Chapter 15: 15 Stalker
"Please, don't worry about it. I would do this again in a heartbeat. Seeing how happy you are, makes it all worth it, but before the guys get back… Brielle, will you answer one question for me? I already know that I can't know about Will's work, so do not worry about it being about that. I wanted to ask if you could tell me how Leo is acting at work? It is worrisome that he fell so hard for my friend." Sam looks at Brielle, hopeful.
Sighing, Brielle paid for the knives and pulls Sam away. Lowering her voice, "I do not know much about what happened but from what I have seen… Leo is now obsessed with this girl. If your goal was to connect the two, then it definitely worked. I am rather concerned about how this will go since he is so deeply fixated. I do not want him to get hurt at work, but there is a chance. Thankfully, Will is, for the most part, is partnered with Leo. I don't think you should be too concerned at the moment, but if it drags on too long, that is when you need to worry. That is my honest opinion."
"Thank you for that. That was all I wanted to know. I will ask Will to keep an eye on his best friend." Sam smiled, and they walked back and paid for all the items and left to go to a dining ware store.
"Should I be concerned over your conversation?" Jenna looked between the two and saw that there was a minor strain on their faces.
"God no, Sweetheart. I was asking about that big oaf." Sam points to Leo. "I am just slightly concerned. It is so hard to get a read on him."
Jenna giggles. "I think you are right." She happily skips into the store, dragging Sam with her.
"Leo, can we go to the truck for a moment?" Brielle hands him her phone while the two walk away. She pushes the full cart while Leo opens the phone. Seeing more pictures of everyone with a message. ~Do you think they will keep me away?~
Leo walks faster, and then they get everything emptied into the truck. "When we leave, I will demand higher security around your apartment. Will you be able to drive?" Watching her shake her head. "I will drive your car, and we will let Will drive the truck. I know that he had his driver bring him and Sam to the mall." He pulls out his phone and shoots the message to Will. Then opens the back of the truck. Quickly he starts packing everything inside.
Brielle handed him the bags and didn't take back her phone. "Do you think that I will be safe at my place?" Shivering not from the cold but from the messages that she received.
"I will lose anyone that tries to trial. I will not allow him to find your apartment. Do not come to work for the rest of the week. No hunts, no coming into the office, no leaving the apartment. Do I make myself clear?!" Leo hopped down, and they walked back into the building and pockets her phone. He pulls out his phone and looks at the message. Before going to the store, they stop at a phone shop. "Pick one. I will put it on the work card, and that way, it will not be traceable back to you."
"I understand." Brielle looks at all the phones and finally settles on the latest smartphone model. The silver compact mini computer phone. "It was time that I upgraded my phone anyways." She then picks out an indestructible phone case.
Leo pulls out his card and slides it to the cashier. "Put the payment plan under my name and on this card." He signs the receipt, and they leave, rushing back to the store. When they arrived, Sam and Jenna were laughing at Will, who was wearing the frilliest neon pink apron. Pulling out his phone, Leo takes a picture then smacks Will on the shoulder. "You, my friend, are whipped."
Jenna skips over and starts to load the items into the cart. "I have had so much fun today. Thank you for helping me get everything, Bree."
"Anytime, dear. I will ask if we can do a quick possession of the apartment. There are a few that are completely empty. Anywhere else you need to go?" Brielle pats Jenna on the head.
"Nope, that was all that I needed to do. I am glad that I was able to get all of this done." Jenna smiles at Sam. "Thank you for all your help today! You are an amazing person."
"Don't worry about it. If you need some more help feel free to contact me. That goes for you as well, Brielle." Sam smiles then hugs Will.
"Let me walk you out to the car. Then I have to take the truck to the location." Will kisses Sam's cheek and carries the apron and a few bags. "Sorry that we can't continue."
Sam shakes her head. "Don't worry about it. Work comes first; it is not like we can't come back here when you are done. Just promise that you will be safe."
"I promise that I will be safe." Will smiles, "What would I do without you?"
"Hmmmmmm, save money but be eternally unhappy?" Sam says this and starts laughing.
Jenna shakes her head. "Now I understand why you like to hang out with Will and Leo. Will is a jokester, Leo is the serious one, and you are the one that is calculating."
"If you said something else, I would get mad at you." Leo was typing on his phone, sorting through the paths that they could take. Then they reached outside and watched as Will sent Sam off. Leo throws the keys at Will and pushes Jenna towards Will. "Go with Will for now. We will meet you at the place."
Brielle nodded at Jenna to let her know that it was okay. Then leads Leo to the convertible. She tossed the keys at him then climbed in. "Just don't scratch her, or I will skin you alive." She gives him a death glare.
Leo catches the keys and gets in. He starts it up and drives away; watching the mirrors, he starts weaving in and out of traffic. He makes a sharp turn, then speeds up and turns the car drifting it effortlessly. "We have a tail. Black sedan."
Brielle freezes and looks in the rearview mirror. "Lose him, Leo." She holds on to the oh-shit handle as Leo picks up speed, turning corners, and then he loses sight of him, and he pulls under a bridge and waits there for thirty minutes before he takes the road to Brielle's place. Brielle pushes the unlock button at the apartment so that Will and Leo can drive the two vehicles in.
Leo parks the convertible next to the red mustang and gets out. He hands the keys over. "Remember, stay the fuck here for the rest of the week. I do not want to see a single hair of yours in the office." Letting go of the keys, he gets out as Jenna, and Will hop out and walk up to them.
"So now that everyone is here, what is the plan?" Jenna looks at everyone.
"I'm going back to the office, and Will will go back to Sam. You and Brielle will be tasked with getting you an apartment." Leo pushed his hair out, and they walked as a group to the elevator. He and Will get off at the ground floor, where Brielle and Jenna continue to the top floor.
"I thought that you said that your apartment had an apartment across from your place?" Jenna looks confused about why they were going to the penthouse suite.
"The apartment that is for sale across from mine is on the floor below. I keep all my work stuff down there. Sorry, I should've been more clear on that. This is my home." Brielle opened the door, and Jenna walked in, looking at everything.
"I understand now. Thank you. This place is a lot more empty than I expected, but in a way, that is what I was expecting." Jenna took off her shoes and stepped into the living room, looking at the painting on the wall. "Wow, that painting is dark but stunning."
"I am glad that you like it. What do you want for dinner? I will order in. I do not have a lot in the fridge that is cookable." Brielle pulls out her laptop, brings up all the food places and starts scrolling while Jenna looks over her shoulder.
"Oh! Can we please order burgers and french fries? It has been a few weeks since I have been able to eat them. Can't exactly get take out at the work building." Jenna smiles as Brielle stops and selects a burger place called Burger'n Such.
Brielle places the laptop in Jenna's lap, "pick whatever you want; I need to set up my new phone." Brielle opened the bag that she was carrying and pulled out the phone box. She quickly starts the phone up; following the prompts, she gets to the main screen, and a message pops up from Leo as he had shared the picture of Will. Saving the picture, she messages him back. ~I hope that your search is fruitful. We are going to order take out.~