The Big Boss Behind Hogwarts

Chapter 18

Chapter 17: Dumbledore Tells A Story

Lilith walked to the stool with elegant steps, picked up her hat, and sat down, all her movements and expressions were impeccable.

“Why don’t you put me on?” Lilith looked at the hat over and over in her hands, which made it confused.

“I just feel that you are a little strange,” Lilith’s mouth curled slightly, “but don’t worry, I won’t watch it for long. If Mr. Moriarty hadn’t cleaned you up, then I’d read a clear spring to you first. , another clean up.”

“Oh Merlin’s hat! Every little wizard has wanted to do that for centuries, but you were the first to say it!”

The hat screamed in shock, and with a “bang”, a sword fell out of the hat and landed in Lilith’s hand.

Lilith raised the sword quickly, and everyone could see it clearly. It was a shining silver sword with a dazzling egg-sized ruby on the hilt.

“Gryffindor sword!”

The students’ eyes widened, and even the professors on the professor’s chair stood up.

Moriarty saw a flash of surprise in Dumbledore’s eyes, apparently unexpected.

But Moriarty took it for granted that Lilith drew the Gryffindor sword.

She is confident, brave and challenging the rules. Bold, passionate, flouting the law.

Lilith shares too many qualities with Godric Gryffindor.

The Sorting Hat apparently thought so too, and before Lilith put it on, it exclaimed, “Gryffindor! You must be a Gryffindor!”

“No—” Lilith retorted, “I haven’t put on a hat yet, you can’t be sorted in advance!”

Lilith put the hat on her head, and she said the college she wanted to go to: “Slytherin! You’d better make no mistake, every Piliwick is a Slytherin!”

“Slytherin? No, no, no, you drew your sword, Gryffindor will help you succeed.” Hat persuaded.

“Who said that if you pull out the Gryffindor sword, you must be assigned to the Gryffindor Academy?” Lily didn’t give in at all.

“Well… no one said that, but…” The hat organized the language: “Remember when I said the story of the Gryffindor sword and the Slytherin staff? The Slytherin staff is back, he His old friend should also be held by the little wizard and continue their duel.”

“What? You mean, I take this sword and fight Mr. Moriarty?” Lilith’s eyes flashed back and forth between the sword and Moriarty.

“Although I really want to exchange magic with Mr. Moriarty, and I don’t mind trying to challenge Slytherin’s family magic, a duel with a sword is definitely not a good idea.”

The hat was anxious: “You have to get used to it. It can cut most things. You must know that there are not many who can beat the Slytherin Staff.”

“But I’m a wizard!” Lilith looked very determined, and then she rolled her eyes maliciously.

“If you don’t assign me to Slytherin, I’ll cut you open with a Gryffindor sword to see if there’s a monster hidden inside you!”

“Hey! You’re threatening me, you don’t look like a Gryffindor!” The hat twisted on Lilith’s head.

“Ha,” Lilith laughed exaggeratedly, “There is no law that says that the Gryffindor sword cannot be used to cut the Sorting Hat.”

“You…” Hat said angrily, “Okay, then…”

“Come on, say it!” Lilith swung her sword, “You’ve wasted too much time, I don’t want to be a hater because of it!”

“Well, let me see what you’re thinking, someone who can draw a Gryffindor sword wants to go to Slytherin?” Hat seemed to delay the time, and said slowly: “Is it because The boy from before?”

Lilith blushed: “I changed my mind, I’m going to sew your mouth!”

“Ah, Gryffindor will help you succeed quickly, but your thinking is very Slytherin…” Hat thought seriously.

After a full ten minutes, the hat reluctantly shouted, “Slytherin…”

The voice sounded weak, and Lilith was relieved all of a sudden, took off her hat and glared at it: “You made me a hater! I thank you!”

“No thanks, I hope you remember me.”

Lilith walked towards the Slytherin table, where cheers erupted again, this time from Gryffindor and Hufflepuff’s tables.

The Gryffindors thought it was cool to be a hater, and the Hufflepuffs thought Lilith was a genius.

“Miss Piliwick,” Professor McGonagall said suddenly, “leave the Gryffindor sword.”

Lilith tilted her head: “Isn’t it mine?”

“Over the centuries, students have drawn the Gryffindor sword, but it doesn’t belong to any student.”

“But strictly speaking, I didn’t pull it out, but it automatically fell into my hands…”

Lilith wanted to give some more examples, but after seeing that Professor McGonagall’s face became more and more like Professor Snape, she wisely chose to shut up, handed the sword to Professor McGonagall, and walked to the long table, Sit next to Moriarty.

Professor McGonagall stared at her for a while before calling out the next name. The Sorting Hat lost interest and was assigned to Hufflepuff as soon as the hat touched the top of the freshman’s head.

The last freshman was Percy Weasley, and the hat exclaimed: “Another Weasley! No doubt, Gryffindor~”

Professor McGonagall picked up the Sorting Hat and left, and Dumbledore stood up.

“Welcome!” he said. “Welcome to Hogwarts for the new school year! Before the banquet begins, I want to say a few words.”

Dumbledore turned his gaze to the long Slytherin table and exchanged glances with Moriarty, “This year, Hogwarts welcomes the descendant of Headmaster Salazar Slytherin, Mr. Moriarty.

Although I have never advocated privileges for the children of principals or school directors, given that Hogwarts has provided the international wizarding community with a steady stream of excellent wizards for more than a thousand years, I think this time we should raise our glasses and remember the Big Four .

To Slytherin! ”

Dumbledore raised his glass, and Moriarty suspected that the liquid inside might be honey.

The little wizards could not drink, and the wine glasses were filled with various liquids. Moriarty, holding the gravy ice cream prepared for him by Lilith, stood up with the professors and students: “To Slytherin! ”

The cries of the little snakes were especially frantic. The teachers and students in the school toasted Slytherin together, which made them even happier than Slytherin winning the Academy Cup for three consecutive years.

“I am delighted that this year, a little wizard drew the Gryffindor sword.” Dumbledore smiled and glanced at Lilith. Everyone was looking at her. Lilith was not shy and sat upright. Look, don’t look away.

“As an old Gryffindor senior, I regret that you did not choose Gryffindor,” Dumbleley’s words resonated with the little lions, but he quickly changed the subject, “but as headmaster, I am You can be proud of being both Slytherin and Gryffindor at the same time.

Almost every wizard who has graduated from Hogwarts says that Slytherin and Gryffindor are incompatible, but this phenomenon is not conducive to unity. ”

The eyes under Dumbledore’s glasses became serious. Professor McGonagall looked at Dumbledore worriedly, and then at the students on the long table, “Albus, it’s too early to say these words.”

“It’s not too early, Professor McGonagall,” Dumbledore said with a matter-of-fact look, “Isn’t it obvious that the Slytherin Staff and Gryffindor Sword appeared at Hogwarts together?

As the Sorting Hat said, what other pair of good friends in this world can compare to Gryffindor and Slytherin!

So, let’s honor the great friendship, the Gryffindor! ”

People followed Dumbledore and stood up: “To Gryffindor!”

“Ah~ I talked about friendship just now,” Dumbledore set his eyes on the long table of Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff this time: “Is there any friend in this world, better than Slytherin and Grant Fendor is better? Unless you count another pair of best friends – Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff.

Oh, speaking of this, it reminds me of an ancient legend, which says that each of the Big Four of Hogwarts has a weapon of his own. ”

The students’ interest was suddenly aroused, and William asked loudly, “I’m sorry, sir? Are you talking about the Slytherin locket, the Hufflepuff Gold Cup, and the Ravenclaw crown?”

“No, no,” Dumbledore shook his head slowly: “You are talking about the relics of the Big Four, and I am talking about the weapons of the Big Four.

According to some information that has been lost, Salazar Slytherin’s weapon is a staff, not a locket. How can a locket be a weapon? You can’t expect Slytherin to spell Gryffindor with the locket. ”

Dumbledore made a joke, then winked at Moriarty: “I think Mr. Moriarty can attest to that.”

Many people secretly looked at Moriarty’s Slytherin Staff, Moriarty said nothing about it, and quietly listened to Dumbledore’s story.

“And the Gryffindor sword–no doubt, since it is a relic of Gryffindor, it is also his weapon.”

Dumbledore was suddenly interrupted by a girl who said, “Professor, don’t always say Slytherin and Gryffindor, what are the weapons of Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw?

I think we’re more interested in their weapons, what girl wouldn’t want to be a pretty and powerful witch like Ravenclaw or Hufflepuff. ”



“Professor, please speak up!”

The girls from the four academies were so excited that they chatted with their companions about their dreams.

The atmosphere suddenly changed from solemn to enthusiastic. In order to show off in front of the girls, some boys couldn’t sit A few little lions even knocked on the plates and begged Dumbledore to speak faster.

Seeing that the auditorium was full of hustle and bustle but full of vigor, Dumbledore smiled, as if he couldn’t be happier than this.

“Okay okay, maybe I’m going to disappoint you by saying it, but I don’t want to hide it – as far as I know, there is no one, any record or information about what Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff’s weapons are. , not even a clue.

After all, they also have wands, and it’s hard to figure out what their other weapon is. ”

At this moment, the disappointed voices of the girls almost overturned the roof—if Hogwarts had it.

Dumbledore had to say loudly: “But I have some immature thoughts, do you want to listen?”

“Say it now! Professor, you always like to cheat!” It was the Hufflepuff girl again.

Dumbledore looked at her with a smile: “Okay, Tonks, you can’t wait. Well, let me see… Ravenclaw’s other weapon might be knowledge, and Hufflepuffs Another weapon, maybe a cauldron!”

? ? ?

Everyone was puzzled, and quickly realized that this was another Dumbledore joke. Tonks was so angry that he drank a large glass of ice cream. Lilith was speechless, but Penello smiled red.

Dumbledore stood up again: “The last two weapons, it’s up to you to find and explore. Let us respect the most precious wealth – knowledge, and thank you for the delicious food on the table!”

Everyone knew what the extended meaning was, and raised the glass again: “To Ravenclaw! To Hufflepuff!”

“Eat quickly,” Dumbledore opened his arms: “Ladies and gentlemen, eat enough.”

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