The Banished Villainess’ Husband

Chapter 2


“Nevertheless, the prime minister’s mood will be Butchbutch, won’t it? Well.”

“That’s right. So…”

“So why don’t you marry me and follow me?”

His Majesty’s intentions, the Prime Minister’s intentions, and Allefald’s intentions were all flinched, bitter measures.

Ha, it makes me laugh when it’s too bitter so far.

Um, today’s tea is delicious too .


“Yes, sir.”

“Fran! Are you listening to me!

“I know. I know. I guess the Counts don’t have a choice, huh? Fine. Fine. Fine.”

“Or don’t say it lightly……!

“Well, then I’ll pack my bags.”


I drank the other cup of tea and then went back to my room to pack my things.

I don’t even know what my father is trying to say, but I don’t have a choice but to obey.

Besides… I was a little happy somewhere in my heart.

Miss Elana is a lady of the Duke’s house.

It’s not good enough for me.

I just applied for a marriage, and you won’t be a parent, someone who can’t even come to me and marry me.

Well, Allefald’s fiancée.

Yokohama is also a good place……


So I left the house with my stuff while singing my nose song.

My father and mother dropped me off with a delicate face, but my younger brothers were still young, so I cried gang.

That’s right, my second son Ruth is not even that old, and although he showed some tears after tears…

“Ya, you can come back once in a while!

“Yeah, you can’t, can you?

“Yeah, yeah, yeah!”

“Here, this is Ruth! Don’t let a man cry at that age!

She smiled at such a cute drop-off and picked her up in the carriage to Miss Elana’s mansion.

In my father’s condition… it was accepted that that was the case.

And the servant of Miss Elana’s mansion had already done so.

I didn’t even hide the look of complexity, but I was sent straight to the reception room.

“Oh! Mr. Euphrane!

“Good morning, Prime Minister.”

… but the first person to come in was the Chancellor.

I thought you were going to blow out the tea that was served because you came in here looking like a killer.

“Yours! Last night’s majesty struck me! Please say hello to my daughter!

“(Face close!)… Well, I’m sorry… I’ll do whatever I can -”

“Knock, knock, knock! Your report! I want to beat myself up in the past laughing with my nose that I was joking or something! Give my daughter my best.



Oh, Miss Rijuana is shooting us all together. Okay, that’s the report.

Well, I did. Then maybe they’ll take it that way.

Fine, I laugh and nod.

I was brilliant. I don’t have the talent, and the house is about inside.

Very much like my current life, I wouldn’t let her have the luxury…

“I’ll do my best… I’ll do my best”


“Uh, so, Prime Minister, can I have your hands off me? And it’s close to my face…… I’ll wipe it with tears, handkerchiefs -?

“Oh no! You were a sweet young man! You are!”

“Wow, I’ve never been told that before”

There’s nothing wrong with yesterday’s breakthrough in anger, is there, Prime Minister?

“… compared to His Highness Alefald…! What a handy engagement wreck! The process was completed by the end of the night!

Yeah, wouldn’t there normally be a discussion between the two houses or something?

… No, I tangled a guardian dragon… or…?

That prince, you’re good at that kind of ability for nothing, aren’t you?

“… on top of that, no way, get out of the country by the day after the engagement is broken, etc!


“Too much! I feel so sorry for Elana!

“… Well, it’s definitely sudden…”

You tangled up in a guardian dragon around there, too?

No, it’s conveniently used, Dear Guardian Dragon.

“Dear Chancellor, to the best of my knowledge, Miss Elana and other fiancées of Her Highness’s friends have not abused or harassed Miss Lijuana.”

“⁉ … What, what?

“Be as careful as you can…… look into it…. Your daughter shouldn’t be the one to do that. Please, trust your daughter.”

………… … Yu, Euphran-kun!


Let’s give up on the fact that our faces are close.

Whispering so in his ear, he pinpoints his neck and squeezes… well, squeezes.


I don’t want to die in my old man’s embrace.

“Yes, sir, my lady.”



He was overlooked with the look of something awesome and suspicious.


“Oh, whoa, whoa, whoa! … Elana, be very careful with your body.”

“Yes… thank you for your help, Father, Mother”


Miss Elana’s mother wipes her tears with a handkerchief without saying anything.

The opposing prime minister turns his back…… yeah, I can see the egg crying face round from me……

She was the only daughter I ever loved.

All I have is one bag.

I’ll lift it up and reach out.

Miss Elana honestly put her hand on that hand.

Oh, no.

My mouth looks loose.

“…………… sorry I got involved”

That’s what they said with a dark face when I got out of the mansion.

Pack the carriage, open the door for her, take her hand and get in the carriage, and send a signal with your eyes.

Until then, I did not reply in particular.

And after the carriage runs out, I look carefully at Miss Elana.

Flashy is a dark brown one-piece dress and headdress-style hat that has been kept to a minimum.

Jade hair and clear ocean eyes.

That’s what you want to hear about where you’re going, what’s going to happen…

“Sounds ravishing, huh? You were so grand yesterday.”

“Eh, yesterday… yesterday was mine… because it was a sunny stage!?”

“Hmm, I see -?

“Hey, what!? That light attitude even though people are apologizing for it! More like this, don’t you have to comfort!?”

“If you’re not depressed, you don’t have to comfort me, do you?


Oh, I’m perfectly better than I thought.

If you’re healthy, you’ll manage to do it again in the future.

“Well, let’s just say that”

“Hey, what?

“Let’s talk about the future. Chancellor… have you heard anything from your father?

“… Yes, no, nothing. Except as of last night the castle told me to leave the country by the end of the day…”

I heard that this morning.


Haha, and I laughed, “It’s not funny!” scolded.

Fine, fine.

“Well, I mean, I’m rocked by a carriage now without a destination to go to”


“Not that…”

“Which one!?”

“As a matter of fact, our relatives are married to neighboring border uncles. I’m gonna ask if I can borrow a place to live from that muscle.”

“Until then, if I can get into trouble with that house, I can live in a place with a roof for a while. But since it’s remote, it can be enough to say no. In that case, you must start your life by lowering your head to the civilian population of the neighbouring country with one hand’s luggage and borrowing quite a bit from the house. What do you say? You’ll only see a rather delightful future, won’t you?

What do you say with a laugh? ”

“Well at least I can’t live like before. This is certain.”


He smiles and shows, suddenly dropping his hips and shoulders.

And for some reason, “I’m sorry” was bowed down again.

Why is that?

“No, I’m good. Sounds interesting. Aren’t you in trouble? The Duke’s lady?

“! Wah, I’m fine!

“Hmm? Well, so you’re prepared for some hard work?

“Yeah… but, you know…”

“I told you, it sounds funny, so I’m good.”

“… sounds interesting…”

I’m just flattered to be with you. [M]

Hey, you’re in trouble, this.

You don’t know what’s gonna happen to your life .

I thought it wouldn’t come true for the rest of my life. I didn’t know that romance would come true .

“There are no more orders, no more futile power disputes… I’ve been busy lately – if I think I can rest.”

I didn’t know you were with Miss Elana either.

Isn’t that great?

Alefald has also declared his marriage to Miss Lijuana to that great extent, I’m sure he’s not going to try to get Miss Elana back now.

Marriage procedures should be in place in the state.

My father, the keeper of the law, the Chancellor and the King are the marriages of Guru, the proceedings will be over by the end of the day.

And then me and her civil rights freeze.

The stripping is probably not done.

It would be assumed that there would be no civil rights or titles, but I can recall her once her innocence is known.

Naturally, I can go home, but I want to relax with her on the land of my neighbor.

The heart of the country is nothing but trouble.

Because Alefald and his “alumni” are rough to use.

Well, good luck to ourselves in the future.

I’ll do my best here.

That’s it.

“… Rakuten…”

“Maybe it won’t get any worse.”

“I hope so.”

And, two hours after we were in conversation.

“We’re at the border.”

“Thanks ”


“So, then, boy… you know, really…”

“It’s okay, it’s okay, he said he could handle it. Good luck. Say hello to your father and the Chancellor.”


“Yes… then…”


“… eh”

I got off the carriage because I got to the border.

Two luggage.

One of my favorite horses.

“… Huh?

“Sa, then let’s stick it out and walk. Oh, Miss Elana, can you ride a horse?

“Huh? Huh?…………………………… Huh?


What’s wrong with you?

“Huh? Wait, wait, wait, Euphrane… Huh? On foot?”

“Huh? No, Miss Elana, if you can ride a horse, you can ride Lucy, right? I can’t go for two because I’m putting my stuff on.”

“Eh… I can’t ride a horse”

“Then you’re walking. Lucy, I’ll get my stuff on.”



Lucy was the beloved horse I got for my birthday present when I was little.

Up to this point I brought him mixed up with the horses pulling the carriage.

My father wouldn’t be able to walk right to the neighboring country, he was your horse, and he sent me out with him for half a guile.

Hey, I appreciate it.

It’s for horseback riding and hunting, not for livestock horses, but because it’s a big difference between being there and not being there.

“Huh… lying?… lying… walking…?

“It’s a walk. Must be Nojuku this evening!


Smile and thumbs up.

Miss Elana’s desperate expression.

Thirty seconds later, in a small voice, he muttered, “I knew you’d let me ride my horse…” so I put him on Lucy and walked out.

And instantly it will be evening.

He laid down his hips in a wide area at the edge of the proper road, and made an enclosure out of stone and put in it a tree that he had duly picked up.

I had brought the match, so I lit the dead leaves and twigs and finished the incineration.

“Would you like some dried meat?

“… I will eat”

Ahaha, my face is dead.

I guess.

Do you want a blanket?

“… I’ll borrow it…”

Remove the thin blanket from the bag and hand it over.

Well, he thought he’d be unfamiliar with a lot of things, but he was pretty shocked.

No way. I was born as the only daughter of the Duke’s house, and I don’t normally think the day will come for me to go wild.

I’ll roam the dried meat, too, and set the fire.

Miss Elana stared at the fire, silently scowling the dried meat.

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