The Anger.

Chapter 123: CH 123

"Two hours, it is," said Harry. A pinch of tossed floo powder and a call of Lily's Pad each, and Harry and Daphne were gone.

Cygnus thought it was lucky Harry and Daphne left when they did as Dumbledore floo called not five minutes after they'd left.

"Good morning, again, Cygnus," said the old man. "I find I have to move my scheduling up a bit, this morning. I hope you're able to see me now."

'Cheeky bugger!' thought Cygnus. 'I bet you have nothing organised for after this other than running around trying to find Harry.'

"Very well, Albus," said Cygnus. "The sooner you've been and gone the sooner I can get to my breakfast. I find myself quite cranky in the morning until I've broken my fast." 'Take that as you will, old man,' he thought.

Not a few moments later, Dumbledore stepped through.

"Thank you for taking the time to see me, Cygnus," said Dumbledore. "Shall we head through to your office?"

"In here will do fine, Albus," replied Cygnus taking a seat in one of the armchairs, before he indicated the seat opposite.

"Oh! Yes. Very well," said the old man, slightly aback. "I would have thought somewhere more private would have been better."

"The rest of the household is asleep, Albus," said Cygnus. "We'll not be bothered. It was, after all, a late night, last night. Now, what do you want?" "Ah!" replied Dumbledore. "Straight to it, then."

Taking a page from Harry and Daphne's way of dealing with the Headmaster, Cygnus didn't say a word.

Finally sitting down, Dumbledore said, "I have been in a bit of a panic, these past few days. Mister Potter did not arrive safely at his maternal aunt's for the holidays."

Again, Cygnus didn't say a word.

"Yes. Well. Errr..." stuttered the old man. "I wondered if you might know where young Harry might be."

And yet again, Cygnus didn't say a word. The man had still not asked a question of him yet.

As he watched the expressions war across the old man's face, he thought, 'Daphne and Harry are right. It really throws him off his game.'

Deciding to throw the old man a bone, Cygnus asked, "Are you actually asking me if I know where young Mister Potter is, at the moment, Albus?"

"Well, yes; I guess that's what I'm asking, yes," replied Dumbledore.

"Then, no, Albus," said Cygnus. 'Well done, Harry,' he thought.

"Oh. I see," said Dumbledore. "It is most imperative I find him."

"Albus," said Cygnus, showing he was getting annoyed. "You informed me you needed to speak with me concerning a as you put it - matter of utmost importance, and that it was delicate. I fail to see how Mister Potter's whereabouts are either of those; or are any of your concern. "Now, please get to the reason for this most urgent meeting; so I may get on with my day."

"Well. I had expected Mister Potter to be here..." tried the old man.

"He's not here," interrupted Cygnus. "Now, again, what is this delicate matter of utmost importance relating to my family business you wanted to speak to me about?"

"Well, as the matter relates to Mister Potter, I was hoping to also speak with him about it," replied Dumbledore.

"Then perhaps if you had been more forthcoming with that information, Albus, I might have been able to arrange a time with Mister Potter when he would be here," said an irritated Lord Greengrass. "However, it appears you have wasted both your own time and mine. "I suggest, in future, you be clear in what it is you want - in advance - of any meeting with me, instead of leaving it to chance. Now, since he isn't here and our Houses are now in open alliance, I give you my word I will pass on anything and all of what it is you wish to speak with him about."

"Yes. It appears I have caught you at a bad time," said Dumbledore, quickly rising to his feet. "I had best be on my way. Thank you for your time."

With that, Dumbledore quickly strode the few steps to the fireplace, drawing a small container of floo powder out of his robes as he moved. With a dash of powder and a call of, "Headmasters Office, Hogwarts!" he was on his way.

While muttering, "Stupid old man!" Cygnus reached behind the cushion of the chair on which he sat and drew out to sit on his lap the ward ledger. He quickly opened it to the right page and, drawing a self inking quill from his robes, crossed out the name Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore before blowing on it to dry the ink and closing it again.

With the ledger tucked under his arm he stood and took a couple of steps before he frowned and turned back. Drawing his own wand he waved it about with a few muttered incantations. Getting no response to his casting, he mentally shrugged and muttered, "I wouldn't have put it past you, you old fool."

Over at Lily's Pad, Harry and Daphne were enjoying a wonderful English breakfast quickly prepared by Ninny. Both Harry and Daphne apologised to the lovely little elf for not giving her advance notice; and told her to take her time preparing breakfast.

They had thought to have a small table moved out onto the balcony so they could sit at it while enjoying their breakfast, but quickly decided it was too cold outside. Instead, they were sitting at the dining table in the dining nook.

Harry had managed to disappear down into the Alley for a few minutes while they were waiting for breakfast and picked up a copy of the Daily Prophet and Teen Witch Weekly.

Both pre-teens now sat in companionable silence while reading their respective publications.

Once he'd finished breaking his fast, Harry could see that Daphne was now sitting back drinking from a tea cup with one hand while holding her magazine with the other. Picking up his own tea cup Harry mimicked her.

"Anything interesting in yours, Daph?" he quietly asked. "A bit of information on the fashions at the Yule Ball," she said. "Who wore what and how it looked on them. Lord Mulciber made an arse of himself; but, that's not so unusual. The Spring line of fashion will be in the stores soon. Again, they always announce that right after Christmas.

"Ooooh - There's a new designer coming to work at Twillfit and Tattings from Europe. I'll have to see if I can get Mum to make an appointment for me early this coming summer.

"And - there's a new product range of beauty products at Madam Primpernelle's. They've managed to contract with a renown potions mistress in Europe.

"Earth shaking, I'm sure," said Harry.


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