The Artful Match

Chapter 34: 34 Bat Marking

"Ummm, may I go? I have a few things that I need to pick up for my mate and pups." The werewolf raised his hand slightly.

"Oh, sorry, yes. You are free to go. You are not being held accountable." Brielle smiled towards the werewolf that had saved the little boy. "Thank you for your timely assistance." Brielle bowed, then looked back at the mess the mall was in. She pulled out her phone and hit the speed dial for the mall clean-up crew. "Main floor by the chocolate store requires repair. An altercation between a werewolf, vampire, and a second vampire finished off the one that caused the damage."

Ketan watched the werewolf walk away, then waved to the vampires that were looking at him. The mother of Anthony bowed to Ketan then took her son away. ~It has been done.~ Hearing Brielle's heart beating in her chest, Ketan turns to walk away.

Brielle cuffed his wrist to hers. "You can't leave yet. I need a word with you." She had put away her phone. "Did you think that I would leave you alone after you did that?" she points to the dust pile.

Shrugging, Ketan looks at the cuff and sighs. "I was hoping to avoid the mall staff. I do not want to get dragged into the repair shitshow."

"Come with me then. Only then will I let you go." Brielle took him to a different interrogation room. Once the door closed, Brielle slammed her hands on the wall. "I DO NOT NEED A BABYSITTER! Take your mark back, vampire." She glares up into his red eyes.

Ketan lifts a small portion of her hair up to his lips, kissing it before letting it slide through his fingers. "While I am here, that marker will stay with you. I will not have a hunter's blood on my hands while I am here. I came here for a break, but now I am pulled into working."

Pulling away, Brielle released her cuff and stepped back. "Don't touch me. I am not some prey you can toy with. If you do not take this mark off, then I will forcibly do it." The fact that his eyes turned black slipped from her mind at Ketan's actions.

"I would love to see how you, a mere human, could remover my mark." Ketan flashed his teeth before sitting on the deck watching her.

Brielle pulls out a silver dagger and stabs the mark, but to her shock, the mark eats the dagger. She looks down in disbelief. "What the fuck did you do?"

Ketan plays with the knife, then throws it at the wall. "Nothing really. My mark stays, little hunter." He hands her back the cuffs and the keys. "I will see you around. Try to not get into too much trouble now." He kisses her cheek, then disappears from her sight.

Glaring at him until he is gone, Brielle collapses onto the ground, breathing deeply. 'Fucking bloodsucker. I swear that the next time we meet, I will do everything within my powers to kill him. How dare he kiss me twice?!?!?!' She looked at the cuffs and keys that were now in front of her. She sighs, then shakily gets up and calms her heart that was racing. Once she was composed, she went and spoke to the cleaners.

"Miss Hunter! It is good to see you. We got a few reports that you are doing an amazing job. Don't forget the reports this morning." A warlock handed her a clean-up report and bowed to her.

"I will not forget. One of my co-workers will be taking the day shift. He should be here any moment." Brielle took the report and looked at the perfect walls. "Great job on cleaning up. If I need your help again, I will call you." Brielle took the report and carried it to the interrogation room.

Will sneaked up behind her and covered her eyes. "Guess who?"

Elbowing Will in the stomach, Brielle glared down at him. "Don't fucking play games with me. I have not had the easiest night, and if you test my patience, then you might not like with I do to you." She pulled out her dagger and lifted his chin up.

"Alright, alright, I'm sorry." Will takes a moment and examines Brielle and sees a small stack of reports. "Eventful night for you, I take it?"

"You can say that. If you are to take over, then I am going to go and file my reports to the right people, then get some rest." Brielle pulled her dagger back and smirked at Will.

"I swear sometimes you and Leo just like to toy with me. Go and have your rest." Will got up and waved Brielle off. "I've got the rest of the shift for you."

Brielle cleaned up all the paperwork and left the room, heading back to her hotel room. Once inside, she looked at her palm, kissed the mark, and the bat flew off, flapping in the air, blushing. "You are so adorable, unlike your Master. Do you think you could wait here while I clean myself up? I promise that I will not be leaving the room."

The mark flies around the room before landing on her laptop. It looked at her and waited to see if this was okay.

"Thank you, I will be out in about an hour." Brielle got up, went into the bathroom and started running the bath water making it hot. While the tub filled up, she went to the shower, washing off the dust and the blood that she had gotten on herself.

Ketan scowled at his mark, listening to the human, but at the same time was utterly fascinated. There had not been a case where a vampire's mark listening to another being before that he knew of. ~Kitsune, have you ever heard of a mark listening to someone who is not their maker?~

Laughter fills his head. ~What kind is question is that? Of course, it can happen if you find your fated partner…. No way! You found a partner?~

~Fat fucking chance. I refuse to get a partner. You know what will happen to Sylvie if I get a partner. I will not let her and Emerson suffer because of me. So you can stop this thought.~ Ketan almost turned the connection off before a feeling hit him. ~Someone is attempting to hack the flight database to find you. My malware just activated. This will fry that person's computer.~ Ketan picked up his laptop and entered the system.

~That would not surprise me, considering I am on the hit lists for the hunters. They might be looking into where I have gone to track my whereabouts. I will not push the partner this with you but remember your marks are supposed to listen to you and your partner once they have been found. Oh, and I forgot to thank you for taking care of that vermin. I was a little preoccupied.~

~Whatever, I'm cutting the connection to have some fun.~ Ketan cut the connection and started the virus attack that was slowly corrupting the data on the computer. Ketan looked through files and saw pictures of supernaturals from all over the world. None of which were marked as targets. He types on the screen. DO YOU THINK I WILL MAKE THINGS EASY FOR YOU, HUNTER? Ketan sat there and waited for a reply in the box he provided.

Hunter- Look, all I am trying to do is find someone that means a lot to mean. I do not mean any harm.

Anonymous- Do you think I will believe the words of a hunter with this many files on the supernatural? Give up the hunt.

Hunter- Why does this matter to you, and are you one of them?

Anonymous- What will you do if I am? It is not like you will be able to track me. So don't bother. As for why this concerns me, well, that is a family friend that you're hunting down. I do hope that you have enough money to replace the devices you are using.

Hunter- … I just want to make sure that she is safe. Do you not know what it feels like to be in love and then find out after finding it, then it is gone?

Anonymous- I do not know what that feels like as I do not have a partner, and I refuse to get one. If you want to find her, I will help you later if I think that she is in danger. For now, I will corrupt your phone and computer. I am a vampire, so next time we talk, you will know it is me.

Ketan closes the window and gets the data before sending one last message. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED. All around the words were bats the covered the screen, and then the devices died. Closing his laptop, he thought about what the hunter said. 'It seems like this is not a simple thing, it might be okay to allow this hunter to find her, but I will monitor the situation for now. As for this little hunter, I will have to avoid her at all costs. She does not need a defective vampire like me.' He got up, went to the fridge, staring at the door before opening it and grabbing a couple of blood bags. He tore the first package open and downed the blood. "Fuck!" He throws the empty bag against the wall and stocks off to his bedroom.

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