The Beautiful Monster

Chapter 271  Stressed

Chapter 271  Stressed

Tyler eased her pants off her hips, his hand immediately diving into her panties so that he could push two fingers inside of her. He curled and thrusted them, muffling her soft moans with his lips.

Melina lifted her hips slightly, chasing his hand as it moved against her. She shoved down his pants and briefs before sliding away from him and motioning to the bed. When he laid down, she climbed on top of him, straddling his waist. She reached down and guided him inside of her, taking a moment to adjust to feeling so full. She leaned down to rest her forehead against his.

"Show me I'm yours," she told him.

"You'll always be mine," Tyler promised her before grabbing her hips and slowly thrusting up into her. He leaned his head back against the pillow, his lips parting in pleased sounds and breaths as she moved up and down on top of him.

Melina dragged her fingers through her hair, pulling the strands back from her face so that Tyler could see all of her. She felt so connected to him, like they were one body, one soul. She bounced in a quickening rhythm, tilting her head back in bliss as he rocked up into her deeper.

"Yes, Ty…" she breathed out, feeling heat and pressure steadily build inside of her. He was making her feel exactly how she wanted to feel.

Tyler tightened his jaw as she moved on top of him. His hands glided up her sides, caressing her curves appreciatively.

"You're so damn beautiful," he murmured as he gazed up at her, watching her move.

Melina lightly smiled down at him. She placed her hands on his strong chest to steady herself, feeling him thrust up into her. The angle was just right, making the pressure in her body double.

"Just like that," she gasped as she leaned back a little to achieve that angle again.

Tyler held her hips tightly and drove up into her, thrusting hard and deep to make her moans echo throughout his dorm. As he got close, he dug his blunt nails into her skin, trying to find some sense of control. He was threatening to spiral, though.

"Come for me, baby," he told her.

His words immediately made Melina fall apart. The pressure exploded, and her body was racked with pure pleasure. She felt him explode, holding her so tightly that she knew his grip would bruise, but she didn't even care. She collapsed on top of him soon after, sinking into his protective hold and never wanting to leave.

"Thank you for sticking around," she found herself whispering to him. She lost Blair. Lily was off somewhere in the world. She felt so alone besides having him here with her. It meant a lot that he was there to comfort her and care for her. She needed him terribly right now as the world spun out of control all around her.

"I'm never leaving your side," Tyler promised her as he rubbed her back.

Melina hoped that he meant those words. She wasn't sure if she could handle being left all alone in this world that she no longer recognized.


A week passed without any sign of Blair or any clue as to where she went. Melina wanted to be hopeful. She wanted to believe that the threat was gone, that she could try to go back to normal if that even existed for her.

However, Tyler warned her to be cautious, to never let her guard down.

Melina couldn't help but wonder if she would always live her life like this. Would she always have to look over her shoulder or fear going out somewhere by herself?

She hated always feeling so fearful. She wanted to feel prepared, to feel strong. She didn't know if she was brave enough, though.

With everything going on, it was hard to focus on doing assignments for class. Homework seemed like such a tiny problem compared to everything that she had been dealing with lately. It was hard to get her mind back into work mode, even if deadlines were creeping up on her.

She tried to lock herself in her dorm to get some work done, eliminating all distractions, but nothing worked. She couldn't stop thinking about Blair, Tyler, the demon, and her new family drama.

With a frustrated sigh, Melina slammed her spell book shut and stood up from her desk in her dorm. She couldn't do this right now.

Her mind was too much of a mess, and she had no idea when she would be able to get some peace and quiet in her own mind so that she could work and actually get things done. She looked out of her window, seeing that it was sunny outside.

Figuring a break could do her some good, she grabbed her phone and sent a text message to Tyler, knowing that he was also in his room doing work. She had to kick him out earlier so that she could try to focus and work. Obviously, that didn't work.

Want to take a walk and get some fresh air? I'm going crazy in here

Melina got a message a minute later, telling her to meet him in the courtyard at their usual bench. She walked out of her room and to the courtyard, smiling faintly at him when she saw him near the bench.

"I still can't concentrate," she told him with a shake of her head.

"You're stressed," Tyler said, giving her a sympathetic look.

Melina figured that much, but there wasn't anything that she could do about that. She just needed a distraction for a little while.

"What have you been working on?" she asked him, knowing that he had been studying a lot too. The entire school was focused on the finals coming up. Failure wasn't acceptable, so everyone was in overdrive to make sure that they got that passing grade.

"Some fighting moves. It's kind of hard without a partner, though. I'm putting the air in a chokehold," Tyler laughed as he put his arm around her shoulders, pulling her against his side.


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