I, Dangdong, welcome! Our! No other than - - Death Breeder!'

'Maragoya - - Makunda - - - - - !'

'Hell, yes - - - - - - - - !' Cheered the crowd, and they jumped, hugged, danced and others were kissing in public.

The crowd roared as Maragoya Makunda made an entrance into the arena. 'Makunda! Makundu! Makunda!' Chanted the excited crowd and, at the same instant, went crazy. This surprised Alvin the Trickster.

'Hello everyone!' Called out Maragoya Makunda, then bowed, 'Do you want to be entertained?'

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