The Artful Match

Chapter 31: [Bonus chapter] 31 Rejection is Bitter Sweet

Jumping in her body, Brielle hangs up her phone and glares at the familiar voice. "What in the Fuck? How long have you been here, Vampire?" quickly, she covers her front.

"Almost the entire time. The drugs the mutt poured into your drink will be kicking in soon. What will you do?" Ketan went to the kitchen and wets the handkerchief, and then hands it to her.

"I will be fine on my own. I will go back to my room and suffer through it. I knew that he would drug me; that's why I needed to finish him before they kicked in." Brielle felt the drugs start kicking in. She falls to her knees.

Ketan caught her. "I will take you to your room. That way, you do not get attacked along the way." He picked her up, grabbed her purse and looked at the scythe.

Pushing away from Ketan, she almost falls to the ground, but he caught her before she landed on the ground. She pushes the button and shakily moves the scythe to her purse. Feeling his body near her, she breathes heavily and kisses him, no longer thinking straight.

Ketan hits the back of her neck, causing her to collapse. He left the room and carried her to her penthouse. He teleports them to the door while he mutters. The door opens, Ketan walks in and lays the hunter on the couch. He uses his magic to clean the blood off of her body, and he looks at the ball of blood that was floating in the air. He placed it in his mouth and swallowed it. "I understand who you are killing that one for now." Ketan disappeared from her sight, went back to the room and looked at the blood damage. He waved his hands, and the blood slowly filled up a few empty champagne bottles. He poured the champagne bottle that was drugged down the drain. Then took the blood bottles up to his room. He looked at the girl napping on his bed. He went to the kitchen, sealing the bottles, placing them in the fridge. Afterwards, Ketan went into the other room and pulled out a wad of cash. He counted and was happy with the ten thousand he pulled and locked the safe back up. He went to his room and gently shook the girl's shoulder. "How are you feeling?"

"After a short nap, I am feeling better. Did you get what you needed to complete?" looking up at Ketan with sleepy eyes.

"Thanks to your help, I was able to watch quite the show. That guy will no longer be bothering you. That hunter is quite skilled." Ketan sat on the edge of the bed and patted her on the head. "I have your reward and an offer that you might like. It is not an offer to turn you, but I will let you be a blood vessel for me. You will not be at risk of me killing you, as I treat my blood vessels well."

She sits up and looks at Ketan and touches his cheek, "I will do it. I just need to know the specifics of what that will entail. I am not afraid that you will kill me. If you say that you will treat me well, then I will believe you."

Ketan kisses the palm of her hand and pulls her down on the bed, snuggling her in, but in his mind, he was picturing the hunter as the one in his arms. "I will come to you once a month. I do not want to overfeed from you. I might take you to bed when I come to you, but it will depend on the circumstances. I will financially support you for a while. For the information that you gave me, I will be paying you ten thousand dollars, but that also covers the cost of your blood. If I come to you before one month, it means I am desperate. Do not take it the wrong way."

"I do not mind. You can take what you need from my body. It is not like I have not sold my body in the past, just to make ends met. Ketan, I am your humble servant until you no longer need me. How long would you like our contract to last?" She placed her head on his chest and cuddled with him.

"Such a tragic past, Alexis. The nice thing about all of this is that I will never force you to make the choice of whether you will sleep with me or not. I will never force that out of you. I might change it to every two weeks. It just depends on my blood needs." Ketan held her, let out a small breath and breathed in her scent mixed with the hunters he could smell on his clothing. 'I will have to stay away from that little hunter.'

Brielle came to in her room still wearing the dress. The only difference was that she was no longer covered in blood. She felt a wave of lust, and her body was starting to burn with intense need. She got up and couldn't stand up that well. Stumbling the whole way as the lust attacks hit her. She fell into the tub, turned the water onto the coldest setting and let it run down her overheated body. 'Fuck, this is the worst.'

Letting cold water run down her body, she starts to shiver, but not from the cold but the heat in her body. Brielle looked at the wall, trying to think what she needed to do, but nothing but satisfying herself came to mind. She took off her shoes, then slid the dress's straps back down and started to massage her breasts. The heat starts to get worse, and Brielle whimpers against the tub. She moves one hand down to her panties and circles her clit through her panties. This causes her to moan out loud and move her fingers a little faster. Until she feels her orgasm building. She shattered and finally was able to think a little more straight.

Brielle got out of the tub and turned off the water. Grabbing a towel, she dried herself off and dropped the dress in a soggy mess on the bathroom floor before stumbling to the bed. Brielle searched her bag and found her vibrator. She collapsed on the bed, slowly let the toy fill her up, she moans, and the lust from the drug took over again. Brielle thrust her hips on the toy, and she touched her clit while moving the toy until she started climaxing, and she finally was released from the haze a little. She looked around the room, didn't see the vampire anywhere, and let out a sigh. Brielle threw the vibrator beside herself, then got out of bed. Brushing her hair, she looked around and got dressed in her hunting clothes. Quickly clipping the scythe in place, Brielle leaves the room.

Ketan saw his bat attach itself to the Hunter, and he sighed. 'I guess that she was not kidding. I do not even know why I wanted to know she was good. I shouldn't have hoped that she would ask me. At least this will be the only weekend that I will have to deal with her.'

"It is regrettable, but I do need to go back to my siblings. I feel like I am taking the money and running." Alexis looked Ketan in the eyes.

Ketan looked into her eyes and kissed her on the lips. "Don't worry about it. I will walk you out." Getting out of bed, he helps her out and offers his arm for her to hold onto.

Carefully, Alexis gets out of bed. "Anytime that you need me, I am available for you." She took the money that was offered and placed it in her purse. Then the two went to the elevator.

"Thank you, Alexis." Ketan walked her out to her car and kissed the top of her hand. "See you again. My number is in the payment. Text me when you get home so that I will be able to let you know when I need you again." Seeing her nod, Ketan went back inside and closed his eyes, looking for the hunter.

Brielle went back to the shop to see Susan. She stepped inside and saw how busy she was, and two customers started to fight. Brielle pulled her scythe and jumped between the two, pointing the sharp end at the instigator. "Do you realize how much damage you two are causing to the shop? You two pay for everything that is damaged, and then I escort you both out of the mall."

"Fuck. Sorry, I was not trying to do anything, but this asshole started attacking me." The first werewolf looked at the other guy.

The other werewolf that had the scythe pointed at his throat. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have started anything. This is all my fault. I attacked without talking to him first. Would you please give us a chance before kicking us out? We will pay for the damages."

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